Agrossa Thrinakie: The Three Huntresses

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: Woven Together

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I woke up to an empty bed, a fact that I found sorely disappointing. In all fairness, with my arm in its current state, I was definitely sleeping a lot more than normal, and at some pretty irregular hours. I couldn’t expect Chloe to stay with me the whole time, even if I really wanted that.

Whelp. I should probably get moving. We needed a ship, and I doubted Chloe would be able to hire one herself. Not that I didn’t trust her abilities, but trying to communicate without being able to speak had to be a hassle. I began to stand up, but was struck by a sudden wave of nausea that sent me collapsing back into bed. I heard a gasp from the hall, and saw one of the priestesses come rushing in.

“Don’t try to stand up, Lady Sophia. It’s been two days since your injury, and you’ve had nothing to eat or drink since then. Just rest. I’ll send for some food and water. Just relax.”

As she spoke in calming tones, she helped me position myself more comfortably and gently covered me in a few warm blankets. It was then that I realized I’d been shivering. I felt cold and nauseous and dizzy. Something was deeply wrong.

“We treated your shoulder as best we could, but it’s infected. There’s little we can do. If you’re very lucky, you should still be with us for a week or two, but I make no promises past that. I’m sorry, Lady Sophia.”


Chloe, four hours earlier

Sophia was dying. She’d protected me, she’d trusted me, and she was dying. I still couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it, but it was true. She’d been healing well enough, but after I left her to start packing, she’d taken a turn for the worse. The gouge in her arm still hadn’t closed up, and now it was oozing pus, her forehead was hot to the touch, and the area near her injury was swollen and red. She was dying, and there was nothing I could do…


No way.

No fucking way!

Not a chance in hell!

I looked to the priestess that gave me the news.

“Eirene, right?”

Her eyes widened at the sound of my voice, and she took a step back.

“Stop. Iodora told me you know what she is. Would she lie to you? I serve Artemis, just like she said. I can save her. Sophia doesn’t have to die, but I need your help. Our things are packed. We just need a ship. A fast one could get us to Crete in less than two days. If we finish our task, if we reach the river, Artemis can save her…”

She just stared at me, a confused and fearful look on her face. This is what I’d been afraid of… I had to do this though. For Sophie.

“I refuse to let it end like this. I will not allow her to die. I can’t. I won’t! Now please, say you’ll help me! Say something, anything at all…” I was crying now. Sniffling and weeping and blubbering! It wasn’t fair! I didn’t choose to be born this way, I didn’t ask for Sophia to get hurt, I never wanted to do this stupid challenge! I just wanted Sophia! I just wanted her to be ok! I- I- “I love her!”

“I’m sorry, Chloe. I was startled. That’s all. I trust Iodora, and I trust my lady to protect me, so I will trust you, as well. You need a ship? You’ll have one. Tonight. I swear it. Just promise me one thing. When you save her - not if, but when - promise you’ll both return to us. The kids care for you, both of you, and I think they’ll miss you terribly when you’re gone.”

“Ok. I promise.”


I was polishing off a barley cake and some grapes when Chloe returned. She looked haggard, her eyes were red, her shoulders hunched over, her hair beginning to come out of its long braid. It was because of me, wasn’t it? She was worried for me. I tried my best to muster a smile when she entered, one she also tried to return. I don’t know if either of us quite managed it.

Hey Chloe. How ya’ holding up?

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You’re asking me? You’re the one who’s-

She trailed off, no longer meeting my eyes. 

Dying? There’s no need to sugar coat it, babe. My thread is running out, pretty soon it’s gotta be cut.

There was a flurry of motion going on behind her. A priestess, I think her name was Eirene, was gathering up several large bags that had been left in one corner of the room. An Arktoi had come too, Althea, she was following closely behind Chloe, and she had a bag of her own.

You’re not dying. Not if I can help it. I’ll carry you to the river myself if I have to. Artemis will fix this. She’ll save you. I promise.

My spear was in her hands, and her eyes glowed with divine light.

“Chloe… you don’t have to do this. Even once we reach the island, it’s a long hike to the river. Too long. I won’t let you work yourself to death over thi-”

“Then help me. Help me save you.”

She was speaking. I cast a worried look at the two others in the room, but Eirene just kept working, and Althea… Althea hugged her. Chloe smiled for a moment, and gently brushed her fingers through the girl’s hair.

“I know you, Sophia. You’re like me. You’d go to the underworld and back to protect someone you care about, but you hardly seem to care about yourself. Thankfully, there’s a solution for that.” She paused, steadying herself. “I swear, I will deliver you to Artemis. I will do everything in my power to save you. May the fates weave our threads together from now until death takes us. The day your thread is cut, mine must surely follow.”

Oh gods.


No no no no no no no.

“Chloe!” My shout startled the priestess, who was still gathering supplies in the corner. She whirled around to stare at me and Althea cringed away behind Chloe. I could feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes and white hot rage coursing through my veins. “Take it back! You don’t- You don’t mean that! Please tell me you didn’t mean that! I- Why would you do that?!?”

“Because I love you! I love you Sophia, and if you aren’t going to take care of yourself, I’ll make you care! We’ve both got a lot of shit to work through, obviously, but we can’t do that if we’re dead! If you aren’t going to fight for yourself, fight for me. If you won’t save yourself, save me. Please.”

Tears were running freely now, from both of us. I just laughed bitterly.

“You know, Chloe? I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you swear. Fine then, you beautiful idiot. I’ll save you, and I’ll swear the same oath right back. When we go, we go together. Now give me my spear, and I’ll find us a boat.”

Leaning down, Chloe pressed a kiss into my forehead as she slipped my spear into my hands. Warmth flowed through my body as the spear’s magic took hold, the pain and nausea fading into the background as pure strength coursed through my veins. Stepping back with a sheepish grin, and wiping tears from her eyes, Chloe pulled me to my feet.

“That part’s actually already handled.”

Her hand holding tightly to mine, as though in fear I might pass out again, she quickly led me from the room, Eirene and Althea following close behind. It seems a lot had happened while I was asleep.

Oh! I almost forgot!

With a gentle tug, I urged Chloe to a stop before throwing my arms around her, mindful not to hurt her with my spear. I rose to my tip toes and kissed her, long and gentle and slow, just relishing the feel of it. Eventually, I pulled back and smiled.

“I love you too, by the way. In case that wasn’t clear enough. We both definitely need some therapy though, you were right about that. Now, let’s save each other!”

Hand in hand, we walked to the docks, loaded our supplies on a trireme, and with a shout from the ship’s captain, we were off, Althea calling out after us.

“Be safe you two! I demand another story when you come back, Miss Chloe! You too, Miss Sophia! I bet yours are just as good!”

And then her voice was lost to the wind.

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