After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 34: 34

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Ch34 - Don’t You Have Any Explanations To Offer To Me?

Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Neirith 

On the second day, Ji Xinglan refused to let Yan Qiu go to school no matter what he said, and forced him to rest at home. 

Ji Xinglan stood in front of the dressing mirror. Wearing his jacket, he said, “You’re not competing anyway. It’s the same even if you stay at home and rest.”



Yan Qiu was indignant. “My body is fine. I just had low blood sugar, and I’m already fine! I want to join the sports event as well.”

“Why do you want to join the sports event?” Ji Xinglan buttoned his jacket and asked him curiously.  

Yan Qiu was incredibly lazy at home. Everyday, he just ate, slept, and played with the kitten. Unless it was time to eat, he might not even remember Ji Xinglan. 


“I’m going to strengthen my body.” Yan Qiu leaned against the door and retorted. Ji Xinglan’s collar hadn’t been smoothed out yet, and when Yan Qiu saw it, his OCD attacked, and he reached out to smooth out his collar.

“Strengthen your body?” Ji Xinglan grabbed his hand and dipped his head down to kiss it. “Just be good and stay at home. If you really want to train, I can train with you when I come back.”

Ji Xinglan was originally reluctant to go to school, but Yan Qiu knew that he still had to compete, so he forced him out. “I can stay home alone!


Nonetheless, Ji Xinglan was rather anxious to let Yan Qiu stay at home by himself. So he asked someone from his house to come over to take care of him. Yan Qiu was rather displeased by how much of a fuss he was causing, but before Ji Xinglan left, he still gave Yan Qiu a reminder out of worry, “If anything comes up, call me.”

“Got it.” Yan Qiu knew that Ji Xinglan was worried about him, so he didn’t show his impatience. 

Before Ji Xinglan went out, he pinned Yan Qiu against the foyer and kissed Yan Qiu to the point that Yan Qiu had to push him before he was willing to let go. 


Yan Qiu watched Ji Xinglan carry his bag as he entered the elevator. When the elevator door was slowly shut, Yan Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.  

He went back to the apartment and locked the door. Then, he picked up his terminal before laying on the couch with his legs crossed. He looked very relaxed. 

Lan Lan was very happy. Yan Qiu wasn’t going to go out today, so it generously pushed its ball to Yan Qiu’s feet so that he could play with it. Meanwhile, it laid on Yan Qiu’s belly to lick its own fur. 

However, Yan Qiu wasn’t interested in its ball. Since he was worried that he would slip if he stepped on it, he kicked it gently to the side. Then, he picked up the glass on the tea table and took a sip from it. 

After the intense fight at the medical office yesterday, not only had it become hard for Yan Qiu to explain things to Ji Xinglan, Yan Qiu also spent a lot of effort to explain things to Xie Yu yesterday.  

He could never win against Ji Xinglan in a debate, but he could just admit to his mistake, and Ji Xinglan would let him slide. But his dignity as the boss wouldn’t allow him to act the same way with Xie Yu. So Xie Yu decided to not beat around the bush and just asked whatever was on his mind. 

When Xie Yu inevitably asked Yan Qiu about him and Ji Xinglan, Yan Qiu found that he simply didn’t have the courage to tell him the truth. 

How was he supposed to say it?

‘Why did Ji Xinglan hug me? Why am I currently Ji Xinglan’s fiancée? Why am I carrying his child, and why am constantly intimate with him?’ 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yan Qiu couldn’t afford to embarrass himself in front of Xie Yu, so he could only vaguely say that Ji Xinglan had a special relationship with Xiao Qiu, but he still avoided telling Xie Yu about the details. 

Ktlr kjr atf olgra alwf Wlf Te yfmjwf rerqlmlber bo Tjc Hle. 


“…Dbrr, sbe’gf cba islcu ab wf, gluta?”

Wlf Te vlvc’a yfilfnf atja Al Wlcuijc kbeiv yf rb mibrf klat j vlrajca mberlc.  

Rb wjaafg tbk mibrf atfs kfgf, jc jveia jiqtj jcv jc jveia bwfuj rtbeiv xcbk atja atfs tjv ab jnblv jgberlcu rerqlmlbc, pera ilxf tlw jcv tlr ybrr… Mlcf, jigluta. Lf rffwfv ab tjnf jirb obgubaafc jybea jnblvlcu jmar atja kbeiv jgberf rerqlmlbc klat tlr ybrr. 

