After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 31: 30:

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Shen Rang glanced at Jiang Cha, "Ah, this matter has to be discussed with your mother."

Shen Zhi said "Oh", "That's right, dad also listens to mom, right?"

Shen Rang felt a little bit embarrassed. He rubbed Shen Zhi's head, "Xiao Zhi likes my sister?"

"En." Shen Zhi nodded and said with a smile, "If Xiaozhi has a younger sister, she will definitely protect her. You can play with her sister if she has something delicious, and Xiaozhi will give it to her sister if she has something delicious."

"But, in case your sister who likes to eat wants it and doesn't keep it for you, what do you do?" Shen Rang deliberately posed a problem for Shen Zhi.

However, Shen Zhi didn't even hesitate for a second. "If my sister likes it, give it to my sister~ Xiaozhi is the brother, and I want to take care of my sister."

"Awesome." Shen Zhi squeezed Shen Rang's face, "Okay, son, go wash your face and brush your teeth, and father and mother will talk a little longer."

"Okay~ Xiaozhi is going."

"Go ahead."

After Shen Zhi ran away, Shen Rang comforted Jiang Cha, "This matter is not in a hurry. I will let Jiang Yao get out of the sky on the 29th. There is still nearly half a month before the end of the month. Think about it again, don't There is too much pressure."

"Okay." Jiang Cha got up, "Then I will go back to rest first, and you should go to bed earlier."


Jiang Cha had a dream at night, dreaming of something about her childhood, and dreaming of the thin and small Jiang Yao calling her sister in a low voice, but at that time, she actually had a deep resentment towards the twins, so she didn't like to get along with them very much.

Every time Jiang Yao got something, he would secretly send it to her.

But she...because she didn't like it, she always coldly refused Jiang Yao.


Why didn't Jiang Yao hate her?

Why does Jiang Yao remember her after nearly ten years?

The result of not sleeping well at night is that Jiang Cha got dizzy in the morning.

Shen Rang asked her to rest at home and stop going to the company today.

Jiang Cha refused, it is easier to think randomly at home, it is better to go to the company.

Shen Rang followed Jiang Cha.

The two took Shen Zhi to the kindergarten first, and then drove to the company.

Shen Rang asked Bai Fei to pay more attention to Jiangcha during the day and tell him what the situation might be.

Bai Fei should be good.

Jiang Yao's whole body hurts when he wakes up in the morning, especially the part of his back that hit the wall yesterday, and it hurts him not to stand upright.

At breakfast, because Jiang Yao's face was not so good, Jiang Qiulin had another temper, saying that he had seen a bad face early in the morning.

Jiang Zong looked at him coldly, swearing at Jiang Yao not knowing what's good or bad.

Jiang Yao thought he hadn't heard, eating breakfast quietly.

Even if he doesn't have any appetite, he has to swallow. This week, he has no money for lunch. He eats more in the morning. In the afternoon, he goes to the guard room to get a little tonic given to him by Mr. Shen. It should be able to make it through.

"Jiang Yao." Jiang Qiulin took a bite of the steamed bun. "When you arrive at school in a while, you can tell the principal that you will not pursue Xiaozong's affairs."

Jiang Yao was taking a meal with the porridge, raising his eyes to look at Jiang Qiulin.

"What do you look at." Jiang Qiulin looked unhappy, "Xiaozong is your brother, can you really watch his record on the file?"

"Then what about me." Jiang Yao said in a very flat tone, "I was injured yesterday, was it in vain?"

"It's normal for the two brothers to play and bump into each other, especially when your body is weak since childhood. How can you blame Xiaozong?" Jiang Qiulin winked at Yu Qin.

Yu Qin pursed her lips and said, "Xiao Yao, they are all a family. Last night, your dad said that your brother also said that he won't do anything with you anymore."

Jiang Yao put the spoon in the bowl, got up and picked up the schoolbag, "I'm full, let's go."

"Xiao Yao!"

"Jiang Yao!"

Jiang Yao stopped and looked back at Jiang Zong, "Don't you want to reconcile? You are not leaving?"

"Xiao Zong, go quickly." Jiang Qiulin raised his eyebrows and pushed Jiang Zong a hand.

