After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 27: 26:

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Shen Rang ran after finishing his daily routine.

Shen Rang raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "It's almost time."

Jiang Cha:? ? ? ? ?

This topic turns, seems to be so stiff?

"Cough..." Shen Rang deliberately tilted his head to clear his cough, and took the opportunity to look at the kindergarten gate.

Jiang Cha felt a little sense of loss in her heart, but she couldn't say what she was losing.

Jiang Cha quietly shifted his gaze to Shen Rang. Some of his recent actions made her feel a little strange.

But Jiang Cha couldn't figure out for the time being, whether the thoughts she had sensed by herself were the same as what Shen Rang wanted to express.

"A kid is coming out."

Shen Rang's voice made Jiang Cha return to his senses.

As soon as Jiang Cha raised his eyes, he saw Shen letting his eyes shine, like a big boy.

She thought, let's not explore for now...If it's not, she and Shen Rang will become awkward getting along.

The moment the door of the kindergarten opened, parents suddenly swarmed around.

Shen Rang&Jiang Cha was shocked, didn't you see so many people just now?

Obviously just now these parents were sitting under the tree with their own small benches and chatting, talking about the fun and embarrassment of their children, how come the door is opened and everything is different from just now? The change is too big!

"Little treasure! Little treasure sees grandma! Grandma is here!"

"Grandson, grandma is here!"

"Little fat! This dead child, eat and eat! You dare to put something in your mouth if anyone gives you something!"

With noisy voices in his ears, Jiang Cha was in a daze, feeling like he was in a hypermarket.


A parent probably ran into Jiang Cha because he was late and rushed. Thanks to Shen's quick eyes and quick hands, he dragged Jiang Cha into his arms and saved her from being knocked down.

"sorry Sorry!"

Shen Rang frowned, suddenly feeling bad.

"I'm okay, don't be angry." Jiang Cha withdrew from Shen Rang's arms and looked up at him, "Everyone is in a hurry to pick up children, understandable."

Shen Rang said, and put Jiang Cha in his arms, but the two did not move forward.

In fact, the parents rushed up to be noisy and did not help at all in meeting the children.

Which class comes out every time the kindergarten is prescribed.

It's just that the children are the hearts and minds of every family, and today is the first day, it is true that parents are worried that their children are crying and being wronged.

The kindergarten teachers have taken no surprises about this. The children have come and gone, and their various personalities are very cute, but only this parent is like a uniform custom made, 80% of the same.

Parents come in anxiously and go quickly.

The clothes worn by the teacher have corresponding class patterns. When the parents see that they are not their own children's class, they leave.

The children from one class were picked up, and the next class came out.

Shen made tall, Jiang Cha asked him to stare.

Shen Rang said, "Xiaozhi is a fruit class, right?"

"Well, the teacher in the morning is orange."

Shen Rang nodded, "Okay."

"Are you out?"


"Hello, are you also here to pick up the children from the fruit class?"

Jiang Cha tilted her head, she was a pretty woman in her thirties.

Jiang Cha smiled, "Yes, my son is in the fruit class."

"It's a coincidence, my daughter is also in the fruit class." The woman said, "I'm sorry, I was a little abrupt. I didn't seem to have seen two of them last semester?"

Jiang Chaen said, "Before... the child was picked up by a nanny, and we will pick up and drop off by ourselves starting today."

"I see."

As soon as the woman's voice fell, Shen Rang shouted Jiang Cha, "The fruit class is out."

"Really?" Jiang Cha's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then let's move a little ahead?"


Jiang Cha turned around and smiled with the woman, and then walked forward with Shen Rang.

In the fruit class, there is a team of boys and girls. Shen Zhi and Su Jingjing are at the same table, and they are also tied together when they line up.

Su Jingjing was a little unhappy. The other children walked out hand in hand. Only Shen Zhi was walking with her sleeves.

Su Jingjing pouted. It was obvious that many children wanted to play with her. Why didn't Shen Zhi like to play with her?

"Kids, keep your eyes open and find the person who will pick you up~ Don't admit it wrong." Teacher Orange has a sweet voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, the children responded enthusiastically "OK~~~"

Children who find their parents have to talk to the teacher before they can leave.

