After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 59: 58:

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Humiliatedly, Jiang Cha saw herself in the hospital bed.

She is not 26 years old, but 30 years old who has just passed away due to terminal cancer.

Jiang Cha was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on right now. She remembered that she had fainted in Shen Rang's arms. Why did she open her eyes again when she died in her previous life?

Is it... everything is fake? Jiang Cha's pupils tightened, didn't everything happen again?

Jiang Cha looked down at herself, she was now floating on the head of the bed, her knees began to go down, the color gradually faded, her feet could hardly be seen, only a vague outline.

The life tester on the bedside has been drawn into a straight line, and the piercing long "drop-" sound told everyone in the ward that the young woman on the bed had passed away.

Eight-year-old Shen Zhi lay on the bed, crying out of breath.

Shen Rang held Shen Zhi with both hands, choked up, "Xiao Zhi, get up, let the doctor... see your mother."

Shen Zhi refused.

Shen let his hands forcefully, forcibly hugged Shen Zhi, and Shen Zhi turned and lay on his shoulders, "Dad, oh oh oh oh, mom... mom is gone, mom is dead, right..."

Shen Rang hugged Shen Zhi with one hand and patted his back lightly. After a while, Shen Rang said "Yes" with difficulty.

Shen Zhi is eight years old, and he understands everything that should be understood. Even if Shen Rang can deceive Shen Zhi temporarily, can he deceive him for a lifetime? Sooner or later, Shen Zhi will know that his mother left when he was eight years old.

After Shen Rang's exact answer was obtained, Shen Zhi was crying, very sad.

Shen Rang patted him again and again, and wept silently.

Jiang Cha was in front of the father and son, watching them sad, how could she not feel sad? She wanted to open her mouth to comfort him, but she couldn't make any sound.

The doctor performed a final check-up on Jiang Cha and announced the time of death, and asked the family members to mourn.

The doctor left, leaving some time for them to say goodbye to the dead.

Shen Zhi was tired of crying, and his voice was getting smaller and smaller, and in the end he could only lie on Shen Rang's shoulder and whisper.

Shen Rang held Shen Zhi all the time and pulled a chair to sit down by the hospital bed.

He kept moving his hands, patting Shen Zhi and soothing him, but his eyes kept falling on Jiang Cha's face without moving.

Shen Rang looked at her quietly, with nostalgia in his eyes.

"Wife." Shen Rang said, his voice dull, "Blame me, why didn't I stop you when you worked hard, why didn't I take good care of you..."

Shen Rang closed his eyes, "If I care about you more, do more to love you, say something to love you, so that you can feel my true heart, isn't won't leave so soon I am."

Shen Rangxu talked and talked about it for nearly an hour. It was his heart from the beginning to the joy of marrying her, and then to the timidity of hiding his feelings and not daring to speak out.

Although Jiang Cha already knew a lot about the things he said, but when he heard it again, Jiang Cha would still feel full of love.

Shen Rang got up, gathered Shen Zhi, then bowed, and put a kiss on Jiang Cha's lips.

Shen Rang chuckled, "Wife, in the next still be my wife."

Jiang Cha trembled and raised her hand to touch her lips. She couldn't feel the sober kiss. Why did she feel so crunchy?

Shen Rang called Xin Yin and asked him to prepare Jiang Cha's funeral, and then he left with Shen Zhi.

Jiang Cha wanted to keep up, but she was affected by her state at this time and could only move around within her own hospital bed.

Gradually, Jiang Cha's consciousness began to blur again. She felt as if she was drifting, and she seemed to be shackled somewhere, even more restrained than when she first saw her back.

Sober again, in a cemetery.

Jiang Cha saw his tombstone.

Jiang Cha was taken aback, the feeling of seeing his tombstone was a bit strange.

In front of her tombstone, there was a man sitting, Jiang Cha floated to sit on his tombstone, and then looked down at him.

It is Shen Rang.

There is already a gray-haired Shen Rang.

This is... how long has it been?

Shen Rang looked at the young Jiang Cha photo on the tombstone, and his eyes were as affectionate as ever.

