After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 20: 19:

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Jiang Cha really didn't adapt to this kind of Shen Rang.

In the past few years of marrying Shen Rang, the two people have actually not communicated too much in their lives. They even slept in two rooms in the same home. But she and Shen Rang have communicated a lot in the company, and naturally they have a good understanding.

Like her, Shen Rang, who devotes himself to work, becomes completely unlike the parties once there is a disagreement. Quarrels are the most basic, of course, just work arguing.

Therefore, in Jiang Cha's impression, although Shen Rang usually looks gentle and courteous, he still has a stubborn temper in his bones.

"You..." Jiang Cha hesitated, "What happened to you in the past two days...?"

Taking care of her and giving gifts...makes her a little nervous.

Shen Rang felt funny, "I won't quarrel with you, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Jiang Cha shook his head honestly, "It's not uncomfortable, it's just... a little uncomfortable, weird."

Shen Rang had already thought about the words for himself, "Since we have decided to live a good life and treat Xiaozhi well, then you and I can't get along as we did in the past."

"Children are very sensitive. Take the company of Xiaozhi as an example. The two of us have been with him as much as possible, but Xiaozhi still feels uneasy from the bottom of our hearts."

"If the relationship between the two of us is not improved, and the child feels that his parents are not harmonious and the atmosphere is often cold, how can he gradually change his personality? After all, the child can only be changed under the subtle influence of our parents, right?"

It sounds reasonable.

Jiang Cha nodded.

Her first principle now is that the world is big and the son is the eldest.

As long as it is good for her son, she is willing to try and change.

"You're right, we can't be like before." Jiang Cha took a deep breath, then slowly vomited it out, as if he was about to go to the battlefield with her head high, "then... let's go."

Shen Rang laughed, only he could hear the soft voice.

Jiang Cha is interesting.

Although Shen Rang brought Jiang tea out to borrow his son's reason, but today is also a festival for women.

Jiang Cha looked at the scenery galloping past the window, and suddenly remembered, "Where are we going?"

Shen Rang said, "Go to the cinema to watch a movie first, and just come out to have lunch."

"Huh?" Jiang Cha turned around and looked at Shen Rang in surprise, "You mean... you bought movie tickets? Movie tickets for a lot of people's public cinemas?"


While waiting for the red light, Shen Rang tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Cha. The corners of his lips curled up and smiled and asked her, "Don't you think I am?"

Jiang Chaen said, "Although I have prepared psychologically, I still find it unbelievable. I remember you said before that drinking coffee, watching movies and going shopping is a waste of life. If you have that time, it is better to watch two more projects. , It’s more real to make a tens of millions of dollars."

Shen Rang:............

"Are you sure I said this before? You may remember you wrong." Shen Rang tried to deny his past self.

Jiang Cha thought for a few seconds, "I entered Jiasheng's first year of Children's Day."

Shen Rang: "!!! Remember so clearly!!"

"Because a movie that I wanted to watch for a long time was released that day..."

Shen Rang stopped talking.

In the early years, he really felt that these trivial things were a waste of time, but at this time a few years later, he did miss a lot, and even with the people around him, he missed a lot and lost a lot of fun.

"I'm sorry." Shen Rang apologized, "It's my fault."

"I didn't blame you." Jiang Cha smiled, "I still think what you said is right until now. Then I took the time to watch the movie on the Internet. After watching it, I didn't think it was so interesting, so it's not a pity. ."

Shen Rangen said no more words.

The cinema that Shen Rang chose is also owned by Jiasheng. It is not because of the idea that the water will not flow to outsiders, but because the cinema of Jiasheng is much better than other theaters.

It just so happened... he could also experience the cinema service by the way and listen to the audience's response.

It's good to kill two birds with one stone.

Today is the festival, or on the weekend, the theater has launched a Queen’s Day event. Two girls can get a 20% discount when buying tickets together. Therefore, there are really many people watching the movie. Looking at it, it is basically all girls.

Shen Rang went to the automatic ticket machine to line up to pick up the tickets. Jiang Cha was going to be with him, but Shen Rang was not afraid to crowd her, so she asked her to find a place to rest first.

Jiang Cha didn't really want to sit down, so she leaned against the pillar and waited for him. She looked at Shen Rang from time to time and found that many girls were discussing him quietly.

"Miss sister, can you exchange contact information?"

Jiang Cha looked at the boy who was in his twenties, wearing a sportswear and carrying a schoolbag, who was suspected of having a chat with her, and glanced around, "Are you asking me?"

