After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 29: 28:

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Xin Yin's information was quickly checked. As soon as Shen Rang arrived at the company on Monday, Xin Yin handed in the information of Jiang Zong and Jiang Yao.

Shen Rang took it, opened it and turned it over. It was quite thick.

Shen Rang was very satisfied, "You can find out so much in one day, Xin Yin, you are more and more capable now."

Xin Yin was embarrassed, "Mr. Shen, it's not that I can do it, but the Jiang family... It's really too hard to say a word. It doesn't take much effort to inquire about these things. As long as you hand it out, someone will naturally continue to finish it. ."

Shen Rang sneered, "Sure enough, it makes sense that a dog can't change eating shit."

Xin Yin didn't dare to answer these words. In other words, the Jiang family is the family of Vice President Jiang, "Then President Shen, take your time, I will go out first."

"En." Shen Rang nodded.

Xin Yin turned around and left.

"By the way, Xin Yin." Shen Rang called to him, "Do I have more arrangements today?"

Xin Yin thought about it, "There is an arrangement in the afternoon, and there is only a small meeting at 10:30 in the morning."

"Okay, you can go out."

"Okay, President Shen."

Shen Rang lowered his eyes, fixed his gaze on the information of the two sons of the Jiang family, and began to look at it.

What he knows about the Jiang family is only the information that Shen's mother gave him back then. Other than that, he has not investigated the Jiang family, and naturally does not know what the Jiang family has become in the past few years.

Jiang Zong and Jiang Yao are twins, but they are far apart in terms of body and character.

Jiang Zong was born white and fat, weighing six catties and eight taels, while Jiang Yao's small one, only three catties and six taels, was almost twice as small as Jiang Zong.

Jiang Zong eats a lot, grows fast, and has a very strong body, while Jiang Yao is a weak body brought out from the womb of a beating. He eats less and often gets sick, so Jiang Zong is naturally not pleased.

This state of polarization becomes more apparent after the age of three.

At that time, Jiang Zong was already a head and a half taller than Jiang Yao, and there were a group of bear children like him.

Jiang Zong didn't like this sick younger brother. Because of Jiang Yao's bad health, his mother always preferred Jiang Yao, but his father Jiang Qiulin was not. His father didn't like Jiang Yao just like him.

For Jiang Qiulin, the son is okay if both are healthy, but if one is healthy and the other is not healthy, he is very easy to be biased.

Who doesn't like tall and strong children who can play coquettishly with him?

He is so eccentric, how could he like a son who spends money on medical treatment or medicine all day long?

Jiang Qiulin's attitude directly affected Jiang Zong, and even as he grew older, Jiang Zong hated Jiang Yao.

There is no other reason, there are too many differences between the two people on the way of growing up.

In addition to having a healthy body, Jiang Zong has nowhere comparable to Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao really complied with his word "Yao". Since elementary school, he has always been among the best in his studies and has never fallen out of the top three in his grade, while Jiang Zong has been at the bottom all year round and has never risen to fourth from the bottom.

Jiang Yao is pretty good, and unlike Jiang Zongbang, who has a big waist, Jiang Yao is a real young man, with a kind of weak juvenile feeling.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Zong and Jiang Yao stood together, and no one would believe that the two were twins.

When Jiang Cha fell out with his family, the twins were eight years old and they all remembered things.

On the day of the fallout, Jiang Cha and Jiang Qiulin quarreled very, very fiercely. Jiang Qiulin once threatened Jiang Cha by smashing things and wanted to force her to kneel down and apologize.

But Jiang Cha had a hard bone, and he would never apologize even if he said harshly.

The fierce eyes were telling Jiang Qiulin that she was not joking.

Jiang Qiulin was also afraid that Jiang Cha would really do something irreversible on impulse. After all, he was in his prime of life, let alone an accident, even if he was injured in bed for three to five months, he couldn't commit it.

So Jiang Qiulin first let go, as long as Jiang Cha leaves, he will never care about her again.

So Jiang Cha turned around and left without hesitation.

Jiang Qiulin tui tui at Jiang Cha's back, Jiang Zong cried and ran over to let Jiang Qiulin hug him, and said that his sister was terrible.

Jiang Qiulin coaxed Jiang Zong and told him that there would be no more sister in the future, and he would be the eldest of the family.

Jiang Zong was instantly happy.