"My wife, Xiaozhi's admission notice has come down. He was admitted to your favorite university. I asked him to choose his favorite major. I don't need to study finance or business management. I want him to be happier."

"You have been away from me for ten years. I don't know that I have a few more years. You forgive me for not being able to find you." Shen Rang sighed, raised his hand and stroked the photo on the tombstone, "My wife, go slowly. , Wait for me on the road..."

He missed her.

Want it so so much.

Every day, every month, every year.

When it was difficult at the beginning, he even thought to just follow her, but looking at his son, he couldn't help himself.

Shen Zhi is the only one left to him by Jiang Cha.

He can't live up to Jiang Cha.

"Shen Rang..." Jiang Cha murmured, and then the two words disappeared with the wind.

Shen Rang looked around and frowned slightly, as if he heard someone calling his name.

When his eyes fell on the strolling boy, Shen Rang showed a faint smile.

The boy carried a schoolbag on his left shoulder, and his right hand supported Shen Rang, "Dad, why didn't you come to see mom by yourself without waiting for me."

Shen Rang stood up and said, "I want to tell your mother the good news sooner."

Shen Zhi handed the schoolbag to Shen Rang, took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it, then squatted down and held the piece of paper with both hands and handed it to Jiang Cha.

Shen Zhi smiled: "Mom, I was admitted to your favorite school, this one, right? My dad told me that, haha."

At the age of eighteen, the boy was young, and he smiled brilliantly, as if the world was bright.

Jiang Cha looked at the admission notice in his hand, covering her mouth and tears could not stop flowing out.

Shen Zhi showed Jiang Cha for a while, then turned around and said to Shen Ran, "Dad, let's go back, grandma has something to do with you."


Shen Rang and Shen Zhi stood side by side. Shen Rang looked at her and said goodbye to her in his heart, ‘wife, I will see you again later. ’

Shen Zhi waved his hand, "Mom, I'm leaving, don't worry, I will take good care of my father, and I will visit you often."

The father and son left slowly, and Jiang Cha's heart moved, and he was able to keep up.

Jiang Cha couldn't feel the passage of time.

She watched her son leave home, watched his son return, and watched Shen Rang alone in the empty house.

He doesn't like watching TV or surfing the Internet. In addition to going to the company, he recalls his and her past at home.

Shen Rang added a new safe in his study, which contained everything related to Jiangcha.

Photos, marriage certificates, real estate certificates, company shares, the charities he has done in her name over the years, and... his diary.

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Shen Rang wrote a diary for as long as Jiang Cha had been away.

He always said that people have a bad memory when they are old, and he is afraid that he will gradually forget the appearance of Jiang Cha and forget everything he had with her.

Shen Rang also doesn't like electronic records. He always feels that those cold can't express his feelings. He likes to write and record everything by himself.

Jiang Cha has been staying in this house, and has never been anywhere.

My son is old and busy with his studies. He will travel with friends when he takes a break. When he comes back, he will bring two gifts, one for Shen Rang and one for Jiangcha.

Shen Rang will label the things given to Jiang Cha, indicate the year, month and day, and indicate when and where his son brought her a gift.

Jiang Cha watched the safes in the study have been added one after another, watched Shen Zhi grow up and mature day by day, watched him bring his girlfriend back to see Shen Rang, watched his son get married and have children.

Then, she watched Shen Rang get old day by day.

Shen Rang, who is only fifty years old, has all white hair.

After Shen Zhi got married and had children, Shen Rang seemed to suddenly let go of his burdens, and his body collapsed very quickly. The appearance of the lingering sickbed was very much like Jiang Cha twenty years ago.

Shen Zhi desperately wanted to keep him, but Shen Rang no longer had any concerns. The Shen Zhi left by Jiang Cha, he also handed over to Shen Zhi's wife, and his estate has long been a will. What to do.

In this lifetime, he really has nothing to miss.

He thought, he can go to his wife, even after twenty years, he is old and walking slowly, Jiang Cha doesn't know how far he has gone, he is worried that he can catch up with her.

Time seems to fall back to the day Jiang Cha died twenty years ago.