"Yes." The boy smiled and showed two tiger teeth, very cute. "Can you? Miss sister?"

Jiang Cha shook his head and refused, "Sorry."

The boy smashed his face, "Is it really not possible?"


"She has a boyfriend." Shen Rang held the movie ticket in his hand and stared at the boy ill-intentionally.

The boy screamed, folded his hands and apologized, "Sorry, sorry."

When the boy left, Shen Rang looked at Jiang Cha, and suddenly became very upset, "Should come out with a wedding ring."

Jiang Cha laughed, "President Shen, that's still a kid."

"You're not too old." Shen Rang was serious, "You are only twenty-six years old."

"President Shen, you are twenty-seven."

Shen Rang suddenly laughed, "Yes, you and I are still young."

Jiang Cha: ... Is he planning to be shameless today?

"Take it." Shen Rang suddenly gave Jiang Cha the movie ticket, and then walked away quickly.


Jiang Cha watched as Shen Rang, who was 1.83 meters tall, got into a pile of girls with an average height of 1.63 meters and lined up to buy popcorn and Coke.

Jiang Cha: ...I feel that the style of painting is not right.

When Shen Rang came back with his things in his arms, the broadcast was calling for ticket admission.

Jiang Cha and him lined up and walked inside, "May I help you get it?"

"No need." Shen Rang avoided her stretched hand, "just check the ticket."

"All right."

After entering the theater and finding his place to sit down, Jiang Cha still found it incredible.

She actually sat in the cinema with Master Shen to watch a movie?

Shen Rang put the popcorn and Coke away, "Are you going to try it? When I was in line just now, I heard people say that the popcorn in the theater is really delicious."

"Are you serious?" Jiang Cha was amused by him, "I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Shen Rang said kindly, pinched a finger out, and handed it to Jiang Cha's mouth, "Try it?"

Jiang Cha suddenly felt panic in her ears.

Shen Rang sent it forward again. The popcorn was already on her lips. Jiang Cha couldn't refuse any more, so he opened his mouth and bit in.

There was a one-second contact between his lips and fingertips, and Jiang Cha quickly sat down and watched the screen, slowly chewing on this small popcorn.

Hmm...creamy, it's really delicious.

Shen Rang retracted his hand and rubbed his index finger and thumb a few times in a dark place invisible to Jiang Cha.

Hmm...very soft.


"Miss! What a coincidence, you are watching this too!"

The sudden clear male voice interrupted Shen Rang's words about to speak.

Shen Rang looked behind him with a black face. He was the boy who had just chatted with Jiang Cha outside.

"Classmate, has anyone told you that if you interrupt someone's date, you will be struck by thunder?" Shen Rang was expressionless when he spoke, and his tone was very serious.

The boy looked at Shen Rang with a smile, "Uncle, have you ever heard that Xiu Enai dies fast?"

Shen Rang:? ? ? uncle? ? ?

The boy handed the mobile phone he was holding to Jiang Cha, "Miss Sister, it's the second time, leave a contact information."

Shen Rang was stunned.

Is he unable to keep up with the current situation? He had already said that it was Jiang Cha's boyfriend, but this classmate can actually come up to ask for contact information?

Why is there no lower/limit at all for the young young man now?

As soon as Shen Rang was about to speak, Jiang Cha refused again, "Student, there is no need for this."

"Miss sister, don't refuse so easily, maybe you will find that I am more suitable for you than him after getting along with me?" After speaking, the boy turned his head slightly and gave her a wink.

Jiang Cha frowned, obviously feeling impatient with this boy.

The lights in the theater dimmed at this time, and the boy smiled and returned to his position.

Jiang Cha looked at Shen Rang with the light of the big screen, and asked in a low voice, "Are you angry?"

Shen Rang took a deep breath, "It won't be enough."

What does he care about with a kid? Jiang Cha is his wife, what does a stranger know?

Jiang Cha chuckles, "The sentence just now is not your style."

Which sentence?

The phrase thunders in the sky?

Shen Rang laughed.

I probably saw it when I searched the dating guide online, and I just wrote it down inadvertently.

Thinking about it now, Shen Rang is also a little bit embarrassed.

"Cough..." Shen Rang let out a clear cough, and changed the subject abruptly, "The movie has begun."

Jiang Cha laughed silently, did not reveal him, and concentrated on watching the movie.

Shen Rang chose the 3D fantasy film that was released just two days ago. It is said that it is a large-scale production with an investment of more than 300 million yuan. The special effects in the later stage are quite expensive.

