After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 41: 40:

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At six o'clock the next morning, Uncle Tan arrived at Shen's house.

Shen Rang invited Uncle Tan to have breakfast, and Uncle Tan waved his hand with a smile, "Thank you, Master, I have eaten it."

For the first time in his life, Jiang Yao has a dedicated driver to pick him up.

"Slow down, time is too late. Uncle Tan is very skilled and won't be late." Jiang Cha handed Jiang Yao's milk, "Beware of choking."

Uncle Tan agreed, "Yes, Master Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely send you to school in half an hour."

Both of them said so, Jiang Yao also slowed down a bit.

After breakfast, Jiang Yao carried his schoolbag, took the fruits prepared by Shangjiang Tea, and got into Uncle Tan's car.

On the way to the school, Jiang Yao received news from Ye Zhen.

"Ayao! I have already set off from home, have you gone from home? If you haven't left, I can go to you~"

Ye Zhen sent a voice, but Jiang Yao didn't expect it to be so loud when he turned on it.

Jiang Yao replied, "I'm already on the road, see you at school in a while."

"Okay, see you later, I'll be there in about ten minutes, I'll wait for you at the school gate."

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang Yao sighed lightly. It was really fortunate to know Ye Zhen. Yesterday, it was Ye Zhen who basically took him to school activities. He was familiar with the environment and also had lunch with Ye Zhen.

Jiang Yao bends his lips, it's great, everything is developing in a good direction.

"Master Jiang, is it news from your classmates?" Uncle Tan asked smoothly while waiting for the red light.

There is nothing to say, Jiang Yaoen said, "It's a classmate I just met. I only went through the transfer procedures last week. Yesterday was the first day."

"So that's the case." Uncle Tan smiled, "Master Jiang, your classmate has a hearty voice. It sounds like this should be a passionate person."

"Yeah, thanks to knowing him."

Uncle Tan started the car and sighed, "If my son is half obedient as Young Master Jiang, I will be content!"

Uncle Tan has not been in contact with a boy of Jiang Yao's age for a long time, so he can't help but think of his son Tan Yingjie.

When Tan Yingjie was in junior high school, Tan's mother died of illness.

Uncle Tan didn't look for it anymore, and he worked hard to make money and wanted to raise his son well.

But Tan Yingjie is a scumbag. He didn't finish high school, so he refused to go to school for anything.

Tan Yingjie didn’t want to fight with a group of friends all day long. Uncle Tan couldn’t control him. The father and son often quarreled for a long time. In the end, Uncle Tan gave up. He couldn’t force his son, so he would go as long as he didn’t break the law. It's okay not to do bad things in disorderly discipline.

I thought Tan Yingjie was just like this, but I didn't expect that just five years ago, Tan Yingjie suddenly changed sex, broke contact with all his friends, got a job as a driver, and drove with peace of mind to make money.

Uncle Tan was surprised and pleased.

At first he thought that Tan Yingjie was lying to him, but when Tan Yingjie was still doing the job after one or two years passed, Tan Shu believed that his son had really reformed.

The relationship between father and son has also improved a lot in the past two years.

Although Tan Yingjie still quarreled with him occasionally, it was not as fierce as before.

"If he could finish his studies well back then, he should be better now." Tan Shu smiled, "I'm sorry, Master Jiang, I shouldn't have told you this before. I am older and I always love it. Talk about these things before."

Jiang Yao shook his head, "It's okay, Uncle Tan."

To be honest, in Jiang Yao's view, Tan Yingjie, the son of Uncle Tan's mouth, is much better than Jiang Zong's memory.

Jiang Yao's car stopped in the parking lot.

The car door opened. Before Jiang Yao could wait, Ye Zhen probed in from the car door, smiling very brightly, "Hey! Ah Yao! Good morning."

"Morning." Jiang Yao handed an apple to Ye Zhen, and some to Uncle Tan. "Uncle Tan, I went to school. Thanks for your hard work."

Uncle Tan shook his head, "Master Jiang is polite, it's not hard, then I'll come back tonight, and I'll be waiting for you at this location. If you need a car halfway, you can call me. I won't leave here too far. "


Ye Zhen looked at Uncle Tan and asked Jiang Yao in a low voice, "Is your driver?"

Jiang Yaoen said, "This is Uncle Tan."