Shen Rang was lying in the same ward, in the same bed, and even the pipes and instruments inserted around him were so similar to those of Jiang Cha twenty years ago.

The young grandson leaned against his hospital bed and asked him why he inserted these tubes and asked him to get up and play with him.

Shen Rang could only respond to the little grandson's shallow smile.

He had stayed for a long time, and it was almost time to leave.

"Little... knows."

On September 29th, when Shen Rang was fifty-two years old, he suddenly became sober-minded, called his son and daughter-in-law, and said many things to them.

"Xiaozhi." Shen Rang looked at his son lovingly, "Dad should go. Your mother has been waiting for me for a long, long time, and Dad is going to look for him."

"Dad..." Shen Zhi hugged him, "Wait, can't you accompany me again?"

Shen Rang raised his hand, patted his son on the back, and refused his son's request with a smile, "No... Dad should go... accompany your mother..."

Shen Rang's hand suddenly slipped from Shen Zhi's back, and the life monitor made a long, piercing beep sound again.

"Dad!!!" Shen Zhi cried and cried heartbreakingly while holding Shen Rang.

Shen Rang felt that he was floating and detached from his body, and then... he saw Jiang Cha behind his son, just like it was 20 years ago.

The young Shen Rang'walked' to Jiang Cha and smiled, "Are you here to pick me up?"

Jiang Cha lowered her eyes, held out her hand to hold Shen Rang's, then raised her eyes and smiled crookedly, "Well, I'm here to pick you up."

"Wife? Jiang Cha?"

Jiang Cha frowned, who was it? Who is calling her name?

Jiang Cha slowly opened his eyes, "Who is it?"

"Wife! You finally woke up!"

Someone hugged her and held her tightly.

"Um... it hurts..." Jiang Cha slid gently.

Shen Rang let go of her, looked down into her eyes, and laughed, "You are awake."

Jiang Cha was in a trance.

Shen Rang in front of him, handsome and handsome, with thick black hair, looks very healthy.

Jiang Cha slowly raised his hand, stroked Shen Rang's face, and whispered softly: "Is"

Shen let her hand cover her hand and squeeze tightly, her voice hoarsely saying "It's me, it's me."

Jiang Cha's tears suddenly fell uncontrollably.

Shen Rang was flustered and distressed, and rubbed her tears gently with his thumb, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No...No." Jiang Cha buried her head in Shen Rang's arms, feeling nostalgic for his warmth, "Shen Rang, you hug me, you hug me..."

Shen Rang breathed a sigh of relief and took the person into his arms, not daring to exert too much effort for fear of hurting her.

"What's the matter? Are you still scared? It's okay. Everything that should be caught is caught. Xiaozhi is also sleeping in his room. Don't worry, I..."

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha raised her head and looked at him with tears.

Shen Rang suddenly got stuck, "Ah? What, what's wrong?"

Jiang Cha wrapped his arms around his neck, "Let's have another baby."

Shen Rang:? ? ? ? ?

It stands to reason that Jiang Cha has just woke up, and his body is weak and he should have a good rest.

But after this previous life dream, she always felt that she could leave more.

If Shen Rang knows more than one concern, will Shen Rang not die so early?

If there is another child, will her little Zhi not be so lonely?

It's okay to say that Jiang Cha is selfish, or that she is a fantasy.

Her only thought now is to get close to Shen Rang.

From the body to the heart, it is tightly combined with him.

She wants to tell him that she will take good care of her body, so he must also be healthy to accompany her to grow old.

She wanted to tell him that she still wanted to have a baby with him, be a company for Xiaozhi, and leave her and him a little more concerned.

The loneliness of Shen Rang in the last life remained in Jiang Cha's mind for a long time, and she felt distressed.

"Husband...I love you." Jiang Cha kissed Shen Rang's lips. Although the voice was a little vague, every word was clearly passed into Shen Rang's ears.

Shen Rang raised his hand to clasp Jiang Cha's head, "Well...I love you too."

The author has something to say: Ouuuuuu, Tangtang has cried seven or eight times TvT...

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-1118:00:00~2020-04-1218:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 2 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of leanllll; I don’t want to take 1 bottle online;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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