Jiang Zong got up unwillingly, "I haven't eaten enough yet."

Jiang Qiulin stuffed the two bean buns into Jiang Zong's hands, "Hurry up, eat on the road, and talk about it when I get to school, have you heard?"

"I heard it, I'm so annoyed."

Regardless of whether Jiang Zong had followed or not, Jiang Yao lowered his eyes slightly, seeming to think deeply.

Jiang Zong came over, looked at Jiang Yao's dying, and laughed, "Aren't you unwilling to reconcile? Why? Want to leave? Know that you can't live without your dad, right?"

"Jiang Zong." Jiang Yao still looked down at the ground, "Do you know? Every time I see your ignorant look, I really want to laugh."

Jiang Zong sank, "Jiang Yao."

Jiang Yao sneered, idiot.

Jiang Zong wanted to do it, but he estimated that what his father said to him last night.

Jiang Zong thought, after this matter is handled, he must make Jiang Yao look good, and next time, he will do it more obscurely.

As soon as Jiang Yao entered the gate of the school, he was called by the director who was waiting at the school gate, and the principal looked for him.

It happened that Jiang Zong was there, so let him go with him.

Jiang Zong secretly threatened Jiang Yao with his eyes.

Jiang Yao ignored it.

When he arrived at the principal's office, Jiang Zong didn't get permission and could only stand outside, while Jiang Yao went in with the director.

For about twenty minutes or so, when Jiang Zong was about to get angry while standing outside the door, the director opened the door and let him in.

Jiang Yao still looks like that, standing on the side with neither good nor bad.

The principal said, "Jiang Zong, do you know what's wrong?"

"I--" Jiang Zong thought about Jiang Qiulin's words and nodded, "Well, I was wrong, I shouldn't reach out and drag him."

Jiang Zong couldn't see any regret at all in his looks or actions.

The principal is not surprised, he has seen too many students who have never repented, not less than this one and a half.

The principal said, "Jiang Zong, although our Tianyu High School is not a top school, it still has requirements. You can still come to our school for your grades. You know why."

Jiang Zong said perfunctorily and pointed at Jiang Yao, "Because of him."

"Yes, it's because of Jiang Yao." When the principal's eyes fell on Jiang Yao, he was particularly gentle. "Jiang Yao is a good boy. It can also be said that he made a lot of sacrifices to get you to Tianyu High School. "

"So what?" Jiang Zong took it for granted, "This is what he should do."

The principal and director heard it.

The smile on the principal's face did not change, "The school has discussed the matter about you hit Jiang Yao in the teaching building yesterday."


"The school has decided to dismiss you."

"Oh -" Jiang Zongmeng looked at the principal, "What did you say?"

The principal said, "Persuade to leave."

"Dare you guys!" Jiang Zong still remembers what Jiang Qiulin said to him. Jiang Yao will never want to leave him in his life. No matter where Jiang Yao goes to study or where to work, Jiang Yao must take him and support him.

Jiang Zong clenched his hands into fists, and looked at Jiang Yao with a vicious look, "You! Dare!"

Jiang Yao looked indifferent, "Well, I dare."

"You are not afraid of Dad--"

"What am I afraid of?" Jiang Yao didn't care at all, "Did he dare to kill me? Since childhood, have I received less threats? Jiang Zong, if I don't resist, it doesn't mean I don't. I don't care doesn't mean I'm a fool. ."

Jiang Zong gritted his teeth, looking like he couldn't wait to bite Jiang Yao off a piece of meat.

"Jiang Yao, you go out first, I'll contact the parents."

Jiang Yao bowed, "Thank you, the principal, I'm going to class first."

"Jiang Yao!!!"

"Jiang Zong! Stop." The principal sternly scolded, "Call your parents, you call yourself, and call people over."

Until this moment, Jiang Zong finally had that little fear.

Jiang Qiulin arrived very quickly, he didn't even ride a motorcycle, but directly took a taxi.

Jiang Qiulin got out of the taxi and walked into the campus angrily, still carrying a double-folded belt in his right hand.

"Jiang Yao! Jiang Yao! Get out of me!"