Ye Zhen waved his hand, "Hello Uncle Tan, we are going to be late for school, I will talk to you next time~"

"Oh, you two, hurry up."

"Hurry up, Ah Yao! Let's go!" Ye Zhen patted Jiang Yao on the shoulder and ran forward.

Jiang Yao smiled, and then chased after him.

Jiang Yao's life was gloomy for seventeen years, and he began to change when he met Jiang Cha and Shen Rang.

In the new environment, after meeting new classmates, Jiang Yao can finally run and laugh like an ordinary 17-year-old boy, looking for his own path in life.

Uncle Tan waited for Jiang Yao's figure to disappear before returning to the car and drove away.

After Uncle Tan's car left, the black car that had stopped at the same time as him lowered the window.

All the glass of the black car is covered with a special film, and the inside cannot be seen at all from the outside, including the front windshield, which is also pitch black.

As the car window lowered, Tan Yingjie's face gradually emerged.

Looking at the direction of Uncle Tan's departure, Tan Yingjie frowned.

He thought his father was driving for Shen Rang, but he didn't expect it to be for the kid from the Jiang family.


Tan Yingjie raised the window, and then drove to the villa area.

Fu Zhou was so emotional yesterday that he was weak this morning and suddenly developed a high fever.

When Tan Yingjie arrived, the doctor had just left.

"Master." Tan Yingjie walked into Fu Zhou's room, "How are you?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Fu Zhouban leaned against the bed, "Why did you come so early today?"

Tan Yingjie's expression was a bit tangled, "I have something to tell the young master."

"whats the matter?"

"You know, my dad has always been the driver of the Shen family, but because most of the Shen family's businesses are now handed over to Shen Rang, my dad basically retired and only looked for him when Dong Shen was in trouble. ."

Fu Zhouen said, "I know."

Tan Yingjie sighed, "Yesterday my dad was called by Shen Rang. Shen Rang... asked my dad to be the driver and was responsible for taking Jiang Yao back and forth to school."

"Jiang Yao??" Fu Zhou was surprised, "Is that son of Jiang Qiulin, Jiang Yao?"

"En." Tan Yingjie nodded, "I thought it was a little strange last night. I followed him out this morning until Yinyao's door. There was only Jiang Yao in the car. It seemed that this car was bought for Jiang Yao."

Fu Zhou sat up straight, "Hand me the phone."


Fu Zhou pressed the number and suddenly laughed before dialing out, "I didn't expect Jiang Cha to treat this Jiang Yao very well. This knot of bones can still get people into Yin Yao."

Tan Yingjie said nothing.

Fu Zhou's phone number has already been dialed, and the other party is quickly connected.

"How about getting Jiang Qiulin out of the detention center earlier?"

The other party replied, "It is in progress, and there is a small problem, I will solve it as soon as possible."

Fu Zhouen said, "Hurry up."


Fu Zhou hung up and looked at Tan Yingjie, "You said, after Jiang Qiulin came out, if he knew Jiang Yao's current life, what would he do?"

Tan Yingjie thought for a while, "Will you ask Jiang Yao for money?"

Fu Zhouxiao, "Jiang Qiulin is insatiable and has no bottom line. I think if he knows Jiang Yao's current living conditions, he will go to Jiang Yao for blackmail."


"Remember the last time I gave him Jiang Cha's contact information. He used Jiang Yao's mobile phone to contact Jiang Cha and was discovered by Shen Rang and found out what was on Jiang Yao's head?"

Tan Yingjie shook his head, "I didn't forget, but what does that matter?"

Fu Zhoudao, "If it hadn't been for Jiang Qiulin to use Jiang Yao's mobile phone to send messages, Jiang Cha would not have discovered that Jiang Yao had been so miserable and would take him away."

"Master meant that Jiang Qiulin regrets it?"

The smile in Fu Zhou's eyes deepened, "He will definitely regret why he didn't use Jiang Zong's mobile phone at the beginning."

Tan Yingjie frowned, "Jiang Zong looks like that... Jiang Cha can't be attracted to it, right."

"No, in Jiang Qiulin's eyes, Jiang Zong is 10,000 times better than Jiang Yao, so Jiang Qiulin will take it for granted that Jiang Yao's current good life is stealing Jiang Zong."

