After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 2: 1:

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"After rebirth, I just want to concentrate on raising cubs"

Text/Sugar Non-stop. 2020.2.18

Jiasheng Private Hospital.

The elevator stopped on the 19th floor, and after a ding sound, the elevator door opened and a small figure came out from inside.

Eight or nine-year-old boys, wearing black down jackets and masks, with hands in their pockets and head down, walked directly across the nurses’ station towards the ward inside.

The boy stopped in front of the door of 1921, looked up at the number plate, and then cautiously opened the door and walked in.

This is the VIP ward, which is very large and quiet.

The boy closed the door, walked in lightly, and soon saw a hospital bed and the machines running around it.

The boy wanted to get close to the bed, but he seemed to think of something, and he hesitated to get close.

After a long time, the boy took off his mask and yelled "Mom", very softly, almost whispering.

Jiang Cha, who had not been awake in the hospital bed for several days, suddenly opened his eyes.

Her eyesight is impaired, although it is not so invisible, it is also much blurred.

Xu is the telepathy between mother and child. Jiang Cha clearly didn't see the person who came, but whispered "Xiaozhi?"

When Shen Zhi heard Jiang Cha's voice, tears welled up in an instant.

Shen Zhi took three steps and did two steps, rushed to Jiang Cha’s bed, held Jiang Cha’s hand, and sobbed, "Mom, they said you are going to die, oooooooo, I don’t want you to die, mom, you promise I don't want to die, okay?"

Jiang Cha wanted to touch her son's head, but she didn't have the strength.


Shen Zhi sniffed, "I don't cry."

Jiang Cha smiled.

Shen Zhi raised his hand, wiped away tears with his sleeve, looked at Jiang Cha and asked seriously, "Mom, can you not die?"

Jiang Cha said nothing.

She could not promise her son.

Jiang Cha looked at the machines around her bed, it seemed that there were more machines than when she woke up last time, right?

Shen Zhi didn't hear Jiang Cha's response, and he understood in his heart.

"Mom..." Shen Zhi burst into tears with a "wow", and there was a tendency for the world to fall apart, "Mom, mom, Xiaozhi is obedient, cub cub is obedient, can you not die? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

"Zizai go to class obediently, and listen to what Aunt Zhang said, "Zizai, hiccups, and cubs are no longer picky eaters."

Listening to his son, Jiang Cha felt sour.

Whenever there is still a slight possibility, she is willing to work hard to try various methods to heal herself.

But she knew her own body very well.

The current Jiangcha is simply the end of the battle.


Jiang Cha's voice was masked by Shen Zhi's bitter cry.

Shen Zhi's cry was too loud and attracted the attention of the nurse outside.

The nurse in charge of 1921 opened the door and was shocked to see Shen Zhi. She knew that this was Jiang Cha's son, and hurriedly came over to pull him out of the ward, "Young Master Shen, when did you get in here? Hurry up. I am going out."

Shen Zhi firmly grasped Jiang Cha's hand, resisting all over his body, "I won't go! I want to accompany my mother!"

The nurse glanced at Jiang Cha, not daring to use too much force, and persuaded, "Young master, didn't Mr. Shen said that last time? You are not allowed to come over."

"I don't, you let me go!" Shen Zhi turned his head and took a bite according to the nurse's arm.

The nurse let go of Shen Zhi with "Oh".

Shen Zhi leaned on the bedside, closer to Jiang Cha.

He is now like a little beast cub protecting food, his whole body is on guard, refusing anyone to approach.

Shen didn't know when he would see Jiang Cha next time, he just felt flustered in his heart, instinctively he could not go.

The nurse is very embarrassed, and she doesn't want to compete with the young master. It is true that Mr. Shen explained it last time, and she also listened to the leadership.

"Little Master..."

Shen Zhi looked at the nurse angrily.

"What's the matter?" A low male voice came from outside the door.

The nurse's eyes lit up and she turned her head as if she saw a savior, "President Shen, you are here, Young Master refuses to leave."

Shen Rang first glanced at Shen Zhi, then turned his gaze on the nurse's hand, "Sorry, you should go and treat the wound first, I'll take care of it here."

