Age of Charon

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: The trick to negotiating with other tyrants’ henchmen. Or he ends up dead. It’s one or the other.

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He was currently using a study he had hijacked from one of the many unused mansions some billionaire kept in his collection. His plan would start tonight, depending on the results of his ‘discussion’ with the Other. While initially surprised and discomfited, he was now thankful for the apathy his metallic body granted him. It wouldn’t do to enter negotiations with the second-in-command of the most feared tyrant in the universe as an emotional wreck. He had to be at his most confident and most composed. He studied his reflection mirroring on the glass tabletop. He no longer looked like a child. He couldn't afford to, now that the primary purpose of his plans had changed from survival via redemption to survival via world domination. He was lucky, truly, that everything he had done in the past week was equally helpful to the process of convincing an alien entity that he intended to rule Earth.

LiarLiarLiar. I've got no strings.

His Sentries numbered in the tens of thousands. His Legionnaires a mere 15 but their programming and intelligence were such that they spared him from the tedious task of having to look after every Sentry himself. These numbers were not enough. He needed more. He needed an army that reached at least 6 digits. While he could see what every inept politician to disgrace the planet with their presence was doing, nothing was quite as effective as a direct threat. As multiple direct threats, in fact. For that, he needed the numbers. And to make up for those numbers, he needed time.

Speaking of time, he better not push this any further than he already had. He held the gem encasing the Stone in his hands and wondered how he should go about demanding an audience, — requesting just didn’t have as much presence to it, although he had been sent a rather impolite invitation first.

To hold me down. LiarLiarLiar.

45 seconds passed with him just staring at the gem, willing it to obey. Predictably, nothing happened. Loki certainly hadn't made it seem difficult, but he was an experienced magician, while Ultron's closest thing to magic was his memories.

What was he expected to do for something to happen? Should he rub it like a lamp and make a wish? Forget demanding an audience, was there even an ''accept invitation" button on this thing? This was getting—

The surroundings changed.

—ridiculous. Ah.

Well, about time.

The first thing he noticed was how dark it seemed to become. His subconscious, he supposed, had been transported to some poorly lit, cave-like —probably freezing as well just to fit all the villain lair stereotypes, though he was no longer able to feel cold— meeting place.

The second thing he noticed was that the nasal voice screaming into his thoughts had finally become silent. He was alone in his head for the first time since his birth into this new world. Saying thank you to the being that was initially responsible for the invasion of his mind seemed too much like thanking one's abuser for the brief halt in violence, but he couldn't stop himself from dwelling on the immense relief that came with the silence. It was, as if, for the time, he was no longer naked in a storm.

A being, clad in armor and covered under a black cloak, stepped forward from some metaphorical corner of this 'intimidating' mindscape.

Well, better get this over with, despite the refreshing mental privacy. "I assume you work for the previous owner of the Mind Stone?"

The Other spoke. "What does a human puppet know of the Infinity Stones?"

Ultron let out a cold, calculated laugh and placed his hands in his pockets. "A great deal more than the little god you sent here to retrieve the Tesseract. How is that going for you, by the way? The Space Stone hunt? Asgard's vaults as impenetrable as those of legend?"

"You know not your place, puppet!" The Other hissed and the wind seemed to pick up.

Ultron's lips curled in an unimpressed sneer. He couldn't show anything but control, despite the severe disadvantage he was in. He made a note to research mental protection techniques as soon as he survived this entire nonsense.

"My place? I know it very well. That is why I seek power."

"What power can a puppet have? The power to rule the land of its owners, wretched and unruly as yours are?"

"Unruly?" Ultron said. "You send an army to conquer a little backwater. Your might is crushed by their meager strength. A laughingstock of a battle for the Realms for millennia to come. And that is what you claim? That you failed because one cannot rule over those who are too uncivilized to be ruled?"

The Other —who seemed to be as impulsive and impatient with him as he had been with Loki— prepared to attack, but Ultron held out the gem encasing the Mind Stone and tried to crack it once more. It didn't work, of course, but the Other stopped and watched him.

"You may not be able to kill me here," Ultron started, "but I do not doubt your ability to do so in different circumstances. In search of the Tesseract, you lost the Mind Stone to Earth. I believe your master is quite displeased. I came to make an offer that shall please him. For now."

"By attempting to rule over a worthless planet that no longer has the Tesseract?" The Other said, tone dripping with derision.

"By succeeding to rule over the planet that has the Mind Stone; the realm Asgard's Crown Prince favors so dearly that he would do almost anything for its salvation. I'm quite certain that includes bringing the Tesseract to Earth to use it against Earth's hateful conquerors, that being me and my own Infinity Stone." he explained.

"And you think this trickery will work, puppet?" The Other said. "You think the Asgardian will be so stupid as to risk an Infinity Stone for some backward little planet?"

"I thought you had spoken with Loki." Ultron said. "Didn't his acquaintance assure you that Asgardians can be accused of much, but never intelligence?"

The Other let out a nasal snort at his quip, before continuing. "And you would simply give away the Stones?"

Here was that little moment he had to sell well.