The silence on the campus was instantly broken by Jiang Qiulin. Jiang Qiulin kicked the door of Jiang Yao's class, glanced at Jiang Yao's location, and rushed in.

"This parent, you are in class now, please go out." Seeing that his condition is not right, the teacher got off the stage and stopped him.

"Get out!" Jiang Qiulin pushed away from the teacher, and the arm holding the belt pointed at Jiang Yao, "Get out, get out of here, little bunny!"

Jiang Yao got up.

The same table grabbed him, "Jiang Yao don't go! Your father is crazy. Didn't you see him going to beat you?"


"Don't go to Jiang Yao!"

"Uncle Jiang, it is Jiang Yao who is obviously being bullied, so why are you hitting him!"

"You beat the child, you are domestic violence, I, I called the police!"

"Call the police?" Jiang Qiulin's eyes were red, "You report! Believe it or not, before the police come, I will kill you first!"

The classmates who spoke for Jiang Yao were shocked by Jiang Qiulin's crazy appearance.

Jiang Yao didn't want to hurt others, "Put down your belt and I will take you to the principal's office."

Jiang Yao thanked his classmates and walked out.

His back was very straight, and when he crossed Jiang Qiulin, he didn't give him a trace of light.

Seeing that Jiang Yao dared to ignore him, Jiang Qiulin raised his hand and pulled the belt on Jiang Yao's back.

The "pop" is the sound of the belt being pulled to the skin.

Jiang Yao snorted, bit his lip, and swallowed the pain back.

Jiang Qiulin's belt happened to hit the place where Jiang Yao was injured yesterday.


The classmates were all stunned. They knew from the time they knew Jiang Yao that Jiang Yao's father was not good to him, but they never thought that a father could do such a cruel hand to his son!

Jiang Yao walked out quickly, "Teacher, you can continue to class."

How can the teacher continue the class? After asking for self-study first, he followed.

The only person Jiang Qiulin wanted to find was Jiang Yao. Since Jiang Yao is no longer here, he will naturally follow.

In the principal's room, Jiang Zong leaned against the wall, clutching his hair with both hands, feeling at a loss.

The moment Jiang Qiulin came in, Jiang Zong seemed to have found his trust, "Dad!!! Jiang Yao, Jiang Yao hurt me!"

Jiang Qiulin patted Jiang Zong, "Don't worry, Dad is here."

Jiang Qiulin calmed Jiang Zong with a few words, and then sat down on the chair opposite the principal, "I said to the school that at the beginning, Jiang Yao came here to study, Jiang Zong must follow."

"But the school didn't agree with you that your son can escape punishment if he makes a mistake."

"Your words don't count."

The principal smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, what if your words don’t count? We were reluctant to let Jiang Zong enter the school because we were reluctant to let Jiang Yao, a good seedling. Now you don’t want Jiang Zong to drop out, what do you want? Sue us? Do you have an agreement? You Don't forget, Jiang Yao took Jiang Zong into the school. This is our private verbal agreement."

Jiang Qiulin can't go around these twists and turns, "You don't want Jiang Zong, Jiang Yao has to drop out of school like that!"

The principal looked at Jiang Yao, "Did you drop out?"

Jiang Yao shook his head, "Don't retreat."

"I'm his dad, and if I quit school, I will quit!"

"Unreasonably making trouble."

Jiang Qiulin stood up, kicked off the chair, and sat down on the ground, "Either drop out or stay together, otherwise, I won't leave today."

"You are a rascal!"

"I won't go anyway."

The principal, the director, and the teachers all took turns, and Jiang Qiulin was like a rogue who wouldn't walk even if he sat on the floor.

The director said, "Jiang Yao, you go back first, let's deal with it here, you--"

Jiang Yao didn't wait for the director to finish, so he bowed to the people in the house and ran out.

"Jiang Yao! Jiang Yao!" The director chased out and shouted twice.

The principal sighed, "Don't chase, let Jiang Yao calm down."

With such a father on the stand, Jiang Yao has really lost the blood mold for eight lifetimes!

Jiang Yao told the guardian that something was going on, so he ran out.

The doorman believed Jiang Yao, and shouted to make him pay attention to safety.