The nurse secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay Mr. Shen."

When the nurse left, Shen Ran squatted down/come over and waved to Shen Zhi, "Come here."

Shen Zhi grabbed Jiang Cha's hand and shook his head, flat his mouth and shouted aggrieved "Dad."

Shen Rang sighed.

Shen Rang stood up and walked towards Shen Zhi.

Shen Zhi was afraid, and wanted to hide, but the place was so big, where else could he hide?

Shen Rang raised his hand, rubbed his big palm on Shen Zhi's head, his voice was gentle, "Are you afraid?"

"Uuuuu, Dad." Shen Zhi plunged into Shen Rang's arms, clutching the clothes on his waist with both hands, "I don't want my mother to die."

Shen Rang looked at Jiang Cha, but he said to his son, "Xiaozhi, my mother is sick, and she is very sick. She...I'm afraid there is no way to continue to accompany you."

Shen Rang knew that this was a bit cruel to a child who longed for maternal love, but he had no way to lie to his son, and his mother could survive.

Jiang Cha slowly raised his hand and took off the oxygen mask.

Shen Rang's eyes widened, and he pulled away the son in front of him to stop her.

Jiang Cha shook his head, "Don't wear it anymore."

Shen stopped his movements, and then sat beside the bed with Shen Zhi in his arms.

Jiang Cha looked at her handsome husband and his beautiful son with red eyes, and smiled softly.

"Zubzai, mother is sorry for you."

Shen Zhi hugged Shen and made his neck cry.

Jiang Cha's spirit improved a lot at this moment, and she felt in her heart that she knew what was going on.

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha looked at him with a calm face, "I am not a qualified wife, nor a good mother. In this life, I am sorry for you and Xiaozhi."

"No." Shen Rang covered Jiang Cha's hand and said softly, "You didn't apologize to us."

Jiang Cha sighed and did not continue.

Going on, I'm afraid I'll pierce them with a knife.

After a while, Jiang Chadao said, "After I am gone, if you marry another wife, I hope you can get the consent of Xiaozhi."

"No, I don't want others, I want my mother!"

"There will be no one else, my wife is only you."

Jiang Cha instantly turned red.

In her whole life, she has been a workaholic who is striving to be competitive, and it was completely an accident to marry Shen Rang and have a son.

Probably it was her irresponsible behavior that angered God, and she was terminally ill, and she was leaving early.

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Jiang Cha is full of guilt, if she can, if she can do it again, she will definitely not just focus on work, but unfortunately, there is no if.

"Shen Rang, can you tell me something about Xiaozhi's childhood?"

Shen Rang paused, "Okay."

Jiang Cha closed her eyes, refused Shen Rang to put on her an oxygen mask, and said softly, "Let's do it, I'm listening."

Shen let his throat choke, "Okay."

Shen Ran's voice was soft, telling Jiang Cha what he knew Shen Zhi.

As Jiang Cha listened, the corners of her lips curled up slowly.

After a long time, the ECG monitor made a piercing "deep" sound.

Shen Rang watched the line on the machine panel straighten, and Shen let his voice choke, stuck in his throat, and hugged Shen Zhi's arms tightly.



"Mom... gone."

"...There is a meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon. In the evening, Manager Zhang from Yueyang Department Store invites you to dinner. There will be nine o'clock tomorrow morning..."

Jiang Cha felt a pain in his head and was buzzing.

"Stop talking." Jiang Cha interrupted the assistant and rubbed her head.

The assistant was startled and asked cautiously, "Vice President Jiang? Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? Do you need to be taken to the hospital?"

Jiang Cha opened his eyes fiercely, where is this?

"Vice President?"

Jiang Cha turned his head, and then he was taken aback.

It was her assistant Bai Fei, the younger Bai Fei.

Jiang Cha glanced around, this is, her office? ? ?

Jiang Cha stood up, "What did you just... tell me?"

"Oh, you have a meeting in the afternoon. In the evening, Manager Zhang from Yueyang Department Store invites you to dinner, and tomorrow morning at nine o'clock..."

"Okay, all push away." Jiang Cha turned around and took his coat, and walked out on high heels.

Bai Fei was surprised, what did she hear? Push away? Is this the Vice President Jiang she knows?