Every time there is a big scene, there will be one after another exclamation in the theater.

Shen Rang tilted her head and glanced at Jiang Cha quietly. She wore 3D glasses and looked at the screen very intently. Now this scene is sea special effects. When a wave came over, Jiang Cha whispered "Wow" and her lips were ruddy. Wei Zhang, a small O shape.

Ah... so cute.

Shen Rang laughed unconsciously.

The laughter caught Jiang Cha's attention. Jiang Cha looked at him and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Shen Rangren couldn't help but raised his hand and turned Jiang Cha's head back, "Let's see."

Jiang Cha: ... weird.

Shen Rang was afraid that if he laughed again, it would not be good to cause other people's dissatisfaction, so he turned back and continued to watch the movie.

The end of the movie is exactly twelve o'clock.

"Ah! It seems that I haven't watched a movie so quietly in almost ten years." Jiang Cha is a little nostalgic. In the past ten years, it seems that he has been working hard and making money with a strain of energy.

The teenage years passed too fast and too fast, and suddenly I looked back and found that I didn't seem to have any deep memories.

"Are you hungry?"

Shen Rang's voice rang from Jiang Cha's ears.

Jiang Cha turned his head, Shen let her bag over his left shoulder, and his right hand was carrying the garbage from what he had just eaten.


Before Jiang Cha could say anything, her stomach had already given the most honest response.

Shen Rang threw the garbage into the trash can, and naturally hugged Jiang Cha's shoulders, leading her forward, "Let's go, go eat."


"By the way, we were all muted just now. See if there is any news from Xiaozhi you want to reply."

Shen Rang deliberately interrupted Jiang Cha, he was afraid that she would refuse his closeness.

Sure enough, as long as he mentioned his son, Jiang Cha would forget everything else.

Jiang Cha pulled out the phone from his bag, "It's really there."

Shen Zhi used her grandma's mobile phone to send a voice.

Jiang Cha opened, and put the phone to his ear, Shen Zhi's milky voice came over, "Mom, are you happy dating Dad? Xiao Zhi has a meal and medicine~"

Jiang Cha put the phone close to Shen Rang's ear and said with a smile, "Listen to it."

After hearing this, Shen Rang nodded, "Xiaozhi seems to be better."

"Yes." Jiang Cha smiled, "It sounds full of anger, that's all right, I'm quite worried that he will have a fever again and again."

Jiang Cha returned news to Shen Zhi, [Mom has something to know, as for the date...] Jiang Cha glanced down and added, [Dating mom is also very happy, and my father arranged very well today. 】

Shen Rang chuckled and teased her deliberately, "It's wrong to lie to children."

Jiang Cha looked at him, [Oh, your father's arrangements were not good at all, and my mother was angry. 】

"Eh!" Shen Rang rushed to grab her mobile phone and wanted to withdraw the message, but when he got it, he realized that Jiang Cha hadn't sent it at all.

Jiang Cha snorted, her hands behind her back, but the corners of her lips curled up quietly, "Are you scared?"

Shen Rang smiled and spoiled, "Afraid, I was wrong."

"If you make a mistake, I will punish you for a while to drink milk tea with me."

"Me?" Shen Ran was surprised, "Should I drink milk tea with you?"

Jiang Cha blinked playfully, "President Shen, young people are all dating, watching movies and drinking milk tea and pressing the road."

"Have you made an appointment?"

Jiang Cha was dumb, and asked him, "I didn't make an appointment, don't you know?"

"Yes." Shen Rang nodded, and the arm that was holding Jiang Cha tightened suddenly. He tilted his head and put his lips to Jiang Cha's ear, biting her ear, "It was my fault that made the step wrong, but now it is also It's not too late, just do as you say."

"You, you, you..." Jiang Cha's ears were red, "You stay away from me."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Shen Rang's laughter, Jiang Cha also curled her lips and smiled.

She didn't lie to the children. Although she had just watched a movie today, Shen Rang did make her happy. Jiang Cha suddenly felt like she had been working hard at Jiasheng in the past few years to prove that she was like a dream.

She woke up from the dream, she was still twenty years old.

Jiang Cha laughed. It was good to go back to twenty-six. When she was she can enjoy more than the real twenty-year-old.

While waiting for the elevator, the two of Shen Rang met the boy again.

The boy laughed again, "Miss sister, again and again, no time and again, once and twice is accidental, this third time is doomed, do you really not consider me?"

"Ding—" The elevator arrived.