"That's true." Tan Yingjie also knew Jiang Qiulin, so he had no brains for Jiang Zong.

Fu Zhou lay down, "When Jiang Qiulin comes out, you'll know if I'm right."

Tan Yingjie helped Fu Zhou cover the quilt, "Master, you rest, I will go out first."

"Yingjie, you go to check Jiang Zong's current situation, and choose preparations that are in contrast to Jiang Yao. When Jiang Qiulin comes out, I must give him a gift."

"Yes, master."

Jiang Cha felt uneasy from the moment he arrived at the company, and his heart was beating faster.

"Vice President Jiang." Bai Fei knocked on the door and came in. "Zhang Yirui Manager Zhang is here."

"Let her in."


Not long after Bai Fei went out, Zhang Yirui opened the door and came in, "It is quite troublesome for me to see you now."

Jiang Cha laughed, "Aren't you the same way when you came before?"

Zhang Yirui was sitting on a chair opposite Jiang Cha's desk, with one hand resting on the table and supporting her chin, "Look at your state, I think you and Shen Rang's relationship has improved a lot."

Jiang Cha raised his eyebrows, "I don't think I have changed much, but why can you all see or hear our difference?"

"People? Who else?"

Jiang Cha said softly, "My father-in-law, calling Shen Rang also tells us that we are in a good relationship."

Zhang Yirui laughed loudly, "Isn't this normal? The authorities are fans, we onlookers can see clearly, you and Shen Rang, who used to be like friends, are now mimicking oil."

"Fuck you." Jiang Cha smiled, "You are talking nonsense."

"Yo-yo-yo, am I talking nonsense?" Zhang Yirui pointed to his face, "Can't you feel that your face is already hot?"

Jiang Cha subconsciously touched his face, "Is there?"

"Hahahahaha! Look, I'm talking nonsense, then what are you touching?"

Jiang Cha immediately put his hands down, "Ah...what are you doing?"

"I~" Zhang Yirui folded his arms, "I'm here to invite you to dinner."

"I have something at noon."

"I know, I have an appointment with Sister Li."

Jiang Cha chuckled, "Then you still come to me."

"I want to go with you!"

"You come with me?"

"Yes." Zhang Yirui said, "Last time you asked me about this, I kept remembering it. Just when I suddenly remembered it last night, I called Sister Li. Sister Li said you will Take it in the past."

Jiang Cha checked the time, "Then you have to wait for me for a while, I have a meeting with the planning department."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

Jiang Cha got up and dialed the inside line, "Bai Fei, notify the planning department to come up for a meeting."


Jiang Cha prepared the things for the meeting, "Let's go, you go to the hospitality area and wait for me."

"Sure, no problem."

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Jiang Cha and Zhang Yirui walked together.

Zhang Yirui suddenly asked, "How is your cheap brother?"

"Sent to Yinyao, it's not bad, he will catch up with the schoolwork himself."

"Yin Yao." Zhang Yirui thought for a while, "Yes, I hope he will not disappoint your kindness."

"He won't, this kid is different from the rest of the Jiang family."

Zhang Yirui teased Jiangcha, "Yes, yes, if you are like Jiang's family, how can you help him like this? But I think, your cheap brother is really like you."

Jiang Cha smiled, "If I left the Jiang family at the age of seventeen, it would really look like me."

Jiang Cha has already walked to the hospitality area with Zhang Yirui. She patted Zhang Yirui on the shoulder, "Wait for me here, I will do it as soon as possible."

"It's okay, don't worry."

Jiang Cha went to a meeting, Bai Fei brought desserts and scented tea to Zhang Yirui, "Manager Zhang, this is what Vice President Jiang asked me to prepare for you."

"Okay, thank you."

"Manager Zhang is polite."

Jiang Cha's so-called as soon as possible is to shorten the one-and-a-half hour meeting to forty minutes.

Even though her temperament seems to have changed a lot recently, in fact, as long as she sits on that chair, she is still the vice president Jiang who is tit-for-tat to Mr. Shen.

At half past ten, Jiang Cha called Zhang Yirui and set off for [Children's Heart].

Zhang Yirui didn't drive, he was in the Jiangcha cart, and he kept sending messages to Sister Li on the road, and the two had a lively chat.

Jiang Cha thought on a whim, "Yirui, do you want to get married?"

