After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 123: 123

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Ch123 - Li Chengyan/Xie Yu (1)

To Xie Yu, there was nothing stranger than the way he got to know Li Chengyan. 

On a cold windy evening, as he stepped out of the school building, he caught sight of an alpha boxing in Yan Qiu, from the corner of his eye. 



That guy was tall and had long legs, and was wearing the military school student’s uniform, making him look quite proper and decent. 

At first glance, it looked like Ji Xinglan had come over to bother Yan Qiu again. So he intended to just turn a blind eye and pretend that he saw nothing.  

But when he walked closer to take a look, he found that the person was not Ji Xinglan. It was a new bastard with a completely unfamiliar face! 


This was bad. Yan Qiu willingly got together with Ji Xinglan, so it was none of his business, But if this person had cornered Yan Qiu, then it clearly meant that he was sexually harassing him!

His boss was currently a frail omega. There were many perverts lusting after him. 

Xie Yu had protected Yan Qiu ever since they were in kindergarten. He would beat up anyone who laughed at Yan Qiu for having no parents. Even though this matter would end up with Xie Yu being reported for bullying children and him being punished by his mother. But no matter what, with him around, no one could even dream about bullying Yan Qiu. 


When he saw Yan Qiu trying to push the alpha away and the alpha not relenting but instead getting closer, Xie Yu got angry. 

Worked up, he quietly picked up a worn-out broom from the side, went behind the pervert, and smashed him with it. 

The sound of the handle hitting the pervert’s back, stunned all three of them. 


The person cussed, cradled his back, and kneeled down on one knee, before slowly turning around and glaring at Xie Yu.  

The impulsive Xie Yu never learned how to assess the situation. After he beat the alpha who had cornered his boss, he grabbed Yan Qiu and urged, “Boss, run! I’ll deal with this pervert!”

But the “pervert” who was kneeling down on one knee in front of them, reached out weakly with a shaky hand and placed it against the wall to support himself. 

This surprised Xie Yu. Even though this guy fell on the floor because of an ambush and was kneeling down in a rather pathetic fashion, his back was still straight and did not make him look awful. 

Unwittingly, Xie Yu stared at the person’s hand for a while. His fingers were long and slender with prominent knuckles.  

The person then pushed himself up on swaying feet. 

Xie Yu instinctively tightened his grip around the broom, but the moment he turned around fully and looked at him, Xie Yu was left stunned. 

The military school student had black hair and black eyes. His black mask was pulled under his chin, and he was wearing a shiny ear stud. His hair was a little long, and if Mr. Yang got his hands on him, he would be dragged off to the village entrance to have Master Wang cut off his hair. 

When he turned around, his black eyes shone with anger and irritation. 

Instantly, words popped up in Xie Yu’s mind – ‘He is actually quite handsome. No, he is more handsome than me.’

Li Chengyan’s lips had a tear on the side. He used the back of his hand to wipe his lips and because of it, a smear of red stained the corner. 


Li Chengyan stood up unhurriedly with a mocking sneer on his face. He asked in a cold voice, “Who did you call a pervert?”

He seemed angry.  

But he could not to be blamed for feeling like this. He was a rich man’s son with a handsome appearance and an elegant demeanor. There were plenty of people who liked him. He had never been treated so roughly or like a pervert before. 

Would there even be a pervert as handsome as he was in the world?!

But this idiot not only considered him one but had actually hit him too! 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They stared at each other; with Xie Yu yet to realize that he had done something wrong.  

Ycmf Tjc Hle rjk atlr, tf qeiifv atfw jkjs. Ccv la kjr bcis joafg tf fzqijlcfv atlcur, vlv Wlf Te gfjilhf atja tf tjv wlrecvfgrabbv Ol Jtfcusjc. 

Ktlr jiqtj kjr Al Wlcuijc’r oglfcv jcv Tjc Hle xcfk tlw. 

Wlf Te ofia j ilaaif jqbibufalm. Cr qfg Tjc Hle’r reuufralbc, atfs jmmbwqjclfv Ol Jtfcusjc ab atf wfvlmji boolmf. 

But Li Chengyan’s knee seemed to be badly injured; he limped as he walked. After taking just two steps, he grimaced and leaned against the wall.  

When he saw just how much effort it took for him to walk, Xie Yu said nothing, but he felt pretty guilty. So he quietly walked to Li Chengyan and  with a stoic face, crouched down in front of him. 

“What? Are you going to carry me?”

“If you don’t want to, you can walk by yourself.”

Still expressionless, Xie Yu made to stand up.  

