Agrossa Thrinakie: The Three Huntresses

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Telepathy, Now With Extra Spice!

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The rest of our meal passed quickly. We finished our food, then Sipriotes led us to a secluded bend of the nearby river, where she produced all manner of hygiene products, some modern, some clearly not, and still others that were entirely unrecognizable. She also left me with a modern razor, and a can of shaving cream marked with a Caduceus, the symbol of Hermes. Apparently, Hermes was quite particular about his grooming and preferred to be clean shaven lately. The shaving cream was enchanted: to prevent stubble for seven days or your money back. Useful.

At my behest, she and Sophia bathed elsewhere. I knew they’d both be ok with everything, but I could barely stand to look at myself naked. Being perceived by someone else would be even worse. I did, however, take a moment to appreciate the new length of my hair. Freed from its braid, it stretched almost all the way down to my hips. That moment turned into another, and another and another and another. It took quite a while to wash… 

Once I’d dried off, also a lengthy ordeal with my new hair, I threw my clothes back on and met with the others. Sipriotes sat me down and helped me put my hair back up while Sophia watched on, smiling.

“I knew your hair had gotten long, Chloe, but damn!”

Suddenly, I was feeling wildly self conscious.

“Is it, um… do you like it?”

With a sly grin, Sophia stalked towards me, leaning down until her face was inches from mine. I felt my cheeks flush as I struggled to maintain eye contact. She stayed there, for several long moments, the tension building with every second that passed.

“Yes Chloe, I do.”

Oh gods…


Is there a time and place for flirting?


The time is here and the place is now. Chloe was delightfully easy to fluster, and after what happened last night, I was more than happy to continue doing so. I know we weren’t technically dating yet, but after a long night spent making out under the stars and plans for a proper date in the near future, the brakes were off. Besides, there was every possibility we’d die before completing this challenge, so we might as well live while we have the chance.

I gently cupped her face in my hand, before leaning in to-


Ah, right, shit.

Sipriotes stepped back, having finished Chloe’s braid. Her arms were crossed and she had a stern look on her face.

“Time and place, Sophia. Time and place. I’m not here to be your immortal third wheel.”

She cleared her throat again, turning away with a huff.

Was that a blush?

My smile grew wider.

Hey, Chloe?


I’m still trying to work out what we have going on between us, but right now I gotta know. Are we exclusive?

Chloe did what could only be described as a mental keysmash over our connection before she gathered herself.

Like, I’m sorry, what do you mean? I’m not- Huh?

I like you, I want to call you my girlfriend, and if you want that, I’m totally down. I also find a lot of other people attractive, and while I’m willing to make things exclusive between just the two of us, I’m fairly partial towards both of us being allowed to sleep around a bit, y’know? As long as all parties are aware and consenting, I think it’d be pretty fuckin’ sweet.

Chloe’s brow scrunched up like it always does when she’s thinking hard about something. A few seconds ticked by before she answered.

This is about Sipriotes, isn’t it? If she’s ok with it, then sure. I kinda want to cuddle with her and maybe kiss or something myself.

Oh gods above and below, that sounded fuckin’ adorable. I smiled and spoke aloud.

“Seems like we’re in agreement then. Sipriotes, you’re right. You shouldn’t be third wheeling.” She finally turned to look at us again, a faint blush still present on her face. “To tell you the truth, Sipriotes, I think the three of us could have a lot of fun together.”

I winked at her, for good measure, and watched in satisfaction as her blush deepened. She stammered her response.

“I-I- That’s- Artemis-”

I raised an eyebrow.

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“Would she have some kind of issue with this? It’s cool if you’re not comfortable. Just thought I’d offer.”

“N-no! It’s not that! I just- I’ve been with Artemis for thousands of years. A goddess for thousands of years. It wouldn’t be fair to expect a mortal to stack up to that.”

“So she knows you well?”

A nod.

“Knows what you like?”

A nod again.

“Knows how to get you all flustered?”

Once again.

“And you don’t think I have what it takes to match that. I’d be offended if I was being compared to anybody else. Shall I prove that I really can?”

She was staring at me, curiously, before slowly nodding her confirmation.

“Whatever you had in mind, go for it. It’s not gonna be anything I haven’t seen before.”

Oh ye of little faith.

With that, I opened my mind to her. Showing her exactly what I thought of her, how I felt about her, what I’d do to her. I let my fantasies run wild and broadcasted them straight to her. Her eyes opened wide as she fell to her knees, watching in wonder as my imaginings danced in her mind’s eye. Then, with a snap of my fingers, I cut the visions short, leaving her reeling.

She gazed up at me, dumbstruck, as I moved to stand over her.

“If you’d just trusted me, we could’ve been doing any one of those things right now, but you didn’t, so we won’t. Not this time at least. Now be a good little godling and get up, we could all use some rest before tomorrow’s hunt. Impress me tomorrow, and maybe I’ll rethink my decision about withholding these things from you. Ok?”

She climbed shakily back to her feet, panting slightly.

“Yes. Ok.” She took a deep breath. “Wow.”

I winked at her before ruffling her hair. I turned back towards Chloe and OH MY GODS SHE WAS SHAKING AND PANTING AND MAYBE I WAS BROADCASTING THOSE IDEAS MORE FREELY THAN I’D PLANNED ON!!!!


Sorry Chloe, I didn’t mean to subject you to that without your permission. Are you ok?

She just gave me a lopsided smile.



Oh no.

Relationships between Artemis' companions were rarely exclusive, and Artemis herself was generally quite content to have her lovers come and go, mingling with one another. I'd never done that though. From the moment I had met her, I'd been enamored with the goddess, completely devoted in my affections, but now? Now Sophia and Chloe had come crashing into my life, and they were beautiful. Chloe was the first huntress in our band who truly understood who I was, how I felt. The first to share such a journey of self discovery. Without ever meaning to, she'd become terribly important to me. I could imagine the two of us, curled up beside a fire, sharing comfortable silence, and to my great confusion, I wanted that.

And Sophia...

There was something about this mortal. She had this swagger about her, this confidence that just washed over me. Her smile was the kind of smug grin you'd only find on someone who knows you're already wrapped around their finger, subtle and cocky and so very very beautiful. The way she'd wielded the gift I granted her so effortlessly, and with such fine control left me breathless, for more reasons than one. I wanted her to do those things. To me, and with me. I could just picture it. Sophia and Artemis sipping wine, watching with their delightfully arrogant smiles while Chloe and I-

"Let's focus on catching Aipserokeleuthos first, Sipriotes. Then we can talk about that."

Oh gods...

I'd been broadcasting all of that, hadn't I?

These two needed to pass Artemis' challenge, not just for their sake anymore.

Artemis have mercy.

Not likely, pet.

I whimpered.

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