After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 37: The cheap scumbag

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Chapter 37

Father Bai had come to see Shi Nian.

Ever since the day they found out about Shi Nian, the Bai family and its allies had been keeping an eye on him. Especially when they found the screenshots he had posted on Starnet with the 200 million balance. Where could a small star get 200 million? He must have gotten it from Lu Bo Ting for some merit. But after checking his background, it turned out that this person was actually not cultivated by Lu Baiting, but was also related to their Bai family.

It was none other than the child who had been taken away back then.

Bai Bingyan’s biological son.

He was the grandson of Senator Bai.

At that time, the eldest son of Senator Bai changed his face. Then he said, with envy, jealousy, and a little reluctance, “Congratulations, little brother. Who would have thought that after so many years, your son not only grows up well without your support, but also becomes so useful? “

“It’s just that you didn’t care at all. The boy has been on the Main star for almost three years now, and you didn’t even know about all the commotion he caused on the Internet. “

Bai Bingyan snorted coldly, “I am still better than you without a son.”

But no matter how the two brothers sneered at each other, at this time, the only person who would come to see Shi Nian would be Bai Bingyan, the biological father.

Principal Wu, on the other hand, was already frowning at this time. How could Shi Nian have come at this time.

Their school, although not as good as the First school, is, after all, one of the most prestigious in the empire. Some big people often come over to contact some talented freshmen in advance. However, Shu Nian…..

After all, it was Lu Bo Ting who called yesterday in the name of Shi Nian’s guardian.

The entire Os Empire knew that the Lu family and the Bai family had always been at odds. And now, that the Bai family is looking for Shi Nian, who knows what it means?

The principal was also born in the military and had been on the front line. He naturally had a higher opinion of the Lu family than politicians like the Bai family. So he was planning to drag the issue along and ask Marshal Lu again what the charter was on his side.

Who would have expected that Shi Nian would come here.

“Oh, Shi Nian!” No matter how much he complained in his heart, Principal Wu had seen the world. I  the end, he calmed down and immediately looked up at Shi Nian: “What’s the matter ?”

The school uniform in his hand was lifted upwards. He indicated, “It’s about the school uniform.”

Shi Nian stepped inside: “No, this school uniform is too ugly, so I’ve decided to donate money to give all our students a new school uniform.”

Principal Wu: “……“

“You deliberately didn’t wear the school uniform this morning because you thought it was ugly?”

Shi Nian certainly couldn’t admit that. “Principal, don’t accuse me, ah, I obviously didn’t have the money to buy a school uniform then, so I never had one.”

Bai Bingyan looked at his son, whom he hadn’t seen in ten years. He had inherited his and his mother’s strengths: he was very good-looking. He probably didn’t recognise him, as he was at that moment, talking nonsense to the principal in a deadpan manner.

“Principal, why don’t you think about it? When our school students organise to go out, people will take a look, and wonder which school that is, and why it has such an ugly school uniform. That’s not a good thing to hear, eh? If only our school uniform could look better… “

“Don’t give me nonsense. Our school uniform has been like this for hundreds of years.” Principal Wu said.

Shi Nian immediately climbed up that pole and said, “Yes, hundreds of years. This is so outdated, we have to ……”

“I will think about it.” PrincipalWu hurriedly interrupted him.

He could not handle all those hits. He could only incline his head to indicate Bai Bingyan, who was sitting over there, “This is Bai ……“

“No need to introduce us.” Shi Nian said, “That is my son. I know him very well.“

For a moment, Bai Bingyan had actually not heard what was wrong with this statement, and he muttered in his heart that Shi Nian knew him.

He didn’t realise what was going on until he saw Principal Wu’s stunned expression.

Only then did he react, “Whom are you calling your son?”

“Whoever shall be, shall be.”

Shi Nian leaned back on his desk and swept him with a sidelong glance, “I didn’t name you. What are you getting excited about? You’re so old and still so unsteady.“

This was a complete attitude of an old man teaching his son, and Principal Wu’s entire body was frozen in shock.

He hurriedly said, before Bai Bingyan became angry, “Shi Nian, speak properly.”

“Fine!” He turned to Principal Wu and said, “Sorry, Principal, I didn’t mean to do that. It’s mainly because I knew a guy surnamed Bai. We used to fight about who should be the other’s father. So it caused me to want to be a father to someone whenever I hear the surname Bai.“

He said it with a sincere face, and if his words weren’t so outrageous, who wouldn’t think he was telling the truth.

Principal Wu: “You..“

“It’s really the truth.” Shi Nian spread his hands.

He really did not lie about it. The one surnamed Bai was Bai Xiaoye, the one from the cultivation world who sort of saved him.

Bai Xiaoye thought that because he had saved him, he should be his father. But Shi Nian thought he was older than him, so the two of them fought on who should be the father until he transmigrated here, with neither having convinced the other.

Even his first name, which he was determined not to use, was Shi.

But Principal Wu had no idea of this strange past, and felt that the more he talked, the less sense he made.

At this point, Bai Bingyan said, “Principal Wu, can you give us a moment to talk?”