“I want to.” Li Chengyan did not hold back as well. 

But no matter what, he was still a grown alpha and a few centimeters taller than Xie Yu to boot. That’s why Xie Yu almost stumbled and fell, when he felt Li Chengyan’s entire weight fall on him,. 

When he felt that Li Chengyan was finally anchored to him steadily, Xie Yu slowly stood up and heard his knees tremble. He took two arduous steps forward. 

Li Chengyan was originally just joking around, but he did not expect that the guy was actually so serious about his offer. He was about to lose his footing but he still insisted on carrying him. So Li Chengyan quickly told him to stop and said, “If you can’t do it, forget it.” 

But Xie Yu’s prickly stubbornness woke up, “Who can’t do what now?”

Li Chengyan was stunned. He did not expect Xie Yu to be so obstinate.


“Sorry, Li Chengyan. Xie Yu didn’t do it on purpose.” Yan Qiu apologized to Li Chengyan on behalf of his best friend. 

The moment he heard his name, Li Chengyan’s gaze on Xie Yu turned a little different. There was even a ruminating look in his eyes, along with amusement. “You’re Xie Yu?” 

‘What’s wrong with that?’

Xie Yu said nothing more. He could not be bothered to indulge him further. 

“Tsk! It’s no wonder Ji Xinglan told me to be careful of you.” Li Chengyan shook his head. “I didn’t understand what he meant before.”

Xie Yu did not know what Ji Xinglan told Li Chengyan, but he did not need to use his brains to know that it was nothing good.  

The person on his back drew his face closer. Xie Yu could practically feel his breath on his neck, so he hunched his shoulders in defence and yelled at him, “Stay away from me, will you?! Don’t blow against my neck!”

“I didn’t.” Li Chengyan pretended to be innocent and snickered. His eyes sparkled, but he still moved his head away a little. 


By the time they finally reached the medical office, Xie Yu was exhausted. He carelessly slid the patient from his back and threw him crudely on the chair. He then straightened his back by putting his hands on his hips and sighing in relief.  

Since the doctor was not around, the female nurse gave them some ointment for them to apply on their own. 

Yan Qiu naturally stayed away from the situation, so Xie Yu was the one who was left behind to apply the ointment to Li Chengyan. 

“Hurry up and take off your clothes.” Once Yan Qiu left, Xie Yu locked the door and did not bother being polite anymore, and urged him to hurry up. 

Li Chengyan was a shameless person as well, so when he heard what Xie Yu said, he smiled, and commented, “Aren’t you being a little impatient?” 

“…” Xie Yu instantly scowled and pulled a face, “Run your mouth off again and I’ll throw you out.”

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Li Chengyan pretended as if he did not hear Xie Yu’s threat. He slowly went behind the screen to remove his shirt.

He shrugged his shoulders to loosen the muscles there before he popped open the buttons of his uniform, revealing his well-proportioned and powerful abdominal muscles. 

Xie Yu did not think much about it. He was just concerned about his wounds and asked Li Chengyan to turn around so that he could see his back.  

He saw that there was indeed a bruise on his back and Li Chengyan had even scraped his knees a little, leaving behind a purplish black bruise there as well. 

No matter what, since he had attacked him unprovoked, this was his responsibility. So Xie Yu asked him to sit down. He then picked up the ointment and used his fingers to slowly spread it evenly on the bruise. 


But for some reason, Xie Yu felt that Li Chengyan was looking at him funnily. 

He felt awkward and his hands trembled a little while he put the ointment on Li Chengyan. He kept feeling things that he could not identify.  

It should hurt when the ointment touches the wound, but Li Chengyan only frowned a little. He said nothing and seemed to be enduring it silently. 

When he saw his expressions, Xie Yu was a little stunned. 

It felt like he had seen this gaze somewhere before. 

But where? 

Xie Yu hesitated. He wanted to ask Li Chengyan whether they had met each other before, but when he saw a topless Li Chengyan in front of him, he felt a little embarrassed to ask. 

But no matter how much he tried, he just could not remember it. 

Li Chengyan sensed no movement behind him, so he turned his head to look at Xie Yu, only to find Xie Yu staring dazedly at his back. He smiled and asked, “Why are you daydreaming? Does it look good?”

Xie Yu rolled his eyes before looking away. He put the lid back on the ointment jar.  

After he obediently put medicine on Li Chengyan’s wounds, he helped him put on his clothes. But Xie Yu still felt guilty about hitting him, so he patted his pocket. “I’ll pay your medical fees.”

Li Chengyan looked at the wrinkled cash Xie Yu took out from his pocket and refused it. 

