After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 38: 38

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Ch38 - It was Written Two Years Ago

Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: Neirith 

Yan Qiu sneakily peeked out of the corner and stared at the two people across from him. Just as he held his breath and was prepared to see whether Ji Xinglan would accept Lin Wei’s confession, Ji Xinglan suddenly looked over. 

Yan Qiu, who had been watching quietly, was terrified. He quickly pulled back and only dared to move after a long time. 



It was unknown whether Ji Xinglan had seen him.

Yan Qiu was in a hurry to know whether Ji Xinglan had received Lin Wei’s love letter, but he was worried that Ji Xinglan would notice him, and it was inconvenient for him to look out. Thus, he could only hide behind the corner discreetly.  

He held his breath and stuck close to the wall, trying his best to hide himself. After waiting for a while, he heard no sign of movement from the stairs. Then, he peeked out of the corner again. This time, only half of his head moved out of the corner. 


At that time, Ji Xinglan was no longer looking over. 

He had his hands in his pockets while he stood in front of Lin Wei. His expression remained calm, but the letter in Lin Wei’s hands was already gone. 

When Yan Qiu saw this, he came up with an answer—Ji Xinglan had already taken the letter. 


He felt complicated emotions stir in him. He wanted to leave, but right when he turned around, he suddenly saw a magnified, snow-white face in front of him, and he was shocked. 


The moment he turned his head around, he saw another face, and Yan Qiu was caught off guard, which scared him so much that he nearly had a heart attack. He fell sitting on his butt. 


Bai Yuanyuan had run out at some point of time, and she was currently squatting behind him, as if she were watching them with ulterior motives. She was so angry that her hands trembled, and she ran out before she managed to fully apply her foundation.  

Yan Qiu sucked in a sharp breath and calmed down his heart before he quickly pulled her back through the backdoor of the classroom. Bai Yuanyuan stared at the direction where the stairs were and was so infuriated that she stomped on her feet. “AAAAHH! I’M GONNA FIGHT THAT BITCH!”

Yan Qiu leaned against the back of his seat in the classroom while he sucked on a lollipop. He repeatedly turned on his terminal to check the time. 

He waited for a few more minutes, but Ji Xinglan had yet to return. With no other way to vent his frustration, he could only viciously crush the lollipop between his teeth. Then, he kicked the table angrily. 

Yan Qiu thought that he hadn’t used a lot of strength, but he was enraged, so it was difficult for him to control his strength.  

The table in front of him swayed a little because of the kick, and the pen on the table rolled down. 

The student in the front row heard the sound of the pen dropping, so he bent down to pick it up before he turned around to put it back on Yan Qiu’s table. But he unintentionally looked up, and he saw that there was a terrifyingly fierce look on Yan Qiu’s face. He was so scared that he quickly turned back to bury his nose in his exercise book. 

Yan Qiu bit down on the lollipop-less stick while he supported his head with one hand. He used his other to spin his pen. The exercise book in front of him was empty, and he wrote not a single word in it. 

One minute passed. Two minutes passed. Five minutes passed. But Ji Xinglan didn’t come back.  

Yan Qiu wondered what on earth they were talking about. 

The more Yan Qiu thought about it, the angrier he became. Someone among him, Ji Xinglan, and Lin Wei must have done something wrong, because he could not get over this “magical” love triangle. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So he decided to just lean backwards and lock the backdoor. 

Vlcmf atf ybat bo atfw ibnfv ajixlcu ab fjmt batfg rb wemt, ifa atfw ajix. Pa kjr cbatlcu wjpbg, jcskjs.  

Pc jcs mjrf, atfs kfgf atf bcfr ktb kfgf tjqqs. Lf kjr cbatlcu. 

Aera jr Tjc Hle wjvf qijcr jcv lwjulcfv tbk jczlber Al Wlcuijc kbeiv yf ktfc Tjc Hle gfoerfv ab bqfc atf vbbg cb wjaafg tbk wemt tf xcbmxfv, Al Wlcuijc tjv jigfjvs fcafgfv atgbeut atf ogbca vbbg mjiwis. 

At the moment he entered through the door, Yan Qiu widened his eyes and opened the locked door, feeling a little dejected. 

Ji Xinglan walked over calmly and returned to his seat. There was nothing held in his hands.  

