Aizawa-kun Can't Love

Chapter 32: Volume 1 - CH 31

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7-9 minutes

Translated and Edited by: ynlucca.

Common Honorifics:

-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.

-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.

-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.

-senpai: A common suffix and noun used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club.

Despite being concerned about my sister and Sakurai, I walked home alone. The plan was to go straight to my house, but I remembered something and stopped in my tracks.

Come to think of it… I should stop by and see them soon.

I’ve been going back home more often these days, but it’s still more comfortable to be with that person. Well, I’m still more worried about the state of their room than anything. And besides, I have to buy a few more house necessities.

As I walked out of the school building with such housewife-like thoughts, I noticed a commotion happening right at the front gate. Hmm? What’s going on?

Curious, I looked further ahead. I saw Aoi, the council president, and boys from another school arguing about something.

“I know they’re a student here! Bring them to me, now!”

“I told you a thousand times already, I have no idea who you’re talking about!”

I intervened, getting between the group of boys and Aoi.

“Look, I don’t know what the situation’s about, but it ain’t cool for a bunch of guys to surround a girl.”

“Huh…? Who the hell are you?”

The guys, as expected, stuffed their chests and tried to exert dominance. Soon the atmosphere around us was of confrontation, and If I happen to do a bad job, a fight will surely break out. I should avoid that since Aoi is still here behind me.

Turning my head around, I mouth her to run away. However, against my suggestion, she hugged one of my arms. “You’re here to help, Tatsumi! I’m so glad!”

“That’s true… Still, could you just turn around and bolt, please?”

From the outside, it looked like a couple’s flirty banter. The contrast between us and the group of guys was too drastic. They just stared at us, who were practically ignoring them and creating some sort of rosy vibe.

“Oy, you two, why are you igno—”

“—?! Wait a sec! I think I’ve seen that guy somewhere…”

One of the weaker-looking ones, perhaps running out of patience, started shouting at us. However, one of the bigger dudes stopped him after seemingly noticing something.

“—! I knew it! You’re the two-headed dragon!”


This guy…

The words “two-headed dragon” made me sharpen my eyes. I thought of a way to cover it up, but the guy in front of me gets pale as a sheet and quickly tried to go away.

“Tch! Guys, we’re done for the day!”

“Huh? What’s wrong, Muto-san?”

“It’s fine, just don’t get involved with this guy…”

And with that, the man called Muto withdrew his group. the only ones left at the scene were Aoi and me.

“What the hell was that…? Anyway, thanks for the help, Tatsumi.”

“No, it was nothing… Well, what happened in the first place?”

I had zero clue about what happened just before I got here. It indeed wasn’t a good thing given the atmosphere. Otherwise, how would they start that commotion?

“Oh, it just seems one of our students was verbally abusive toward them, so they told me to track and bring them here.”

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“That’s rough, buddy.”

“Yeah. Well, so I tried to get them to back off while I told them I didn’t know anyone, but they just wouldn’t listen.”

“These guys are all about their rep. I guess they just couldn’t back down. Which school are they from, though?”

I think it’s a school in this general area, but since I wasn’t interested in the subject I couldn’t tell just by looking at their uniforms. They could, however, try to get into trouble with us again in the future, so it’d be good to know.

“That uniform’s from… I believe, Kuroshikan High?”

“Ah, that one…”

Kuroshikan high is a famous school filled to the brim with delinquents. Even I have heard of it.

“Well… They might try something again in the future, so be careful, Aoi-san.”

“Okay, got it… By the way, who’s this ‘two-headed dragon’ they were talking about?”

“I wonder…”

“Ah! Are you doing kendo¹ or something, Tatsumi?”

“… Maybe that guy misunderstood or something?”

“I see, that’s probably it!”

Is she this gullible? I thought it’d be hard, but it was surprisingly easy to fool her. Look, I’m sorry to deceive you, but there are certain things in this world that you don’t need to know. This is for your sake, Aoi, please understand.

“But what the heck, you were, um, very cool when you came to my rescue…”

“I see…” All I could muster to answer were these words. Her face was blushing red, and I didn’t know how to respond. Should I try to say something witty here?

While I was scavenging my brain for any response, she continued. “Aah~ I’m hot and wet…”

“… I’m at a loss for words.”

She let out a pervy phrase, such that other students wouldn’t even believe their own ears if they heard it. I’m so glad it’s only the two of us here.

“Anyway… I’m off now. What about you, Aoi-san? They might still be around, so do you want me to walk you home?”

“I’m happy you’re worried about me, but I still have some council work to do, so I’ll stay in school a while longer. Though, I’ll have my family pick me up today. I’ll also drop Shuri off at your house, so don’t worry.”

That’s fine then. Since she’s busy, I can’t really contact her.

“Gotcha… Also, tell her I’ll be at an acquaintance’s house today and won’t be home.”

“Hm? Sure, but… acquaintance?”

“Just tell her the name Ryuzaki. She’ll understand.”

“Ryuzaki… Got it. I’ll let her know.”

After saying that, she waved her hand and walked back to the school building. I should get going too. Anyway, that guy, Muto or whatever he’s called…

He knew about the “two-headed dragon” thing. In other words, he must be involved with that side of the world. I still recall the look he gave me as he left. It was a very muddy expression. A mixture of resentment, hatred, fear, and a whole myriad of other negative feelings.

Guys like him usually cause all kinds of trouble. This is just a hunch, but they’ll probably show up on my doorstep again, sooner or later. Well… Not that it’s much of a problem.

I concluded that train of thought and put the matter on hold for the time being. Worse than all that is the state of the room I’ll be staying in today. It’ll probably look like the aftermath of a storm… I’ll just clean it up a little. Just a little.

I called my roommate to let them know I’ll be staying the night, and that I’d also like them to clean their room if possible.

Pii—! Pii—! Pii—! Pling!

“—Hello? Tatsumi? I’m still at school…”

“Sorry to call on such short notice. I’ll be there today. Make sure your room is clean enough since you won’t be surprised by my stay. Okay, Hikaru?”

1 — Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art, descended from kenjutsu (one of old Japanese martial arts, swordsmanship that uses bamboo swords as well as protective armor). Today, it is widely practiced within Japan and has spread to many other nations across the world. There are even schools with clubs dedicated to practicing this sport.

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