But Jiang Yao sneaked out to chase Jiang Cha.

In his memory, his sister would talk to him and pat him to sleep.

Jiang Yao was a step late. He didn't see where Jiang Cha had gone, so he was taken back by the neighbor's aunt.

Later, when he got older and older, Jiang Yao's impression of his sister gradually blurred, but only vaguely remembered that his sister was very beautiful and studied very well.

The bigger Jiang Zong is, the more lawless he is. If he is not afraid of being killed by Jiang Qiulin, he can poke a hole in the sky.

At a young age, the good ones don’t learn, but the bad ones are quasi-learning.

Jiang Yao is very famous. Every year he takes scholarships, trophies, medals and bonuses from various competitions, and becomes the heart of the school principal and teacher.

Jiang Zong is also famous, but it is not a good name, but a notorious one, a frequent visitor who often appears on Monday to criticize the conference.

Jiang Qiulin treats Jiang Zong with both pet and love. He is used to the lawlessness of this child, and even Yu Qin can't control him.

And Jiang Yao, he has always been that Jiang Yao.

A gentle and dazzling person.

After reading the information, Shen Rang knew in his heart.

There is no similarity between Jiang Yao and the Jiang family. On the contrary, they are similar to Jiang Cha.

Shen Rang thought for a while and called Xin Yin in.

"President Shen." Xin Yin knocked on the door.

"In." Shen Rang said, then raised his eyes.

Xin Yin walked quickly to Shen Rang, "What's the matter with Shen?"

"Am I okay at noon?"

"It's okay." Xin Yin said, "'s been a long time since you have arranged things. At noon, you have to have lunch with Vice Jiang."

Shen Rang smiled, "Are you criticizing me for not working hard?"

Xin Yin shook his head, "I just feel the wonder of love."

Shen Rang sighed, "If only it was the wonder of love~"

Xin Yin: "???"

"Xin Yin, you can tell Jiang Cha later that I have something to go out at noon, so I won't eat with her."

"Okay, I will go now."

After that, Xin Yin turned around and left.

"Eh!" Shen Rang called to him, "Wait, you will go with me at noon."

"where to?"

"Tianyu High School."

Jiang Cha was surprised when he received Xin Yin's news. This person would not eat if he didn't eat. Why didn't he tell him? Or just send her a message?

The relationship between Jiang Cha and Shen Rang has become too much better. If this is left in the past, Xin Yin can only get an "en". Now there is not only an "en", but also Vice President Jiang's concern.

"Where is Shen Rang going? Is it work?" Jiang Cha thought for a while, "I remember that I didn't want to visit today..."

Xin Yin/He said in his heart, thinking that Mr. Shen was going to see the Jiang family's twins, and he definitely couldn't let Vice President Jiang know.

Xin Yin turned in her heart, "If Vice President Jiang wants to know, why not just ask President Shen?"

"I'm not going." Jiang Cha smiled, "Just ask, you go back and tell Shen Rang, I'm going to find Zhang Yirui at noon."


Xin Yin and Shen Rang reported on the situation, and they went to arrange to go to Tianyu High School at noon.

Tianyu High School in this city can only be regarded as a middle school. In fact, according to Jiang Yao’s grades, he can go to a top school, but there is no way. One is because the family can’t afford it, and the other is Jiang. Zong.

Jiang Zong has been a **** since junior high school.

Not to mention that his academic performance is not good, that is, his studies are good, and no school is willing to accept such thorns.

After all, good students can be found, and students who are always troublesome also have a great impact on the reputation of the school.

At the time when Jiang Yao's results came out, many schools gave it an olive branch. His beautiful files allowed the admissions school to waive all fees, and scholarship subsidies were provided every year.

But Jiang Qiulin did not allow Jiang Yao to go to a good school.

He was afraid that there would be a second Jiangcha in the house.

Even if he doesn't like Jiang Yao anymore, this is his Jiang family's seed, his son Jiang Qiulin.

Therefore, Jiang Qiulin tied Jiang Yao and Jiang Zong, and wanted to recruit Jiang Yao into the school, he had to bring Jiang Zong, even if... it was a third-rate school.

His request can be said to be very, very, very unreasonable, and many schools left with regret after hearing this.

Jiang Yao had lived in the shadow of Jiang Qiulin and Jiang Zong since he was a child. He wanted to resist, but he didn't have the energy and body.

