After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 5: 4:

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With a shy blush, the son looked at her brightly as if there were stars in his eyes.

Can Jiang Cha refuse?

can not.

"Shen Rang, let's talk about these things tomorrow, I will sleep with Xiaozhi today."

Shen Rang nodded, "Okay, rest early."


Jiang Cha got up and walked towards Shen Zhi. As soon as he reached the door, Jiang Cha stopped again and looked back at Shen Rang, slightly hesitant.

Shen Rang: "Huh? Anything else to say?"

"En." Jiang Cha let out an uncomfortable cough, "You... rest early, don't be too late."

Shen Rang was taken aback, then smiled, "Okay."

Jiang Cha deliberately messed up Shen Zhi's hair, "Go, mom coax you to sleep."

Shen Zhi feels a little strange, but adults are always weird, not as cute as him.

Jiang Cha was not sleepy, half leaning against the head of the bed, Shen Zhi snuggling next to her, smiling secretly with his eyes closed.

Jiang Cha lowered his head, "What are you laughing at? Aren't you sleepy?"

"Mom." Shen Zhi opened his eyes to look at her, "I feel very happy."


Shen Zhi smiled, "Mom and Dad are so nice."

"Is that all right?" Jiang Cha lay down, holding Shen Zhi in his arms, "In the future, my mother will be with you more. If you like or dislike, tell your mother, okay?"

"We don't eat what we don't like, and don't wear what we don't like. Mom will listen to your opinion, okay?"

"But..." Shen Zhi whispered, "Aunt Zhang said, that is a bad boy, and a good boy can't be picked."

Jiang Cha sighed in his heart, "No, Xiaozhi, this is not a bad boy. Everyone can have their own preferences. You have to tell your mother so that your mother can understand you better, and you can avoid the things you don't like when you buy things in the future. ."

"And Xiaozhi, in the past, my mother rarely accompanied you. It was my mother's fault. Can Xiaozhi forgive my mother?"

"Mom and Dad are busy making money, Xiaozhi knows." Shen Zhi checked with fingers. "Xiaozhi eats, puts on clothes, goes to kindergarten, and has toys, and Aunt Zhang takes care of Xiaozhi. All of them need money."

Jiang Cha held his son's little hand, "From now on, there will be no Aunt Zhang in our family."

"Really?" Shen Zhi was very happy, and seemed to be lost after thinking of something. "But without Aunt Zhang, will other aunts come?"

"No, there will only be mother..." Jiang Cha took Shen Rang with him after a meal, "and father."

"Thank you mom." Shen Zhi pouted and kissed Jiang Cha's face, "Mom, Xiao Zhi is sleepy."

Jiang Cha patted Shen Zhi, "Mom tells you a story, what does Xiao Zhi want to hear?"

"The ugly duckling."

"Okay." Jiang Cha said softly, "Once upon a time, there was a mother duck. She had many eggs, but her favorite was the little duck named Shen Zhi..."

The next morning, Shen Rang and Jiang Cha still cooked breakfast together.

Shen Zhi never refused the food they fed, and Jiang Cha controlled it, so he didn't let him eat it again.

Jiang Cha poured milk for Shen Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, don't hold on to it if you can't eat it, just tell your mother."

Shen Zhi looked at his remaining half-bowl of rice, "But... it will be wasted..."

Jiang Cha smiled and took Shen Zhi's small bowl to comfort him, "It won't be wasted, Xiao Zhi, you have a father."

Shen Rang who had just swallowed the last bite of food:?

Jiang Cha smiled and put Shen Zhi's rice bowl in front of Shen Rang, "Dad knows that Xiao Zhi can't eat it and keeps his stomach, isn't it Shen Rang?"

Shen Rang:? ? ?

No, I don't have one. You are my wife and you can't talk nonsense like this with your eyes open.

However, Shen Rang's heart and actions are opposite.

He picked up the chopsticks again and nodded, "Yes, your mother... everything is right."

So, under the watchful eyes of his wife and son, Shen Rang ate the leftovers from his son's first meal in 27 years.

But my own son, there is nothing to dislike.

After breakfast, Shen Rang and Jiang Cha discussed what Shen knew what to do today.

