After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 22: 21:

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One after another, the sound of gasps, coughs, and whispers, Shen Rang regarded it as invisible or not hearing.

Shen Rang had a smile in his eyes, "But you really don't like coriander."

Jiang Cha: ...

Although what Shen Rang said was the truth, she didn't want to admit it at all.

"Mom." Shen Zhi has already picked out several coriander. After shouting Jiangcha, he turned his head and looked at her with a serious expression of relief, "It's okay, Xiaozhi also has something he doesn't like to eat. Will laugh at you."

Jiang Cha couldn't laugh or cry, "Coriander is a flavoring agent, I know you don't take this opportunity to be picky."

Shen Zhi pouted and was pricked, cautiously thinking and shouting "Mom!"

Shen Rang reached out and rubbed Shen Zhi's little head, "Xiaozhi can't be picky eaters, you are still growing, don't you want to grow to be like your father, tall and tall?"

"Xiao Zhi thought." Shen Zhi nodded vigorously, and after a few seconds he compromised, "Then... Mom is a girl, and Dad, you said that girls are to be protected, so mom can be picky eaters, and dad, you can't be picky eaters. Oh."

"En, yes." Shen Zhi confirmed with himself, and looked up at Shen Rang, "Dad, you can't."

"...Well, Dad is not picky eaters."

Shen Rang laughed, still thinking that he is more than picky about eating now, he even ate the kid's leftovers.

There were not a few coriander in the dish that Shen Zhi picked, and there were a few more coriander picked out by Shen Zhi, now there is no more.

Shen Zhi pushed the dish to Jiang Cha, very well-behaved, "Mom, Xiao Zhi has picked it up, Mommy hurry up and eat."

"Xiao Zhi is really good." Jiang Cha turned sideways and bent over and kissed Shen Zhi on the cheek.

Shen Zhi smiled.

Shen Rang quietly pouted his lips, but let this kid take advantage.

But forget it. Seeing his son's "strength" today, he doesn't care about it.

"Shen Rang?" Jiang Cha shouted, "What do you think?"

Shen Rang chuckled, "It's okay, you eat first, I'll wait for Xiaozhi."

"Wait together."

As soon as Jiang Cha spoke, Xin Yin came over with the dinner plate and placed it in front of Shen Zhi, "Little Master, your lunch."

"Thank you Uncle Xin."

"Little Master is polite."

Shen Rang said, "Thanks for your hard work, let's go eat."


Shen Rang took Shen Zhi's rice and stirred it loosely with chopsticks, while Jiang Cha opened the lid of the soup cup, then held it up and blew it.

The two picked them up almost at the same time, and put them down almost at the same time. At first glance, they often do this kind of thing, and they have a tacit understanding.

"Okay, Xiaozhi, let's eat."


Shen Zhi is sitting next to Jiang Cha, and Shen Rang is sitting directly opposite Jiang Cha.

Jiang Cha habitually looks at Shen Zhi.

Shen Rang shouted, "Xiaozhi can eat by himself, don't always look at him."

Jiang Cha is funny, "My son is sick, can't I take a few more glances if I care?"

"...Yes." After Shen Rang finished, he gave himself a reason, "but you have to concentrate on eating. You always look at Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi will be distracted. This is not good for digestion."

Jiang Cha:? ? ?

Are you okay, President Shen? Who is the one who has to watch cartoons with his son for dinner at home?

It's not her anyway.

In the public, Jiang Cha couldn't bear to tear down the platform, and... just received a gift yesterday...

Thinking of three million, Jiang Cha felt that there was nothing that could not be compromised.

"Okay, Xiaozhi concentrates on eating, mom doesn't look at you anymore."


Shen let the corners of his lips curled up slightly, coughed, and put a piece of lotus root in Jiangcha, "Taste it, it tastes sour and sweet."

Jiang Cha sighed, took a bite from the lotus root, his eyes brightened, "It's really good, but I don't know how to do it."

After finishing talking, Jiang Cha raised his eyes and glanced at him with a sincere suggestion, "I think you can learn, and Xiaozhi should also like to eat."

"Huh?" Shen Zhi with rice grains hanging around his mouth looked at his parents blankly. He focused on eating but did not hear what he had just said.


Shen Rang and Jiang Cha laughed together. Jiang Cha reached out and took down the rice grains from the corner of Shen Zhi’s mouth. Shen Rang took out the paper towels and put them on the table. Jiang Cha put the rice grains on, "Xiao Zhi, eat slowly, don’t worry. ."