Principal Wu was a bit hesitant, as he could see at a glance that the two were not on good terms, so he was not comfortable leaving them alone to talk. After all, Shi Nian was still a student at their school, and he couldn’t be bullied at school.

However, the student himself did not care and said, “If you have something to do, go ahead and lend me the office.”

He added: “Don’t worry, I know my son. He’s filial. He won’t do anything to me.“

Principal Wu has been teaching for so many years and has seen many astonishing scenes, but this is really the first time he has seen such a thing.

“Shi Nian, you ……“

You are only a small student. Do you really think that you are invincible because Marshal Lu is standing behind you? so crazy. Do you know who the person opposite you is?

“You, you talk well…” He then turned to Bai Bingyan, whose face was already black, and said, “I’m sorry, the school didn’t teach well, but he is not usually like this.” Maybe there was some misunderstanding between you.“

The word “misunderstanding” was also in Bai Bingyan’s mind, and he thought, “That’s what it is.

After all these years of not seeing him, who knows what Shi Nian would think of him, and what his mother told him at the time.

“It’s a misunderstanding. It’s a misunderstanding.” Bai Bingyan told himself to calm down. First calm down, then coax the person home first. That woman was dead anyway, and he was the only family member Shi Nian had left.

And what kind of family was the Bai family? How could he not want to come back if he could?

Lu Bo Ting was also really stupid. Where did he get the confidence to dare use the Bai family’s people.

Therefore, Bai Bingyan could barely maintain his poise and only said indifferently, “Principal Wu, don’t worry, I can’t do anything in your office.”

Principal Wu had nothing more to say, so he left the office.

But he still didn’t feel comfortable. He looked up the communication records left by Xue Chi when he called yesterday and dialled back.

One side was the one who was getting Shi Nian’s school passes, and the other was the one who was being taunted as Shi Nian’s son. It was clear which side was the friendly one.

That student inside is too impulsive. He still had to talk to his parents… ah no, adults.

He did not know that once he closed the door on his side, Shi Nian on the other side stood up from the side of the desk, and occupied his chair. He sat there like a big boss, as if he was not a student who came to see the big man, but the principal himself.

“I thought that you would at least pick a hidden place, at least not at school, and be seen by so many people.” Shi Nian spoke up.

Ever since the last home invasion, he knew it would be impossible to keep it under wraps. He expected the Bai family to quietly approach him first.

Bai Bingyan said: “Your school has new school rules; it is difficult to find opportunities.”

Shi Nian nodded.

It was also true.

He rarely roamed around, and aside from that time when he invited everyone to dinner, he had always run between school and the villa. If the Bai family wanted to find an opportunity, they could only find him when he went out for lunch.

But now, with the new school rules, he probably won’t even go out for lunch in the future.

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“Came to apologize?” Shi Nian asked.

When Bai Bingyan looked at him like this, he always felt that the pace of this conversation was different from what he had imagined.

What he had imagined was that he would identify himself and say a few kind words, and Shi Nian would be weeping with joy. After all, the information gathered from over the years showed that he was not doing well on the outside.

Who knew it would be like this?

But Bai Bingyan still picked up the conversation, nodded, and said, “Yes, I was the one who wronged you and your mother back then. But son, you have to know that I didn’t want it either. Back then, the Bai family…… “

“Stop.” Shi Nian said, “I’m not talking about back then, I’m talking about now.”

Bai Bingyan: “What’s wrong with now?”

Wasn’t it you who attacked me as soon as you came in and had to make me your own son? I haven’t even come after you yet, and you’re still acting like you have a point.

Shi Nian smiled, “A while ago, there was a big thing on Starnet, about me. You know that, right?“

Of course, Bai Bingyan knew about this. He saw the screenshot of the 200 million deposit when he was going through the records. If it weren’t for that money, they wouldn’t have believed that Lu Bo Ting’s new pharmacist would be Shi Nian.

But thinking back, Shi Nian’s mother had been very talented in pharmacy back then.

“That Ji Yiqing is indeed abominable. How could he use you as a stand-in and spread the news about you being adopted on the internet.” His Bai family‘s person was being adopted. How much more should this farce be.

Bai Bingyan was really angry when he mentioned this, “Don’t worry, when I go back, I’ll…”

“What’s the point of cleaning him up? It’s just a stupid person who was being used. ” Shi Nian opened his light brain and clicked on a picture.

On it, there were all the chat records between Bai Zihan and Ji Yiqing.

Shi Nian clicked one into a projection and laid it out flush in front of Bai Bingyan’s eyes.

“The people on here are my ex-boyfriend, the scumbag who used me as a stand-in, and the white moonlight in his heart. One is your precious good son, Bai Zihan. Oh, he found out that Ji Yiqing liked him and deliberately approached him after he found out we were dating. “

“This mind, tsk. Really, whose parent is he like? His disgusted mother did the same thing.“

Bai Bingyan’s face immediately darkened at the mention of past events back, “Speak properly.”