Later, Tianyu High School came to the door and agreed to take Jiang Yao with Jiang Zong.

In this way, Jiang Zong had a high school to continue mixing.

Shen Rang arrives at the gate of Tianyu High School at 11:20. There is no rule that private cars are not allowed to enter. There are still some snack carts selling at the school gate, and there are also small vendors selling things.

Shen Rang's car parked here is really too conspicuous.

Even if you don't know his car, as long as you see the shiny little golden man in front of the car, everyone knows that this car is expensive.

While sitting in the car waiting, Shen Rang was watching the kindergarten surveillance video.

It's lunch time, the children are lining up to wash their hands.

Shen Rang saw his son at a glance, so cute and well-behaved, he really liked it.

But well...

"Heh~" Shen Rang chuckled. His son is so funny. Whether it is a boy or a girl, the other children always walk together holding hands. Only his son has both hands in his pockets. Walking on his own.

Oh, it's not right.

Behind him followed a little girl who was holding the corner of his clothes.

Shen Rang remembered that he was his son's little deskmate, Su Jingjing.

"Knock—" Xin Yin tapped Shen Rang's glass lightly.

Shen Rang lowered the car window and Xin Yin said, "President Shen, I saw Jiang Yao, and he will come out soon."

"Well, go and bring him here."


At this time, it was the lunch break for the students. When almost every student came out, they would set their eyes on Shen Rang's car.

Shen let the car windows half down, and he was handsome again, he looked like the kind of rich man.

Xin Yin's eyes were always on Jiang Yao, and when Jiang Yao came out of the door, Xin Yin greeted him.

Jiang Yao frowned and looked bad. Jiang Zong came over to take away his lunch expenses for the week when he was in between classes.

His money is not as much as Jiang Zong's. It is only Monday today. How should he spend these few days?


Jiang Yaogang sighed and ran into someone in front of him.

Jiang Yao subconsciously apologized, "Sorry, I didn't look at the way."

"Master Jiang Yao." Xin Yin yelled, "Sorry to disturb you. Our general manager wants to meet you and talk about something."

"Me?" Jiang Yao tilted his head to look at Shen Rang's direction, "Brother, did you find the wrong person?"

Xin Yin smiled, "Yes, it's you, Master Jiang Yao."

Jiang Yao waved his hands again and again, "Brother, don't call me Young Master, I'm just an ordinary student."

Xin Yin still smiled, "Is it okay to trouble Young Master Jiang with me first? After all, we are standing here and affecting other students in and out."

When Jiang Yao thought about it, there was nothing wrong with it. Although he didn't know him, he could lie to him if he drove such an expensive car...what could he lie to? After all, he doesn't even have the money to eat at noon now.

Jiang Yao pulled out a bitter smile, "Okay."

"this way please."

Xin Yin took Jiang Yao over, "President Shen, Master Jiang Yao is here."

Shen Rang looked at Jiang Yao, "Get in the car."


Shen Rang smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I will definitely send you back before class in the afternoon."

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Jiang Yao pursed his lower lip, "Sir, I don't know you."

"Do you remember Jiang Cha?" Shen let his voice soften, "If you remember, you will get in the car."

"Sister..." Jiang Yao was startled and whispered softly, "Is it... sister?"

Shen Rangen said, "So, do you want to talk?"

Jiang Yao nodded, and this time he got in the car without any hesitation.

Xin Yin got into the driving seat, and then drove away.

When the car had been a little farther away, Jiang Yao's classmates "wow", "Which big company is the **** company that looks at Jinci?"

Jiang Yao sat beside Shen Rang very restrained.

Let alone such an expensive car, he rarely even rides on the bus.

Jiang Yao was worried that he had soiled Shen Rang's car, and his body was tight from the moment he got in the car, keeping a posture without moving.

Shen Rang sensed his discomfort, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Yao just wanted to say that he didn't have one, so his stomach groaned and rang.

Jiang Yao blushed.

"Xin Yin." Shen Rang ordered, "Go to the nearest restaurant."

"Okay, President Shen."

"Thank you." Jiang Yao thanked in a small voice.

For some reason, even if he is usually hungry, no matter who sees or hears, he will not feel embarrassed, but today, he feels very embarrassed.

Probably... because this Mr. Shen mentioned his sister.