Shen Rang suddenly came, and Jiang Cha was taken aback, "What?"

Shen Rang sandwiched the lotus root slices, "I'll ask the cafeteria chef how to make the lotus root slices later."

Jiang Cha bent his eyebrows, "Thank you Mr. Shen, then."

"Mrs. Shen is happy."

I didn't go to work until half past one in the afternoon, and there was still a lot of time before I went to work.

What do people like to do when they are full? Naturally chat, talk about gossip, and communicate with each other.

What's the gossip?

It's better to talk about the unknown things of President Shen and Vice President Jiang!

In Jiasheng’s biggest gossip group, there are people in almost every department except Shen Rang and Jiangcha. Of course, Xin Yin is still a trumpet.

—Will anyone come to chat for a while and shake it up with me.

—Yes...I fucking...Ah, I don’t know what to say [vicissitudes.jpg]

-Ah ah ah ah ah! I can't do it anymore, Mr. Shen and Mr. Jiang... actually got married? ? ?

-Is Vice President Jiang the original match or what?

—I think it’s my mother_(:з」∠)_


—My friend and Vice Jiang are always classmates...the day before yesterday they had a class meeting, and my friend also went, and she sent me pictures the other day, asking me if this was Mr. Shen.


—It seemed that the young master had a fever that day, so President Shen went to pick up Vice President Jiang and take the child to the hospital temporarily.

—Really, it's too fancy, isn't it?

—Vice President Jiang is only twenty-six this year, and the young master is four years old. Fuck! Born at twenty-two?

—It must be my mother... I really envy Vice President Jiang to marry President Shen, oooooooo!

-Please, whether the matter is good or not, what's so sour, the vice president Jiang has never mentioned that he and Shen are always husband and wife since he went to work on the first day in Jiasheng! Moreover, the abilities of Vice President Jiang are obvious to all.

This person really awakened the dreamer with a single word!

—Yes! ! ! Neither of them said that it was a matter of husband and wife, and in the past few years, President Shen and Vice President Jiang have often faced each other at work, and there is no trace of it.

-Isn't it? Who could have imagined that the two people who were quarrelsome at the company and blushed with a thick neck and wished to fight with arms and sleeves turned out to be husbands and wives.

-To tell you, if I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I would never believe that two people are married, no matter who told me, I would never believe it! ! Absolutely impossible!

—Unexpectedly, President Shen and Vice President Jiang get along so harmoniously in private.

—Hahahaha, you thought about going together with me, and I was also thinking that these two people are strong, and their private lives must be full of fire/medicine. I didn’t expect tusk tusk, look at the young master, he has a soft personality, and I want to know Mr. Shen How did Vice President Jiang love each other at home? Otherwise, how could the young master be so cute?

-That is, from the child, you can really see what the parents are like, and the young master grew up in love.

[Legal Affairs Department XX]:..........

—What is the legal department doing? Just say something.

[Legal Affairs Department XX]: Nothing, just a bubble.


[Legal Affairs Department XX]: Boo—the bubble burst, I'm leaving.




—The Legal Department has such a...innocent and lovely person, I admire and admire it [holding.jpg]


General Manager's Office.

Shen Rang leaned on the chair, raised his phone and looked up, laughing happily.

"Dad?" Shen Zhi lay on his lap, "What are you laughing at?"

Shen Ran picked up Shen Zhi and placed it on his lap, and then pressed his little head on his chest, "Son, you have a nap, when you wake up, Dad will give you a gift? Huh?"

"Okay!" Shen Zhi moved his body, changed his posture, and put his ears on his heart, "Dad..."


"Your heart must be much bigger than Xiaozhi's."

Shen Rang followed Shen Zhi's back, "Why?"

Shen Zhi's closed eyes were bent, and his voice was sweet and dependent on his father, "Because you are a father~"

Shen Rang moved his hand for a while, then put down his phone, picked up Shen Zhi and walked to the lounge, where he went to take a nap with his son.

Shen Rang made public his husband and wife relationship with Jiang Cha through Shen Zhi.

Although the internal sensation is not small, most people hold the attitude of admiration and blessing.

Although the group guessed that Shen Rang and Jiang Cha's marriage life were not quite accurate, Shen Rang felt that the future of him and Jiang Cha would be better than what he said now.

Two people who are willing to work hard, willing to tolerate, and willing to give are bound to be happier and happier together.

Hmm...even if the son is the main reason behind every condition.