But before these absurd things happened, Xie Yu didn’t know if Xiao Qiu knew Ji Xinglan. Ji Xinglan came to their school quite a number of times, and he never paid a lot of attention to someone before. His eyes would only flicker with emotion when he saw Yan Qiu. 

Nevertheless, Xie Yu knew that his boss had some grudges with Ji Xinglan, so he automatically interpreted Ji Xinglan’s gaze as him wanting to cause trouble. 

“That’s not right. He definitely fancies you,” Xie Yu said firmly after he thought about it for a moment.  

Yan Qiu found himself feeling troubled on the other end of the terminal. 

He knew very clearly that it was impossible for Ji Xinglan to have taken a fancy to him. Ji Xinglan only married him because he was pregnant with his child. 

“…If he fancies me, then so be it.” After Yan Qiu said this, he found that something was off, so he added. “In any case, I’m straight.”

Xie Yu was a chatterbox, as usual. He gave Yan Qiu pieces of news in an endless stream, and Yan Qiu didn’t even have the time to respond to all of them.  

“Boss, did you notice that there is something really off about Ji Xinglan?

“I think that he’s really hostile towards me.

It’s not the type, you know, when he wants to fight me? It’s more like the type someone uses when he wants to beat someone to a pulp.

Hey, do you think that he’s treating me as a love rival? 

Oh, my God, no way. Maybe he is really into incest?

Hahaha! No way! Even I find it awkward when I mention the word ‘love rival’! It’s too hilarious!”

Yan Qiu couldn’t help but grumble in his heart. ‘When did this guy become so smart?’

But Yan Qiu didn’t have the courage to tell Xie Yu the reason behind why Ji Xinglan misunderstood him. So he just said in a joking manner, “It’s because we’re close to each other. We’ve been eating a lot with each other, and now, the school forum is spreading rumors about us.” 

After he said those words, Xie Yu remained quiet for a while. 

Yan Qiu felt that the atmosphere was a little delicate, and he wanted to say something to ease up the tension, but he suddenly heard Xie Yu apologizing to him. 

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“I saw it too, actually. I’m sorry, Boss. I didn’t think about those things, and I’m still as stupid and clingy as ever.”

Xie Yu might have seen the rumors on the forum. Yan Qiu suddenly felt a little sad.  

Before, he and Xie Yu could talk about everything, and no one would ever be suspicious of them. 

But from a certain day onwards, Yan Qiu had been comforting himself that it was fine becoming an omega. Yet the series of events happened that caused their relationship to have changed. 

Even if they said that they didn’t mind, their relationship had still become a little different.

“What are you saying?” Yan Qiu comforted him, “Don’t bother about what others say. We’ll be fine as long as we act just like before. You’re still you, and I’m still your boss.” 

Yan Qiu found the hearsays awkward, and it was the same for Xie Yu.

But he still said sincerely, “Boss, don’t mind it. Alphas and omegas can share a true friendship as well. Regardless of whether you’re an alpha or an omega, you’re still my boss. I didn’t get close to you because you’re an alpha, and I don’t have any other thoughts towards you.”

Xie Yu also knew that Yan Qiu’s problem wasn’t just as simple as turning into an omega. He would face a lot more problems later on. He had to take care of his physiological problems, human relationships, and other things. 

He was grateful that Yan Qiu had immediately told him about this when he came back, and he also hated himself for not being able to help.  

After they had a heart-to-heart talk, Yan Qiu felt that the burden in his heart seemed to have disappeared, but he still felt worried. 

He simply didn’t know how he was supposed to explain what was going on with Ji Xinglan. If he admitted to their relationship, Xie Yu might end up getting even more worried. 

It was useless for Xie Yu to worry about it, anyway. He might even end up throwing all caution to the wind and fighting against Ji Xinglan. So Yan Qiu could only hold back from saying anything. 

Yan Qiu sighed. “There are certain things that I’m not deliberately keeping from you, but once I’ve settled it, I will definitely tell you about it. We’re best friends forever, right?” 

