After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 49: CH 49

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When Tang Ziyou woke up the next day, Gu Jiuci was already awake. After he opened his eyes, he kissed him and asked him, “Are you up?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t think much of it. He shook his head and lay on the bed against him.

Gu Jiuci didn’t urge him. Thinking about his dream yesterday, he said to him, “Xiao You, should we change the ring?”

Tang Ziyou: ? ? ?

“I mean we’re married, so naturally it’s time to change to a wedding ring.”

He looked at Tang Ziyou, lowered his head, and kissed him again, “Can I make a diamond ring for you?”

Tang Ziyou smiled, “I’m not a girl but still need a diamond ring?”

“Can’t boys have it?”

“Then you need a little bit smaller, or it will be known too sudden.”


“But there’s no hurry.” Tang Ziyou said, “We can’t make it public now. After making it public, you can give it to me when the wedding is held.”

“That’s fine.” Gu Jiuci held his hand, looked at the engagement ring between his fingers, and kissed him.

“Then let’s wear this first.”


Although Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci had obtained their certification, they hadn’t planned to disclose their relationship so early. After all, his career was still on the rise and still wanted to be more stable.

* * *

In August, Tang Ziyou’s previously filmed movie 《Double Side》 finally set a schedule for National Day. He was going to run the road show with the crew and was busy again.

Tang Ziyou didn’t take off the ring. Many fans found out that he was wearing a ring and asked in the fan group in surprise, “Why is my brother wearing a ring?”

“Did brother wear a ring before?”

“This is the first time my brother has worn a ring, right?”

“Simply put, the lord didn’t even take out the brand of the ring, is it a private order?” (科普君, I’m not sure but 科普 meant to help someone explain it, here, and 科普君 meant the lord, gentleman, ruler)

“Private custom-made ring, my God, is there something wrong with my brother?”

“No way, my brother didn’t get too close to any actress.”

“I guess it’s just casual wear, decoration.”

Everyone said what they said and finally agreed that he should just wear it casually.

* * *

Tang Ziyou ran the roadshow for a month. On the evening of September 30, he watched the premiere with Gu Jiuci.

They both kept a low profile. After watching it silently, they sneaked out of the movie theatre without being photographed by anyone.

Gu Jiuci felt that he performed well, “The completion is very high and the performance is very natural. It should get an award nomination there this year.”

“Really?” Tang Ziyou said in surprise, “Impossible, I just won an award for my TV series. If the movie is nominated again, I would be too happy.”

“What’s impossible, if you acted well enough, wouldn’t the judges give you the award, can you not even be nominated? Don’t you ever see me because I won the best actor last time, the judges don’t give me the best actor this time.”

Tang Ziyou felt that what he said was reasonable. All of a sudden, he had a little confidence in himself and a little more hope. “If there is a nomination, it would be very good.”

Gu Jiuci looked at him as if he wanted but was afraid of not getting it. He just felt that he was really not ambitious. “Are you satisfied with the nomination?”

“En.” Tang Ziyou nodded, “It’s my first time making a movie. I’m satisfied if I’m nominated and I’m playing the male lead. If I win the award, I’ll be a movie emperor. Oh my god, it’s my first time acting in a movie and won a movie emperor. You dare to think so, but I don’t dare.”

Gu Jiuci thought he was cute. He leaned in to kiss him and whispered, “But I still hope you can win the award.”

“How can it be.”

“Why not, everything is possible.”

“If I win the award, I will give you a reward.” Tang Ziyou said.

“What reward?” Gu Jiuci was curious.

Tang Ziyou couldn’t think of it for a moment. “I’ll give it to you what you want when the time comes.”

He said arrogantly, he couldn’t get it anyway, and the empty promise didn’t take much effort.

“Then I’ll wait.” Gu Jiuci smiled.

Tang Ziyou nodded, thinking that he had to wait. As for the best actor, it wasn’t as easy to win as other awards.

