Agrossa Thrinakie: The Three Huntresses

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Hindsight is 20/20

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“I’m just saying, there is no historical evidence that the Ancient Greeks called their significant other’s babe, baby, or anything of the sort. The magic must have mistranslated it or something.”

“Or maybe it translated to the nearest modern equivalent, picking out one of our time’s more common terms of endearment rather than one we wouldn’t understand.”

“But I wanna know what she actually said!

We’d been at this for a while now. Our quiet trek towards Brauron had gone on into the afternoon, as Chloe vented her frustration at how thoroughly anachronistic our time in Athens apparently was. This was just the latest in a long line of grievances she was airing out.

“Why are you so interested in the names Greeks call their lovers, anyway?”

That shut her up. She spluttered and blustered for a bit, sure, but eventually she kind of petered out. Gods she was adorable. It was beginning to look more and more like Artemis’ challenge was just an extension of our hike with new clothes and lighter gear. Although if we wanted to make the trip using just the funds we had, we’d probably have to hunt or gather some food for ourselves at some point. Speaking of which, I’d been picking a continual series of edible plants while we were walking, and now I had a veritable treasure trove of black nightshade leaves (which are the only edible part of the plant, by the way. Don’t try it at home), dandelions, arugula, and blackberries. When night fell, I’d boil the greens and make some classic Greek horta, and we’d have tasty berries for dessert. Chloe definitely knew what she was talking about when it came to history and mythology, but as far as wilderness survival was concerned, I definitely had things covered. Maybe tonight I’d teach her how to identify, pick, and prepare some of the plants I’d found tonight. It'd be a useful skill to have, especially in our situation.


After our time in Athens, I was absolutely ecstatic to be able to speak again. As much as I hated the sound of my voice, having to stay completely silent felt so suffocating. I had no clue how I was going to get by when we got stuck on a ship to Crete, not to mention how hard it would be to stay clean shaven without people seeing in such a cramped environment. I guess we’d cross that bridge when we came to it. Right now though, I’d become a veritable chatterbox, relishing in the freedom to speak my mind again. At least, I had been, up until Sophia’s last question.

I was pretty sure she was into me. I think. I mean, I hoped she was. That moment when she first took my hand on the road to Athens kept running through my mind on repeat. Even now, when she wasn’t pausing to pluck some kind of leaf or berry, she had my hand held tightly in hers. Not that I was complaining.

I just- I had no idea how to go about this. She was quite possibly the single most homosexual person I had ever met. The kind of person to just dreamily sigh, and say “women” if you asked who she was into. To think she might possibly be interested in me that way was ridiculous! It was unthinkable! But I still desperately wanted it to be true. I couldn’t just ask her, either. What if I was wrong? What if she didn’t really think of me as a woman and got creeped out or something? What if she just saw me as some weird guy coming onto her out of nowhere, a ‘nice’ guy who just wanted to get in her pants?!? I’m pretty sure I’d die.

For now, I’d do what I’d been doing since yesterday: keep walking and pretend that everything is fine! I can keep doing that for the next few weeks, spending most of our time alone in the forests of Greece. It’d be easy!

Oh gods…


The sun slowly dipped beyond the horizon, marking the end of our second day in ancient history. About an hour before sunset, we’d stopped for the night, as I sent Chloe off to gather wood while I got a fire going. Peteus and Mnesimache had given us both full water skins and a bit of wine, along with a little food, but I was hoping to save that trail food for emergencies. The “fire starting supplies” we’d been provided by Artemis consisted of flint and steel, with some kind of shredded twine to catch a spark. I’d started a fire with a flint before, but that didn’t mean it was easy, or that I was that good at it. By the time we had a decent fire going, the sun had officially set, and I was feeling absolutely exhausted. Ah well, at least the horta would taste good. Hopefully. It was just a bunch of wild greens that I knew were edible and I knew could be boiled together, I actually had no clue whether it would be tasty at all.

As I set a bronze bowl over the fire and started filling it with water, I heard something. Soft thuds coming one after another in the darkness just beyond our firelight, circling slowly around our camp. It looked like Chloe had heard them too, she had her bow at the ready, and there was a soft pulse of light as an arrow of gold and silver appeared in her hand. I stood, picking up my spear from where it sat beside me. Chloe glanced away from the sounds for a moment, looking towards me, before letting out the tiniest gasp.

“Your eyes…”

As we locked eyes for a moment, I saw what she meant.

“Yours too…”

She had no pupils anymore, no iris either, just whites that weren’t so white anymore. Her eyes were glowing softly, shifting slowly back and forth between silver and gold. Slowly, the darkness began to fade away, and I saw the world as though we were still in the twilight just before dusk, and there it was. Standing easily 8 feet tall at the shoulder, was the largest stag I’d ever seen. Its coat was pure white, and its antlers looked to be made from some kind of dull gold. The big guy had stopped circling us and was now angling its head downwards, clearly ready for a charge. I kept my voice low and calm.

“It’s okay, buddy. We aren’t here to hurt you, how about you just clop on out of here, and we’ll be outta your woods by this time tomorrow.”