Shen Zhi did not hurry up, and dangled to the end.

"Xiaozhi!" Jiang Cha shouted.

Hearing the voice, Shen Zhi raised his head subconsciously, saw the figure of his parents, smiled happily, then loosened Su Jingjing's sleeves and flew towards Jiangcha.

Jiang tea squatted down, arms outstretched, his son directly flew into the arms of her arm around his neck, "ooo, ooo hum, mother, little known to miss you I miss you."

Jiang Cha hugged Shen Zhi, "Well, mom misses you too, mom kisses you."

"En." Shen Zhi raised his head and put his little face in front of Jiang Cha.


"Mom, Xiaozhi will kiss me too."

"Okay, kiss me too."

"Hehe, my mother is so nice." Shen Zhi held Jiang Cha's face, kissed each on the left and right, and then continued to put his arms around his mother's neck to act like a baby.

Su Jingjing ran over, "Pretty sister, are you Shen Zhi's new aunt?"

Jiang Cha was taken aback, then put down Shen Zhi, squatted down and looked at Su Jingjing, "No, auntie is Shen Zhi's mother."

"Yeah!" Su Jingjing was ashamed of calling the wrong person, "I'm sorry, Auntie, Jingjing said the wrong thing."

"Your name is Jingjing?"

"En." Su Jingjing nodded vigorously and smiled crookedly, "My name is Su Jingjing."

Jiang Cha stretched out her hand, "Jing Jing is so cute, can Auntie shake your hand?"

"Yes!" Su Jingjing's personality is super good, holding Jiang Cha's hand in the palm of his hand with two small hands.

Shen Zhi dragged Jiang Cha's clothes, "Mom........."

Jiang Cha smiled, "Xiaozhi, is Jing Jing your good friend?"


"Auntie, Jing Jing is still at the same table as Shen Zhi~" Su Jingjing looked proud, and secretly told Jiang Cha, "Jing Jing is the most beautiful little princess in the class."

Jiang Cha was appropriately surprised, "Really? That's amazing~"

Su Jingjing snickered while covering her mouth.

"Jing Jing."

Su Jingjing tilted his head, "Mom!"

Jiang Cha turned his head and looked over. It was the beautiful woman he had just met.

What a coincidence.

"So you are Shen Zhi's mother, I am Jingjing's mother, and my name is Su Wan."

Sue? Jiang Cha's eyes widened slightly.

Su Wan smiled, "Jingjing's father is also named Su."

Jiang Cha was a little embarrassed, "Sorry."

"It's okay, people often misunderstand." Su Wan patted Su Jingjing on the shoulder, "Goodbye to Auntie and Shen Zhi, we have to go home~"

"Goodbye, Auntie." Su Jingjing waved his hand obediently, then looked at Shen Zhi again, "Goodbye Shen Zhi, see you Monday."

Shen Zhien said, "Goodbye Jingjing, see you Monday."

Su Wan bid farewell to Jiang Cha.

Su Jingjing walked a few steps, then looked back at Shen Zhi, then broke away from Su Wan's hand and ran to Jiang Cha, "Auntie, do you still have that bad aunt in your house?"

"Bad aunt?"

Su Jingjing thought for a while, "It's the bad aunt, she pinches Shen Zhi."

Jiang Cha knows, it's Zhang Ying.

Jiang Cha touched Su Jingjing's head, "Auntie has no bad aunts at home, and there won't be any in the future. Thank you Jingjing."

Su Jingjing smiled and curled her eyebrows, "Well~bye, auntie."

"Okay, goodbye Jingjing."


Jiang Cha hugged Shen Zhi, "Let's go find Dad."


When Jiang Cha was talking to Su Wan, Shen Rang was chatting with Teacher Orange about Shen Zhi.

This is the first time the teacher has seen Shen Rang. In fact, the teacher has no affection for Shen Zhi's parents. After all, he has never seen anyone whose parents never appear.

She always thought that Shen Zhi was not treated by her parents, so for Shen Zhi, their teachers always took special care of them.

After a long time of contact, the teachers found that Shen Zhi was really a good boy, with no temperament and soft personality.

Shen Rang was silent, listening to what the teacher told him Shen Zhi.