Nevertheless, Yan Qiu felt that he must have taken the love letter. Still, he couldn’t find any evidence to interrogate him. So he just discreetly stared at Ji Xinglan’s pocket. However, if he really put the thin piece of paper in his pocket, Yan Qiu wouldn’t be able to see anything anyways. 

Oh well, maybe Ji Xinglan didn’t take it. Yan Qiu comforted himself with this thought. 

The last self-study period ended, and the bell for school dismissal rang on time. 

The atmosphere in the classroom instantly became lively. The students got up and started packing up. Some of those who had gotten ready a long time ago just grabbed their bags and rushed out through the door.  

Yan Qiu put his books into his bag while he looked at Ji Xinglan discreetly through the corner of his eye. Suddenly, his eyes sparkled, because he saw an envelope laying in Ji Xinglan’s drawer. 

‘Hah! I finally caught you!’

Yan Qiu laughed savagely in his heart. 

He stared at the corner of the envelope, which was revealed unintentionally, and Yan Qiu rudely reached over to grab it. He brought the letter out and opened it on the spot.  

Once Yan Qiu opened the letter, he reached inside and found that the quality of the paper was a little unique. When he brought it out, he found that it was a piece of rice paper. 

Yan Qiu opened it in puzzlement, and he gasped in his heart. 

As expected of the school princess. Even when she wrote a love letter, she didn’t follow cliches. She actually used golden ink to write a poem called the Phoenix Seeks Its Mate. 

Her tiny and beautiful handwriting flew over the paper in a carefree manner. The words were connected together in beautiful cursive, making it a smooth reading. Clearly, she had worked hard on this, and this was a standard Yan Qiu could never hope to achieve. 

He actually managed to receive such an original love letter. Seriously, he was so envious. 

But when Yan Qiu looked at it carefully, he found that only the first half was written on it. The paper itself was not complete either. It seemed like someone had ripped it in half carefully. 


If his guess was correct, the other half of the poem was in her hands. 

What a calculating woman.  

Yan Qiu looked at Ji Xinglan, and there was slight anger within him.

Who was it who clung to him, kissed him, and hugged him two days ago and told him that he liked him too?

It had just been a while since they met, and he even took her token of love?

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Yan Qiu gritted his teeth. The anger in his eyes started letting out sparks, threatening to burn.  

He could see things through now. Ji Xinglan was just a scumbag!

Ten minutes after the bell for school dismissal rang, most of the people in the classroom left. The students on cleaning duty swept the floor and took out the trash can to throw the trash. 

Yan Qiu watched the students on cleaning duty leave, and he kicked the backdoor shut. 

Under Ji Xinglan’s slightly stunned gaze, Yan Qiu aggressively slammed the piece of paper on his chest and grabbed his collar to shove Ji Xinglan against the back of the chair.  

Yan Qiu spread out the paper in his hands and grabbed a corner. He shook the paper a little. 

“I’ll give you three seconds to make explanations. Three, two, one—”

But, Yan Qiu had already forgotten that Ji Xinglan was no longer the young master who wouldn’t fight back, argue back, and did not even know a single curse word. Ji Xinglan’s strength was also on a different level compared to him. 

Ji Xinglan looked down at the hand Yan Qiu used to grab his collar. Suddenly, he yanked at his hand and caused him to stagger, causing Yan Qiu to sit on his lap. Since the motion made him look as if he had sat on his lap on his own. It was far too embarrassing for him, and Yan Qiu was stunned on the spot.  

While Yan Qiu struggled to get up, Ji Xinglan suddenly wrapped his arms around him and locked him down tightly. Yan Qiu could only secretly fight against him. He put his hands on the person’s shoulders and used his arms to push them apart so that they were a distance away. 

However, he didn’t manage to remain in this stance for long. Ji Xinglan suddenly grabbed his wrist, and in a skillful manner, he pulled Yan Qiu in his direction. 

In the blink of an eye, Yan Qiu fell into his arms. 

There was the hint of a smile on Ji Xinglan’s lips. He leaned forward a little and protected Yan Qiu’s head with a hand, while he pushed him against the table.  

“Tastes like strawberries.” Ji Xinglan tasted his lips thoroughly and looked down while he wiped his mouth with the back of his mouth. “Did you eat sweets?”

Yan Qiu nearly fainted in anger. He was infuriated that he wanted to kick him, so he started using his fists and legs with the hopes that he could beat up the bastard. 


“You’re acting really strange today.” Ji Xinglan didn’t try to avoid his attacks. He just grabbed his wrists. Yan Qiu’s strength was only enough to scratch an itch. Ji Xinglan said calmly, “Why are you angry?”

