After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 54: 53:

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Jiang Cha didn't say a word, and Shen let her miraculously understand what she meant, "Okay, don't think too much."

Jiang Cha:? ? ?

Teacher Strawberry has taken everyone into the gymnasium.

The venue in the gymnasium has been pre-determined for the positions of the various classes, and the chairs have also been arranged by the kindergarten in advance.

According to the guidance of Teacher Strawberry, Jiang Cha's family sat in the second row, and Su Jingjing's family was just to the right of Shen Zhi's house.

Su Jingjing looked around, "Aunt Jiang, will my uncle come over today?"

Jiang Cha smiled, "Jing Jing likes my uncle so much?"

"En!" Su Jingjing was shy, "My uncle is so handsome."

"Hahahahahaha!" Jiang Cha laughed, "I am a big man, you know what is handsome when you are only four years old?"

"Yes!" Su Jingjing pointed at Shen Zhi, "Shen Zhi is handsome, but Lin Haoyu is not handsome."

Shen Zhi pouted, didn't dare to refute loudly, and mumbled quietly, "It's Xiaozhi's uncle~"

A group of people who know the inside story laughed. The two children's obsession with the younger uncle is really deep enough!

"Okay, kids." Teacher Strawberry stood at the forefront, "Next we are going to start the first game of the parent-child sports meeting~"


Teacher Strawberry glanced at the flow chart in his hand, "Our first project is that mom and dad have three legs. The dad and mom each have one foot tied together, and then the two people each hold the child with one hand. For a distance of 100 meters, the first comer wins. Our fruit class will be divided into four groups to compete."

Teacher Strawberry shook the colored rope in his hand, "Children can come and pick the color they like. Mom and Dad will discuss what to do on the spot, and it will start in ten minutes~"

"Xiao Zhi, go get the colored rope." Jiang Cha nudged Shen Zhi's back, letting him go with Su Jingjing.

Shen Rang moved his arm. "Why does the kindergarten play a two-person three-legged game? Can't I hold you and carry my son alone?"

Jiang Cha couldn't laugh or cry, "Then it can be called the Dad Games."

Shen Rang looked at her, "We have three legs, and we both suffer very much."


Shen Rang raised his hand and pressed it on Jiang Cha's head, "My wife, didn't you find it? We are among all the parents, and there is a big difference in height."

Jiang Cha:......? ? ? ? ? ?

Jiang Cha looked around, it was really true, the height difference was too much, and when she waited for the game, she and Shen Rang knew that it might be a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey." Jiang Cha sighed, "What are you doing so tall? Maybe our Xiaozhi kindergarten sports meet will have to lose."

Shen Rang rubbed her hair vigorously, "I can't be tall or short. What do you want your husband to do?"

Jiang Cha avoided Shen Rang's claws, "It's fine if you can become telescopic."

Shen Rang smiled, holding Jiang Cha's arm to her ear, and whispered, "Is there any extension or not, don't you know?"

Jiang Cha actually understood it in seconds.

Huh! This dog man! Since I drove the meat, how can I drive the car regardless of time and place! !

Shen Rang smiled, "Xiaozhi is back."

Jiang Cha looked forward subconsciously.

Shen Zhi came back holding a pink ribbon, and there was a word "First Group" on the ribbon, "Mom, Mom, Xiao Zhi took the pink I like!"


Jiang Cha pulled Shen Rang to his feet, and then together with Shen Zhi, the three of them walked towards the starting point of the game.

Among the five families in the first group, Jiang Cha knew the little fat man Lin Haoyu.

Lin Haoyu's parents had already tied their legs, but the two of them looked at Lin Haoyu with sadness on their faces.

Jiang Cha knew at a glance that the two of them must be worried about this little fat man.

Shen Rang took the rope in Shen Zhi's hand, and then tied his right leg to Jiang Cha's left leg and moved it. It was okay and very strong.

Shen Rang hugged Shen Zhi, let him sit on his right arm, and Shen Zhi obediently hugged Shen Rang's neck.

Jiang Cha looked at him: "What about me? Didn't you let me hug the child together?"

Shen Rang whispered, "You just took my right arm and pulled some of Xiaozhi's clothes. What can't be seen, who can really hold two people each with one hand and fall into the child?"

Jiang Cha thought about it, then put his hand on it, and his eyes lit up in the next second.

Really, Shen Zhi's clothes just blocked her hand.

