After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 15: 15

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Ch15 - Then Why Did He Kiss You?

Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Neirith 

The sky gradually darkened. A final ray of dying golden light shone on the horizon, and the last remaining shadows in the small forest beside the sports arena were dark and vague.

Once the sun set, the lane beside the sports arena would turn completely dark, as there were no street lamps in it. It was the perfect place for couples to go on a date, since no one would notice them. Yan Qiu gulped. His mind raced, thinking of ways he should placate Ji Xinglan so that he would not end up taking him while it was dark.



“Didn’t I tell you? I don’t like other people touching my things,” Ji Xinglan said.

When he saw the extreme obsession in Ji Xinglan’s bright eyes, Yan Qiu began to wonder whether his eyes were deceiving him. 

‘What’s going on? Why is Ji Xinglan treasuring him so much now?’


“What right do you have to say that?” Yan Qiu didn’t like others controlling his life and felt incredibly uneasy. So he decided to reply defiantly, “Aren’t you being too much of a control freak right now, Mr. Ji? You have to have a say with whom I play with? Did you mark me or sleep with me? How am I your omega now? The agreement we signed didn’t include a rule stating that I can’t play with others.”

All others involved in marriage agreements only signed those forms in order to split property and to make it easy for them to have their own fun. But Ji Xinglan sucked. He promised he would give up half of his property to Yan Qiu when they divorced, but now, he wouldn’t allow him to get close to anyone, like a real paranoid jerk.

If it weren’t for the fact that he knew that Ji Xinglan never liked Xiao Qiu, Yan Qiu would have begun to wonder whether Ji Xinglan had sunk to such a meek position for the sake of love.


If this were not true love, why would Ji Xinglan try to suck up to him so much?

Yan Qiu sighed soundlessly. One of the reasons he had agreed to marry Ji Xinglan when his mind was addled was because of the baby. If they didn’t marry, Ji Xinglan’s son couldn’t be registered as a citizen. On the other hand, Yan Qiu thought that marrying Ji Xinglan would not affect his life too much.

But he seemed to be mistaken. This marriage affected his life much more than he thought it would. However, they were already married. He had no room for regret either. If he went to Ji Xinglan to discuss their divorce, Ji Xinglan would definitely torment him to death.


Yet, Ji Xinglan had clearly misunderstood Yan Qiu when he talked about playing with others. He seemed to have been triggered by Yan Qiu’s attitude and raised a knee, propping it against Yan Qiu’s side before he swiftly leaned in, reached out, and lifted Yan Qiu’s chin. Then, he used his other hand to pinch Yan Qiu’s smooth and soft cheek. 

He even smiled briefly at Yan Qiu. When his eyes lit up in delight, he looked really good, as if he was an angel with a halo. However, Yan Qiu only felt his skin crawl, because his smile looked a little psychotic. He knew that whatever was going to happen next wasn’t going to be good.

And just as he expected, the blond teenager caressed Yan Qiu’s cheek with his finger, saying airily, “Because I am your alpha.”

Those words sounded insanely ruthless in Yan Qiu’s ears.

Before his voice faded away, Ji Xinglan pushed down on Yan Qiu’s shoulder, not allowing him to move. Then, suddenly, he leaned over and tried to kiss him. 

Yan Qiu was shocked and he immediately turned his head to dodge it, but his legs were parted, and he was boxed in between Ji Xinglan and the bench. He could not escape. In his panic, he instinctively covered his mouth, which also meant he touched the hand Ji Xinglan placed on his face. His knuckles were not huge and bony, and his fingers were long. His skin was smooth and fair. There was even a pink tinge on his knuckles.

When he sensed the heat on his palm, Yan Qiu blushed. Ji Xinglan, too, was taken aback for a moment.

‘Whattheheckwhattheheckwhattheheck???!!! I’m way too unlucky!’

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Wlcuijc ugjyyfv Tjc Hle’r kglra, ygbeuta la vbkc, jcv qlccfv la bc atf yjmx bo atf yfcmt, ktfgf tlr batfg tjcv kjr. Ktfc, jiwbra lwwfvljafis joafg, tf ifjcfv bnfg. Tjc Hle mbeiv rfcrf atf rilutais mbbi, wfajiilm yfia yemxfa jujlcra tlr eclobgw. Pa kjr vluulcu lcab tlr rxlc j ilaaif. 

Just when the two of them struggled against each other, a flashlight suddenly shone at them from the small forest behind. Someone shouted, “What are you doing?!”

That one shout that suddenly exploded from the silent darkness was sonorous, and it surprised all the birds resting in the forest. Immediately, the rustling sounds of leaves rubbing against each other was heard from the forest.


Yan Qiu was shocked as well. He looked over Ji Xinglan’s shoulder and he just so happened to see the head of moral education’s plump face as well as his head, which was balding slightly from his crown. The head of moral education shined the flashlight in their direction and discovered a “couple” on a date at the borders of the forest, which was why he had run over with fierce momentum.

