After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 52: 51:

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Jiang Cha prepared parent-child outfits for the family in advance.

Originally, Jiang Cha, Shen Rang, and Shen Zhi had a set of pink parent-child outfits they bought before, but now there is more Jiang Yao in the family. The pink parent-child outfits are not in harmony with Jiang Yao, so Jiang Cha urgently took the family. Went to buy a new one.

I bought four sets together this time, in four colors.

Considering that there are four people in the family, three of them are boys, the family chose black-and-white color matching clothes with panda patterns on the shoulders, and sport pants of the same color.

Jiang Cha bought a panda brooch for Shen Zhi and Jiang Yao, and pinned them to their chests.

Jiang Yao took this suit to go out in the morning, and he had to go to school for two classes first.

Yesterday, I asked the teacher to be honest. I was going to participate in the nephew’s parent-child sports meeting. At that time, in addition to his own head teacher, there were other teachers in the office. Hearing Jiang Yao's words, they all laughed.

Of course, the teachers are kind.

The teacher in charge gave him the slip very readily and wished his family good results.

This was a scene Jiang Yao didn't dare to think of before.

If a student asks for leave for a children’s sports meeting, most people probably have no way to understand and generally will not allow leave.

When Jiang Yao went out in the morning, Shen Zhi held his hand and refused to let go, "Uncle, you must come early~ Xiao Zhi will be waiting for you."

Jiang Yao hugged and thought, "Okay, my uncle will be there soon."

Shen Zhi bent his eyebrows and said, "Goodbye, uncle."

"Xiaozhi, goodbye."

Sending away Jiang Yao, the three of Jiang Cha and his party were also ready to set off.

The kindergarten is at nine o'clock. You must first go to the teacher to get the number plate, and then go to the gym.

Shen Zhi left hand Shen let the right hand Jiang Cha, walking around and jumping, really unhappy.


Jiang Cha shook his hand, "Xiaozhi, watch the road."

Shen Zhi tilted his head, "It doesn't matter, Mom, with you and Dad, Xiao Zhi won't fall."

Jiang Cha instantly felt that this son was really good.

And Shen Rang... this person is really annoying.

Originally, Shen Zhi said this because of his trust in his parents.

However, Shen Rang wanted to teach Shen Zhi another lesson.

Shen Rang let go of Shen Zhi's hand, then walked to the other side of Jiang Cha, took her hand, and looked at Shen Zhi, "Daddy is not here now, Xiao Zhi, please walk well."

Jiang Cha:? ? ? ? ?

Shen Rang:? ? ? ? ?

Shen Zhiyun let out an "Oh".

Jiang Cha raised the hand held by Shen Rang, bent his elbow and slapped him, and whispered, "Can you stop throwing cold water on your child at this time?"

Shen Rang raised his eyebrows, "I was telling him not to take chances."

"Tsk!" Jiang Cha glared at him, "Can you speak well?"


Jiang Cha released Shen Rang's hand, "Apologize to my son."

Shen let back obediently back to his original position, and hugged Shen Zhi. "Sorry Xiaozhi, Dad said too much."

Shen Zhi shook his head, "Dad is right. Xiaozhi can't rely on others. Xiaozhi has to work **** his own."

Jiang Cha helped his forehead, "Shen Rang."

Shen Rang realized, "Son, Dad wants to tell you that he can do what he can do on his own. If he habitually depends on others, when things really need to be solved, moms and dads can’t help you in time. What should I do?"

"Dad, Xiaozhi understands~" Shen Zhi embraced Shen Rang's face with both hands, and kissed him twice, "Xiaozhi is not angry~"

Shen Rang watched carefully for a while, Shen Zhi, and saw that he was really fine, and then he was relieved.

Jiang Cha secretly squeezed Shen Ren and glared at him, "Parent Xiong."

"My son is not a bear kid."

Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi from Shen Rang's arms, "Who stipulates that bear children must have bear parents?"


Shen Zhi smiled, "Mom, don't quarrel with Dad!"

"Mom doesn't quarrel." Jiang Cha pinched Shen Zhi's little face, "Mom is reasoning to Dad."

Shen Zhi nodded, "Oh!"

The couple was amused by Shen Zhi.

Shen Rang took Jiang Cha's shoulders, "Okay, let's go quickly, and we'll be late for the rest of the conversation."

"I'm not to blame you."

"Yes, yes, my wife's teaching is right, it's all small mistakes."

"Glib tongue."

"My wife Xie compliments."


The door to the kindergarten is wide open today, and many parents have already arrived. It is very lively.

The venues for each class are planned in advance, and class cards are also set up for everyone to find them easily.

Jiang Cha's family is late, and the fruit class is almost there.

After finding his place and sitting down, Su Jingjing ran over, "Good Uncle Shen, Good Aunt Jiang, Good Shen Zhi."

"Jingjing is good." Jiang Cha shook hands with Su Jingjing, "Where is your mother?"

Su Jingjing pointed to the place ahead, "Where is it! My mother and father are wearing red clothes!"

Jiang Cha took a look at it.