When Jiang Yao took a taxi and got off at Jiasheng, he remembered that he had no money.

"Uncle, can you wait for me here for a while? I have to go back later."

The driver is a good person, and his face is not so good when he sees him, "Little classmate, are you feeling ill? Should I take you to the hospital?"

"It's okay, thank you uncle, I will be out really soon."

"It's all right, I'll wait for you."

After Jiang Yao entered the revolving door of Jiasheng, he instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the lobby.

His immature appearance in school uniform is too conspicuous.

Jiang Yao stood at the door and took a look, then walked to the front desk.

The front desk did not neglect him because he is a student, "Hello classmate, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Yao hesitated.

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When the front desk asked him at this moment, he felt that he was too impulsive.

He and Mr. Shen only met once. Why did he feel that Mr. Shen could help him when he was in the principal's office?

Jiang Yao raised his hand and knocked on his head.


"I..." Jiang Yao couldn't open his mouth.

The front desk asked, "Classmate, are you here to find someone? Do you know what position in which department is the person you are looking for? I can make a call for you and let someone come down to pick you up."

Jiang Yao pursed his lips, "I don't know which department it is, I know he is the manager."

"Manager?" The front desk smiled, "What's the name?"

"Shen, Shen let Mr. Shen." Jiang Yao lowered his voice, "Excuse me, please contact Mr. Shen Rangshen or Mr. Xin Yinxin for me."

Are you looking for Manager Shen or Assistant Xin?

The front desk wondered whether it was President Shen or a relative of Assistant Xin? But listen to his title, it doesn't seem to be.

The front desk thought for a while, and said to Jiang Yao, "I can't help you find Manager Shen, can I contact Assistant Xin for you?"

"Well, thank you sister."

The front desk pressed the internal number of the secretary's room, "By the way, what's your name, classmate?"

"Jiang Yao."

"Okay." The phone has been connected, and the front desk said, "Hello, this is the reception on the first floor, is Assistant Xin here? There is a classmate Jiang Yao waiting for him."

This call happened to be received by Bai Fei, and Bai Fei asked the front desk to wait for a while before going to Xin Yin.

Coincidentally, Xin Yin just came out of Shen Rang's office.

"Assistant Xin, someone is looking for you on the first floor."

"Look for me?" Xin Yin answered the phone, "I'm Xin Yin."

The front desk voice was sweet, "Hello Assistant Xin, here is a classmate Jiang Yao who wants to find you, how can I arrange for him?"

Jiang Yao? ? ?

Xin Yin didn't dare to be careless, and asked the front desk, "Send the person directly to the 23rd floor."


The front desk hung up, and after talking to another colleague, "Classmate, I'll take you up, the twenty-third floor."

"Thank you sister."

The front desk is really curious. She has been in Jiasheng for almost three years, and she has never heard of anyone with such a big relative at home.

The more the elevator went up, the more Jiang Yao hesitated.

Does Mr. Shen think he is too troublesome? Maybe what Mr. Shen said about calling him is just a polite remark? He ran over so impulsively, would it affect the relationship between him and his sister? He was really out of breath.

Jiang Yao's various thoughts intertwined in his heart, it was a mess.

Ding-the twenty-third floor is here.

Xin Yin was already waiting at the elevator entrance.

The front desk greeted Xin Yin, "Hello, Assistant Xin."

"Thanks." Xin Yin turned sideways, "Master Jiang Yao, Mr. Shen is already waiting for you."

"Ah...thank you."

Master? The front desk was surprised, the real person didn't show his face, he was still a young master?

Just as Jiang Yao was about to go with Xin Yin, his face suddenly blushed, "Mr. Xin, can I... borrow fifty yuan from you?"

"Borrow money?" Xin Yin was taken aback, "I don't have cash with me. Master Jiang Yao needs it in a hurry? I'll ask if anyone else has it."

"No..." Jiang Yao said, "I came out in a hurry, didn't bring money, downstairs... the taxi is still waiting for me, I..."

Xin Yin got it.

"Xiao Zheng." Xin Yin yelled and sent Jiang Yao to the front desk, "Go downstairs and settle the fare, and then ask me for reimbursement in the afternoon."

