After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 41: 41

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Ch41 - Open the Door!

Translator: Mogumoguchan

Editor: lolimelon 

One of the private rooms in the pub was decorated lavishly. 

Sitting on the long black sofa was a woman. When the waiter shut the door, she immediately tucked her exquisite, long, and wavy hair to the side. With her hand, she removed her mask. 



Behind the mask was a face that seemed to have been perfectly chiseled. Illuminated by the dazzling crystal chandelier above her head, she looked incredibly beautiful. She was someone who could make it to the covers of a fashion magazine at any moment she wanted. 

But if anyone looked closely at her, they would find that a strong aggressiveness laid woven in her beauty. She was actually a female alpha who was seldom seen in the world.  

Ji Xinglan sat on the other side of the sofa and borrowed a charger from the waiter so that he could charge his terminal, which had shut down on its own after it ran out of battery. Joyce picked up the wineglass on the table and placed it in front of Ji Xinglan while she picked up another. 


“What made you want to come to Yixing City to host an art exhibition?” Ji Xinglan removed the terminal on his wrist and charged it. Then, he calmly tugged his sleeve down a little to hide the injury on his wrist before he picked up the wineglass. 

Joyce held her glass and made a gesture to Ji Xinglan before she tapped at her face. The wineglass caused her pomegranate nails to shine brilliantly. 

“Well, since I have the rare chance to come back to the country, it’s only natural that I want to host an exhibition in a place I’m familiar with. I also wanted to take a stroll around the area, but I can only stay until next week. Next month, I have to go back to Los Angeles. The next time I get to come back, it might already be next year.”


Joyce’s thick and long lashes fluttered. She winked at him. “You might already have a kid by then.”

Ji Xinglan seemed to have remembered something. He smiled faintly. “As for you, you’ve been really busy.”

“Hahaha, it’s pretty good. I just draw some stuff and go around. I’m not as busy as you are.” Joyce did not know that she might have just ended up making her own words come true. She just laughed, not bothering to hide the smug look on her face. 


Bringing her glass to her lips, she took a sip. “I heard before I even came back to the country. The parliament has recently passed the motion to revise the law regarding same-secondary gender marriage in the ABO Marriage Law. I heard that Mr. Ji is the one who brought it up, is it true?” 

“Yes. You’ll see the news a few days later.”

“Huh. That’s strange. Why would a conservative coot like him…? I even made a bet with someone else that he would never do such a thing.” Joyce grumbled a bit and threw her head back to drink some red wine. 

Ji Xinglan looked down at the wine glass in his hands. The air conditioner in the room was set at a high temperature, so the ice in the glass had mostly melted. 

“I was the one who mentioned it to my father.” He remained silent for a moment before he whispered.  

This was his only request to his father during his nineteenth birthday half a year ago. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The acceptability of homosexuals in the relatively conservative Country A was not high, and this act also went through a lot of twists and turns before it was passed. 

Mlfiv Zjgrtji Al Rjl kjr regqglrfv ys tlr rbc’r reuufralbc. Lf vlv cba xcbk kts tlr erejiis byfvlfca rbc kbeiv tjnf remt j atbeuta, jcv tf kjr fnfc kbgglfv atja tlr rbc kjr j tbwbrfzeji. Dea ktfc tf jugffv ab wjggs atf bwfuj atja tlr wbatfg tjv jggjcufv obg tlw, Al Rjl ralii jugffv ab tlr rbc’r gfdefra, ktlmt kjr jirb atf bcis klioei gfdefra tf fnfg wjvf rlcmf tf kjr sbecu. 

As for the engagement, Ji Xinglan did not care about it anymore. The one he loved was already gone.  

When she heard that, Joyce was really surprised. “That’s surprising. Why would you think about this? I heard from your mom that you’re getting married. Are you actually in an alpha-alpha relationship?”

But after she asked this question, Ji Xinglan remained silent for a moment before he said, “It doesn’t matter whether the person I like is an alpha or an omega.”


