After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy

Chapter 90: 90

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Ch90 - Do You Like Children?

Translator: Mogumoguchan
Editor: lolimelon

[If this isn’t ugly, what is?] Lin Wei seemed to have a very strong opinion on this, and without any tact whatsoever, she criticized the scarf until it was worth nothing.  

[My God, are your aesthetics as screwed up as Ji Xinglan’s?!] Lin Wei said sarcastically, [Do you really believe in those custom-made fashionable items? Even scavengers can dress more fashionably than to wear that thing. Only stinky, useless, straight alphas like Xie Yu will knit scarves as ugly as that thing…]

Yan Qiu quietly read Lin Wei’s sarcastic quip and fluffed his hair before he placed his terminal by the side. He picked up his test paper. 



Forget everything else, there was something Lin Wei mentioned that was right. 

By the looks of it, he was really the same type of alpha as Xie Yu.  



Yan Qiu finished the test in his hands then tossed aside his pen and checked the time, sighing in relief. 

He finally made the time limit this time.

The recruitment test was about the same as the tests for civil servants. The passing rate was really low and they tested the students on everything. They even had to go through an interview for it, so it was just too difficult. 


When Yan Qiu checked all his answers and looked up, he was just in time to see Ji Xinglan walk in through the front door. 

He was originally holding a pen and laying on the table, but at that moment, his eyes sparkled and he immediately sat up straight, wanting to go and ask Ji Xinglan questions. 

But Yan Qiu could immediately see that there was something off with Ji Xinglan’s expression. 


Usually, when Ji Xinglan walked in through the door, he would definitely look at Yan Qiu, but today, when Yan Qiu looked at him and their gazes met, Ji Xinglan turned his head away stiffly.  

This caused Yan Qiu to feel that the situation was abnormal—seriously abnormal. 

“Where did you go during noon? You were gone for a long time.” Yan Qiu watched him sit down and asked him this question softly. 

Yan Qiu did not know about the physical examination report. He thought that Ji Xinglan ran into something, and he could not help but be worried. 

When he saw how worried Yan Qiu was, Ji Xinglan found himself not knowing how he should answer. He looked like he had something at the tip of his tongue, and he wanted to say it, but in the end, he just shook his head and brushed it off. “It’s nothing. The teacher was just looking for me.” 

He did not want to hide this from Yan Qiu, but he did not know how to say it. 

Yan Qiu had been happily telling him that he wanted to become non-military personnel in the military to work with him, that was why they spent the entire day in the study. 

But just now, Sun Mang told him with a stern expression that the doctor who did their physical examination believed that Yan Qiu might be pregnant. 

The sex hormones in Yan Qiu’s body was quite high, but it was not incredibly high at the time of the examination. However, the numbers were so high that they were worthy of suspicion, considering the fact that Yan Qiu was an omega who was not in his estrus period at that time.  

Was he really pregnant? He would have to get his blood in the hospital and go through an official examination to know. It had been more than a week since the physical examination, and if they performed a checkup now, the results should be more accurate. 

Once Ji Xinglan heard this, he began feeling troubled. He started planning on how to take Yan Qiu to the hospital for a checkup after school ended. 


But before they gained a confirmation, he decided to not tell Yan Qiu for the time being to avoid scaring him for nothing. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Both he and Yan Qiu were only twenty years old. If he gave birth to the child, at most, they would be twenty-two. It was a little early, but not too early.  

Al Wlcuijc tjv jikjsr yffc j gjatfg ibsji qfgrbc. Dbat tf jcv Tjc Hle ibnfv fjmt batfg jcv atfs tjv j rqjgx lc atflg gfijalbcrtlq. Coafg fzqfglfcmlcu rfqjgjalbc ys vfjat, atflg gfijalbcrtlq kbeivc’a mtjcuf vef ab aglnljilalfr lc atflg ojwlis. 

Po atfs gfjiis tjv j mtliv, tf kbeiv vfolclafis kjca ab xffq la. Dea lo Tjc Hle vlv cba kjca la, tf kbeiv jirb ilrafc ab Tjc Hle. 

In the beginning, Ji Xinglan had lied to keep Yan Qiu by his side, and he also apologized for it. Now, they had become honest with each other and were dating. Ji Xinglan would be cautious and take care of Yan Qiu’s feelings. 