Su Wan just turned back to look for Su Jingjing, and met Jiang Cha's eyes. Su Wan smiled and waved to Jiang Cha, and then pulled the man beside her back.

It was the first time Jiang Cha saw Su Jingjing's father, and he hurriedly called Shen Rang to greet him.

"Aunt Jiang." Su Jingjing looked at Jiang's coffee table, "Did you get the number?"

"Yes!" Jiang Cha patted his forehead, "I forgot it!"

Shen Rang got up, "I'll go."

Su Jingjing said, "Uncle Shen, look for Teacher Strawberry~"

Shen Rang smiled, "Okay, thank you Jingjing."


After Shen Rang left, Su Jingjing sat in the seat of Shen Rang and looked to the side of Shen Zhi, "Shen Zhi, why are you here so late today?"

Shen Zhi said, "There is something."

Jiang Cha couldn't help being laughed, the child still pretended to be deep, and there was really no one.

Su Jingjing said in a low voice, "Shen Zhi, didn't my uncle come?"

Shen Zhi looked at her, "It's my little uncle."

"But I can also call my uncle~" Su Jingjing blinked, "I asked my mother, I can't call my brother, it will mess up the seniority, although I don't know what seniority is..."

Jiang Cha rubbed Shen Zhi's hair, "Xiao Zhi."

Shen Zhi pouted, "Okay."

At this time, Su Wan called Su Jingjing's name and told her to go back.

Su Jingjing waved to the two and ran back to his position.

Shen Rang came back, holding four number plates in his hand.

Jiang Cha took it over, "5257???"

"How about it, not bad?" Shen Rang's face was smug. "The teacher has a 5258 left. I don't want it. 5257 is more than good. It reflects my love for you."

Jiang Cha understands what Shen Rang means, I love my wife.

"But why didn't others take it with such an allegorical number?"

"You really got me down." Shen Rang smiled and shook his head. "I didn't really ask, but I guess... it's probably because others are shy."

Jiang Cha snorted, "You said you have a thick skin."

Jiang Cha gave the freshman and the junior student a good number plate, and also good his own. Jiang Yao's number plate was stuffed into Shen Zhi's small schoolbag.

Teacher Strawberry called parents and children to get on the bus.

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Shen Rang picked up Shen Zhi, pulled Jiang Cha, and went in line.

The kindergarten is proceeding in an orderly manner, but Jiang Yao, who is in school, is in trouble.

After Jiang Yao got out of the car in the morning, Uncle Tan told him that he was still waiting on the spot.

One of the two bodyguards followed Jiang Yao into the school, and the other appeared to stay in the car and wait for Jiang Yao, but was actually monitoring Uncle Tan.

After all, he is Tan Yingjie's father. If Tan Yingjie wants to do something, it's okay to start from him.

Sure enough, he waited until today.

Not long after Jiang Yao went to school, Tan Yingjie called Uncle Tan.

Uncle Tan is getting older and likes to make his voice loudest when answering the phone, "Yingjie."

The bodyguard turned on the phone to record, listening carefully.

Tan Yingjie: "Dad, where are you now?"

Uncle Tan smiled, "I'm in the Yinyao parking lot. Are you looking for something to do with me?"

"It's okay, I feel bad about having a nightmare last night, I don't want to call you to ask."

The smile on Uncle Tan's face deepened, "Well, Yingjie, Dad feels much more relieved when you are like this."

"Well, dad, it turns out I was young and ignorant, but now I have grown up."

"Good good, good Yingjie." Uncle Tan's voice was choked, obviously excited.

Tan Yingjie continued to chat with Uncle Tan about the homework, bringing down Uncle Tan's laughter again and again.

The bodyguard did not dare to relax his vigilance, the phone was still recording, and people looked out the window to look at it.

The bodyguard suddenly noticed that there was a black car obliquely behind them, with the windows half-down, and the people in the cab seemed to be making a call, and their eyes were always on their car.

The bodyguard felt that half of this person's face looked a bit like Tan Yingjie, but he was not sure, after all, they had never seen a real person, only the photos.

However, the bodyguard received Shen Rang's instructions, and he did not dare to be sloppy about this matter, so Guoguo sent a message to the bodyguard who was following Jiang Yao, asking him to be more vigilant.

Uncle Tan and Yingjie Tan are still talking.

The bodyguard glanced at the time, Jiang Yao was about to come out.

Sure enough, when he first thought about here, another brother returned a message to him: [Master Jiang has already left the school. 】

The bodyguard increased his vigilance.

Within a few minutes, Uncle Tan saw Jiang Yao running over, and he wanted to hang up, "Yingjie, Master Jiang has come out. Dad won't tell you anymore."

"Okay, Dad, pay attention to safety when driving." Tan Yingjie's voice was smiling, "Even if there is an emergency, you must ensure safety."

"Eh, okay, dad remembered it."

While Uncle Tan hung up the phone, the bodyguard saw that the doors of the car at the diagonally behind, except for the cab, were all opened.

The bodyguard immediately opened the door and greeted Jiang Yao.