“I don’t want cash. How about you add me as a friend?” He then handed his terminal to Xie Yu. 


Xie Yu had long since heard rumors about the womanizing Li Chengyan from Yan Qiu. 

But he did not find anything strange about it. He just admired him for it. 

There was no alpha who did not want to be rich, handsome, and liked by omegas. 

After that day, Li Chengyan and Xie Yu chatted occasionally. Their talks usually lasted until late at night, which Xie Yu found unusual; for two alphas to chat together late at night.  

Even so, Li Chengyan was more knowledgeable than he was in all aspects. Hence, Xie Yu decided to humby ask him advice about relationships, only to find a shocking secret – Li Chengyan actually knew nothing about relationships and was still a virgin! 

“No way!” Xie Yu gasped in surprise. He found that he had admired the wrong person. “You’ve had so many partners, what about them?”


Li Chengyan’s answer was simple. “I didn’t like them, so I never slept with them.”

Xie Yu’s curiosity instantly stirred. “You don’t like curvy girls with 36D? Then, what sort of girls do you like? I like these sort of girls the most.” 


Li Chengyan appeared to be a little angry. So he simply said, “Guess.”

Xie Yu did not understand it and scratched his head. How could he possibly guess?


Afterwards, they still kept in contact, with Li Chengyan usually the one starting the conversation. But they were not really familiar with each other so they usually stopped after exchanging only a few words. But Li Chengyan still continued to enthusiastically chat with him. 

Even though Xie Yu chatted with him, he could not figure out the reason, and no matter what, he could he remember if they knew each other before. 

There were plenty of times when he nearly asked Li Chengyan whether they had met each other before, but in the end, he chickened out. 


Ever since, Yan Qiu the alpha left, Xie Yu too seldom played soccer. He also washed his feet clean and quit the school’s soccer team. 

That evening, Xie Yu and Yan Qiu went to the field to watch Ji Xinglan play soccer. Xie Yu noticed that Li Chengyan was there as well. 

When Yan Qiu helped Ji Xinglan hold his shirt, even standing on the side, he attracted a lot of attention. 

Li Chengyan cast them a glance and then looked at the crowd.  

Three seconds later, all the people there saw the famous womanizer smile flirtatiously before tossing his shirt into the crowd.

It did not hit any omega. Instead, it landed on Xie Yu. 

Xie Yu was standing in the crowd casually eating the apple that came with his lunch set. He was not a wasteful person so he had almost eaten the core as well. At that moment, a Gucci shirt, worth forty thousand RMB, suddenly landed on him. 

Xie Yu looked at the shirt that suddenly appeared in his hands. He did not care about how much it was worth and looked up in shock. But Li Chengyan had already turned away.  

‘Is he crazy?’ Xie Yu wondered dumbfounded. 

He could not throw Li Chengyan’s shirt away but he could not continue holding it either. Xie Yu frowned even more. 


When Bai Yuanyuan saw that he did not want to have this blessing, she felt distressed and worried that this chance would slip from her hands, so she quickly said, “Give it to me.”

Xie Yu cast her a glance and considering Li Chengyan’s shirt as a troublesome matter, happily handed over the shirt to her.  


He did not watch the complete match for Yan Qiu had asked him to do him a favor and buy something for him. So he did not know whether Bai Yuanyuan returned the shirt to Li Chengyan or not. 

After school ended on Friday, Xie Yu walked to the school gates with his head lowered, busy sending a message to Li Chengyan asking about his shirt, as he walked. 

He must find out if Li Chengyan’s shirt was returned to him. If he lost it, he would not be able to return it even if he sold his organs for it.  

Xie Yu continued staring at his terminal with his head bowed till he reached the school gates. Once there, from his peripheral vision, he saw a person standing there. 

He was feeling anxious, so he did not care to look at who that person was. He simply turned and made to bypass him, but that person followed him insistently before overtaking him and standing in his way. 

Xie Yu frowned and looked at the person in front of him. “Li Chengyan?”

When Li Chengyan smiled, he looked like a ruffian. He grinned and whistled at Xie Yu. “What are you doing?” 

“Going home”, Xie Yu answered like a good boy.

But Li Chengyan continued pestering him and did not let him go. He reached out and grabbed his sleeve before whispering into his ear, “Want to go to the pub with me?”

Mogumoguchan: Vibe for this pair is very different, isn’t it?

Sarcasm: Because this depicts a healthy relationship; mutual and without coercion, with a hint of gentle indulgence.  

lolimelon: cute~~*

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