Yan Qiu had a vague feeling that Ji Xinglan was hiding something from him. When he came back during the afternoon, he had been acting strangely. 

But even if he wrecked his brain thinking about it, he could not figure out what was going on. 

There was no way Ji Xinglan was cheating on him with Xie Yu. 

But Yan Qiu did not intend to demand answers. There was no need for him to worry about anything. His alpha had the ability to solve the problem.  

During physics class, the teacher took leave and did not come to class. He just sent them mock test papers. 

When he was doing a question on the mechanics of a children’s slide, Ji Xinglan suddenly picked up the test paper and asked in a roundabout manner, “Is it cute?”

Yan Qiu looked at the two children with the disproportionate bodies on the test paper. Since the ink was faded on the test paper, their smiles were really bizarre. They had human shapes but did not resemble humans at all, thus creating a strong and terrifying uncanny valley effect. 

He immediately retorted in shock, “No!” 

The drawing was just too ugly. 

But when he heard his answer, Ji Xinglan actually looked a little disappointed, as if the two children were his own blood. 

He argued, “Their eyes are big, and they look really cute with pigtails. Do you really not like them?”

Yan Qiu stared at Xiao Ming and Xiao Mei holding hands and grinning on the test paper, and he looked even more horrified.  

How were they cute?! Did Ji Xinglan have a few screws loose in his head today?!

“I don’t like them. Don’t let me see them.”


He gave Ji Xinglan a puzzled look, and Yan Qiu mercilessly pushed the test paper away to avoid it. 

Meanwhile, he wondered just what was wrong with Ji Xinglan today.  

While they were talking, Mrs. Ji once told Yan Qiu that due to his family, Ji Xinglan hated children and did not like small creatures like cats and dogs either. 

So why was he so interested in the two children on the test paper today? Did he somehow grow fond of Xiao Ming and Xiao Mei?

Yan Qiu just couldn’t figure it out so he just focused on the test paper and ignored him. He also pushed Ji Xinglan away and made sure he remained at arm’s length when he tried to promote the two children to him again for the third time. He sat up straight and said, “Ji Xinglan, please don’t bother me while I am doing the test paper.”

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Over the past few days, Yan Qiu became a workaholic. His eyes shone with a hungry light when he saw empty test papers and he cast aside his husband as he swam in the sea of knowledge. 

The person who was usually the most enthusiastic when school ended still sat in his chair even when the bell signaling the end of school rang for the third time. 

Beside him, Ji Xinglan just stared at the two children on the test paper. But it seemed as if the children on the test paper weren’t enough. He even searched for the pictures of children in the history textbook to stare at them. 

Yan Qiu felt that he must be mad now. He couldn’t win against him, and when Ji Xinglan promoted the children sliding down the slides on the physics paper to him for the tenth time, he gave a reluctant yes.  

When he heard him answer that he liked children, Ji Xinglan finally put on a satisfied smile. 


While he was in the car, Yan Qiu put on his earphones and listened to English. Yesterday, he uninstalled all the songs he downloaded in the past and replaced them with listening test audios. 

The moment he got in the car, he put in his earbuds and he couldn’t hear what Ji Xinglan told him at all. He only saw his lips flapping around when he turned to look at him. It seemed like he was saying something to him.  

Yan Qiu could guess that he must be asking about whether Xiao Ming was adorable or not again. In fact, he couldn’t even be bothered with removing his earbuds to listen to what Ji Xinglan had to say. He just gave a perfunctory “okay.”

When Ji Xinglan saw that he agreed to it, he said nothing else. It appeared that he was satisfied now. 

Once the car stopped, Yan Qiu opened the door and got out only to discover that they were not at the parking lot of their apartment. 

When he saw the building in front of him, Yan Qiu frowned in puzzlement. “Why did we come to the hospital?”  

“…It’s nothing major. You’re just getting your blood taken.” Ji Xinglan held his hand and walked inside. He avoided the question and explained, “There are some problems in one section of your physical exam, so they’re asking you to go through the exam again.”

Ji Xinglan was anxious, so he walked fast. After just a few words, they already reached the staircase of the entrance and were about to enter the hospital, but Yan Qiu was stunned when he heard this and he stopped moving. 


