Originally I wanted to add a fan ending to an amazing story that the author dropped halfway.
Unfortunately I have come to realize that in order for the novel to reach a sensible conclusion, I have to rework some of the previous things said in the story.
Those Include:
Removing all the mentioned paradoxes in the original story, that is to say, stick to all the things mentioned and don't ignore them on a whim
Making the characters more consistent and realistic, the protagonists aren't suddenly super geniuses that can easily out maneuver those 10 times older than them and yet are dumber than donkeys when the plot demands it. And the villains aren't simply people whose sole reason to exist is to be killed by the protagonists.
The story and environment itself needs to be more balanced out, that is to say no overly gratuitous descriptions of a single location and no important conversation being mentioned in passing
If the original Author has an issue with this then I will happily delete this.