The restaurant arrived soon, Xin Yin went to book a private room first, and Shen Rang led Jiang Yao behind.

Jiang Yao knew this restaurant was expensive. He had never been to this restaurant before, but Jiang Zong once showed off that he had eaten with him.

"President Shen, the private room is on the second floor."


After entering the private room, a waiter brought two recipes.

Shen Rang handed Jiang Yao a portion, "Order your own food, you are welcome."

"No, no need." Jiang Yao waved his hand again and again, "I can eat anything."

Shen Rang nodded, turning over the recipe, and said, "I remember you are not in good health, should you avoid the spicy ones?"

Jiang Yao was shocked, Mr. Shen actually knew that he was not in good health?

Shen Rang ordered a few dishes and asked the waiter to serve them first.

Then Shen Rang turned his head and said a few words to Xin Yin. Xin Yin nodded and went out.

The private room door was closed, and Shen Rang leaned back in his chair, looking at Jiang Yao on the opposite side with a smile, "I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Shen Rang, working in Jiasheng."

"Ah, ah, hello Mr. Shen, I am Jiang Yao, the second year of Tianyu High School." Jiang Yao stood up and bowed to Shen Rang.

Shen Rang laughed, "Don't be nervous, I am looking for you today, I want to ask you something."

"You say."

"Do you remember Jiang Cha?"

"I remember, it was my sister, but... I haven't seen her for many years, and I don't even remember her appearance." Jiang Yao was a little frustrated, "There is no news at all...I can't find out. ."

Shen Rang nodded, "Well, you really can't do anything, can you tell me why you still remember her?"

"Why?" Jiang Yao was taken aback, "I remember my sister, do I still need a reason?"

Shen Rang was stunned when he heard this, but then he laughed, "Indeed, I was the one who made a mistake, sorry."

"Mr. Shen, do you know my sister?" Jiang Yao was a little anxious, "Where is my sister? How is she doing now? Is she healthy? My sister should be 26. I don't know if there is a boyfriend.. ."

"Puff!" Shen Rang was surprised by his words, "Why do you even think of a boyfriend?"

"Ah..." Jiang Yao's face flushed again, "It's just... I've heard a lot, neighbors around the house, and sisters who are about the same age are all being urged to marry or something."

Shen Rang had been observing Jiang Yao secretly. As Xin Yin investigated, Jiang Yao was not very good, both in character and character, and he was a good boy.

Xin Yin called Jiang Yao "Young Master", one is because he is Jiang Cha's younger brother, and the other is because of his kindness.

"Your sister is married, has a very good husband, and a lovely son."

Jiang Yao smiled, "This way, that's good."

Shen Rang raised his brows, "Aren't you afraid that I lie to you?"

"I have nothing to be deceived." Jiang Yao shrugged. "You have also seen it. I am in poor health and poor at home. Apart from studying, it seems that there is nothing worth being deceived."

"Jiang Yao." Shen Rang pushed the portfolio that he had been holding in front of Jiang Yao, "Let's take a look, and then give me an explanation."

Jiang Yao was puzzled. He opened the portfolio and saw some information about the text message inside. Jiang Yao was shocked and quickly explained, "No, I didn't send this, I haven't done it!"

Jiang Yao stood up excitedly, "Mr. Shen! This is really not what I did. Since you can find out that it is my mobile phone number, you can definitely find out if it was from me."

Jiang Yao took the phone out of his school uniform pants pocket and put it in front of Shen Rang, "This is my phone, just take it, I...cough...cough cough cough cough."

"Don't get excited." Shen Rang calmed him, "I know you didn't do it, but who else can get your cell phone besides you?"

Jiang Yao sat down again, "You have investigated, and you should know the condition of my family."


"My phone...anyone can get it..." Jiang Yao lightly shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"Where are you at this time? Where is the phone?"

Jiang Yao thought about it carefully, "By the way, at home, I had an exam that day, and my phone was left at home."

"Okay." Shen Rang knew it.


Xin Yin knocked on the door and then came in, "Mr. Shen, is it possible to serve food?"

"Serve." Shen Rang smiled, "Jiang Yao has been hungry for a long time."

"Okay, President Shen."

The waiter came in to serve the food, and then backed out after a few minutes.

Shen Rang called Xin Yin to sit together, "Jiang Yao, eat more, don't be restrained."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Shen."