When it came to problems in the figures shown for his blood test, the problem could be major, but also minor. If it was a minor problem, it could be something as insignificant as an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes caused by fever. 

But if it were something major, then it was bad. It might even endanger his life. Yan Qiu did not have the courage to think about it.  

The moment he remembered how abnormal Ji Xinglan acted today, Yan Qiu couldn’t help but worry. ‘It’s definitely not something as minor as a fever. Did something bad really happen?’

But what exactly happened? Ji Xinglan refused to tell him. 

He just said that he was not sure and had to have Yan Qiu go through another check to be sure. 

When he saw that Ji Xinglan still refused to tell him, Yan Qiu’s worries grew.  

Ji Xinglan remained determined not to tell him anything, so Yan Qiu could only obediently go and have his blood taken before he waited for the results. 

Both of them sat in the corridor of the hospital while Ji Xinglan used his hand to caress Yan Qiu’s back to comfort him. 

“It’s nothing. Don’t overthink things. In any case, it’s not a major problem.”

Ji Xinglan watched Yan Qiu’s thin frame and clueless gaze, then pursed his lips even tighter.  

He was worried that Yan Qiu would have a hard time accepting the truth. No matter what, Yan Qiu was still young and hated children. 

Ji Xinglan had asked him ten times whether he liked children today, and Yan Qiu denied it nine times. He only agreed to it reluctantly the last time to humor Ji Xinglan. 

Yan Qiu hated children. What should he do?

With that thought in mind, the worry in his eyes grew.  

At that moment, the screen flashed, and their number was shown. Yan Qiu stared at his slip and immediately wanted to stand, but Ji Xinglan pushed her down. 

Ji Xinglan kissed his cheek and comforted him softly, “Sit here and wait for me. I’ll go and get the test results for you.”

Yan Qiu wanted to say something else, but Ji Xinglan had already taken the number slip from his hands. Then, he turned around and vanished behind the corner. 

He watched his retreating back, but the puzzlement in Yan Qiu’s eyes did not fade away. He sat in the chair and could not help but let his thoughts run wild.  

He wondered if there really was something wrong with his body. 

The first person Yan Qiu was worried about was not himself, but Ji Xinglan. 


He must be fine. If anything happened to him, what would happen to Ji Xinglan? 

‘That idiot…’ 

The moment he thought about this, his heart leapt to his throat. He did not even want to spend another second thinking about it.

Not being able to obtain something was not the cruellest thing that could happen to a person. It was snatching away something after he obtained it. 


When Ji Xinglan came back with the test results, he noticed Yan Qiu propping his elbows on his knees and covering his face with his hands as he sat in the chair.  

The moment he heard Ji Xinglan’s voice, Yan Qiu looked up, and his eyes were red. 

Ji Xinglan sat down beside him. He did not immediately tell Yan Qiu that nothing was wrong. 

Yan Qiu cast a glance at the test results in Ji Xinglan’s hands. His expression was grave and he looked like he had something to say, but didn’t know how to put it into words. Yan Qiu used the back of his hands to wipe away his tears, then took a deep breath. 

“…It’s fine. Just tell me what you want to say.” His voice was a little hoarse, and he placed his hand on the back of Ji Xinglan’s hand.  

Ji Xinglan sucked in a deep breath. He looked like he had made a huge decision and thought about the words he needed to use. In the end, he decided to speak as tactfully as possible, “We might have a baby.”

It was a surprise he did not expect. 

In the next instant, Yan Qiu widened his eyes and made a confused sound. 

How was it possible? He checked himself before, and he was not pregnant! Yan Qiu had even thought about the possibility of him being severely ill, so he did not expect that Ji Xinglan would say something like this.  

“Don’t joke around at this time. If you tell me I’m pregnant then you’re lying.” Yan Qiu did not believe him. 

“ I’m not lying to you this time.” Ji Xinglan solemnly placed the test results in his hands and spoke with an ambiguous tone. “You might really be pregnant now because of me.”

Mogumoguchan: In times like these, I think it’s better to tell Yan Qiu first, you know. 

 lolimelon: it seems JX has no tact whatsoever :0  

oh yea and if i timed this correctly, merry christmas everyone! ^__^

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