"Huh?" Zhang Yirui's cell phone was scared, "What are you talking about! I am married? How could it be possible! Is it because the money is not good to spend or the boyfriend is not easy to change?"

"Didn't you ask yourself? It's an anniversary and a bouquet, it's not like you at all."

Zhang Yirui blinked, "Is there? I usually like these things too?"


Zhang Yirui laughed, "Don’t be in love and look at everyone as if you are getting married. I won’t get married. Besides, I’m asking what’s wrong with the bouquet, so I want to make a bouquet with Sister Li and enjoy it at home. , Can't it? can't it? can't it?"

"Fine, of course." Jiang Cha said helplessly, "I just asked, you see, you are still in a hurry."

"Jiang Cha, don't lie to me!"

"Hahahaha! Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm still driving."

Zhang Yirui snorted softly, proudly tight.

If she hadn't been entrusted by others, she wouldn't have been so concerned about this kind of thing. With that time, she might as well go out shopping and spend money.

[Children's Heart] It's here.

Sister Li stood outside the store, waiting to pick them up.

Jiang Cha was embarrassed, "Sister Li, why are you still waiting for us outside?"

"I'm fine anyway."

Zhang Yirui held Jiang Cha in one hand and Sister Li in the other, "Walk around, go in and talk about it, I can't wait."

Jiang Cha and Sister Li looked at each other and laughed together.

Shen Zhi's birthday invitation card is not printed much, only 100 copies, and the number is still too much.

Sister Li took out three of them, one for each person, and the rest were in the gift box.

The invitation card is exquisite and feels particularly comfortable. The powder-blue background color is mixed with some gold powder. The surface of the invitation card is painted by Shen Zhi, and the lines are all outlined with gold powder, under the shining of light. twinkling.

The invitation card opens, and the bottom of the text has a birthday cake and a dark pattern of a small crown.

Jiang Cha is satisfied, "It's beautiful."

Sister Li smiled, "Just like it."

Zhang Yirui was reluctant to let go of the invitation card, "Jiang Cha, do you invite adults to your Xiaozhi's birthday party? I want to go too."

Jiang Cha couldn't laugh or cry, "Aren't you doing it for this invitation card?"

"Bingo! That's right." Zhang Yirui squeezed the invitation card with his fingertips, "I must prepare a big gift for Xiaozhi."

"Okay." Jiang Cha snatched Zhang Yirui's invitation card, "I can't give it to you first, we will write the invitation card together when Xiaozhi comes home in the evening."

Zhang Yirui sighed, "Your little Zhi will only write a few words. When he writes, the card hasn't been finished after his birthday."

Jiang Cha: "...... Don't worry, I will let Xiaozhi write your picture first."

"Hahahaha! Jiang Cha, you hate it."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Sister Li was amused by the two people, "Let's eat together at noon, I'll treat you."

Jiang Cha refused again and again, "How can this work, I should come to treat him."

Sister Li smiled and shook her head, "This is my house, I am the master, naturally I come to invite, no one is allowed to grab it, if you grab it, you won't pick up your business next time."

Jiang Cha and Zhang Yirui looked at each other, "Okay, don't grab it."

Sister Li went to change clothes.

Jiang Cha took a photo of the invitation card and sent them to Shen Rang and Jiang Yao respectively.

Jiang Yao probably didn't return in class, and Shen Rang returned quickly.

Shen Rang: [Not bad, even better than the renderings made that day. 】

Jiang Cha: [Yes, the dark lines on the renderings are not so obvious. 】

Shen Rang: [Very good, when will you come back, wife? 】

Jiang Cha: [I won't go back at noon, you can eat by yourself! 】

Shen Rang: [? ? ? Are you going to abandon your husband again? 】

Jiang Cha: [Let Xin Yin eat with you. 】

Shen Rang: [No, I want a wife [to finger.jpg]]

Jiang Cha: [.........]

Shen Rang: [Okay, then I will go to dinner with Xin Yin, wife, I need a mua! (*╯3╰). 】

Jiang Cha: [! ! ! 】

Who can tell her why Shen makes the current chat style more and more biased! ! !

He even used emoji? ? ?

Jiang Cha sighed, "I have discovered a new aspect of Shen Rang."

Zhang Yirui looked excited about listening to the gossip, and hurriedly asked, "What? What happened to Mr. Shen?"

