After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 6: CH 6

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Gu Jiuci got out of the car, walked to the front door, looked at Tang Ziyou, and then at his brother, “Why are you standing here? Can’t you come in and talk about something?”

Gu Jiuxing’s heart still echoed Tang Ziyou’s words. He opened the door, and whispered to Tang Ziyou, “Go in and talk.”

Tang Ziyou nodded and walked into the house with him.

He has been here many times, so he is no stranger in the Gu family’s house.

At this point, lunch has just been prepared, and Gu Jiuxing took off his coat and said to them, “Eat first and talk about it after you have something to eat.”

Tang Ziyou naturally agreed and Gu Jiuci also obediently let out an “um”.

“Your filming finished?” Gu Jiuxing asked his brother.


“Earlier than expected.”

“The shooting went smoothly, so I came back earlier.” Gu Jiuci said with a flushed face.

After finishing speaking, he secretly looked at Tang Ziyou and saw Tang Ziyou lower his head and said nothing.

Gu Jiuci asked him, “Why are you here? Seek my brother for something?”

“Xiao You is here to find Grandma.” Gu Jiuxing explained, “It’s just that Grandma is not here, so he told me the matter.”

He looked at his brother and rebuked, “Don’t you know what happened to Xiao You?”

Gu Jiuci was confused, “What happened to him?”

“Xiao You, didn’t you tell to Xiao Jiu?” Gu Jiuxing asked.

Tang Ziyou nodded, “I’m going to break my engagement with him, so it’s inappropriate to trouble him with my affairs.”

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

Gu Jiuci immediately sneered, “Tang Ziyou, are you finished? Is it interesting to say this in front of my brother?”

Tang Ziyou finally raised his head and barely looked at him, “This is the truth. I came here today to talk about it.”

Gu Jiuci was speechless. He didn’t expect Tang Ziyou to even tell his brother about it, “You are really stubborn. Okay, dissolve the marriage contract. I see who will regret it in the end!”

“Xiao Jiu!” Gu Jiuxing angrily looked at him, dissatisfied.

“He said it first.” Gu Jiuci said confidently.

“Listen to the tone you just said, is it appropriate?” Gu Jiuxing said angrily, “Apologize to Xiao You.”

“Why should I?” Gu Jiuci was unwilling, “Since he wants to dissolve…”

“You shut up.” Gu Jiuxing interrupted him, “Either you apologize to Xiao You now or you go back to your room.”

Gu Jiuci closed his mouth in annoyance, glanced at Tang Ziyou, turned and went upstairs.

When Gu Jiuxing saw that he had gone, he eased his anger, stretched his eyebrows and said, “Just now Xiao Jiu spoke in a bad tone and what he said was not pleasant. Don’t mind him, Xiao You. I apologize to you for him.”

Tang Ziyou smiled indifferently and looked at Gu Jiuxing, “So you can see, Brother, he doesn’t like me. He always doesn’t like me. I am very grateful to Gu Jiuci for being willing to engage with me before my grandfather’s death so that he could go with peace of mind. But the twisted melon is not sweet (但是强扭的瓜不甜, It is a metaphor that the conditions are immature and reluctant to do it, often will not have satisfactory results or nothing forcibly done is going to be agreeable), we are not suitable.”

“Xiao Jiu is capricious and immature, but he should like you. Don’t you like him, Xiao You? Then, can you give him some more time?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head. He had already given Gu Jiuci a lot of time, even in addition to feelings, the most was time, but love. How did it change over time?

Time may turn those who love each other into unloving, but it would never turn those who did not love into love each other.

At least, he and Gu Jiuci couldn’t.

“I don’t like him anymore.” Tang Ziyou said, “So I don’t want to give him time anymore. I want to end this meaningless relationship.”

He said very calmly. Gu Jiuxing looked at the determination in his eyes and all the words he wanted to say to persuade him were blocked in his throat.

He really wants to end it, Gu Jiuxing thought. He really wanted to give up Gu Jiuci.

“Let’s eat first,” he said.

Tang Ziyou nodded, walked into the dining room with him, and started eating.

