After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 5: 5

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Ch5 - Cheating Couple!

Translator: Hali

Editor: Neirith 

It was only a gentle touch, but Yan Qiu felt thunder crashing from the clear skies. 

Yan Qiu stared at his abdomen with round eyes. He didn’t know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt strange and uncomfortable. 



Holy shit!

What did these cheating couple do?! 

Yan Qiu crumpled and flung his head back.


“No way! Impossible! Don’t lie to me!!”

“Why would I lie to you?” Ji Xinglan frowned slightly, but his expression remained calm as if he was talking about something as normal as eating and sleeping.

With trembling hands, Yan Qiu stared at him with wide eyes. “You don’t like Xia– bah, you don’t like me! How could I be pregnant?!”


“Tut. It’s just sleeping together, do you have to like it?” Ji Xinglan replied maliciously while deliberately stroking his hair in an intimidating manner. 

Yan Qiu cast him a look of astonishment and said between gritted teeth, “Then… you really are a son of a bitch.”

In response to this, Ji Xinglan smiled and sat down next to Yan Qiu. The sofa sank down from the weight of the adult alpha and Yan Qiu’s arms almost became stuck. 


The blond man held his shoulders and blew gently into Yan Qiu’s ear. “Oh. Now you know.” 

It seemed the more anxious Yan Qiu was, the happier the other seemed. Seeing Yan Qiu’s cold face, the blonde youth flashed a pure and harmless smile. Illuminated by the lights, his long eyelashes were golden. 

“I’m just kidding. I like Xiao Qiu the best.”

Yan Qiu knew he was lying and couldn’t help but shiver as he felt a chill as if he’d eaten poisoned honey. None could resist the likes of this coquettish blonde youth – even if he was a devil.

He’d rather believed that the man was a son of a bitch than like him.  

“I don’t believe it anyway!”

J Xinglan leaned back and stretched out his two long, wicked legs and didn’t bother to explain. He made a small tsk noise. “It isn’t uncommon for omegas to get pregnant. Do you want to see your medical report?” 

As he spoke, he took out a neatly folded piece of paper from the drawer next to the window. 

“This is the examination from when you fell down the stairs,” he noted in a slightly reproachful tone. “Why were you so careless with your pregnancy? Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the child.” 

Although the person in front of him spoke with certainty, there was deep distrust in Yan Qiu’s eyes. If Ji Xinglan intended to deceive him, these things would be easy to fake, but no matter how he thought about it – it didn’t seem necessary?

Why would he need to lie about pregnancy?


He held the report, his hand shaking as his eyes drooped down. “I don’t believe it.”

The omega seemed a bit emotional so Ji Xinglan stroked his back and said quietly, “I know you don’t remember. Mother doesn’t know about your pregnancy for the time being. Do you want me to tell her? She has always wanted you as a grandson. If she knew, she would urge us to get married.” 

“No…” Yan Qiu muttered with great difficulty. “No, don’t tell your mother.”

Since Mrs. Ji didn’t know about it, there was still room for recovery. Having an abortion or letting it be born – as long as he didn’t have to marry Ji Xinglan, everything else wasn’t a problem.

“If you don’t want my mother to know then I’ll have my personal doctor come to examine you tomorrow,” Ji Xinglan stated.

Yan Qiu tilted his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes. Today’s blows were really too big. 

It was a long time before he spat out, “Okay.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although they’d come to an agreement, Yan Qiu still didn’t believe him. It wasn’t that he thought Ji Xinglan was deliberately lying and wanted to force a marriage. Even if Ji Xinglan didn’t like him, he didn’t think the other man would lie. 

Tfa tf mbeivc’a jmmfqa atf ojma atja tf wluta yf qgfucjca. Dfobgf, tf kjr jc jiqtj lc atf qglwf bo tlr ilof. Rbk, tf kjr revvfcis atf oljcmé bo tlr glnji jcv tf kjr qgfucjca? Qtja xlcv bo rlaejalbc kjr atlr?

Rfnfgatfifrr, atfgf kjr cbatlcu tf mbeiv vb obg atf wbwfca. 

“It’s late, go to bed.” Ji Xinglan looked at the time. It was eleven o’clock. 

Yan Qiu nodded anxiously and was about to exit when he was grabbed by the arm and dragged to the bed.

“Where are you going?”

He was laid on the soft bed, squinting at the bright lights coming from the ceiling. When his eyes adjusted, he watched as Ji Xinglan stood at the head of the bed and leisurely removed his coat.  


He crawled away and shrank into the corner. 

Ji Xinglan couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at the trembling omega. 

“What are you afraid of? I’m not going to eat you.” With that, he shook his head helplessly and hung up his coat before walking into the bathroom.  