I don't know if it was because of Jiang Yao's eye-shunting, Shen Rang unexpectedly felt that Jiang Yao and Shen Zhi's eyebrows were somewhat similar.

What is this called?

Nephew is like an uncle? ? ?

Shen Rang choked, but he was like Jiang Yao instead of Jiang Zong...........

After dinner, Shen Rang and Jiang Yao talked a few more words, and seeing that the time was almost up, they were going to send him back to school.

Jiang Yao was not restrained when he first arrived in the car this time.

But when he opened the rear door and saw half of the seat, he was still stunned.

Shen Rang sat in the co-pilot, "Go up."

Jiang Yaodao, "Mr. Shen..."

"It's for you."


"Don't be too busy to refuse." Shen Rang smiled, "When we met for the first time, I always wanted to prepare some gifts for you. I wanted to give you red envelopes. But think about the people in your family. School, don’t take it home, you know?"

Jiang Yao nodded, his eyes blurred, "I, I know, thank you Mr. Shen."

"You don't have to be polite." Shen Rang smiled, "After all, I am your brother-in-law, if I should take care of you."

Jiang Yao was shocked again, "Sister, brother-in-law?"

"Get in the car first and tell you on the road."


Shen Rang briefly talked about Jiang Cha. Jiang Yao listened carefully, wishing he didn't want to listen to a single word.

The journey will eventually end, and Shen Rang also sends Jiang Yao back to the school.

Jiang Yao got off the car.

Xin Yin got off the car and helped Jiang Yao to get the things in.

"Mr. Shen."

"Don't you call me brother-in-law?"

"No." Jiang Yao shook his head. "If you are heard by your family, it will cause you trouble."

Shen Rang said, "Do you have any arrangements for the twenty-ninth of the end of the month?"

"Sunday, there should be nothing wrong."

"The time that day is free, I will ask Xin Yin to come and pick you up."

"What's matter?"

"Secret." Shen Rang waved his hand to him. "It's boring to say it early."

Jiang Yao agreed, "Okay, I will definitely go."

"go in."

"Goodbye, Mr. Shen."

"Well, see you next time."

Xin Yin left five hundred yuan at the doorman as a service fee for Jiang Yao to store things here.

Jiang Yao watched Shen Rang's car leave in the guard room of the school, and finally dared to tap and wipe his eyes.

The uncle doorman knew Jiang Yao, "Xiao Yao, who is this? Why do you get so many things for you?"

Jiang Yao said, "A good person, thinks..."

"I see, do you want to sign you to work in their company in advance? One of the students in the first two terms was that he went to work in a big company after graduating from high school. Whoops, Xiaoyao is too good."

Jiang Yaoen said perfunctorily.

The uncle is pretty good, and he has even thought out the reasons.

Jiang Yao bowed to the door guard uncle, "Excuse me, please help me collect things, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

"It's okay." The doorman waved his hand. "Just keep it here. If you use it, come and get it. Besides, the buddy just now left me five hundred yuan."

"Thank you, then I will go back first."

"go Go."

Jiang Yao came out of the guard room with his hands in his pockets and his right hand tightly holding the phone.

Although Jiang Yao was robbed of the money by Jiang Zong today, he was in a good mood because he had news of his sister, met his brother-in-law, and could meet again next time.

Maybe... next time he can see his sister!

Thinking about it, Jiang Yao jumped up and took two small steps.

"Eh, Jiang Zong, isn't that your brother? Why is he so happy?"

Jiang Zong and a group of friends just walked in from the school gate.

The speaker was the one who went with Jiang Zong to grab Jiang Yao's money at noon, "He doesn't even have the money, can he be so happy?"

Jiang Zong was also looking at Jiang Yao, "What is he happy about... let's go and see"

The author has something to say: Hey~ I'll go to work again tomorrow~

Jiang Yao is a good drop ~ well-behaved blue child paper ~ will be a very loving little Zhidi, uncle~

When the relationship between Shen Rang and Jiang Cha gets better and better, my little knowledge will depend on my uncle~ 嘤~ do you want to be my aunt?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-1318:00:00~2020-03-1418:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who cast landmines: 2 candy papers; 39434663, 1 extreme;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 381262866 bottles; Orange Huaibei, 394346635 bottles; 3 bottles of Harmony; Longing, summer mousse, 1 bottle of Sharon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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