"Wow -" Lin Haoyu cried aggrievedly, "Why can Shen Zhi's parents hug him? You two still don't hug me?"

As soon as the little fat man cried, everyone around him cast their gazes.

Lin Haoyu's mother smiled apologetically, and whispered Lin Haoyu, "Aren't you too fat?"

"I'm not fat!" Lin Haoyu angrily said, "Mom, you said yesterday that I was cute!"

Mother Lin raised her hand and squeezed Lin Haoyu's face, "That was yesterday, I didn't know how this game was played!"

Father Lin persuaded her, "It's okay, okay, tell the child well, just now in the car, I said I didn't get angry."

Mother Lin glared at Father Lin, "You are holding me! You look at the father, and you picked up your son in one fell swoop."

Dad Lin retorted, "Why don't you say that people's sons are too light?"

"Ooo, ooo hum!" Little fat so sad.

After watching Lin Haoyu crying, Shen Zhi turned around and lay beside Shen Rang's ear, and whispered quietly, "Dad, is Xiao Zhi heavy?"

"It's not heavy." Shen let his left hand squeeze Shen Zhi's butt, "If you have another you, Dad can also hold it."

Shen Zhi chuckled, kissed Shen Rang's face, and made a sound of "Hawk".

"Okay, parents, be prepared~" Teacher Strawberry held a small horn in his hand, the one that sounded at the touch of a button, "Everyone is ready~"

Shen Rang raised his foot and left, Jiang Cha looked down at his footsteps, muttering one-two-one silently in his heart.

"Don't be nervous." Shen Rang said, "Wife, look ahead, don't look, the more you look, the more flustered you become."

Jiang Chaen said, not watching.

Five groups of families are ready at the starting point.



The moment the horn sounded, the five groups of families started to move forward.

Many people gathered on both sides of the runway, cheering for the five groups of families, regardless of whether they knew each other, it was an atmosphere at this time.

"Come on-come on!"

"Left left left, hahahahaha, take your left leg!"

"Shen Zhi, come on! Aunt Jiang, Uncle Shen is amazing!" Standing near the end, Su Jingjing waved the little handkerchief in his hands, "Ahhhhh! Aunt Jiang, come on, come on!"

Shen let out a "pouch" laugh, "Su Jingjing is like your little girl."

"Where is she my little fan girl, she is obviously the fan girl of our younger uncle." Jiang Cha glanced at her feet and said, "Come on for me, because I am the younger uncle's sister."

Shen Zhi pouted, "Mom, it's Xiao Zhi's uncle!"

"Okay, your little uncle." Jiang Cha smiled, "Little uncle is just a name, Xiaozhi don't care too much."


"My wife, we have to speed up!" Shen Rang reminded Jiang Cha, "We have already passed us by the side."

Jiang Cha tilted his head, and the one on the right was three or four meters ahead of them!

"Okay, let's rush."

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As soon as Jiang Cha was anxious, he took a step slowly on his feet and fell forward.

"Mom!" Shen Zhi exclaimed.

"Xiaozhi, hug Dad!" Shen Rang stretched out his hand and pulled Jiang Cha back while he was still sitting on his right arm while he was speaking.

"Huh—" Jiang Cha hugged Shen Rang's waist, "I was scared to death."

Shen Rang shouted, "My wife, listen to my slogan."


"Left, right, left, right, left and right left and right, faster."

Jiang Cha focused on listening to Shen Rang's slogan, and then followed his pace.

The two people cooperated tacitly and went faster and faster, and they caught up with the group on the right when they were five meters away from the finish line.

"Husband, speed up."

Shen Rang's eyes lit up when he was called by the "husband", "Okay!"

The two looked at the finish belt in front of them, and rushed forward in the last sprint.

"Wow!" Shen Zhi exclaimed happily, "Number one, Mom and Dad are amazing! We won~"

Shen Rang put Shen Zhi down, and then untied the rope tied to Jiang Cha, "It was a bit exciting."

"Yes." Jiang Cha smiled, eyebrows and eyes curled, "My heartbeat has accelerated."

Shen Rang fixedly looked at Jiang Cha. Her cheeks were reddish and her eyes were bright. It seemed that winning the game is better than signing a cooperation case.

Shen Rang liked it the more he watched, leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "Happy?"


"Then...we will work harder next."


After Mr. Strawberry registered, he switched to the next group.

The Jiangcha family watched other people's races on the edge of the finish line, and cheered for them like everyone just now, very excited!