Yan Qiu shuddered, tucking his head under the quilt as he listened to the splashing noises coming from the bathroom. 

Of course, the guy wouldn’t eat people, but he could make omegas pregnant. This was terrible!


As he laid on the comfortable soft bed, his nerves finally eased and he closed his eyes. He didn’t wish for anything other than a good night’s sleep at the moment. Just as he was dozing off, he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. 

Lazily raising his eyelids, he saw a blonde young man with freshly scented half-dried hair exit the bathroom. He donned a short white bathrobe that didn’t quite cover his long legs.  

Yan Qiu’s eyes turned red with envy as he eyed the smooth, muscular lines of his body with jealousy. Once upon a time he also had these strong – albeit less muscular –  lines. 

Ji Xinglan smiled as he raised the quilt and got in bed, thinking to himself that he must have fascinated the little omega who was openly staring at him. He turned over and reached out a hand, his fingertips trailing over the soft, smooth mouth. 

The other immediately rolled into the corner, pulling the quilt along. 

“What– what are you doing?” Yan Qiu wrapped the quilt around him tightly and pulled it up to cover his small face, revealing only two peach blossom eyes. They were red with shame as he angrily glared at Ji Xinglan.  

In response to the hostility in Yan Qiu’s eyes, Ji Xinglan smiled casually. This made Yan Qiu’s thoughts run wild.

“What do you think?”

“I… I don’t know.” 

Yan Qiu unconsciously shrank into the corner. A lonely alpha and a little omega in the same room… Ji Xinglan was rich and had many girls. He didn’t look like a responsible man.  

He stared at the other in a cold sweat, fearing that through his own carelessness, Ji Xinglan might notice something was off. 

The original owner of this body was in love with Ji Xinglan. If this situation escalated, some things that weren’t appropriate for children would occur. 

“No… I– I’m not feeling well.”

Ji Xinglan looked down at him and the corner of his mouth hooked up. The words he said weren’t very pleasing. “Do you want me to help you feel well?” 

The breezy words reached his ears and Yan Qiu flushed red as he pulled the quilt over his head regardless of whether Ji Xinglan doubted his identity.

“I’m really not feeling well!” Yan Qiu protested.

“You’re usually clamoring for me, but you don’t want to do it today?” 

J Xinglan reached into the quilt and stroked his back. There was a ring on his index finger and Yan Qiu’s restlessness was replaced with a sense of security as his palm brushed gently against his thin back.  

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An alpha’s influence on an omega was really amazing. 

“I’ll let you go for today, but don’t make me wait too long.”


Returning his hand, Ji Xinglan turned off the light. The room suddenly fell into darkness and the only sounds that could be heard were soft breathing. 

 Yan Qiu smiled bitterly. Then he would rather never be well. 

The fact that Ji Xinglan had been tempted was very obvious. Yan Qiu didn’t know where he’d gone wrong, and if he repeatedly pushed then Ji Xinglan would certainly begin to doubt him.

He might go undetected for a moon, but at the full moon he’d be found out. It was really possible that he had to sacrifice his life for justice.

Blame this on Xiao Qiu for lacking vision, if you liked someone then why did it have to be Ji Xinglan!

 Yan Qiu sighed. 

He waited as his eyes became accustomed to the darkness. 

J iXinglan was lying next to him, his eyes closed. He had been trained in the military since he was a child and slept as soon as he touched the bed. 

Tired, Yan Qiu turned away from him and closed his eyes. He wished when he woke up tomorrow, he would be an alpha again. 

Today’s events took a toll on his physical and mental energy and when he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep slumber. 


When he woke up, he found he wasn’t on the side of the bed. Rather, he was snuggled in Ji Xinglan’s arms in an unguarded posture. His head laid on the other’s arm and his limbs were ungracefully wrapped around the other’s as if JI Xinglan was his personal pillow. 

Yan Qiu moved slightly, and their legs came together. Startled, he took his legs back. 

“You’re very naughty when you sleep.” Ji Xinglan stroked his hair and looked at him. 

Even in the morning, the alpha was handsome as usual – except for his messy hair. It was a shame he wasn’t on the cover of a fashion magazine. 

At Yan Qiu’s gawking, Ji Xinglan stared back evilly. 

Yan Qiu’s face almost turned red as he lowered his eyes and noticed the other’s exposed clavicle peeking out beneath his bathrobe.

He had always slept well, not even messing up his own hair… But as he peered at Ji Xinglan’s eyes brimming with determination, he couldn’t convince himself any longer.  

It couldn’t be that Ji Xinglan wanted to deliberately hug him, haha.

Yan Qiu thought hesitantly, maybe his own sleeping posture really wasn’t good? 