Xie Yu said, “Boss, if anything happens, you can tell me. Don’t keep it to yourself. It’s fine if you can’t talk about it as well, but if I can help, I will definitely help you.”

Yan Qiu put down his terminal and finally breathed a sigh of relief. 

Once he dealt with the problem with Xie Yu, he immediately found that his feelings toward Xie Yu were different to Ji Xinglan. 

When it came to Xie Yu, he truly treated him as a brother in all but blood, and he didn’t want to have any gossip about him and Xie Yu circulating, but when it came to Ji Xinglan… 

Yan Qiu noticed that aside from feeling embarrassed and being terrified that their relationship would be known by Xie Yu and the others, he couldn’t detect any emotion in him that could be considered disgust.

This was just like how Yan Qiu had that dream about the teenage Ji Xinglan when Yan Qiu was still seventeen. Yan Qiu didn’t dare to think about it in depth. 


‘I am an alpha.’ Yan Qiu warned himself once more. 

On this day, before class ended, Ji Xinglan mentioned that he would bring Yan Qiu’s bag back so that he could study at home.  

Yan Qiu smacked his head. He remembered the love letter left behind in the drawer, and he quickly asked Xie Yu to pick up the letter from his drawer and throw it away. 

Xie Yu was currently resting in the classroom because of his injured leg. Once he received the news, he immediately went to Yan Qiu’s seat. But even after rummaging through it, he found nothing. But how could he possibly not find it in such a small desk?

He could only send a message to Yan Qiu. [Boss, I can’t find it.]

[I put it in the drawer. Try looking for it again.] Xie Yu looked through the entire desk again, and he even flipped through the textbooks, but he just could not find the letter.  

[Ah, forget it.]

Yan Qiu thought about it. It might have fallen on the floor, and the students in charge of cleaning duty might have swept it away. He was worried that Ji Xinglan would see Xie Yu in his seat and that the two of them would end up arguing with each other. So he hastily asked Xie Yu to stop looking for the letter. [It’s fine even if you can’t find it. It’s alright.]

Xie Yu looked through the desk a few times again before he reluctantly left Yan Qiu’s seat. He asked curiously, [Who wrote that love letter to you?]

Only Xie Yu would still believe that he still had any sort of masculine charm. Yan Qiu felt all sorts of complicated emotions in his heart. [It’s not for me. Bai Yuanyuan wrote it for Ji Xinglan. He threw it away, and I picked it up.] 

Ji Xinglan watched Xie Yu look through Yan Qiu’s drawer through the backdoor of the classroom. Then, Xie Yu left. 

After he left, Ji Xinglan leisurely walked into the classroom. 

He calmly retrieved Yan Qiu’s bag and walked out of the door. Once he reached a place with no one around, he slowly brought out a pink letter from his pocket. 

Ji Xinglan tossed the letter into the trash can in passing. He also pursed his lips in disdain.  

Xie Yu, that flirt. He actually sprayed perfume on the letter. 

When Ji Xinglan came back that day, his expression was rather unpleasant. 

After Yan Qiu saw Xie Yu send him a message saying that the letter was gone, he found that something was off. He was drinking water in the living room when he heard movement outside the door. He turned his head around, and he was just in time to see Ji Xinglan push open the door before entering. They looked at each other. 

Ji Xinglan was hostile. He quirked an eyebrow at Yan Qiu. At the same time that he affixed his gaze on Yan Qiu, Yan Qiu felt a chill down his spine.  

‘This is bad. Ji Xinglan has most likely discovered it.’ Yan Qiu immediately put down his glass and wanted to run. 

But right when he took half a step forward, Ji Xinglan had already stood in front of him. 


The kitten was by their side, and it meowed “fiercely” at Ji Xinglan, warning him to retreat. 

However, its warning posed no threat to Ji Xinglan. He casually pushed Yan Qiu against the sofa and crowded him.  

Their faces were practically touching each other. Ji Xinglan’s hair landed on his cheek, and it itched. 

Ji Xinglan curled his lips. There was a smile on his face, and though it looked really good, it caused Yan Qiu to shudder. 

“Don’t you have anything to say to me?” he asked. 

Mogumoguchan: Hey, don’t talk about my boy Xie Yu like that.  

Neirith: Ji Xinglan common sense level: -5 (-‸ლ)

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