“Ha! You’ve always been the most rebellious one since we were young. You never cared about other people’s judgment.”

Joyce decided to leave her question unanswered, then smirked and tucked her long hair behind an ear. “It’ll be great if I can be like you. Then, I wouldn’t be angry to the point where I end up smashing things when those idiots criticize my art blindly. But speaking of which, I still prefer omegas. Omegas smell nice, and they’re soft and cute to boot, don’t you think?” 

Joyce thought that they had common ground when it came to this, but Ji Xinglan only smiled softly. He drank his wine wordlessly

“Hey, where’s your wife? Is he hiding in your house all day? Why didn’t you bring him over to meet me?” Joyce tried to open up another conversation and kept winking at him. “Since he caught your fancy, he’s definitely someone who looks really nice, right?”

But when Joyce mentioned his new wife, Ji Xinglan did not seem to want to reveal too much. He just shook his head. “We’ll see about that.”

It just stirred up Joyce’s curiosity even more. 

“You won’t even let me see him? So petty.” Joyce laughed. “I’m even more curious now. Just what sort of treasure are you hiding in your house?”

Ji Xinglan was finally unable to hold back his smile because of her words. He picked up his wine glass and took another sip, but he still shook his head. “Alright, next time, I’ll bring him out so that you can become friends with him. But he won’t be feeling well over the next few days, so we can talk about this a few days later.”

He did not mind bringing Yan Qiu out to meet his friends, but Yan Qiu’s condition was not stable just yet. If no accident occurs, his estrus period would arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. He was worried about bringing him to places with a lot of people. 

“When are you holding your wedding?” Joyce grinned wickedly. “If you haven’t held your wedding yet, remember to send me an invitation. I still want to go and have a feast.” 

Joyce originally called a few friends over, but after talking for a while in the private room, Ji Xinglan suddenly mentioned that he wanted to leave. 

“It’s not even eight o’clock yet.” Joyce squinted at her watch. “Why can’t you play until midnight before you leave?”

But Ji Xinglan had already put his jacket on himself and was currently tugging the sleeves. He said, “Someone is waiting for me at home.”

They were childhood friends. Joyce felt that after Ji Xinglan got married, he acted as if he was possessed. She could not help but cover her mouth to giggle. “Ah, those who are married are just different. My dear, you aren’t even twenty yet. How can you rush back home at eight like some old coot?” 

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Ji Xinglan did not mind her jokes, so he laughed as well. He unplugged his charger, and his fully-charged terminal was finally turned on. 

But the moment he turned it on, a missed call immediately popped up on his screen. 

It was from Yan Qiu. 

Ji Xinglan had just come out for a moment, and he could not understand why Yan Qiu called him. But soon, he called Yan Qiu back.  

However, even after calling for a long time, no one picked up. In the end, the call ended on its own. 

Ji Xinglan frowned. Did something happen? He felt a little worried, and hence, he got up from the couch and wanted to hurry back. 


When Joyce saw that he was in such a hurry to leave, she knew that it would be impossible for her to make him stay. So, she could only let this slide as she stood up to send him downstairs. 

“Next time, you must bring out the treasure you’ve been hiding for me to take a look,” Joyce insisted as they walked together. 

When they walked down together side by side, Ji Xinglan kept trying to call Yan Qiu back, but no one picked up. 

He was a little worried. Right when he wanted to call his butler, he suddenly heard Joyce cry out in shock, “Why is there an omega’s scent here? How sweet.”

She sniffed, and her expression turned a little wild. “This is bad. An omega’s estrus period has arrived. It’s too dangerous for him or her to have it in public!”

As she spoke, she increased her volume. “Omega, has your estrus period arrived, and you didn’t realize it? Come out, I’ll send you back home!” 

Ji Xinglan was originally busy sending his butler a text, but when he looked up and smelled the scent in the air, his expression changed drastically.

Mixed in the alcohol and fragrance in the air was an incredibly familiar scent. 