At the end of the talk, Teacher Orange was full of resentment, "I really don't know what you think... the child is so beautiful and behaved, so he can ignore it..."

Shen Ran felt his throat blocked.

Especially uncomfortable.

"Yes... it is our fault." Shen Rang felt guilty. "Our husband and wife are very grateful to the teacher for taking care of Shen Zhi."

Teacher Orange knew that it was wrong to bring emotions, "Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen should pay more attention to their children. After all, childhood is only a few years old, and it will be gone after so many years."

"we know."


Shen Zhi ran over and hugged Shen Rang's leg, rubbing his face against his leg, "Dad hug~"

Shen Rang restrained his emotions, smiled, bent over and hugged Shen Zhi, and kissed his face, "Do you miss Dad?"

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Shen Zhi pouted, wiped the place where he had just been kissed on his face with a little hand, and muttered softly, "Dad hates...Mom just kissed Xiaozhi's gone."

Shen Rang:.........

"Xiaozhi." Jiang Cha came over, took Shen Zhi's hand, and looked at Teacher Orange, "I really appreciate the care of several teachers for our Xiaozhi."

Teacher Orange waved his hand embarrassedly, "Oh, this is our duty. I have told Mr. Shen what I can say. Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen will go home and have a chat."

Jiang Cha nodded, "Thank you."

Teacher Orange glanced at Shen Zhi who was acting like a baby with Shen Rang, and his heart moved, "Mr. Shen, what I said just now is a bit heavy. I think... You and Mrs. Shen love Xiaozhi very much. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. NS."

Shen Rang shook his head, "It's okay."

"Xiaozhi." Teacher Orange yelled, "Goodbye teacher~ See you on Monday~"

Shen Zhi obediently, "Goodbye, Teacher Orange~ Xiao Zhi will miss the teacher~"

"Well, the teacher misses you, too." Teacher Orange said with a playful heart, "Shoo-"

Shen Zhi was teased with a "chuckle".

"Let's go, go home."


"Dad, let Xiao Zhi down, Xiao Zhi can go by himself."

Shen Rang put it down, Shen Zhi held his parents one by one, and was about to fly happily, "Xiao Zhi is going home~~~"

Jiang Cha laughed, "Slow down, don't run, mom can't hold you back."

"Hee hee hee."

When he arrived at the parking lot, Jiang Cha told Shen Zhi to close his eyes.

Shen Zhi obediently covered his eyes and stood one meter away from the trunk of the car, "Mom, Xiao Zhi didn't peek."


Jiang Cha opened the trunk, glanced at Shen Rang, and said with a smile, "Mom counts one, two, three, and Xiaozhi can watch it."


"one two Three!"

Shen Zhi put down his hand, his eyes were instantly attracted by the little train in the trunk.

"Wow!!!" Shen Zhi rushed over, "Mom, is this Xiao Zhi's train?"

"Of course, it's Xiaozhi."

"Then it will whine?"

Jiang Cha smiled, pointing to the box and telling him, "Not only can it whine, it can also carry a lot of things, there are also small dolls here, all of which can be placed on the small train."

"Wow!!" Shen Zhi stomped his feet in excitement, "Thank you mom!"

"Hey, get in the car first, go home and play again."


Jiang Cha closed the trunk, and Shen Zhi still looked nostalgic.

Jiang Cha was funny, reopened the trunk and took him a carriage in his hand, "Here."

Shen Zhi touched the carriage and got into the car.

On the way home, Shen Zhi looked back reluctantly.

"Okay, son, sit down and be safe."


Jiang Cha thought for a while, "Oh, Xiao Zhi writhed around, my mother was thinking, should I give Xiao Zhi the new toys tomorrow..."

"and also?"

"Yes~" Jiang Cha didn't forget to pick up Shen Rang, "I bought it for you with my father."

Shen Zhi was very happy, "Thank you Mom and Dad!"

"Then Xiaozhi can sit down?"

"Xiaozhi can do it!"

"Really good."

Jiang Cha rubbed Shen Zhi's little head, the cub is so cute!

When there was the last traffic light to the Lanwan community, Jiang Cha began to pack things and check whether the mobile phone access card was with him.

Suddenly, Jiangcha's mobile phone rang.

Jiang Cha is surprised, is it a text message?