When Yan Qiu saw that it was him, he was shocked. 

The head of moral education’s surname was Yang, and Yan Qiu could no longer remember his full name. But he’d a lot of run-ins with the head of moral education in the past. He was often sent to the moral education department once every few days, and Mr. Yang was never kind to him. The self-reflection essays he wrote over the past two years could circle Earth twice.

The head of moral education was the representative of all the traditionalists amongst the school leaders. He was a man determined in catching young couples, and if they were caught, they were in trouble. Tomorrow, he and Ji Xinglan would be hung on a pole and exposed to the school as a warning to the students!

They were in a critical situation right now, and Ji Xinglan was still in a daze?! Yan Qiu quickly pushed him away and forced his numb legs to stand, grabbing Ji Xinglan’s hand as he fled.

The dark forest was so quiet that it was a little freaky. The dark branches stretched out, looking as if they were vicious creatures hidden in the dark. Usually, Yan Qiu would definitely not dare to run inside aimlessly, but they were in an emergency today. Besides, Yan Qiu was still holding Ji Xinglan’s hand. The warmth from his palm and the alpha’s scent surrounding him gave him a sense of safety. 

Yan Qiu’s sense of direction was pretty bad. He couldn’t see the path in the forest either. He just ran erratically as he thought of how to solve the problem of getting lost once he shook off Mr. Yang.

When he watched Mr. Yang practically fly at them with his  plump body while carrying with him a terrifying gale that was reminiscent of Death itself, Yan Qiu found that he was actually capable of running very quickly. He staggered about in the forest, not knowing whether he even stepped on dog poop. He could only use the dim moonlight to avoid the shadows of the trees and hasten his legs to run forward.

Despite how Yan Qiu was staggering, the plump Mr. Yang was unable to catch up to him. He just shouted at them to stop at the top of his lungs, but there was no way Yan Qiu would stop. When he heard his voice, he ran even faster, as if the wind was behind his back. With Ji Xinglan, they charged into the small forest.

After running hundreds of meters forward, Yan Qiu finally dared to turn his head and look behind him. 

The light behind them was finally becoming darker. They seemed to have already shaken Mr. Yang off their tails.

Yan Qiu sighed in relief and looked forward. He had originally thought of running out of the school gate in one go, but he suddenly saw a wall in front of him.

Thus, Yan Qiu had to stop. He let go of Ji Xinglan’s hand and looked around, only to find that his surroundings were a little unfamiliar.

The forest behind the school was walled in when the school was built. Since their school had a rather large area that had gone through the greening process, it had the title of “green school” for the past ten or so years. The forest had an area of thirty thousand square meters, and anyone with a bad sense of direction would most likely be unable to walk out. Usually, the school forbade the students from entering the place as they liked. 

The wall in front of him was rather tall. Weeds grew at the foot of the wall, and the paint was showing signs of peeling. Clearly, very few people came here. In his panic just now, Yan Qiu neglected to choose his path. Nevertheless, they had actually run into a dead-end.

The area to his front and sides were all walls and behind him, he could still vaguely see the light from Mr. Yang’s flashlight. If they went back right now, they would definitely run into Mr. Yang.

Yan Qiu stood still, staring at the wall in front of him with a troubled expression. Based on his estimations, he wouldn’t be able to climb over.

He looked back and saw that the light from the flashlight behind him was becoming brighter. By the looks of it, Mr. Yang was still chasing after them, full of vigor. Yan Qiu grit his teeth and said to Ji Xinglan, “You can climb over, right?” 

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Yan Qiu knew that this wall wouldn’t pose a problem for Ji Xinglan.

“A 2.5m wall is nothing.” Ji Xinglan sized up the wall and judged its height before him as he replied with his arms crossed.


“That’s good then. Hurry up and climb the wall so that you can run.” Yan Qiu pushed him until he reached the foot of the wall. “Hurry up and leave.”

Ji Xinglan was a little surprised, and he seemed to be moved by his self-sacrificing spirit. So, he asked, “What about you?” 

“I can’t climb over.” Yan Qiu averted his gaze.

But Ji Xinglan said, “I can help you climb over. I can prop you up.”

Yan Qiu gulped and forced himself to shake his head as he said, “No! I have a fear of heights! Even if I climb up, I wouldn’t dare to jump. Ah, stop bothering about me. Hurry up and go! Don’t let anyone see you!”

Yan Qiu was afraid of Ji Xinglan laughing at his acrophobia, so he pushed and dragged him, trying to make him leave. 

In truth, Yan Qiu didn’t want to sacrifice himself. He was actually thinking about how he’d rather be the only one hung on a pole to serve as a warning to the students rather than hung on a pole together with Ji Xinglan.

If Xie Yu and the others learned that he was captured by Old Yang because he had a date with Ji Xinglan in the forest, it would be incredibly embarrassing. He could no longer be their leader as well.