Soon, the two-person three-legged match ended.

Every first-placed family received a certificate of "Most Concerted Family", and everyone who did not get the first place was the participation award.

Shen Zhi carefully folded the awards and put them in his own bag.

Shen Rang seriously considered, "I think it's good to go back and frame this certificate and hang it in the living room."

"Huh?" Jiang Cha thought about the decoration style of his home, as if it didn't match this certificate at all!

Shen Rang waved his hand, "Don't care about the details, Xiaozhi must really want to hang it up."

"Can you?" Shen Zhi looked at Jiang Cha.

Jiang Cha nodded, "Well, mother will mount the certificate when I go back."

Shen Zhi was happily spinning around in circles.

Shen Rang chuckled lightly, "duplicity."

"My son's wish, I am sure to fulfill it."

Shen Rang tapped Jiang Cha's nose with his fingertips, "You are only allowed to set Jiang Cha on fire, and Shen Rang is not allowed to light a lamp."

"Humph~" Jiang Cha Tsundere, "I won't let you order."

"Okay, I won't order."


After a few minutes of rest, the second round of the game is about to begin.

The second round of the competition continued the first group. Several dads were tied together by bungee cords, and five children were scattered in a circle five meters away.

There are several color stickers on the special pants worn by children, each representing a different score.

The sun has three points, the moon two points, and the stars one point.

The fathers must try their best to run towards the children, tear off the stickers from their pants, and stick them on the children's collars, and finally add up according to the points, and win more.

Therefore, in this game, the first test is the strength of the fathers, followed by the eyesight and calculation ability.

While one person succeeds in making stickers, he also has to bear the strength of the other four dads.

In this case, trying to spot the sun, moon and stars is also very hard.

The teachers helped Dad tie up the elastic rope, the mothers stepped forward to cheer, Shen let her hands prop her thighs, "Doesn't Xiaozhi's mother give Xiaozhi's father some strength?"

"What?" Jiang Cha looked at Shen Rang.

Shen Rang tilted his head and nodded his face with his fingertips, "Here."

Jiang Cha chuckled, leaning over to drop a soft kiss on the spot he had clicked, "Does Xiaozhi Dad have the power?"

"The blessing of love, I'm sure to win."

Jiang Cha couldn't laugh or cry, "Your face is getting thicker and thicker."

"Okay, wife, go and wait for me."


The five dads stood together back to back, cheering themselves up.

Shen Rang said nothing, staring in Shen Zhi's direction, waiting for Teacher Strawberry's signal.

"Beep—" The little horn sounded again, and the five people jumped out in five directions.

"Dad!!" Shen Zhi's hands were trumpet-shaped to his mouth, "Father, come on!"

Jiang Cha waved his hand, "My husband, come on!"

Shen Rang took a sigh of relief, except for pushing hard towards his son, he could not hear or see anything.

The five people were in a stalemate for almost two minutes, and they were almost the same.

"Yes! These parents."

"Husband, you look at them, and it will be you in a while, I don't ask you to win, I just ask you to hold on for a few more minutes, hahahaha!"

Soon, a father couldn't hold it, and took two steps back.

With these two steps, the others worked hard to earn.

Shen Rang took the lead to rush to Shen Zhi, relying on his long legs and long arms, tearing off the first sun from Shen Zhi's pants!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jiang Cha's face flushed with excitement, "husband is so great!

When Jiang Yao entered the gymnasium, he heard the deafening shouts. He was taken aback for a moment and thought he was in the wrong place. After all, even their high school students did not have such vitality.

Why is a kindergarten parent-child sports meeting so enthusiastic?

Fortunately, Jiang Yao saw the small banner of the fruit class and walked over here.

Unexpectedly, it took him a long time to find Jiang Cha before he saw Jiang Cha. He just walked behind her and heard his sister yell "My husband is great!"

The excitement tone, and the madness as if a fan met an idol, made Jiang Yao think that he had admitted the wrong person.

Does his sister... actually have such a crazy and enthusiastic side? ? ? ? ?

The author has something to say: Shen Rang [Push glasses.jpg]: Your sister has a crazier side, but you will always watch it! Do not! See!

Irrigate the nutrient solution? Chairman Xiaozhi is tall~: D

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-0718:00:00~2020-04-0819:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Muqi Little Fairy; 5 bottles of Wood Aurora; 2 bottles of 0575 envy, ee don’t eat fish and fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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