Uncle Tan wondered: "Huh? Boy, what are you going to do?"

The bodyguard did not return.

The bodyguard who followed Jiang Yao had already told Jiang Yao that someone was following.

Jiang Yao's complexion was not good.

The two bodyguards converged, Jiang Yao whispered, "Hurry up."


Jiang Yao had already seen it, and the three people who ran from a short distance were the same three from Jiang Qiulin's family.

"Jiang Yao!"

"Xiao Yao!"

Several calls rang out in unison, they were one step faster than Jiang Yao and blocked Jiang Yao's path.

Jiang Yao frowned, and the bodyguards protected him behind him.

Jiang Yao looked at the three people in front of him and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

I haven't seen it for many days, and Jiang Yao is doing physical exercises. He has grown a few centimeters taller, and his body is a lot stronger. For a while, Jiang Qiulin and the three of them feel dazed.

Is this still the medicine jar that grew up? Why does it look so different?

"Xiao Yao." Yu Qin yelled hesitantly, " are you doing?"

Jiang Yao's lips curled up with a polite smile, "Excuse me, as you can see, I'm having a very good time."

Yu Qin said dryly, "It's good, hello... Mom, don't worry."

"Jiang Yao!" Jiang Zong couldn't get used to Yu Qin's only promise, and pulled the person behind him, "Are you aware of the mistake?"

Jiang Yao raised his brows, huh? Someone's advice is really extraordinary.

Jiang Yao chuckles, "What's wrong with me?"

Jiang Zong looked down, "You remove your registered permanent residence without authorization, and you don't perform filial piety in front of your parents."

Jiang Yao couldn't hold back, he laughed out, "Don't make me laugh, okay? I know what you want to do. I don't have to play this with me. It's useless, and Jiang Zong, where you are now It looks like you don’t look like you at all."

Jiang Qiulin stepped forward, "What about me? How about me?"

Jiang Yao folded his arms, "Not very good."

The bodyguard tilted his head and reminded in a low voice, "Master Jiang, be careful that they have audio and video recordings."

"Well, I know."

Jiang Zong is actually very angry. They have been living in the place arranged by Dao Fu Zhou during this period, one is to let Jiang Qiulin keep up, and the other is to plan how to ruin Jiang Yao and Jiang Cha.

It is a pity that Fu Zhou overestimated their level and underestimated their hatred of Jiang Yao.

Jiang Zong clenched his fists, and the joints creaked.

"Jiang, Yao." Jiang Zong gritted his teeth, wishing to rush over and tear him.

Jiang Yao was fearless and smiled provocatively at Jiang Yao.

Jiang Zong was angry, pushed Jiang Qiulin away, and rushed towards Jiang Yao with his fist raised.

The bodyguard wanted to stop, Jiang Yao grabbed the two of them, and then took a step forward. At the same time, Jiang Zong had already arrived in front of him.

"Ah -" Jiang Zong roared.

Jiang Yao's eyes were dark, watching his movements violently stretch out his hand to pinch his wrist, then flipped the arm in the opposite direction, twisted his arm behind him, and kicked his foot on his knee.

"Ah -" Jiang Zong yelled.

Jiang Yao smiled, he shackled Jiang Zong with one hand, bent the other hand, and lifted Jiang Zong's chin up with his elbow.

Jiang Zong was forced to look up, his neck was strangled, and he couldn't get rid of it.

From when Jiang Zong wanted to fight Jiang Yao to Jiang Yao restraining Jiang Zong, the situation of the two had a big turn in a few seconds.

"you you......"

Jiang Yao bowed his head and approached Jiang Zong's ear, "Jiang Zong, didn't you expect you to have today?"

"Jiang Yao!"

"Don't try to be strong, the harder you are, the more painful you are." Jiang Yao laughed lowly, "I have practiced this trick for many days, and I know that as long as you see me, you can't hold back your temper, but what should I do? I'm not what I used to be. Jiang Yao is gone."

"I'm no longer that, Jiang Yao, who was stepped on by you like an ant."

Jiang Yao's pupils became deeper and deeper, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper. He whispered his name in Jiang Zong's ear, "Jiang Zong."

Jiang Zong's face has changed color.

Jiang Yao didn't see him, "Do you want to die?"

"Cough, no..."

"Xiao Yao! Let go and let go!"

"Jiang Yao! Dare you!!!"

Jiang Yao glanced at the anxious Jiang Qiulin and Yu Qin, how come so many days have passed, this family still hasn't made any progress? Simply vulnerable.

Jiang Yao let go and pressed Jiang Zong to the ground.

Although his body has improved a lot recently and his hand strength has increased a lot, he is weaker in the end. If he hadn't relied on the tricks taught by his teacher, he would not have been able to control Jiang Zong so easily.

Jiang Yao stepped on Jiang Zong's shoulder, his eyes fell on Jiang Qiulin and Yu Qin, his voice was faint, "Apologize."

The author has something to say: oh roar~ my uncle rushes to the duck! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-0518:00:00~2020-04-0618:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Moonlight; I don’t want to take online lessons, and I’m itching 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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