Shen Rang and Jiang Cha walked in and pressed the underground parking lot on the first floor. The boy was surprised, "I will also go to the parking lot."

Shen Rang didn't speak, Jiang Cha gently poked his waist with a finger, and Shen Rang let out a "hiss".

Jiang Cha laughed in a low voice, but she had forgotten that Shen Rang had tickling flesh on her waist, and she would laugh when she touched it.

Shen Rang grabbed Jiang Cha's chaotic hand in his hand, threatening her in a low voice, "If you move again, you will be at your own risk."

"Okay, I won't move anymore."

The atmosphere between the two suddenly turned pink, and the boy's face was not good, and he cursed in his heart.

Soon, the parking lot arrived.

Shen Rang took Jiang Cha to the direction of the car, and the boy followed behind them.

Shen Rang's car stopped a little far away, and the boys followed suit.

"Miss Sister." The boy suddenly shouted Jiang Cha.

Jiang Cha looked back, frowning.

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The boy took out the car key from his pocket and pressed it down. The lights of a Mercedes Benz next to him flashed. The boy dangled the key ring with his fingers, showing a little deliberately, "Leave a contact information?"


"Jiang Cha." Shen Rang blocked the person behind him and looked at the boy, "I want to know why you must contact my wife."

The boy smiled scornfully, "No one has rejected me yet."

Shen Rang nodded, "I see, so what you just did was telling my wife that you not only look good, but also have good family conditions."

What else the boy wanted to say, Shen Rang also took out the car key.

Then the boy shut up.

It's also a coincidence that Shen Rang's car happened to be parked next to the boys' car. The boys stopped after Shen Rang, and he envied the people who drove the sports car for a while.

Shen Rang handed the bag to Jiang Cha, "You get in the car first."


When Jiang Cha closed the car door, Shen Rang looked at the boy, "Do you want more?"

"What do you want?" The boy stammered.

Shen Rang smiled, "My wife's contact information."

"No, no, no more." The boy shook his head again and again.

Shen Rang stepped forward and got closer to the boys. "Classmate, did you make money to buy the car?"

"No, it's not."

"Since it's not, don't use the convenience that your parents give you." Shen Rang applied solemnly. "Also, interfering with other people's feelings is called moral corruption. This is not the capital you can show off."

Shen Rang sternly scolded, which really scared the boys.

In school, with the excellent appearance and good family conditions, the boys chase the girls almost every time. After a long time, people start to drift.

Shen Rang sneered, whether a child is a child, so he couldn't help but say.

When Shen Rang turned into the car and fastened his seat belt to leave, the boy was still standing in front of the car.

"Didi—" Shen Rang honked the horn, and the boy retreated like a dream.

The boy watched Shen Rang's sports car leave, and then looked at his hundreds of thousands of cars, feeling a pain in his face.

Shen Rang was expressionless and did not speak.

Jiang Cha looked at him several times, and suddenly laughed, "What are you doing? We are still dating, you can tell Xiaozhi that I am not happy when I go back like this."

"It's okay." Shen Rang returned to her.

"Don't be straight-faced if it's okay."

Shen Rang sighed suddenly, "You are so popular, I am a little worried."

"Hahahahahaha!" Jiang Cha laughed, "What are you worried about? We have a marriage certificate and a son. Besides, you have such good conditions, which man can compare to you."

Jiang Cha said this as a joke.

But Shen Rang listened to his heart.

He and Jiang Cha have a marriage certificate, but they can get a divorce if they get married.

It is true that he and Jiang Cha have a son, but his son is much more important than him.........

There are conditions...

Which man can be better than him...

Although Jiang Cha likes to make money, he doesn't love money. Conditions like this will be available as long as you work hard.

Shen let his thoughts turn over and over again, but he didn't find a place where he could be confident that he could keep Jiang Cha.

"Sigh." Shen Rang whispered softly, "I probably only have beauty."

"What?" Jiang Cha didn't hear clearly, "What kind of color are you talking about?"

Shen Rang shook his head lightly, "No, I'm talking to myself."

"Why did you start talking to yourself again?" Jiang Cha laughed. "Have you been infected by Xiaozhi recently?"

"Maybe." Shen Rang glanced, "It's coming soon."


Shen Rang told himself in his heart, don't worry, at least for Jiang Cha now, he is still the best choice.

Besides, hasn't it already begun to cultivate feelings?

Can't think too badly, um... yes... don't think about it.

Shen Rang’s restaurant is newly opened and specializes in Sichuan cuisine.

When Jiang Cha saw the menu, it was hard to say a few seconds.