Bai Fei hurried to catch up, "Vice President, Vice President Jiang, I really can't push the afternoon meeting!"

"I said I would push it away." Jiang Cha had already put on his coat as he ran away, with a firm attitude, "I have urgent things to do now, and everything will be delayed."

"Vice President!"

"What's wrong?"

Shen Rang's voice came from behind, and Jiang Cha stopped.

"President Shen." Bai Fei bowed slightly, "The vice president has a meeting in the afternoon, which is more important. The vice president asked to push it away. This..."

Shen Rang said "en" and walked to Jiang Cha, "What's the matter in such a hurry?"

Jiang Cha looked up at him, feeling strange and familiar.

"I..." She was suddenly cramped.

"What happened?" Shen Rang frowned slightly, Jiang Cha he knew would not show such an expression.

Jiang Cha took a deep breath and clenched her hands, "I want to go home."

"Go home?" Shen Rang remembered that his son and the nanny were at home. "What's wrong at home?"

"Not so much." Jiang Cha raised his hand and pushed Shen Rang, and then remembered Shen Rang who was sitting in front of the hospital bed and telling her about her son, trying to make her tone less rigid, explaining, "I suddenly panicked. I want to go home and have a look."

"Vice President." Bai Fei still has something to say.

Shen Rang waved his hand, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Jiang Cha looked at Shen Rang for a few seconds before nodding, "Okay."

The two left the company quickly in tandem.

"Shen... Jiang..." Bai Fei stomped her feet and muttered softly, "What's the matter with this!"

"Assistant Bai, have you seen President Shen?"

Bai Fei turned around, "Assistant Xin, President Shen and Vice President Jiang are leaving together."

Xin Yin is Shen Rang’s assistant, and one of the few insiders who knows about the relationship between Shen Rang and Jiang Cha. He was taken aback when he heard the words, "Leave together?"

Bai Fei was unsure, so she nodded, "Vice President Jiang seems to have something wrong at home, President Shen said...send her home."

"That's it..." Xin Yin took out his phone and began to adjust Shen Rang's schedule, "You go and do your business."

Bai Fei was taken aback, "What's the matter with me?"

Xin Yin glanced at her, "Does Vice President Jiang have no schedule in the afternoon?"

"Oh, well, I'm going now, I'm going to do it now."

Bai Fei bowed and apologized to Xin Yin, and hurried to her office.

"When did Vice President Jiang and President Shen have such a good relationship..."

The author has something to say: I haven't seen you for many days! Miss everyone! There are red envelopes in the first three chapters~ Tweet everyone!

There is a lottery at the top of Weibo~ Remember to forward it~

"Pick up the richest man and be a mate" is expected to open in late April, please collect it!

Jin Zhao is the ideal husband-in-law of the ladies in Kyoto, young and weak, handsome, or the richest man in Nanping. His only drawback is that he is not in good health and will drive home at any time.

When Qiao Wan found Fu Jinzhao, his face was pale, his breath was weak, and he could not live long.

Qiao Wan thought that if he died, she would bury him well, which would be considered a good deed.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinzhao not only survived, but also relied on her.

Later, Fu Jinzhao was moved by this hard-mouthed little girl.

Qiao died of torture all his life at night, and a roll of straw mat was thrown in the mass grave, but his soul was out of his body but unable to reincarnate.

Seeing the first seven generals passed, when Qiao was about to become a wild ghost, a carriage passed by, and the son in the carriage ordered his servant to bury his body.

Qiao Wan accepted her affection. Before her consciousness disappeared, she saw [Fu] engraved on the wall of the carriage.

Opening his eyes again, Qiao Wan returned to the age of sixteen.

This year, Qiao Wan has two wishes.

One: leave this home that sold her into the fire pit

Second: Find Young Master Fu, and repay the slave for the maidservant

small theater:

Qiao Wan suspected that Fu Jinzhao was a benefactor in his previous life.

Qiao Wan asked cautiously: "Fu Jinzhao, what would you do if you saw a corpse on the side of the road?"

Fu Jinzhao casually replied: "Go over."

Joe night:...

Okay, you don't have a lady anymore.

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