Shen Zhi fell asleep quickly, and after Shen Rang covered him with a quilt, he went out to work.

Soon, Xin Yin presented Shen Zhi's special badge [General Manager's Office·Shen Zhi].

The badges of Jiasheng employees have different colors according to their position.

Both Shen Rang and Jiangcha's badges are golden, and they look particularly textured and rich, which are in line with the characteristics of Mr. Shen and his wife.

Shen Zhi is the same color as the duo's badge, but because it is a reduced version, it has a lovely feeling.

Shen Rang put the Xiao Gong card next to Shen Zhi's pillow so that he could see it as soon as he woke up.

Xu was thinking about the gift in his heart, and Shen Zhi only woke up after sleeping for forty minutes.

As Shen Rang expected, Shen Zhi saw the golden small worker badge at a glance. Although he didn't know the words on it, he knew his name.

Shen Zhi hung the badge around his neck, then put on his shoes and ran out from the rest.

Shen Rang is answering the phone.

Shen Zhi didn't bother him, walked up to him, and hugged his thigh.

Shen Rang lowered his eyes, smiled silently, rubbed Shen Zhi's hair with his hands, and made a mouth gesture with him [Go to my mother. 】

Shen Zhi nodded vigorously, then let go of Shen Ren and ran away.

Jiang Cha didn't have a big deal this afternoon, it was just a small meeting.

When Shen Zhi knocked on the door, she just came back from the conference room and sat down.

"In." Jiang Cha's voice was cold.

Shen Zhi opened the door, and his little head came in, "Mom."

Jiang Cha raised her head, the expression on her face instantly melted like ice and snow, and she waved to Shen Zhi, "Come here, mother."


Shen Zhi did not forget to close the door, stepped on cheerful little steps, hopped to Jiang Cha, and shook her body in front of Jiang Cha, straightening her waist, pretending to be mysterious and asked her, "Mom, look at Xiao Zhi. Is there any difference?"

Jiang Cha is funny, thinking that this kid must have come to show her his badge.

So Jiang Cha thought for a while, "Are we Xiaozhi more cute after waking up?"

"No~ Mommy guess again."

"Then... it must be our Xiaozhi who grew taller in our sleep."

"No, mother, guess again." Seeing Jiang Cha couldn't guess, Shen Zhi was a little anxious, so he had to take his badge and send it to Jiang Cha.

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Jiang Cha's eyes fell on his chest, with a sudden realization, "Oh, we have a badge! Did my dad give it to you?"

Shen Zhi smiled, "Daddy gave it to~"

"Xiaozhi, thank you dad?"

"No." Shen Zhi shook his head, "Dad is calling, Xiao Zhi can't disturb dad."

"Really good." Jiang Cha squeezed his little face, "Mom will play with you for a while?"


Since Jiang Cha and Shen Rang brought Shen Zhi to the company, there have been more and more toys in the hospitality area on the 23rd floor.

Part of it was bought by Shen Rang and Jiangcha, and part of it was bought by company colleagues who thought the young master was cute.

In short, Shen Zhi has a lot of toys at home and a lot of his company, and few of them have duplicates.

If Shen Zhi usually comes to play, he would definitely choose Lego or a car, but today, he chose to build a building block house.

Shen Zhi asked Jiang Cha to hide the building blocks that built the small house, while he was lying on the sofa with his eyes covered, "Mom, hurry up and hide, Xiaozhi won't be foolish, really won't look at it secretly."

Jiang Cha is really dumbfounding.

How come you have to hide the blocks again?

"Mom, have you started hiding?"

Jiang Cha returned to his senses, "Okay, mom now starts hiding."

In accordance with Shen Zhi's request, Jiang Cha hid the building blocks in various places in the hospitality area, and picked some of them, and hid them in places outside the hospitality area. Most of them were hidden obviously, so it was easy to find some.

After hiding the last piece, Jiang Cha knew what Xiaozhi was going to do.

Jiang Cha sat on the sofa and patted Shen Zhi's back lightly, "Xiaozhi, mommy hides it."

Shen Zhi stood up straight, his eyes sparkling, "Can Xiao Zhi look for it?"

Jiang Cha smiled at the corners of her lips, "Okay, Xiaozhi has to work hard~"

Shen Zhi raised two small fists to cheer for himself, "Little Zhi will da~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Zhi stepped his calf to find his precious building block.

Jiang Cha just sat, watching Shen Zhi rumbling up and down after he was busy.