"Shen Rang..." Jiang Cha asked him, "What kind of mentality do you come to eat Sichuan food at noon?"

"This store is newly opened. I think the rating is pretty good. I want to take you to try it." Shen Rang looked at Jiang Cha, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Cha shook his head, "It's okay."

The two ordered four dishes and one soup.

The dishes are fast, the taste is very good and authentic, Jiang Cha and Shen Rang are sweating.

At one o'clock, the two finished their lunch.

Jiang Cha drank the milk tea to relieve the spiciness, then flipped out the folding mirror from the bag.

Sure enough, the lips were hot and red and swollen.

Jiang Cha patched up her makeup and said, "President Shen, I really believe that this is your first date."


"On the first date, which boy would choose spicy food?"

Shen Rang puzzled, "What's wrong with spicy food?"

Jiang Cha folded his hands on his chin, "President Shen, the first time a boy invited a girl out for dinner, first he could not take her to eat stuffed teeth, second he could not eat something that needed to be used, and the third was that he could not eat spicy and sweaty. ."


"It will make girls embarrassed." Jiang Cha nodded her lips with her fingertips, "Just like I am now, it's completely hot and swollen, and it doesn't look good."

Shen Rang shook his head, "I think it's pretty, you look pretty anyway."

Jiang Cha smiled, "I found that Mr. Shen was very sloppy when he talked about love recently."

"True." Shen Rang continued, "I will remember this question, and I will definitely not make the same mistake on the next date."

Jiang Cha blinked, "That's not necessary, we are in a special situation and cannot be considered normal."

Shen Rang laughed, "Okay, Mrs. Shen has the final say."

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

Beloved jewelry brands are very popular among young couples and newlyweds.

One is because of its unique style, and the other is because it has strict requirements for purchase and ordering, and it is the identity verification system.

An ID card can be ordered multiple times, but it can only be given to the same person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

When Jiang Cha saw the brand he loved, he was in a daze.

"what are you looking for?"

Shen Rang naturally took Jiang Cha's hand and said lightly, "Ring."

"Ring? Don't you have a ring at home?"

Shen Rang pulled her up the steps, "It's not the same, the wedding ring at home is a wedding ring, don't you think it is inconvenient to wear a large diamond?"

"Yes." Jiang Cha thought about her wedding ring, laughed and teased herself, "I'm afraid of being beaten/robbed by such a big and flashing diamond."

Shen Rang opened the door, "So let's buy something convenient to wear, and some everyday."


"Hello, sir and madam, what style of jewelry do you want to choose?" The jewelry consultant has already greeted him.

Shen Rang said, "Running the ring does not need to be eye-catching, but it must be unique."

"Okay, sir and madam, please come with me both of you."


Shen Rang and the two were led to the showcase of the ring, "You can take a look at the styles here."

Most girls like jewelry very much, but Jiang Cha doesn't like to wear it on weekdays, and finds it troublesome. At this time, it also shines.

"Take this out, please, let me see."

"Yes, ma'am."

The one Jiang Cha fancyed is quite plain. There are almost no diamonds on it, but the workmanship is particularly exquisite.

"Lady, you are really good at picking it. This pair of rings is called Biyi, the whole ring, look." The jewelry consultant turned the ring around, "The whole ring is the lovebird, the male and female rings correspond to the male and the female. ."

Jiang Cha took the ring, and on both rings, there was only a small diamond on the eye of the winged bird as a finishing touch.

Jiang Cha put the two rings together, just like a male and female flying side by side.

"That's it."

Shen Rang took the ring and glanced at it, "No more picks?"

Jiang Cha shook his head, "Don't choose, I like to buy it at first sight."

Shen Rang put down the male ring, holding only the female ring, holding Jiang Cha's left hand, and pushing the ring in, it was just right.

"Pretty." Shen let his fingertips gently rubbed her ring, "It suits you very well."

Jiang Cha raised his hand and took another photo in the light, bobbing "good-looking."

Shen Rang handed the male ring to Jiang Cha, then stretched out his hand, "Ms. Shen, help me put it on?"

"For the sake of Mr. Shen's payment..." Jiang Cha said deliberately, "Give it to me."

Shen Rang chuckled, "Mrs. Shen's insincere appearance is so cute."

Jiang Cha had already put a ring on him, and squeezed his finger with the tip of his ears, "praising me for being beautiful, not cute."

"Yes, Mrs. Shen is very beautiful."

The jewelry consultant also said in due course, "The two are really good match."