"Okay, Assistant Xin, I will go now."

Xiao Zheng immediately returned to the elevator and then went downstairs.

Suddenly a visitor came on the twenty-third floor, another young master, whose surname was Jiang.

In view of the lessons learned from Young Master Shen last time, they reasonably suspect that this Young Master Jiang is a relative of Vice President Jiang.

Xin Yin opened the door for Jiang Yao, "Come in."


The first time Jiang Yao entered, he saw Shen Rang.

His office is very large. Perhaps because of the decoration, he felt a sense of oppression when he walked in. This made Jiang Yao even more ashamed of his behavior.

Shen Rang looked up and saw Jiang Yao smile, "Xiao Yao is here, come and sit down."

Jiang Yao red eyes.

Jiang Yao sat opposite Shen Rang in an upright posture.

"Drink some tea, tell me something, don't hold it by yourself."


Jiang Yao took the cup to his lips and sipped it. By lowering his head to drink tea, Jiang Yao lowered his eyes to block his red eyes.

Shen Rang gave him time to calm him down.

The Jiang Yao he learned was not a child who was impulsive and reckless.

When I ran out to find him during class time, I must have encountered a very difficult problem.

The only thing Shen Rang could think of was his father Jiang Qiulin.

Jiang Yao didn't dare to delay too long, and forced himself to adjust his emotions in less than five minutes.

"Mr. Shen, please help me."

Shen Rang was taken aback, but he actually used the word beg?

"What happened?"

Jiang Yao pursed his lips, stood up and turned his back to Shen Rang, took off his school uniform and the shirt inside.

Shen Rang and Xin Yin saw the injury on his back at the same time.

Jiang Yao's body is already thin and weak. At this time, his back is blue and purple, which is obviously a trace of being beaten. There is also a scar from the right shoulder to the left waist, which is even more faintly bleeding. .

Only for a moment, Shen Rang thought of the reason, "Jiang Qiulin did it?"

"En." Jiang Yao said while putting on his clothes, "Yesterday...Jiang Zong beat me. I don't want to be kind. The school decided to persuade Jiang Zong to leave. My dad refused and wanted me to drop out of school along with him. "

"Yesterday?" Shen Rang frowned. He was fine when he sent Jiang Yao back yesterday, "Since something went wrong yesterday, why don't you call me?"

Jiang Yao clenched his hands into fists, "The phone... when Jiang Zong threw it on the wall, it broke."

"Deception too much." Shen Rang was really too angry.

Even if Jiang Yao is not Jiang Cha's younger brother, but someone else, he feels too hateful after hearing this.

"Where is Jiang Qiulin now? Still at school?"

"Well, I came here secretly."

"Okay, I found it for the province." Shen Rang sneered, "Xin Yin, prepare the car and go to Tianyu High School immediately. I really want to see Mr. Jiang now."

Xin Yin nodded, "I'm going now, President Shen, do you want to notify Vice President Jiang?"

elder sister? Jiang Yao panicked, is her sister here too?

Shen Rang hesitated for a moment, "No need, she is not suitable to come forward on this matter and let Lawyer Qin go with us."

"Okay, President Shen."

Shen Rang asked Jiang Yao when Xin Yin was going to prepare the car, and asked him directly, "Are you willing to leave Jiang's house?"

"Leave?" Jiang Yao was surprised, "Can I?"

"Tell me, do you want it or not."

Jiang Yao nodded, "Thinking."

"Okay." Shen Rang smiled, "I'll take care of it, don't worry, okay?"


Jiang Yao is feeling very complicated now, "Mr. Shen, you... why are you willing to help me?"

"If I say that I will help you because you are Jiang Cha's brother, it seems that it is not easy to convince you." Shen Rang chuckled and patted Jiang Yao on the shoulder, "I do have some goals, but you can rest assured. I will not harm you."

Jiang Yao nodded, he believed it.

After all, he really has nothing to be deceived.

"Mr. Shen, I will definitely study hard and grow up... I will definitely repay you."

Shen Rang smiled, "When you are seventeen, you must be seventeen. Don't have such a heavy psychological burden."

Shen Rang raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "It's almost done, let's go down."