During this period, many employees passed by and saw the young master looking for something, and they wanted to help.

Shen Zhi would sincerely thank everyone who came to help, and then told them that he was looking for building blocks and could do it himself.

Of course... the most important point is that when Shen Zhi speaks, he will deliberately stand straighter. When he raises his chest and raises his head, the golden badge hanging on his neck will definitely be seen by the other party.

"Ah, Young Master, did Mr. Shen make this for you?"

Shen Zhi touched the badge: "Yes, it was my father who gave Xiao Zhi~"

"It's so good-looking, so suitable for the young master."

Shen Zhi bowed: "Thank you sister."

"Yeah, Young Master now has a badge, which is still the highest level, hahahaha!"

Shen Zhiwan bent his eyebrows and eyes: "It's a gift from my father to Xiaozhi~"

"President Shen is so good! Young Master is so good."

Shen Zhi bowed again: "Thank you, brother."

"Does Young Master need help?"

Shen Zhi shook his head, "Thank you Auntie, Xiao Zhi can do it by himself."

"The Young Master's badge is very good-looking."

Shen Zhi smiled, "It's a gift from my father to Xiaozhi."


For nearly an hour, Jiang Cha watched Shen Zhi tirelessly saying "This is from my father" to everyone, and then politely thanked each other when he was praised.

Little kids, they can’t wait to share new things with others.

It is a kind of joy that emanates from the heart.

Shen Zhi also stayed in Jiasheng for a while, and got acquainted a lot with everyone on the 23rd floor.

And it's really easy to see through the mind of a child, so after the two people praised his badge, some people discovered that the young master was looking for building blocks as an excuse, and wanted to show everyone that the badge was true.

Shen knew that this little head didn't have so many twists and turns, and he never thought that they were all on the same floor, but most people came to ask him why he needed help.

"Xiaozhi." Jiang Cha, who had been observing his cubs, waved to him.

Shen Zhi ran towards Jiang Cha with his badge in both hands, then opened his little hand and threw into Jiang Cha's arms, "Mom!"

"Are you tired?" Jiang Cha touched Shen Zhi's forehead, sweating a little.

Shen Zhi cupped his face with his hands, "Mom, Xiao Zhi is thirsty."

Jiang Cha laughed. He barely stopped talking for an hour. He kept telling others, "This is from my father" and "Thank you sister, thank you aunt, thank you brother, and thank you uncle".

"Does Xiaozhi still play with building blocks?"

Shen Zhi shook his head almost without hesitation, "Xiao Zhi wants to drink water."

Jiang Cha got up and took Shen Zhi's little hand, "Mom will take you to the pantry."

"Thank you mom~"

"You're welcome."

Jiang Cha warmed Shen Zhi a cup of milk, watched him finish drinking, and then drew a tissue to wipe his mouth, "Is there any discomfort in Xiao Zhi?"

"No." Shen Zhi shook his head.

"Well, if you really feel uncomfortable, you must tell mom, eh?"

"Xiaozhi knows~"

"Really good." Jiang Cha kissed his son's face, "Xiaozhi's badge was a gift from his father, but Uncle Xin was also helpful, so Xiaozhi sent two cups of coffee to the office as a thank you to Dad and Uncle Xin for your help. Is your gift okay?"

Shen Zhi nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

As soon as Jiang Cha spoke, the door of the tea room was opened.

The mother and son looked over together, it was Shen Rang.

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Shen Rang put one hand in his trouser pocket and turned his chin toward Shen Zhinunu, "Isn't there a child who went out for more than an hour and didn't come back, I'll come and have a look."

Shen Zhi blushed instantly, "Dad, Xiao Zhi is wrong."

Shen Rang walked to Shen Zhi and squatted down, with a straight face, "Since Xiao Zhi knows that he was wrong, then my father will punish Xiao Zhi."

"Huh?" Shen Zhi's voice was weak, "and... there is still punishment."

"En." Shen Rang said, "Will Xiaozhi accept punishment?"

Shen Zhi nodded, "Xiaozhi worried Dad, it's Xiaozhi right."

"Shen Rang..." Jiang Cha whispered to him, knowing to bully the child, don't think she can't see that he is trying to prank.

I only felt calm and serious before, and I had never seen such a childish side of this man!

Actually set off for his son.

Shen Rang looked at Shen Zhi for two seconds, "Okay, Dad thought of what punishment Xiao Zhi would be punished."

Shen Zhi: "...Well... dad say it."