As I spoke, I moved to place myself between him and Chloe. Slowly stalking around the fire. I didn’t think he could understand me or anything like that, but it was the tone that mattered. Low, calm, unafraid, but not aggressive. It just watched quietly as I finally got myself into position.

“Back away, Chloe. Slowly.”


I did as Sophia said without question. She knew what she was talking about in these kinds of situations, and I just had to trust that she could take care of us. There was just something that didn’t feel right about this though, something in the back of my mind was telling me this was wrong, that we were about to make a mistake. Suddenly, without warning, the massive deer charged, barreling towards Sophia with all the force of a truck. I drew my arm back, about to shoot, but Sophia was in the way, and I didn’t trust myself not to hit her by accident. Instead, she stood her ground, dodging to the side at the last moment and ramming her spear into its flank. The deer went careening off course, tumbling through the woods before circling around once again, leveling its horns at Sophia and prepping for another charge.

Deer in Greece don’t get that big, do they? Do they even get that big anywhere? It wasn’t natural, it was obvious even without the golden antlers, but what did that mean? Then it hit me. Deer are sacred to Artemis, they even pull her chariot, how could I have forgotten? This was a test, and we were inches away from failing it!

It charged again, and Sophia readied her spear. She was going to kill it this time. Oh gods…


The big guy was barreling towards me once again, and I braced for his attack. It was a shame, but it looked like one of us was gonna die tonight, and I couldn’t let it be me. I’d dodge to the side like before, but this time I’d aim for his neck. I’d try to make it quick. Just before it arrived, as I was about to make my move, something slammed into me from the side.



“It’s a test! Don’t kill it! It belongs to Her!”

She’d tackled me out of the way, sending both of us sprawling to the ground as my spear flew out of my hands. In an instant, the world was cast in shadows again, and I could only hear the stag as it got ready for another pass.

“I don’t know how much this test will matter if we’re dead, do you have a plan?!?”

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The rumbling thuds of the big beasties hooves began to close in as it charged, until a bright flash of light sent a bolt of gold and silver rocketing towards it. The brilliant energy glanced off its antlers as it turned, swerving off course once again. This wouldn’t last. I needed my spear, and we needed to finish this. I started to frantically scan the dark forest floor trying to find it, when a hand suddenly found mine.

“Do you trust me?”

Not like I had much of a choice now.

“Do you have a plan?”

She squeezed my hand gently.

“I- Yes, I do.”

“I think.”

Still holding tightly to my hand, she began to guide me quickly back towards the fire. Releasing my hand as we reentered the light, she created another shimmering arrow as she scanned the trees.

“Pour libations and sacrifice the trail food we were given to Artemis. Now.”

This was the plan?!?

“We already worship Artemis, and she sent this thing after us! I don’t see-”

“I asked if you trusted me?”

She sounded hurt. 

Fuck it.

She must see something I don’t. I’d just trust in that and apologize for doubting her after. If we survived, that is.


I heard the wine being poured behind me. Good. I just really hoped I was right about this. I’d hate it if my idea was what got us killed here. I tried to replicate what Sophia had done before, placing myself between her and the deer as it circled around the edge of our firelight.

“H-hi there, big lady… Y-you’re like the Ceryneian Hind r-right? I wonder if you can breathe fire like she could… p-please don’t do that if you can.”

The Ceryneian Hind was one of five deer sacred to Artemis. The other four she tethered to her chariot, and the fifth she let wander free. They were female deer with antlers like a stag’s, massive size, and their horns were made of gold. As a fellow tall, gangly lady with some mixed up parts, I guess I could relate.

It just snorted and kept circling, keeping its eyes on Sophia, offering prayers behind me. The smell of the smoke changed as offerings were cast into the fire. Finally, the massive deer charged, and as it did, I whirled around, grabbing Sophia’s hand and pulling her to the other side of the fire with me, dried meat, cheese, and berries wafting out unnaturally pleasant smells as they burned. The sacred beast continued to rush towards us, showing no sign of pause until it reached the fire, stopping just short of it. 


Well done, girls.

The offerings were delicious.

I’d have intervened long before any real harm could be done on either side, but it seems I wouldn’t have to. I’d given them a taste of their coming hunt a little early, just to see how they’d react, and I couldn’t be more proud.

Sophia’s quick thinking and bravery had kept both of them safe, although she seemed hesitant to place her safety in the hands of another, and Chloe’s knowledge of ‘myth’ and her analytical mind ended the conflict without bloodshed, even if she was clearly lacking the confidence to take charge in a crisis. They’d make for a fine pair of huntresses one day, I’d be sure of that.

Quietly, and invisibly, I approached the standoff happening around the fire, mending the minor wounds my beautiful doe had suffered in the fight. Leaning in, I whispered to her.

“You did well not to trample my offerings, and you tested these two bravely. Give them good sport when they come for you again, and I promise the grass shall always be sweeter wherever you might graze. Now go.”

She ran off, quickly disappearing into the forest.

“Now as for these two…” I muttered to myself, “That horta was going to be disgusting. I suppose since I’m quite pleased with them as well, their greens can be a little sweeter too.”

I let out a quiet chuckle, tossing Sophia’s spear into the firelight, before returning again to the night. Train them well, Sipriotes. I’ll place my trust in you.

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