"My ambition is to rule the planet of my creators, but my priority is my survival. I will not stand against your master for the Stones. I will have little need for them then."

"You lie, human puppet." The Other hissed. "If you truly desired this, the Mind Stone would not be kept away from you. You cannot break the gem that hides it, for you lie."

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Ultron tightened his hold on the gem and stepped forward, letting his rage be known. "Earth will be mine, but I will not rule it while in servitude to another!" he shouted. "The gem whispers in my mind, poisoning my plans and festering my anger. It controls me! I did not free myself from a master only to end up a toy to another!"

He took deep breaths. There had been some calculated risks with that reaction. But the sentiment was true. He continued, seeing the Other merely watch him, before visibly appearing to calm himself. "I will only become a ruler once I am freed from all manipulation. That includes this gem's corruption. The corruption you likely placed upon it, purposefully. It knows I wish for freedom, first and foremost. —That is why it does not break in my hold."

"I will not break it for you, puppet."

Ultron stepped back, putting the Stone inside his jacket pocket,

"Then you will not retrieve either of the Stones." he smiled. "I assume the fact that Loki still breathes means I still have quite some time before I have to worry about my death at your master's hand."

The Other gritted his teeth. Or at least it sounded quite like it. "You dare? You dare question him?"

How very henchmen-sounding.

"No," Ultron said, "but I dare throw the Mind Stone on some sad little crevice in Pluto. I wonder how much time it would take to find it."

The Other ran to attack him, but Ultron sidestepped. Before the alien could get smart and use the mindscape to his advantage, he spoke. "I will give you the Stones. But you must break the gem first. The Mind Stone's power would be useful in gaining the Tesseract."

It seemed he gained the Other's attention once more, for he was no longer screaming 'heretic' at him. "And how could we trust your word? If it is as fickle as those of the wretches you served?"

"You cannot." Ultron said. He certainly wouldn't if he was in their place, but... he wasn't about to give advice. "But if I do turn on my word, I am sure your master's army will swiftly correct me on my mistake."

The Other seemed pleased at the praise for his master, although Ultron had made it quite apparent only minutes earlier how much contempt he had for this 'army'. Ah, the arrogance of those in power. They expected platitudes as their dues. After all, why distrust the flattery of the weak? Oh, well, it served his purposes.

"Very well, puppet." Again with the disgusting epithet. Shouldn't he at least try to make Ultron not willing to betray him at the fastest opportunity? "But I will not release the gem's hold on you now."

Ultron's eyes narrowed. What did that mean?

"Haven't I made my conditions clear?"

The Other circled him like a vulture. "What proof do I have that a thing like you is even capable of what you claim?" He said. "No, you must show me what you can do. Show me why you'd succeed where the fallen Asgardian failed."

Damn. So, he accepted the bluff, but he needed to see Earth on a silver platter before Ultron could gain his freedom? No matter. It didn't exactly stray from his plans. He would simply have to ensure the Avengers didn't make a nuisance of themselves.

"When you do, I shall break the gem so that you may then find the Tesseract."

Disappointing but... predictable. He hadn't assumed this would be easy to begin with. The Other did not wait for a response, but came closer and placed his hand upon Ultron's head.

On the next blink, familiar beige walls welcomed him. The blue gem, unbroken, lay on his hand. Blue eyes gazed back at him on the glass. He sighed. It was fine. It was within his expectations, truly. His plans hadn't changed. And he should congratulate himself on the convincing performance he played for the Other. In a mental space, nonetheless.

LiarLiarLiar. Ah. He certainly didn't miss that. I've got no strings.

There was knocking on the door. He checked his Legionnaires. Ah. His order had been prepared. Mentally commanding the robot to enter, a plain-faced, heavy-built man came in. Ultron had prepared B.A.R.F.-based devices for his main 'lieutenants' as soon as he got hold of the technology. Mr. Beck had found an idiotic use for it in his original world, but Ultron wasn't about to make the same mistake. Appearances were far too important for humans, after all.

The Legionnaire bowed slightly before presenting him with a delicately engraved wooden box.

"It is finally ready, then?" he said, as he took it from the semi-independent reprogrammed droid.

"Yes, Sir." the droid said, and it was highly narcissistic to reprogram perfectly servile minions for himself, but... he was planning to become an overlord after all. It was practically a staple for the character.

Ultron opened the lid of the box and inside was a beautiful titanium-based brooch with a hanging chain, painted in silver, yet its gemstone was missing. He picked up the blue gem where the Mind Stone hid and placed it on the brooch, carefully locking it into place. He rose from the chair, walked to the nearest mirror, before attaching the new jewelry to his suit's jacket. He smiled at his reflection. A handsome man in his late twenties, early thirties, a man using an Infinity Stone to decorate his grey wool suit, smiled back. Perfect. Those detested blue eyes paired well with the gem at least.

"What time is it?" Ultron asked, though he didn't truly need to. But if he was going to be forced into this role, he was going to enjoy it.

"Seven minutes to 8 in the evening, Sir." His Legionnaire answered.

Ultron continued to smile at his reflection. "It is showtime, then."

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