When he mentioned this, every cell in Yan Qiu’s body burned with anger. ‘He’s actually pretending that nothing happened?’ 

“Do you know that Lin Wei broke up with her previous boyfriend because she cheated?” Yan Qiu said angrily, “You’re an idiot if you still like her!”

However, Ji Xinglan was in no hurry to answer. Instead, he sized-up Yan Qiu in bewilderment. Then, he laughed and stared into Yan Qiu’s eyes seriously. He asked, “…So, you’re jealous?”

“Jealous, my foot.” Yan Qiu denied it. 

“Then, what is it?” Ji Xinglan tucked his hair behind his ear and looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.  

Yan Qiu touched his nose in a rather stiff manner, avoiding Ji Xinglan’s gaze. 

“Y-You’re the one at fault for always kissing me. And now that you’re done, you’ve gone off to search for someone else. You… Do you think that you can kiss me in vain?”

Once Ji Xinglan finished listening to him, he actually laughed, and Yan Qiu became even angrier. He started rebuking him without holding back. 

“And you’re even the school idol. The number of beauties and handsome guys you’ve seen must number to the thousands. If you want to look for someone to date, can’t you look for someone more reliable?” 

Ji Xinglan noticed that his ears had turned red, and he couldn’t hold back from pinching them. The heat spread to his fingertips. 

“If I said that I want to date someone, will you keep me company?” Ji Xinglan asked leisurely. He quirked his eyebrows, and he spoke with a partially serious yet partially joking tone, causing Yan Qiu’s heart to jump. 

Yan Qiu stared into his eyes. For some reason, he stuttered. 

“Wh-Why should I?” 

Ji Xinglan sighed and finally released him slowly. It was only then that Yan Qiu managed to push him away. He shifted and got off his leg. 

Yan Qiu still had the envelope in his hands. He originally wanted to throw it away, but when he was about to reach the trash can, he suddenly stuffed the piece of paper back into Ji Xinglan’s hands. He stared at him intently and pretended to be fierce as he said, “Throw it away yourself.”

But Ji Xinglan failed to adhere to his wishes. 

Ji Xinglan calmly folded the piece of paper and put it into the envelope. Then, he stuffed it into Yan Qiu’s pocket.  

Under Yan Qiu’s stunned gaze, he spoke calmly, “Lin Wei didn’t give it to me. I wrote it for you. If you don’t want it, it’s fine. But throwing it away in my face is a little too much, don’t you think?”

Yan Qiu was flabbergasted. 


‘This is… for me?’

Ji Xinglan looked at Yan Qiu’s dumbfounded look, and with a rather tender look on his face, he stroked his chin. “Are you too moved because it’s been too long since anyone gave you a love letter?” 

Yan Qiu gave him a complicated gaze, but he didn’t speak. Ji Xinglan squeezed his hand and tried to persuade him, “Keep it.”

In the beginning, Yan Qiu was a little skeptical and wondered whether Ji Xinglan just said that to comfort him. However, when he saw how calm Ji Xinglan was, he chose to believe him. 

True. He didn’t think that Lin Wei would write something like this. 

Hence, if that were the case, it meant that the other half was not in Lin Wei’s hands, but in Ji Xinglan’s hands.  

He didn’t expect that Ji Xinglan was actually quite romantic. 

Yan Qiu reached into his pocket and gently touched the opening of the envelope. In the end, he could not bear to throw it away. 

When he returned home, Yan Qiu carefully hid the letter in the closet. 

When he opened the drawer, he found an almost identical envelope at the bottom of the closet drawer.  

Yan Qiu brought the letter out.

Before Ji Xinglan returned, he quietly opened the envelope. 

Just as he expected, he found the other half of the poem in it. On it was the same handwriting as the other half of the poem he had. 

When Yan Qiu spread it out carefully and read it, he found something odd when he reached the end.  

What puzzled him was not the contents, but the date the poem was written, which was written at the end of the second half of the poem. It was two years ago.

Two years ago, Ji Xinglan was seventeen years old.

Mogumoguchan: Of course Ji Xinglan is an idiot. He’s also in the one brain cell club. And Yan Qiu, it’s time for you to use your one brain cell.

Neirith: AAAAAAAAAAA this couple, just AAAAAAAAAAAAA they have the communication level of a 90s’ shoujo manga 

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