“Can you handle him?” Ji Xinglan didn’t care about whether he was discovered, but Yan Qiu insisted that he leave as soon as possible so that no one discovered him.

Ji Xinglan relented. He reached the foot of the wall and jumped lightly as he grabbed the top of the wall. With the strengths of his elbows and arms, he managed to climb to the top of the wall in one pull. His actions were incredibly fluid and elegant. Before Yan Qiu could see him clearly, he had already managed to climb over. 

Yan Qiu looked at him with his head raised and he felt a little jealous.

“Do all of you military school students have such good stamina?”

Instead of running, Ji Xinglan continued to speak to him calmly from the wall. “Good stamina, huh? Well, the one who’ll enjoy it in the end is you.”

Yan Qiu glared at him. “Are you leaving or what?” 

After reminding him to leave a few times, Yan Qiu finally saw Ji Xinglan disappear behind the wall.

Mr. Yang’s flashlight drew closer. He was about to reach the “battlefield”. In the end, Yan Qiu just sighed in relief and went back the way he came, in order to”surrender”.


As the vanguard of capturing cases of premature love in school, Mr. Yang’s favorite pastime was to wait until it was dark, grab a flashlight, go to the sports arena, and catch couples out on a date. The forest, with its lack of street lamps, was the perfect place for a date, so he could always catch couples there. 

Today, like any other, he had come over after dinner. Just as he expected, he found another couple on a date. In the distance, he saw two people at the border of the forest. One of them had his hands pressed against the bench, and their heads were close together, as if they were making out.

During the afternoon meeting, the headmaster had told him that the next time he was to give lectures in between classes, he was to talk about the problem of dating. When Mr. Yang saw that he was about to catch a perfect example for tomorrow’s  regular meeting, he naturally could not give up the chance. He wanted to criticize them sternly and make them write a self-reflection essay.


However, he didn’t expect that the two youngsters would run so quickly. In a flash, they ran into the forest, and he soon lost sight of them. There was no way he could catch up to them, considering his old age. After a few moments, they shook him off.

Just as he started to walk back while panting, he suddenly saw a person in front of him. One half of the couple just now came back. He was a rather good-looking boy, and he wore one of the inhibition collars specially made for omegas. 

Mr. Yang immediately stopped panting. He straightened his back, cleared his throat, and was just about to criticize him when he suddenly noticed that the pretty omega in front of him had teary eyes, making him look very pitiful.

Yan Qiu was indeed pretending to be pitiful to gain sympathy points.

In truth, once Yan Qiu got close to Mr. Yang, he thanked his lucky stars on his heart that Mr. Yang was a beta and couldn’t smell Ji Xinglan’s scent on him.

The delicate appearance was indeed effective. Old Yang suddenly found himself ill-at-ease to scold him. 

Mr. Yang swung the flashlight in his hand and led Yan Qiu out of the forest. While he walked, he asked with a tone that he assumed was stern, but his voice did not sound fierce at all. “Are you dating that person just now?”

Yan Qiu didn’t actually deserve to be accused of premature love. They had already long since become adults, and they were even a lawfully wedded couple. Even if they did the deed in the forest, they were entirely blameless. Yet, Yan Qiu did not want to expose Ji Xinglan, so he could only force himself to say, “…No.”

He wasn’t lying. He really wasn’t dating Ji Xinglan.

“No?” Mr. Yang frowned in puzzlement. He didn’t quite believe that this pretty and delicate omega would lie. “Then why did he kiss you?” 

“I don’t know.” Yan Qiu’s eyes were red-rimmed. He shook his head vigorously.

How should he know why Ji Xinglan kissed him?

“You don’t know him?” When he saw that the good-looking student was about to start crying, Mr. Yang was incredibly worried. “Then why did you kiss him?”

Yan Qiu continued shaking his head like a rattling drum. “He was the one who wanted to kiss me. I was too weak and I couldn’t push him away…” 

He still wasn’t lying. That bastard, Ji Xinglan had indeed intended to force a kiss on him.

Mr. Yang turned pale with fright.

He originally thought that he was just witnessing a dating couple. He didn’t expect that this would turn out to be a major crime! A pervert who would force kisses on omegas had appeared in their harmonious school!

“Where is he?” 

“He disappeared. He jumped over the wall and ran away.”

Mr. Yang grabbed Yan Qiu’s hand tightly and comforted him. “Don’t worry. Everything’s alright now. You don’t have to be afraid, we’ll definitely catch him. Tell me, did you see his face clearly?”


When he said this, Yan Qiu didn’t know how he should tell Mr. Yang that this was all a misunderstanding on his part. He could only soldier on and shake his head. “It was too dark. I didn’t manage to see his face clearly.”

While he said this, Yan Qiu stood in silent tribute for Ji Xinglan in his heart. 

‘I hope you don’t get caught.’

You can find story with these keywords: After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy, Read After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy novel, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy book, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy story, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy full, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy Latest Chapter

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