When his gaze landed on the jacket that was placed on the counter by the window, Ji Xinglan’s face turned pale with fright. Suddenly, he sprinted down the stairs as if he had gone mad. He went straight to the source of the scent.

Once he reached the spot, he found that there were already a lot of alphas gathered at the entrance of the bathroom. They had all lost their composures because of the pheromones, and now that they had lost their rationality, they wanted a taste of the delicious omega inside as they banged on the door like zombies.  

The two beta guards who came over after they heard of the news could not stop them at all and could only call someone for help anxiously. 

Ji Xinglan was originally terrified, but when he saw that those alphas were blocked at the entrance and that nothing had happened yet, he became slightly relieved. 

The door of the bathroom was rather sturdy. It was locked from the inside, and no matter how these people tried to break it open, they could not. 

“Xiao Qiu, open the door!” Ji Xinglan pushed those people away and knocked on the door anxiously.  

The pressure from a high-grade alpha’s pheromones was much stronger than a normal person’s. For a period of time, the other alphas were all intimidated. Once they were pushed away, they became timid and did not dare get closer, but their gazes were still fixed on the door of the bathroom. 

Yan Qiu leaned limply against the wall in the bathroom. 

He no longer had the strength to stand steady on his feet. He could only slide down on the floor. His face and neck were red, and he panted nonstop. 

Yan Qiu felt incredibly regretful. Why did he have to come out because he was jealous? 

Even though the temperature in the pub never changed, his body suffered from chills and bouts of heat. The feeling was horrible. Yan Qiu could not help but tear at his clothes, and his desire for a certain person’s pheromones had almost devoured his mind. 

When he heard the chime from his terminal, Yan Qiu did not respond too much. He could no longer care about picking up the terminal. Right now, he could not think with his mind. The only thing he could think about was that he wanted an alpha’s pheromones. 


Just when he was on the verge of a breakdown, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling to him. “Xiao Qiu!”

He could hear nonstop knocking on the door. That person’s voice was incredibly anxious as well.  

For some reason, Yan Qiu suddenly remembered the voice he heard the day he fainted during Sports Day. That voice seemed to have called him just as anxiously. 

The person he was looking for had really come here. 

Yan Qiu used the last bit of his strength to struggle up while he leaned against the wall. But he was already so weak that he could not push the door open. He could only unlock the door. 


After that one sound, someone pushed the door open from the outside and hugged Yan Qiu as he swayed, about to fall down. The person shut the door behind him and blocked the alphas outside. Right now, those alphas’ eyes had already turned bloodshot. 

He hugged Yan Qiu, and the scent of desire instantly enveloped his entire being. Yan Qiu nuzzled against his body, reluctant to leave him, burying his face in the crook of Ji Xinglan’s neck. 

When he looked up, his face was already covered in physiological tears. The corners of his eyes were red, but they were surprisingly beautiful. He said in a muddle-headed manner, “Give it to me…”

Ji Xinglan was also affected quite badly by his pheromones, but he still embraced Yan Qiu while holding himself back. He stroked his back and comforted him while he kissed Yan Qiu gently on the lips, comforting him to tell him that things were alright now.  

Once Yan Qiu had calmed down and only panted while he squeezed Ji Xinglan, Ji Xinglan reached out to remove the collar on his neck.

The neck and scent gland that was usually always covered by a collar was now revealed to open-air, releasing an extremely enticing, sweet scent. 

His thin neck and fair, tender skin was dyed a beautiful shade of pink. It caused Ji Xinglan to be unable to hold himself back and give in to his instincts, to bite him. 

Ji Xinglan’s eyes turned dark as he reached out to hold Yan Qiu’s head and bit down on the untouched scent gland.  

Mogumoguchan: 1. The many problems with tsunderes. 2. Couldn’t Ji Xinglan have turned on his terminal after charging it for a while and continued charging it while it’s on? 3. Oh boy, the bite. 

lolimelon: just when it gets exciting– :0

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