But before the award came, Tang Ziyou welcomed the cheers of CP fans first.

The reason was that Gu Jiuci didn’t take off the ring when he attended an event. The station sister took a picture (站姐, meant a fan who used a high-end camera to shoot her idol or also known as the goddess of cannons, here). The fans didn’t pick up the ring brand but unexpectedly found that it was very similar to the ring Tang Ziyou wore before.

“Damn it!! It’s the same model, right? It’s the same model! I’m not blind!”

“Oh my God, it’s the same ring, and it’s not a popular one!”

“I compared it carefully. It’s exactly the same (一模一樣, idiom also meant carbon copy). JiuTang is real, it must be real!”

“It’s all ring fingers. My God, my CP won’t secretly set their lives on my back, right?!”

“Mom allows you to be together, cub, mom wishes you happiness!”

“It’s hard to end a scene like this without getting married.”

“Both have worn the same rings, is the wedding date still far away?”

“Wuwuwuwu, the CP I took must be real.”

“Too sweet, too sweet. JiuTang is the sweetest pair I’ve ever had!”

“It’s really sweet, as expected of my CP. Today is also a day to be fascinated by JiuTang.”

In this regard, Gu Jiuci’s pure fans especially refuted the rumour, “Obviously, it’s a very ordinary ring. Okay, I have a bunch of bare rings without any meaning in it in my cabinet. Am I also a CP with Gu Jiuci?”

However, CP fans were only willing to see Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci’s rings. No one wanted to see her rings. As long as they didn’t see it, their CP was wearing couple rings!

JiuTang CP fans ran around to tell the news, just like the New Year, they all cried with joy. Tang Ziyou was frightened, but he felt that he could deceive them, so he didn’t take off the ring on his hand.

As for Gu Jiuci, Gu Jiuci was busy posting in the group: “Too sweet! JiuTang is the sweetest! Brother Gu and Tangtang are true love, everyone put the perfect match on the public screen!”

For a while, the group was full of the word “match”. Gu Jiuci looked at it and felt very comfortable. Sure enough, it was very great to be a big fan.

When he saw that Tang Ziyou didn’t ask him to take off the ring, he didn’t take off the ring. Tang Ziyou’s pure fans stared at him every day and expected him to take off the ring as soon as possible, leaving out CP fans from spreading rumours.

Gu Jiuci’s pure fans also stared at him every day, wanting him to take off the ring quickly, and leave out the CP fans.

Only JiuTang CP fans hoped that he and Tang Ziyou would always wear rings, so when they saw that one month had passed, two months and three months had passed, and both of them were still wearing rings to attend any event, they said excitedly, “This must be true! It’s been three months and they’re still wearing rings!”

“Mom, I must have caught the real thing!”

“Fuck, one or two months is enough. It’s been three months. After so many events, I don’t believe these two aren’t intentionally done it!”

“Brother Gu doesn’t even avoid suspicion. This must be true love. Brother Gu used to avoid suspicion.”

“Brother Gu really likes Xiao Tang, right?!”

“Everyone keep it quiet, don’t let Brother Gu and Xiao Tang’s team see it, and take off the ring tomorrow [covers face].”

“God, don’t be so cruel!”

“The girl believer (信女) is willing to be a vegetarian for one month. I just hope that my CP can wear a ring for another month.”

“The girl believer is also willing!”

“Add me one.”

But at this time, Tang Ziyou didn’t have the time to pay attention to the dynamics of his fan group, because he was nominated for the Golden Gui Award for Best Actor and Best Newcomer. He was dumbstruck and wondered whether he was amazed by what Gu Jiuci said or not. Unexpectedly, he was covered by him! (正目瞪口呆的想著顧酒辭是鐵口神斷嗎?竟然被他奶中了!)

Liu Xu was very happy, and so were Tang Ziyou’s fans.

Netizens looked at the shortlist for the Golden Gui Award and said in surprise, “What kind of luck is Tang Ziyou? The award luck is so good! Didn’t he just win the TV Drama Award last year and he was shortlisted for the Movie Award this year.”