The kindergarten only starts in mid-March, and there are still nearly 20 days left. They don’t plan to find a nanny to bring Shen Zhi, which means that Jiang Cha and Shen Zhi will become the main parents of children for the next 20 days. labor force.

Shen Zhi was sitting in the living room playing Lego by himself.

Jiang Cha checked the time and discussed with Shen Rang, "It's take Xiaozhi to the company."

Jiang Cha's proposal was completely unexpected by Shen Rang.

Shen Rang was surprised, "Don't you want to make it public?"

So the children are all four years old, and few people in Jiasheng know that Mr. Shen and Vice President Jiang, who are always tit-for-tat, turned out to be a couple and a four-year-old son.

Jiang Cha waved his hand, "Now everything is given priority to small knowledge. I am not unwilling to disclose it, but I don't want to have those messy and troublesome things."

Speaking of this, Jiang Cha had a smile in his eyes, and she glanced at Shen Rang, "After all, Mr. Shen is Jiasheng’s diamond king, so many young girls are watching."

Shen Rang laughed, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't look at other little girls."

Jiang Cha shrugged, "I'll go and pack the things I took away for Xiaozhi."

"What to pack?"

Shen Rang's words let Jiang Cha stay in, "I don't know what to pack. Bring a few toys he likes and a change of clothes, right?"

"Okay." Shen Rang also followed Jiang Cha, "You go and pack things, I'll change his clothes."

"You can?"

"...I should be."

Yesterday, the Erjiangcha car was thrown at the company and did not drive. Today, we are still riding in a sank car.

Shen Zhi was inexplicably excited when he learned that he was going to be taken to the company.

Jiang Cha looked at his son, who was a lot more lively than yesterday, and relaxed a little.

Rebirth is too unbelievable. She hasn't had time to figure out some things, so she doesn't want to think about it. In any case, she will accompany the child first, and she can do it later.

Calculating carefully, this is the first time for a family of three to go out together. There is a sense of freshness.

Not in a hurry today, plus the child is in the car, Shen Rang drove quite well.

At 8:50, Shen Rang's car stopped in the parking lot.

Jiang Cha came down first, and then hugged Shen Zhi.

"Mom..." The underground parking lot was dark and even a little disturbed, hugging Jiang Cha's legs.

Jiang Cha bent over to hold the child.

"I'll do it." Shen Rang handed Jiang Cha the bag with Shen Zhi's things in his hand, bending over to hug Shen Zhi, "It's not convenient for you to wear high heels."

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Shen Zhi held Shen Rang's neck with both hands, and put his chin on Shen Rang's shoulders, his eyes were always looking at Jiang Cha, and he was happy.

Jiang Cha confirmed that there was nothing missing, and the three of them went to the elevator.

Jiasheng does not have high-rise elevators. Everyone is an ordinary employee elevator. There are six elevators in total.

In the past, if I entered the elevator, I could meet a few colleagues no matter what. Today, just as hell, the elevator that Jiang Cha and Shen Rang rode went all the way to the 23rd floor without meeting anyone.


The elevator door opened on the twenty-third floor, and Jiang Cha and Shen Rangqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't care, I still feel a little awkward if I suddenly make it public.

"Mr. Shen..." Xin Yin happened to be passing the elevator entrance when she saw Shen Ranggang saying hello, and after seeing Shen Zhi in Shen Rang's arms, he closed his mouth.

"Xin Yin." Shen Rang patted Shen Zhi in his arms, "Xiaozhi, go to play with Uncle Xin for a while, father and mother have a little work, how about going to you later?"

Shen Zhi nodded obediently, "Okay."

Xin Yin is Shen Rang's assistant. He has been to Shen's house and met Shen Zhi a few times, so he is not unfamiliar.

"Assistant Xin." Jiang Cha handed the bag to Xin Yin, "Xiaozhi's stuff is here. You can prepare some snacks for him and take him to the hospitality area. I remember there is a place specially prepared for children. "

Xin Yin nodded, "I see, Vice President."

"Oh, right." Jiang Cha added, "Call the Legal Department downstairs to come up for a meeting."

Xin Yin glanced at Shen Rang, and Shen Rang nodded.