“Oh, so if it wasn’t your bad sleeping habits, then you intentionally threw yourself at me.”

“No, no, I just didn’t sleep well. ” Yan Qiu shook his head like a rattle.  

The two had been in bed for a long time, so Yan Qiu found the opportunity to get up and go to the bathroom to wash. 

He wet a towel and wiped his face, as he peered at the handsome little omega in the mirror. His hopes of waking up as an alpha were shattered.

As he returned the towel to the rack, he picked up an electric razor from the washstand, only to freeze as he saw his flawless face. He sighed and put the razorback.

He forgot that he didn’t have to shave now. 

Yan Qiu squeezed some toothpaste onto an electric toothbrush and looked at the polished sink. Suddenly, a horrible feeling of nausea surged up. His knuckles turned white as he clutched the edge of the sink and vomited. 

When Ji Xinglan dressed and went into the bathroom, he noticed Yan Qiu vomiting violently into the toilet. 

As a first time “happy to be a father” youth, he was inexperienced and shocked. He squatted down and caressed Yan Qiu’s back. 

“What’s the matter?” Ji Xinglan asked with a frown. 

Yan Qiu’s face was pale and ugly. He was so scared that he stuttered when he turned to ask Ji Xinglan, “No… it’s not morning sickness, right?” 

His eyes seemed to expect Ji Xinglan to give a negative answer.

“I don’t know,” Ji Xinglan shrugged darkly. “Maybe you overate last night.”

Yes, he probably overate last night. 

Yan Qiu nodded. 

He felt dizzy and was unable to discern whether Ji Xinglan was joking or not. He simply said to himself, “Either way, it’s definitely not morning sickness.”

Nevertheless, he felt his fingertips getting cold.


At breakfast, Yan Qiu had no appetite. He sat at the table and stirred the bowl of chicken porridge in front of him.

The chicken was tender and golden, having been stewed to perfection. A few droplets of golden oil floated on the surface with a bit of green onion. It was fragrant and looked delicious. On the table were some other cold dishes that Yan Qiu liked.


But he had no appetite so he had grabbed a spoon and stirred the porridge mechanically. He stirred until all the porridge was cold. 

Ji Xinglan wiped his mouth after eating and found that Yan Qiu hadn’t taken a single mouthful of food. The porridge in front of him had gone cold. 

Motioning for the servants to refill the bowl, he scooped half a spoon of porridge and brought it to Yan Qiu’s mouth.


Yan Qiu looked at him dully, unwilling to open his mouth.

At this, Ji Xinglan whispered in a volume that could only be heard between the two of them. “Lack of appetite is also a sign of pregnancy.” 

Yan Qiu’s expression stiffened and he immediately opened his mouth, obediently eating the porridge. 

Satisfied, Ji Xinglan fed Yan Qiu more than half a bowl of porridge before putting down the spoon. 

Maybe it was due to his pregnancy, but Yan Qiu felt Ji Xinglan was being more considerate of him. He was not at all threatening like when they had first met. 

“Are you going out?” Yan Qiu watched Ji Xinglan approach the gate, tidying his clothes. “Where are you going?” 

He remembered that the other had gone to the mausoleum to pay tribute yesterday. He wanted to see his own tombstone with his eyes, but obviously Ji Xinglan wasn’t going there today.

“Going to school.” After he fixed his clothes, Ji Xinglan cast a faint glance toward Yan Qiu. “Why? Don’t want to leave me?”

Ji Xinglan’s hair was done meticulously and he dressed in a white military uniform that outlined his straight waist. It was inlaid with golden buttons and shoulder straps. High, spotless boots wrapped around a pair of straight calves. He had a young face that gave the military uniform an inexplicable sense of fashion.

At his figure, Yan Qiu couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, although Ji Xinglan interpreted this look as admiration. 

When he was about to leave, Ji Xinglan turned and looked at Yan Qiu. “You rest at home for a while. In two days, you can go back to school.”

It was then that Yan Qiu remembered that the original owner was young enough to attend school. 

In the past, Yan Qiu slept and occasionally skipped class. He played ball after class and all his good friends were at school. It was fun to be punished together with them. 

No wonder he felt empty, it was because he didn’t go to school. Not learning for a day had made him feel uncomfortable.  

As he thought this, he told himself in his heart that he didn’t want to deal with Ji Xinglan all day and staying home was what he wanted. 

He stood by the window and looked down to see a license plate “88888” Maybach leaving.


By the time he saw this, Yan Qiu had already planned everything in his heart.

Nei: What dumb things are you planning now? 

You can find story with these keywords: After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy, Read After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy novel, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy book, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy story, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy full, After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy Latest Chapter

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