Jiang Cha turned on the phone, and it was an unfamiliar message: [How are you doing now? 】

Jiang Cha frowned, thinking that she sent it wrong, right?

"Mom, Xiao Zhi is hungry."

As soon as Shen Zhi spoke, Jiang Cha forgot about the text message, "Mom is new to making egg tarts, and I will make them for Xiaozhi after dinner at night."


After returning home, Shen Zhi couldn't wait to take out all the things in the little train and arrange them.

Jiang Cha asked Shen Rang to play with him and prepare dinner by himself.

Shen Rang changed his clothes and sat on the ground with Shen Zhi. Shen Rang crossed his legs and bowed slightly. According to Shen Zhi's request, he read the instructions to him...

Shen Zhi's little hands were placed on both legs, with a serious look, making Shen Rangren uncontrollable.

In order to take care of Shen Zhi, Shen Rang deliberately slowed down the speed of his speech, which caused him to read the manual, which he could read in two minutes, for ten minutes.

"Son..." Shen Rang asked hesitantly, "Do you understand?"

Shen Zhi shook his head, "No~"

Shen Rang was funny, "I didn't understand why you are so serious?"

Shen Zhi raised a small train carriage in one hand and patted Shen Rang's rainbow fart, "I have a dad~"

Shen Ran took Shen Zhi in his arms and rubbed it, "Son!"

"Wow ah ah dad ah ah ah dad ah ah dad!"

Shen Rang let go of Shen Zhi, Shen Zhi's blush flushed, and his hair was messed up.

"Dad is bad."

"Dad likes you."

Shen Zhi pouted.

Shen Rang rubbed two more owed ones, and then he played the little train with Shen Zhi.

After about half an hour, Jiang Cha made dinner, "Shen Rang, take Xiaozhi to wash his hands and have dinner."


Shen Rang answered, and then lifted Shen Zhi from the ground to the bathroom.

"Dad, Xiaozhi hasn't finished playing yet~"

Shen Rang "hush", "Listen to mom, otherwise, dad will be miserable."


"There is a saying that you should not be a godfather, that is, if Xiaozhi is not obedient, Dad will be punished."

As soon as Jiang Cha put his rice bowl on the table, he heard these words seriously.

"Shen Rang! Don't teach my son blindly!" Jiang Cha was angrily smiled by him, this person has become more and more nonsense recently.


The phone rang again.

Jiang Cha took it out of his apron pocket, still a text message.

[We haven't seen each other for many years. 】

It's the same number just now...

Jiang Cha frowned, not very intuitively.

"Mom, Xiaozhi is here."


Jiang Cha put away the phone, watched Shen Zhi sitting on the chair, and handed him the tableware.

Shen Zhi sat on the chair, shaking his short legs, "Dad, come here quickly."


As soon as Shen Rang sat down, he saw Jiang Cha's brows that had not yet loosened, and his expression was serious, "What's the matter?"

"Huh? It's okay." Jiang Cha shook his head and said softly, "Let's eat first, after dinner... I'll tell you something later."


At night, Shen knew that he had a quick meal, and after eating, he jumped off the stool and went to play with the little train.

Jiang Cha and Shen Rang ate slowly. After they finished eating, they washed the bowls and cleaned them up, they went to the study.

Jiang Cha handed the phone to Shen Rang, "I received two text messages."

Shen Rang took it over, "Sent to the wrong person?"

"Yeah." Jiang Cha nodded, "I think so too, but I don't know if I think too much, there is always a bad feeling."

"That's it..."

Shen Rang looked at the phone and whispered softly, "How are you doing now? We haven't seen each other for a long time..."

"Shen Rang?"

Shen Rang took his cell phone and sent the phone number and two text messages to Xin Yin, and then gave the cell phone to Jiang Cha, "I will ask Xin Yin to check it. If this person sends it again, you have to tell me."


Jiang Cha is out.

Shen Rang looked at the photo and fell into deep thought.

What he didn't tell Jiang Cha was that the moment he saw the text message, he thought of someone.

Jiang Qiulin.

The author has something to say: Xiaozhi: Everyone can be cute and love, like Xiaozhi~(*?▽?*)

Drop 50 small red envelopes~

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Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-1118:00:00~2020-03-1218:00:00~

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Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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