"Okay, President Shen, Vice President Jiang, I will do it now."

Xin Yin carried Shen Zhi to the hospitality area first, and then notified the Legal Department downstairs for a meeting.

The Legal Department looked dumbfounded. Why did the first one go to the Legal Department this early?

Everyone went to the meeting room upstairs with a lot of questions.

Xin Yin originally wanted to hand over the child to someone else and then go to the meeting room, but then he thought, no, since Mr. Shen handed over the young master to him, he had to be optimistic.

There seems to be a lot of people passing by in the hospitality area today.

At first it was one or two people, then five or six, and then seven or eight people came to see it together.

Xin Yin sighed helplessly.

Shen Zhi turned to look at him, "Uncle Xin, are you unhappy?"

Xin Yin hurriedly laughed, "It's nothing, young master, continue to play, and tell me what you want to eat or drink."

"I don't eat." Shen Zhi smiled shyly and touched his stomach, "I ate a lot in the morning."

Xin Yin's inspiration suddenly appeared, "Little Master, who did you eat with in the morning?"

"Talk to Mom and Dad!"

Xin Yin asked again, "Why did Young Master follow me today?"

"There is no one in the family, so my mother took me with him."


Xin Yin almost asked,'Where is the babysitter', but shut up in time without saying anything.

"Assistant Xin? Why are you here?" Bai Fei sent the materials back, "Whose child is this?"

Xin Yin deliberated, "Assistant Bai, go and arrange for someone to buy something that children like to eat, and don't buy junk food."

"Okay, I'll do it now." After Bai Fei took the note, her gaze fell on Shen Zhi, "That..."

"Uncle Xin."

"Hey!" Xin Yin squatted down in front of Shen Zhi, "What's the matter?"

Shen Zhi blushed, lying on Xin Yin's ear and said, "I want to hush."

Xin Yin laughed and hugged Shen Zhi, "This will take you over."


Shen Zhi greeted Bai Fei obediently in Xin Yin's arms, "Hello, sister."

"Ah...Hello, hello."

Xin Yin didn't tell Bai Fei who the child was. He didn't know how President Shen and Vice President Jiang decided, so he couldn't talk nonsense.

Bai Fei thought, she should find someone to buy snacks first.

But... don’t all kids like junk food? What are all healthy snacks?

After Xin Yin took Shen Zhi to pee for a while, the news of the small groups of Jiasheng has been flying all over the sky. If you don’t pay attention, it is 99+.

Today on the twenty-third floor came a three or four-year-old boy. He was very beautiful and well-behaved. The most important thing was that Assistant Xin who was next to Mr. Shen was leading him.

What makes people feel unbelievable is that this little boy is six or seven points similar to Mr. Shen.

Everyone in Jiasheng:? ? ? Is it an illegitimate child? ? ?

Soon after Shen Zhi came back, snacks were also in place.

Xin Yin picked and picked a few things for Shen Zhi, "Little Master, can you see these kinds of things okay?"

Shen Zhi nodded without even seeing the package, "Thank you Uncle Xin, I can do it all."

Xin Yin felt a little weird, but couldn't say what was strange.

Xin Yin opened a pack of small animal biscuits to Shen Zhi, mixed flavors, and Shen Zhi ate a few.

There are still people who come and go to see Shen Zhi secretly.

"Xiaozhi." Shen Rang's voice came. Everyone turned their heads, talking and speaking, trying to pretend to be normal, but their eyes seemed to float here, and their ears were sharper than usual. Some.

I'm coming!

It's time to solve the case!

Shen Zhi put the biscuits down and happily shouted "Daddy."

Everyone: I'm 芔芔芔! ! dad? ? ? ? ?

Shen Rang picked up Shen Zhi, "Xin Yin, take things away and send them to my office."

"Okay, President Shen."

The author has something to say: Everyone: Dad? ? ?

Shen Rang: ...don't have as many children as you!

There are red envelopes, the author column of Sugar Girl asks you to collect it~ Collect me and you will get sweet candy~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 dilidulu da da da da;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 1 small dumpling made with osmanthus wine;

Thanks to the little angel who threw a landmine: 1 small dumpling made with sweet-scented osmanthus wine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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