"Thank you~"

After deciding on this, Shen Rang went to register under the leadership of the jewelry consultant, and later had to engrave in the ring.

Jiang Cha was also idle when he was idle, without anyone to accompany him, and watched by himself in the necklace showcase.

"Vice President Jiang?"

When Jiang Cha turned around, it was Bai Fei.

"Assistant Bai."

Bai Fei was surprised, "Vice President Jiang, why are you here?"

Jiang Cha is funny, "Of course I came to the jewelry store to buy jewelry."

"Ah, no, I didn't mean that." Bai Fei knew that she had said the wrong thing, and hurried to remedy it. "I mean, you came with...?"

"Feifei." A boy was holding his beloved jewelry box and his beloved jewelry bag.

Bai Fei smiled with Jiang Cha, then took the boy's arm and introduced, "This is my boyfriend Tao Xin, this is my leader, Jiang Chajiang, vice president."

Tao Xin smiled and stretched out her hand, "Hello Vice President Jiang, we, Feifei, are usually taken care of by you."

"You are polite. Assistant Bai has relied on her own ability to come today." Jiang Cha looked at Bai Fei, "Assistant Bai is on a date, I won't bother."

"Then...Vice President, let's go first."


Bai Fei and her boyfriend went to the ring showcase, then opened the jewelry box, presumably to put on the ring before leaving.

When Tao Xin put the ring on Bai Fei, she suddenly said, "A man at the checkout behind me, do you know how much he bought the ring?"

"How much?" Bai Fei answered casually.

Tao Xin said, "Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine million pairs. I took a look at the ring. There was only one diamond on it."

"Well, how much? Two million nine hundred and ninety-nine million?" Bai Fei was shocked, "Is it worth that much money without a diamond?"

"It seems to be craftsmanship?" Tao Xin packed the box. "I heard the jewelry consultant say that the way the ring was made was very different. It took nearly three years from the design to the final product."

Bai Fei sighed, "I was optimistic about going with you just now, and I also want to see the three million ring."

Tao Xin took Bai Fei's hand, "If you don't see it, you won't see it. Let's go."

"Okay~" Bai Fei responded with a smile.

At the same time, Tao Xin saw Shen Rang coming over.

Tao Xin pulled Bai Fei's hand, "Look, look, it's him, the buyer of three million rings."

Bai Fei looked at the situation, "Shen, President Shen?"

Tao Xin had a meal, "Do you know?"

Bai Fei winked at him and whispered, "General Manager of Jiasheng Group."

"No wonder..." Tao Xin sighed, "No wonder that three million rings were bought without blinking their eyes."

Bai Fei frowned, "But...what does President Shen do with the ring?"

Tao Xin said, "He is here."

Bai Fei subconsciously greeted Shen Rang, "Mr. Shen."

Shen Rang stopped and nodded, "Assistant Bai, go shopping with boyfriend?"


Shen Rang smiled, "Then don't bother Assistant Bai."

"Okay, please, Mr. Shen."

Shen Rang nodded with Tao Xin, and then walked straight past the two.

Bai Fei and Tao Xin stood together, looking at Shen Rang's back.

"Huh?" Bai Fei blinked her eyes vigorously. How did she see President Shen walking towards Vice President Jiang?

Immediately afterwards, Bai Fei saw a very, very incredible scene.

Shen Rang stopped beside Jiang Cha, and then took out the jewelry box from his beloved jewelry bag.

Tao Xin said, "It's this box. The packaging is different from other rings. A contrasting wing bird is painted on the box."

Bai Fei covered her mouth for fear of yelling out.

No way? Could it be that... CEO Shen and Vice President Jiang are really together?

Shen Rang opened the ring box, took out the ring from the inside and put it on Jiang Cha. After Jiang Cha put it on, she also put it on Shen Rang. After the two said a few words, Shen Rang took Jiang Cha's hand and walked together. NS.


Bai Fei is going to faint, she wonders if she was blind just now...

"Feifei?" Tao Xin looked at her worriedly.

"No..." Bai Fei whispered softly, "I can't be frightened by myself, I have to find someone to join me..."

Bai Fei took out her mobile phone and boarded the internal gossip group of Jiasheng.

[I just went shopping and saw Mr. Shen and Mr. Jiang buying a couple ring_(:」)_]

The author has something to say: Bai Fei: I'm blind QAQ

Can you ask for an author's column collection for more than 8,000 Tangtang! ! Thanks!

There are also red envelopes today, wait for the weekend to send them together with the previous ones~

Thank you for your feeding and irrigation, refills~!

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