* * *

Gu Jiuci returned to the room angrily and sat on the bed.

What’s that meaning? What does Tang Ziyou mean?

He even told his brother that he wanted to dissolve the marriage contract. Is he crazy!?

He obviously liked what he liked, so what was the purpose of saying such words at this time?

He held his arms, recalling Tang Ziyou’s recent behaviour. His heart was full of irritability.

He didn’t really want to be with him, right?

Really didn’t like him anymore?

How was that possible!?

Gu Jiuci was depressed. The phone rang. When he looked down, it was Shan Qikun.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci didn’t want to pick it up.

But Shan Qikun insisted. The phone rang for half a minute and continued. Gu Jiuci had to pick it up and said impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

“Tang Ziyou’s agent called the director and told him to replace Tang Ziyou with Li Ke.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

“He said to change it, who did he think he was!”

“Who is he, but he is Tang Ziyou’s agent. If he disagrees, Tang Ziyou can’t sign a contract with the crew. You should understand this meaning, right?”

Gu Jiuci instantly thought of what Gu Jiuxing had just said, “Don’t you know what happened to Xiao You?”

Could it be that Tang Ziyou came to see his brother today because of this?

“You told the director that the person is not allowed to change, it should be Tang Ziyou. I will take care of the rest.”

“Oh,” Shan Qikun ridiculed, “It seems that our Gu Shao is very affectionate. Didn’t you say that you don’t like him? If you don’t like him, you have to stand up for him?”

“You are so anxious to inform me about this. Don’t you just want me to stand up for him? He is my person, whether I like it or not is one thing, and whether others are qualified to bully is another.”

“With due all respect, Xiao You doesn’t want to be your person now and should soon not be your person.” Shan Qikun was merciless and precise.

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

Gu Jiuci said, “You talk a lot of nonsense!”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone angrily. He turned and went downstairs.

Tang Ziyou was eating with Gu Jiuxing. He saw Gu Jiuci walking up to him again by the name of catching water (就见顾酒辞借着接水的名头又走到了他面前).


“Who allowed you to come down?” Gu Jiuxing spoke calmly, blocking the rest of Gu Jiuci’s words.

Gu Jiuci opened the chair and sat down with his arms folded, “This is my home.”

“So what?” Gu Jiuxing said slowly.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci decided to make a noise, “Aunt Zhang, give me a pair of chopsticks.”

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“Aunt Zhang, don’t care about him.” Gu Jiuxing said calmly.

He looked at Gu Jiuci, “Who allowed you to sit down? What did I just say? You forgot?”

Gu Jiuci was almost going to be pissed off by his brother. He was so angry but he couldn’t do anything with Gu Jiuxing.

Gu’s parents went abroad to explore overseas markets when they were young. The only family members were Grandma, him and Gu Jiuxing.

Gu Jiuxing was a few old older than him and precocious. Since childhood, he had taken on the responsibilities of being his parents, concerned about him, looked after him, and taking care of him.

Gu Jiuci was used to him and he didn’t think there was any problem.

For him, he didn’t need to listen to what his parents say, but what Gu Jiuxing said, he must listen.

“Do you want me to repeat it again?” Gu Jiuxing asked him.

Gu Jiuci couldn’t say anything, so he looked at Tang Ziyou and reluctantly said, “I’m sorry.”

Tang Ziyou didn’t expect that he would actually apologize to him. He was a little surprised for a while and quickly responded, “It’s okay.”

“Now I can eat.” Gu Jiuci looked at Gu Jiuxing.

“What do you think, Xiao You?” Gu Jiuxing asked Tang Ziyou.

Gu Jiuci: ……  

Gu Jiuci felt that he was really going to be upset.

Tang Ziyou only wanted to break up peacefully with Gu Jiuci, so he didn’t embarrass him and nodded, “Yeah.”

Gu Jiuxing then said to Aunt Zhang, “Since Xiao You agrees, then give Xiao Jiu a pair of chopsticks.”

Gu Jiuci: …that’s right. Brother, why don’t you tell me to thank Tang Ziyou!