"I'll punish you..." Shen Rang suddenly stretched out his hands to catch Shen Zhi's armpits while raising him, and then smiled and said, "Just punish my little confidant father twice!"

Shen Zhi "chuckles" laughed, and put Shen Rang's face in both hands, and "bom" and "bom" came along, "Dad, Dad, Xiaozhi can kiss again!"

Shen Rang hugged Shen Zhi and moved to Jiang Cha, "Mom is going to be jealous, give my mother a kiss."

"Jealous?" Shen Zhi tilted his little head, "Why should mother be jealous? Jealousy is sour, Xiao Zhi doesn't like it."

Jiang Cha reached out and pinched Shen Rang's waist, and when Shen Rang smiled, she held her son into her arms, "Dad teasing you, mom likes to eat sweets."

"Xiaozhi likes to eat sweets too!"

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha looked at him, "I brought Xiaozhi back to the office. You can make your own coffee."

Shen Rang smiled, "Okay."

Jiang Cha had already opened the door of the tea room with Shen Zhi in his arms and walked out, and his son came in with a childish voice.

"Mom, does Dad like to eat sour?"

"He likes it, mom doesn't like it."

"Oh, that Xiaozhi is like a mother, not like a father."

Jiang Cha smiled, "Yes, it tastes better like mom, your dad has been a little bit sour recently..."

Shen Zhi didn't understand what is meant by "sour". He just heard the word "sour" and nodded with a serious expression, "No wonder Dad likes to be jealous."

Shen Rang:...........

Jiang Cha and Shen Zhi's voices are not too small, and everyone pays more attention to the dynamics of this family.

Besides, they didn't dare to say that they heard clearly, and they didn't dare to say that they knew the cause and effect. The young master's phrase "No wonder Dad likes to be jealous" really passed into their ears.

As we all know, children can't lie, let alone tell a lie like an adult who likes to be jealous.

—Okay, everyone doesn't need to discuss it anymore, there is nothing else but my mother.


-Raising cubs is really a wonderful thing. A sharp person like Vice President Jiang is so soft when he is with the young master.

—I will have a child in the future, and I will be content if I can have a young master half so obedient and obedient.

—Hahahaha, the children of Mr. Shen's family must be extraordinary.

—No, why didn’t I see that Vice Jiang was always his mother?

—Which department is this? From the technical department?

—Your technical department is a group of big single men, how can you look at these things?

—The marketing department is almost done, don’t bully the technical department so much.

-As far as the matter is concerned, you haven't seen it before. None of your technical department is married. Isn't it wrong?

—........ Heartbroken.

-What kind of heart, when you have a girlfriend to get married, and become the father of the child... Forget it, even if you are a father, you probably won’t be able to see it, hahahahaha!

In the group: everyone [file]

—? ? ?

—? ? ? Who sent the file?

[General Manager's Office·Xin Yin]: Original match, my mother.

[General Manager’s Office·Xin Yin]: It is everyone’s obligation to promote the construction of green ecological civilization. The "Sowing Green" event hosted by Jiasheng Group will be held in Qingrun Mountain this Thursday, with positions of deputy manager and above in various departments. Be sure to participate, please check the group file for details.

-what? ? ?


—Are you going to plant trees again?

—Wait... When was Assistant Xin in this group? Does anyone know?

[General Manager's Office·Xin Yin]: I was here very early [笑.jpg]

—...I seem to see the smile of death.

—Yaoshou! ! !

The author has something to say: This is a harmonious, friendly and gossip company.

Thank you for your support~

There is a small bug in the front, which has been modified. It does not affect the reading, so you don't need to read it again.

This article is daily for raising cubs, and it is more warm and warm. I hope everyone can be happy every day~

Thank you for your understanding and tolerance! ! grateful! !

The tree planting slogans in this chapter refer to the propaganda slogans on the 13th and 14th year of the Arbor Day on Baidu~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-0522:00:00~2020-03-0722:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 1 candy paper;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: candy paper, 1 cautiously;

Thank you for the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Mr. Juju’s Xiaoxiaobai and Nanyou 10 bottles; Xuezou yukii 9 bottles; Gongzi Xuanyi, Fengming Jiangnan 6 bottles; Yingxiu, [emailprotected]?3&4_, who loves to read 5 bottles of Qin Mushroom Cool; 3 bottles of Honghu in the sky; annoying. , 2 bottles of tomato and egg noodles; Dragon Dragon by the cloud, 394210901 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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