“He’s nominated for the Best Actor, what the hell. If he wins this, won’t he be the Movie Emperor!”

“Impossible, how could he get the best actor!”

“I also think it’s impossible and it shouldn’t be. He just starred in a movie!”

“I’m sure he won’t get it, but it’s quite amazing to be nominated. With his popularity now, coupled with this nomination, it’s estimated that many people in the TV and film circles will want to cooperate with him in the future.”

“Awesome, too amazing!”

“The main reason is that I can’t envy him. His successful route is difficult to copy. Now, where can they find another opportunity to cooperate with two movie emperors like Shan Qikun and Gu Jiuci? I look at the past few years. His successful route is the hardest to copy.”

“Especially if one of them only wanted to play against you, fuck, Gu Jiuci doesn’t really like him, right? The more I think about it now, the more suspicious it becomes.”

“Shut up, upstairs. Hold on Red Wine Sisters later, do you take responsibility for drinking?” (你負責喝酒嗎?)

“OK, shut it, focus on Tang Ziyou, don’t mention other people.”

“Well, there’s nothing to discuss, just envy him. At that time, when he went to act in a movie, I was worried that his acting skills wouldn’t be able to withstand the test of the big screen, but I didn’t expect him to act so well. He was amazing. He has acting skills and met good luck. It’s normal for him to be popular.”

“Yingyingying, I hope my brother can have this kind of luck too.”

“Good luck.”

Tang Ziyou looked at the shortlist for the Golden Gui Award and finally calmed down after a long time.

“It’s not very likely that you will win the best actor. After all, the people who are shortlisted with you aren’t weak, so let’s not talk about the others. Just talk about the Film Emperor Gu. I have seen his role, which is more intense than yours. His performance is also very inspiring, so I think it’s good if you can win the best newcomer.” Liu Xu said.

“That’s what I think.”

“But I really didn’t expect you to be shortlisted for the Golden Gui Award so soon. This is your first movie, Xiao You. You went more smoothly than I expected.” Liu Xu was pleasantly surprised.

Tang Ziyou smiled and said, “I think so too.”

The first film was shortlisted for awards, and it was directly the best actor, which was really not within his expectations.

Tang Ziyou unconsciously felt proud of himself and said in a low voice, “I’m still quite awesome.”

Liu Xu laughed, “Why are you so cute.”

“Isn’t it? Aren’t I amazing?”

“Amazing.” Liu Xu said with a smile, “It seems that you don’t have any pressure, so I can rest assured.”

Tang Ziyou really didn’t have too much pressure. This was an unexpected joy for him. He was fortunate to get it, but he also felt affirmed.

So he nodded in a good mood, “En.”

Compared with himself, Tang Ziyou is more curious about what Gu Jiuci was thinking now.

He waited until Gu Jiuci finished the play and gave a video call to himself. Then he excitedly said, “You can rest now?”

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“En.” Gu Jiuci leaned on the hotel bed, “I heard that you’re shortlisted for the Golde Gui Award. Congratulations.”

“You’re also shortlisted.” Tang Ziyou said with a smile, “Congratulations, too. Do you think you can win the Best Actor this time?”

“It’s hard to say.” Gu Jiuci honestly said, “The other actors this time are also very good, everyone is very strong.”

“I feel so too.”

“So it’s normal if you can’t get it. It’s not that you are bad, it’s just that your opponent is too strong, but I guess you should be able to win the best newcomer.”

“I hope.” Tang Ziyou looked at him with a smile, “I’m very happy whether I take it or not. This time I was surprised, so I’m very calm. To be honest, I hope you can win the award.”

“I also hope that I can win, but this kind of awards half depends on your luck, so I can win it or not. After all, it’s not like I haven’t won it.”

Tang Ziyou felt that his words were quite dashing when he could say something like “After all, it’s not like I haven’t won it”.