As soon as Shen Rang took Jiang Yao into the elevator, Jiang Cha came out of his office to find Shen Rang.

"Vice President Jiang, President Shen is out." Bai Fei said, "Assistant Xin also went with him."

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Are you out this time?"

"Yes, there is an urgent matter temporarily."

Jiang Chaen said that he knew it, but Bai Fei probably didn't know the specific details. Ask him in the evening, and he said like a child that she doesn't care about him.

On the way, Jiang Yao told Lawyer Qin about his affairs and demands in accordance with Shen Rang's instructions.

Soon, the car arrived at Tianyu High School.

The guardian uncle saw the strange vehicle and quickly came out of the guard room, "You...Xiao Yao?"

Jiang Yao smiled at him, "Uncle, this is me... family member, come and help me deal with something."

"Hey, I remember, isn't this the guy who gave me the money yesterday?" Uncle the doorman was very enthusiastic, "Come on, you can go in after you make a note."

Xin Yin went to register, and Shen Rang took Jiang Yao inside.

Nearly two hours have passed since Jiang Yao's back and forth and the delay. As soon as they registered and entered the door, the school's lunch break bell rang.

Jiang Yao hesitated, "I don't know if he is still there."

"Take us to the principal's office first. It will always be your transfer issue. I will talk to the principal in person."

"Transferring?" Jiang Yao was surprised. He didn't propose to transfer.

Shen Rang smiled, "Jiang Yao, don't you want a better future? Since you can get rid of that kind of family, why not just leave? You are here, they can still disturb you, change the environment, you will be much easier ."

Jiang Yao's eyes blurred several times today.

He was really very grateful to Shen Rang. He knew that there must be a reason for Shen Rang to help him, but for the current Jiang Yao, no matter what Shen Rang asked, he would do it.

Just because...He is here in Shen Rang, and he feels care and warmth, which he has never had in the past seventeen years.

Shen Rang's group of people in suits and shoes shuttled among the students, which was very eye-catching.

Jiang Yao is a celebrity in the school. Most people know him, especially Jiang Yao's classmates, who dare not come over to say hello when they see him.

Jiang Yao had to deal with the bad things first, so he could only simply nod their heads and say hello.

"Why are the people around Jiang Yao familiar?"

"That person yesterday, the one who drove the luxury car and was waiting for Jiang Yao at the school gate!"

"What is the relationship between Jiang Yao and him? I think those people are very uncomfortable."

"Who knows? I look at their direction, maybe they are going to the principal's office, isn't Jiang Yao's father yet to leave?"

"My God! Haven't you left yet?"

"Don't mention it, all morning, I guess the principal's head is big."

"Oh, let's go, let's go to eat first."


Jiang Qiulin was still making trouble, and the principal and director were afraid that he might cause trouble, so they had guarded him all morning.

The director quietly proposed to call the police, but the principal refused. If the police car comes, it will definitely affect the school, and so on.

Jiang Qiulin was already hungry, "Principal, have you decided yet?"

"Mr. Jiang, I still said that, it's impossible."

"Okay, then continue to consume, anyway, I am a idler, staying wherever I stay."



The office door was knocked, and the principal shouted in a deep voice, "Enter."

Xin Yin opened the door and Shen Rang walked in.

The principal was taken aback, "How many are?"

Shen Rang glanced at Jiang Qiulin who was half-lying on the ground, curled his lips and smiled, "I am Jiang Yao's parent, to deal with Jiang Yao's transfer."

"Transfer, transfer?"

"You fart!" Jiang Qiulin got up from the ground and pointed to Shen Rang, "I'm his father, what kind of parent are you from!"

Xin Yin raised his hand to stop Jiang Qiulin, "Mr. Jiang, please respect yourself."

The author has something to say: Jiang Yao: Brother-in-law is so nice!

Xiaozhi and Uncle will meet tomorrow~ Hey, do you think Xiaozhi would like Uncle~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated my nutrient solution during 2020-03-1518:00:00~2020-03-1618:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Fat Orange Cat; 5 bottles of Yingxiu, Suizhinan; 39434663, 2 bottles of the chaser; A little baa, sitting in danger, time ~ passing ^ω^1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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