“What? They can do it, but I’m not allowed to say it?“

“Mr. Bai, you should stay away from me in the future. Or else next time, I’m afraid next time it won’t be just rumours that I’ve been adopted by someone. They might decide to directly attack me. “

After saying that, he got up, opened the door, and walked out.

Principal Wu was right outside the door.

Shi Nian saw him and froze for a moment, then smiled, “Principal, I said my son is very filial. You werr still worried ah ……“

The moment Principal Wu saw this playful look on his face, he became angry and said, “You stand up straight. Look at your self.“

He glanced inside through the half-opened door. What the hell did they talk about?

It’s good to know that his student is not at a disadvantage.

But it was back to the old story again: “Principal, about the school uniforms…”

“What do you want to change it into?” Principal Wu was speechless: “Do you know how big a deal it is to change the school uniform? It has to be redesigned. You can’t just directly buy them. You also have to buy materials, among other things. By what virtue should your style become the school uniform? “

“Of course, because it’s good.” Shi Nian said. He then pointed at his outfit: “This is a bit expensive, but we can go with it. As long as you give your approval, I’ll buy one for the whole school, and it will be the new school uniform. “

Principal Wu: “Get lost!”

Right now, it’s just the students who don’t like it. If I were to replace it with what you’re wearing, the door to the principal’s office would be broken by parents.

“Look at what you’re wearing. Are you a big rooster?“

Shi Nian: “Principal, you have no vision. This is…”

“Come on, don’t be headstrong.” Principal Wu pulled him a short distance away and whispered, “I sent a message to Marshal Lu’s side earlier. They said they’d send food over later.“

The more Principal Wu thought about it, the more he felt that their reaction was not right. The Bai family had obviously made this trip with bad intentions. Why was Marshal Lu’s side only thinking of sending food?

Peincipal Wu really couldn’t resist and asked again, “You tell me the truth, the one inside with you ……“

What did you discuss?

“My son.” Shi Nian thought he was asking about the relationship. He did not even think about it. “I have said it many times, he, Bai Bingyan, is my biological son.“

Principal Wu: “……“

“You get lost!” He couldn’t resist raising my hand and giving Shi Nian a blow to the head.

If you could produce a son that big, you’d be a great man.

However, Shi Nian was smart enough not to want to be hit and dodged to the side.

“Then the Principal said, “I’ll go first. I have to eat. I am starving to death. I blame that unfilial son. Why did he have to come at a bad time, delaying his father from eating.“

Principal Wu: “……“

Bai Bingyan, who had just stepped : “..”

Bai Bingyan couldn’t help but yell, “Shi Nian!”

But at that moment, Shi Nian had already walked away. And even if he hadn’t, he didn’t intend to talk to him anymore.

When he got out of the office building, Xue Chi had already arrived and brought in his flying machine, which was loaded with a large pile of food.

“Mr. Shi, come up to eat first.”

Shi Nian nodded and got into the flying machine, becoming more and more satisfied: “Delicious!”

Adjutant Xue immediately said, “This was ordered by the marshal himself. He…”

“Isn’t that the way it should be?” Shu Nian immediately interrupted. “If it wasn’t for your lack of effort, how would the Bai family have found me? Would they have come to me if they couldn’t? How would they have delayed my lunch if they hadn’t come to me? “

Xue Chi: “……“

Adjutant Xue had to admit that it was still the Marshal who was powerful. At that time, Principal Wu called and he was about to rush over. After all, the relationship between Shi Nian and the Bai family was clear to them all. However, his marshal was the one who asked about the specifics, and then went ahead and ordered a meal. He sent his adjutant over personally to make sure the person was happy before he was allowed to return.

Xue Chi remembered asking, “Why?”

Lu Bo Ting gave him a look and said, “Do you want him to come back in the evening and blame me for him not getting his lunch?”

Adjutant Xue was puzzled, “It’s not your fault as to why he didn’t, that is clearly the Bai family ……”

“The Bai family is not in his sight. He can’t blame them. He has to pick on the one right in front of him. ” Lu Bo Ting knew Shi Nian’s nature and temperament too well.

“Or, when the time comes, are you ready to sacrifice yourself to fight the thunder?“

Adjutant Xue quickly pushed the food forward, “You eat, you eat!”

The door was still open at this moment, and Bai Bingyan, who came out one step later, happened to see this scene. He became so angry that his face turned green.

Damn that Lu Bo Ting.

And that Bai Zihan too. No wonder the last time he found him looking at Shi Nian’s photos, he had a panicked look. Bai Zihan thought he was looking at a starlet, but who knew it was because he was afraid he would recognise the person.

He got into his flying machine with a look of anger.

Shi Nian saw this and sneered, “I’m afraid Bai Zihan is going to be out of luck.”

Xue Chi: “Hmm?”

“When I went to see Ji Yiqing last time, I specifically asked for his chat logs with Bai Zihan.” It wasn’t for the sake of reading it, he could already guess what was on it.

That was preparation for today, of course. Day after day, Bai Zihan tossed and turned, plotting against him. He must have thought he was good-tempered! What a joke.

You’re lucky I didn’t burn your house down.

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