Alas, he still had to work hard.

* * *

A month later, the Golden Gui Awards ceremony was officially held. Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci followed their crew and attended the award ceremony.

While preparing backstage, Gu Jiuci walked up to Tang Ziyou, said a few words with him, and took him to meet a few directors who had a good relationship with him.

Tang Ziyou was a little embarrassed, but he went and brushed his face in front of many directors. (刷了個臉, meant showed up their face or made themselves recognized, here)

“You are so handsome today.” Gu Jiuci secretly told him while no one was paying attention.

“You’re, too.”

“In addition to accepting the award today, I have another identity.” Gu Jiuci looked at him, “I’m the guest of honour for the Best Newcomer Award.”

Tang Ziyou was pleasantly surprised, “Then if I win this award, you will give it to me.”

Gu Jiuci nodded.

Tang Ziyou instantly wanted to win the award even more.

He admitted that he definitely wouldn’t be able to win the best actor, so it wasn’t bad to get the best newcomer awarded to him by Gu Jiuci.

“I hope I can get it.”

“Yes.” Gu Jiuci comforted him, “If it doesn’t work, I will award you one myself, the best actor.”

Tang Ziyou laughed suddenly, but he didn’t seem so nervous anymore.

But this was just as if. When the host said, “The next award is this year’s Best Newcomer Award,” Tang Ziyou’s heartbeat inevitably accelerated and felt uneasy.

He held his hands and didn’t dare to blink, staring firmly at the stage.

As the guest of honour for the Best Newcomer Award this time, Gu Jiuci changed into a different outfit from the red carpet and walked slowly to the podium. He opened the envelope in his hand.

He looked at the name on the card and smiled softly. His tone was soft that he didn’t even notice, “Tang Ziyou.”

Tang Ziyou looked at him in surprise. He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. He stood up and didn’t know whether to look at him or not. Finally, he lowered his head and walked towards the stage.

The fans of the live broadcast site screamed, “Ah ah ah ah ah ah”. CP fans screamed with them. It was like a New Year’s Eve.

“My God, it’s too sweet. Brother Gu will award Xiao Tang with his own hands!!”

“kswl, kswl, JiuTang celebrates Chinese New Year today!”

“What kind of wedding stage is this? Brother Gu’s genuine smile is really doting. He never takes his eyes off Xiao Tang.”

“He said Tang Ziyou’s name just now was also very gentle. Compared with the previous tone, it was really soft in an instant.”

“Ah ah ah ah, Mom, my CP is so sweet. I’m going to be sweet to death.”

“JiuTang is the sweetest! JiuTang must be real!”

“Congratulations to Xiao You for winning the award!”

“Xiao You is great. Xiao You must continue to work hard!”

“I hope Brother Gu can also win the award.”

“It’s best if both of them can hold it, trophy award husbands.”

Tang Ziyou stepped onto the stage and bowed to Gu Jiuci before taking the trophy from him.

“Congratulations, you did a good job.” Gu Jiuci said softly.

“Thank you, Teacher Gu.”

“You’re welcome.” Gu Jiuci said without hiding, “I hope we can work together again in the future.”

Tang Ziyou: ? ? ? Why is there still this line?

“Yeah.” He replied.

The CP fans watching the live broadcast were restless again, “Brother Gu absolutely likes Xiao Tang. Otherwise, he won’t say that he hopes to cooperate again.”

“Fuck, Brother Gu is really spoiled!”

“Xiao Tang is so cute. He is very careful with the trophy.”

“My God, am I the only one who noticed the rings on Brother Gu and Xiao Tang? They are still wearing them!”

“I also noticed them, Sister. They really seem to be exactly the same. I took a screenshot, but I can’t see any difference with my clumsy eyes.”

“It’s definitely the same. They’re not avoiding suspicion in the public eye. They’re really going to get married!”

“Yingyingying, I can, I can. I’m willing to give some money.”

“I’m willing too, yingyingying.”

Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci didn’t know that their CP fans had already prepared their money. Right now, Tang Ziyou was giving his acceptance speech, thanking the crew, the director, and everyone.

As the most important award, the Best Actor Award was only announced at the end of the awards ceremony.

Tang Ziyou was very nervous at the moment of the announcement of the winner. He prayed in his heart, it must be Gu Jiuci.

He definitely wouldn’t be able to get it himself, so it was good that Gu Jiuci could get it.

Probably because he and Gu Jiuci were really lucky, the senior who presented the award held the card and smiled, “Yo, our old acquaintance, Gu Jiuci!”

Tang Ziyou smiled instantly, looked at Gu Jiuci, and applauded him excitedly.

Gu Jiuci went on the stage to accept the award, finished his acceptance speech politely, and walked off the stage.

One night, Tang Ziyou fans, Gu Jiuci fans, and JiuTang CP fans were very happy. The pure fans were happy that their brothers won the award and CP fans were happy that their sugar was too sweet.

Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci were also very happy, not only for themselves but for each other.

The two returned home. Gu Jiuci put Tang Ziyou’s trophy on the top bookshelf and said to him, “Now, you have two trophies.”

Tang Ziyou smiled and looked at his trophies, and then looked at Gu Jiuci. He thought that one day this bookshelf would be full of their trophies.

“You won the award today. Shouldn’t it be time to reward me?”

“What reward do you want?” Tang Ziyou asked him.

Gu Jiuci picked him up, “Of course, it’s you.”

Tang Ziyou laughed, took a bath with him, and lay on the bed.

Gu Jiuci turned off the light. After some speed and passion, he embraced him and fell asleep.

In the dream, Tang Ziyou smiled with wide eyes. He walked towards him, crossed the mountains and rivers, and walked in front of him.

He said, “Xiao You, I like you.”

Tang Ziyou said with a smile, “I like you, too.”

Gu Jiuci woke up the next day and felt that the dream was very warm. He kissed Tang Ziyou and hugged him tightly.

* * *

Three years later, the relationship between Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou was finally photographed.

The person who photographed them together was a passerby. In the photo, the two were walking on a quaint street. Tang Ziyou looked down at the gadget in his hand and Gu Jiuci looked down at him with affectionate eyes.

This photo wasn’t a real hammer. Although the direct atmosphere between the two of them was very ambiguous and Gu Jiuci’s eyes were very doting, there were still people who insisted that this was friendship. Can’t boy and boy go shopping together!?

Everyone was waiting for the two to post a Weibo to stamp their friendship, but in the end, they received a love certificate!

Gu Jiuci V: Well, I really like @Tang Ziyou.

Tang Ziyou V: Just like I do like you @Gu Jiuci.

Netizens looked at the Weibo of the two in shock, dumbfounded.

After a long time, JiuTang CP fans finally reacted, “So what we’ve been drinking is true!!!”

“Ah ah ah ah, Mom, I’m really drinking!”

“My God, it’s really hard to end without getting married!”

“So the ring is really a pair of rings!?”

“Oh my God, how is it so sweet? I’m really going have tooth decay!”

“Ah ah ah ah, Brother must be happy.”

“I cried, I can, I really can.”

“Wuwuwuwu, bless with tears, I believe in love again!”

Tang Ziyou looked at the comments on the Internet and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, netizens were more willing to support and bless them than he thought.

He put away his cell phone, lay on the table, and looked at Gu Jiuci who was sending a message not far away, and smiled gently.

In this life, they all got the happiness they wanted.

That’s great.

“Xiao Jiu.” Tang Ziyou said softly.

“What are you doing?” Gu Jiuci looked up at him and came over.

Tang Ziyou smiled and said, “Hug me.”

Gu Jiuci hugged him with a smile and kissed the top of his hair along the way, “Happy engagement anniversary.”

“You’re happy, too.”

“En, we are all happy.”

The sky was clear. The air was warm. It was another pleasant day.

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