"It's okay." Jiang Cha directly refused, "The husband and wife secret words, I can't tell you."

Zhang Yirui:? ? ?

Fuck, the Lifetime series, can you hear the word "husband and wife" from Jiang Chakou, is it going to rain red?

After Jiang Cha finished speaking, he felt wrong, as if he was too close?

Hmm...nothing either.

For lunch, under Zhang Yirui's strong request, the three went to eat hot pot together.

The tastes of the three people are actually the same, and what they ate is also a hit. The hot pot meal took nearly two hours before it broke up.

On the way back, Zhang Yirui slumped in the passenger seat, rubbing his belly in an unimaginative manner, "You have also eaten a lot, why don't you have a stomach at all?"

Jiang Cha glanced at her, "I was thinner than you."

Wow! Heartbreak!

Zhang Yirui was indignant, "Okay, you'd better not get fat for three months."

"Three months? Why?"

Zhang Yirui paused, "It's nothing, isn't it coming to summer? If you get fat, you won't be able to wear a beautiful dress."

Jiang Cha pursed her lips, then smiled and agreed, "You should worry about yourself, your face is a bit rounder than last month."

Zhang Yirui:........

She stopped talking!

Jiang Cha went to pick up Shen Zhi in the afternoon.

Shen Rang still has something to deal with, and he will go home later.

"Mom, Mom." Shen Zhi sat on the chair, dangling his feet, "Mom, Xiaopang talked to me today."

"Huh?" Jiang Cha opened the gift box containing the invitation card, "What did Lin Haoyu tell you?"

Shen Zhi covered his mouth with a small hand, and his smiling eyes turned into crescents, "Little Fatty said he also wants to come to Xiaozhi's birthday."

"Oh? How did you answer?"

Shen Zhi raised his head with a serious look, "Mom, Xiao Pang has to say sorry to Xiao Zhi, so Xiao Zhi can let him come."

Jiang Cha laughed, fingertips on Shen Zhi's eyebrows, "Then do you want Lin Haoyu to come?"

Shen Zhi pouted and murmured, "Anyway, he doesn't apologize to Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi will not let him come, hum."

"Okay~" Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi into her arms and handed him an invitation card. "Lin Haoyu did not do the right thing. Xiao Zhi is angry and doesn't want him to come. Mom doesn't force it, but Xiao Zhi, mom wants to give you one. I suggest that if Lin Haoyu apologizes to you, you shouldn’t worry about it all the time, okay?"

Shen Zhi nodded.


In fact, such a small child would not understand such words as wild children, and a four-year-old child who could deal with Shen Zhi so badly would probably only be remembered if he listened to an adult to say a lot.

Why is there such a name as a bear child? Isn't it because they have a bear parent?

Shen Zhi and Lin Haoyu couldn't talk about how much feud, Jiang Cha did not want Shen Zhi to always carry such negative emotions.

When Shen Rang came back, Jiang Cha told Shen Rang about Lin Haoyu.

Shen Rang's thoughts are similar to those of Jiang Cha. The children apologize, and it is better to play together happily.

Because of being chubby, Shen Zhi had nightmares at night, dreaming that Lin Haoyu had become a big monster and wanted to eat him, which scared Shen Zhi to wake up.

Until the morning when I went to kindergarten, Shen Zhi was still unhappy because of his dreams.

"Shen Zhi."

As soon as Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi out of the car, he heard someone call his name.

Shen Zhi looked over and found that it was Xiaopang.

Shen Zhi wanted to drill into Jiang Cha's arms, and when he saw Xiaopang, he remembered that Xiaopang wanted to eat his dream.

"Shen Zhi." Xiaopang ran over with his schoolbag on his back, "Hello Auntie."


Xiaopang tugged Shen Zhi's clothes, with a little strength, Shen Zhi whimpered, "Mom..."

"It's okay little knowledge."

Lin Haoyu scratched his head, his face was red, "Shen, Shen Zhi, I'm sorry!"

Shen Zhi:? ? ?

The author has something to say: Oh~~~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-2518:00:00~2020-03-2618:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Mengjun; 3 bottles of I don’t want to take online lessons; 2 bottles of Xiaowenwen and Pengpeng; 1 bottle of 31527581, Ah Xiaobai, Long Road;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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