In the next second, he heard Gu Jiuxing said, “Don’t you thank Xiao You?”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Tang Ziyou waved his hand quickly, “No need, Brother.”

“Xiao You, you are too used to him. He has to thank you when he should. Otherwise, how can he know that you are good to him.”

Tang Ziyou smiled, “Not anymore.”

Gu Jiuci felt that this sounded harsh and he said, “You came to my brother today because of Li Ke’s incident. I have already told Shan Qikun that the crew will not replace you. Give me your agent’s number and I’ll talk to about him the rest.”

“I have solved the problem on the agent’s side.” Tang Ziyou calmly said, “No need to bother you.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

This kind of feeling is like a hot face on someone’s cold-ass (热脸贴冷屁股, show warm feelings but meet with cold rebuke).

Gu Jiuci sneered, “Then you still come to my brother.”

“I didn’t come to see Brother because of this.”

“What is that?”

Tang Ziyou stopped talking.

Aunt Zhang put the bowls and chopsticks in front of Gu Jiuci. Gu Jiuci asked Gu Jiuxing, “Isn’t it the thing that he came to see you?”


“What is that?”

“Xiao You doesn’t want to tell you, I will naturally not tell you.”

Gu Jiuci was unbelievable, “Brother, I am your brother.”

Gu Jiuxing sighed, “So I am ashamed.”

Gu Jiuci: …this meal is out of reach!

“What’s the matter with you?” Gu Jiuci frowned, “If you don’t tell me now, I will know in the future. Can you hide it from me forever?”

This was reasonable. Tang Ziyou thought for a while and said, “I want to terminate the contract with the company. I come to your house today, in addition to dissolving the marriage contract between the two of us, there is one more thing. That is, I want to borrow money.”

“Borrow money? You don’t have enough money?”

Tang Ziyou nodded.

“How much is it? I’ll give it to you.”

“Brother has already given it.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

“You return the money to my brother and I will give it to you.”

“No.” Tang Ziyou refused, “I don’t want your money.”

“Tang Ziyou, I’m your fiancé. You don’t need my money and use my brother’s money?”

“It’s not anymore.” Tang Ziyou finished speaking and stood up, “I’m full.”

He turned his head to look at Gu Jiuxing, “Thank you, Brother. You’re willing to help me. I will return the money to you as soon as possible, so I will leave first.”

“Wait a minute.” Gu Jiuxing spoke first before Gu Jiuci spoke.

He stood up and said to Tang Ziyou, “I have something to tell you, come with me.”

Tang Ziyou looked at him in surprise but still followed.

Gu Jiuci also wanted to follow, but he was stopped by Gu Jiuxing, “Eat your meal.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci felt what the choking meal for the first time. This meal was simply the worst meal he had ever eaten!

Tang Ziyou followed Gu Jiuxing upstairs and entered the study room.

Gu Jiuxing asked him to sit opposite him and asked, “You really don’t like Xiao Jiu?”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “I don’t like him anymore.”

“Want to dissolve the marriage contract?”


“That’s okay.” Gu Jiuxing nodded, “Marriage is a matter of your love and your wish. If you don’t want to now, I or my family will not embarrass you.”

Tang Ziyou breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously when he heard the words.

Immediately afterwards, he listened to Gu Jiuxing said, “But you know my grandma, she made the promise the most. She said that you will be our Gu family and she promised your grandpa in front of your grandpa. Then even if you and Xiao Jiu dissolve the marriage contract now, it doesn’t mean that you and our family are dissociated, do you understand?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t understand, “What do you mean?”

Gu Jiuxing looked at him and smiled softly, “To put it simply, after Grandma knows about this, the most likely situation is that she will change your marriage partner for you.”

“So Xiao You, what I want to ask is, if Xiao Jiu can’t, would you like to get engaged to me and get married?”

The author has something to say:

Gu Jiuci: ? ? ? This is your sister-in-law, Brother!

Brother: Or your sister-in-law~

Gu Jiuci: ! ! ! Not allowed!!

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