Alchemist’s Apprentice

Chapter 28: 28. Trial Run

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"You're not going to tell me what it does?" I asked as I stared at the little vial of pale lavender fluid in my hand. "But you want me to drink it?"

Cathryn smiled, "That's correct cutie. I can promise it's safe, it should be fun, and the effects will wear off within seven days or less."

I glanced up at her, "And this isn't something out of one of your books? This is some new invention you've just come up with?"

"Not quite," she responded. "It's based on one of our stock potions, but I've tweaked it and customized it to turn it into something new."

"You waited till after I closed the shop for the day before asking me to drink this," I pointed out. "So whatever it does, it's probably not something you want the public to see. Or it's something that'll interfere with my ability to look or act professional."

My sister grinned, "Not necessarily. And don't forget, we're still expecting to see Lady Philippa at some point today? Her custom order is ready, I'm sure she and her maid are eager to collect it."

Her grin shifted to a smirk as she added, "Speaking of, if this new potion works as planned I'll bet it's something Pippa would quite enjoy. Then again, perhaps it's something I should offer to Marc on Pippa's behalf. Or Millie, for that matter. I don't know about you but I got the feeling the hierarchy in that relationship goes Marc, then Millie, then Pippa. And I don't think the young lady minds that in the least."

"Maybe I should wait and test this later then?" I suggested. "Since we're expecting to host nobility shortly."

Cat rolled her eyes, "If you really want Valeria, then yes we can wait. But I wouldn't have offered it to you now if I thought it would interfere with your afternoon duties."

"All right fine," I sighed.

I uncorked the vial then upended it on my tongue. There was the faintest hint of sweet summer berries, then it was gone. After I swallowed I waited for a few moments to see what would happen. After about a half minute I briefly felt a mild wave of heat between my legs, then nothing. And to be honest I couldn't be sure if that was from the potion or just my own anticipation that the potion might do something naughty.

"Anything?" Cat asked after another half minute.

I shook my head, "Not really. It had a very faint sweet taste. And I don't really feel anything different. Does that mean it's a dud?"

"Not necessarily," my sister replied. She sounded thoughtful as she added, "Maybe the effects are delayed? I suppose if you do notice anything just speak up ok?"

Before I could respond we both heard the knock from the front door. My sister smiled, "Get the door please Val, that should be our noble guests."

She was right of course. Just like their visit ten days ago, Millie came in first then held the door for Lady Philippa. And the officer who was accompanying them waited outside the shop. Both Millie and her lady were well-dressed for the autumn weather. There was a definite chill in the air outside, and rain was threatening.

"How is it you're not freezing Valeria?" the young lady asked as she moved past me holding her shawl tightly wrapped around herself.

I curtsied then responded, "Warmth potion, my lady. Since taking that, the summer was uncomfortably hot but the weather now feels like a pleasant summer's day. And I expect the winter to feel like autumn."

"Is that so?" she asked as a thoughtful look settled on her face.

Meanwhile Cathryn moved to take a seat opposite our two guests, and carefully set out the five vials she was carrying. And as she did that, I poured then served three glasses of the fine wine.

Once seated my sister cautioned, "A permanent warmth potion will help you feel comfortable three-quarters of the year, but summers will be unbearably hot under all the layers of fine clothing a lady such as yourself is expected to wear. Unless you don't mind being scandalously under-dressed for the warmest months, I don't advise it my lady."

"When you put it like that it's awful tempting," Millie spoke up. "And we'd have till next summer to come up with an excuse. I'll wager Marc won't mind one bit if Pippa's underdressed all summer long."

The lady blushed but steered the conversation towards the reason the two were here, "You have the potions ready for us I see?"

Cat nodded, "Of course. As before I've colour-coordinated them for you, so please pay close attention to avoid any mistakes..."

It took my sister a few minutes to describe and explain each one, while both Pippa and Millie listened carefully. There were two pale green ones that were the sensitivity potions for the two young ladies, and a pale blue one that was the volume potion for Marc. A darker blue potion was Marc's custom brew, and the pale pink was the custom blend for Pippa.

"Allow at least ten or fifteen minutes between each potion when you and Lord Marcus take them," my sister added. "And I suggest you take the custom blend first, then the stock potion afterwards."

Pippa nodded, "Understood. It's all very straightforward, thank you Cathryn."

"I'll make sure the two of them get it right," Millie added. Then she looked at the young blonde and suggested, "I really think we should pick up a couple of those warming potions while we're here though my lady. I know the cold's been bothering you, and it's only going to get worse."

The lady thought it over, then finally agreed. "You're right. I wasn't troubled this much by the cold in my former body. Perhaps it's because the original Lady Philippa grew up in the warmer climate of the south?"

They decided to take three Warmth potions, since Millie wasn't used to the cool weather either, and they wanted to offer Marc the option as well. And they picked up another half dozen vials of arousal too, which amused my sister. Not that she let on, but I could tell. Then the rest of the payment was turned over, and Millie gathered up all their purchases and carefully tucked them away for the walk home.

As they prepared to leave Cathryn cautioned them, "Two final points. I suggest you take the potions in the evening, after you've retired for the night. And Lady Philippa, you do understand that all your clothes will need to be altered, yes? You'll want to have some loose garments ready ahead of time, and have new measurements taken afterwards so your seamstress can get to work."

Pippa blushed again but Millie grinned. The maid responded, "I've got some things she can borrow after her ladyship's sudden developments, and I'll be the one taking her measurements and looking after her clothing."

With the last of the business taken care of we exchanged some final pleasantries then the two set out. And from the wide grin on Millie's face and the look of nervous excitement on Pippa's, I had no doubt they were going straight home to take the potions immediately rather than wait till evening.

I barred the door again after they were gone, then tidied up the sitting area before finally joining Cat again in the workshop. And with that out of the way the rest of my afternoon was downright boring and routine.

As I went about my regular duties I couldn't help think about Lady Philippa and Millie, and Lord Marcus too for that matter. I amused myself by imagining what sort of fun the three of them got up to in the privacy of their bedchambers, and how that fun was going to be enhanced after taking this latest round of potions.

Those thoughts kept me entertained through the afternoon, till finally it was time for Cathryn and I to stop for the evening and head upstairs for some dinner.

We'd been eating better the past couple weeks, and after several months of bland watery stew we were still revelling in the kind of food we could afford now. My sister was drinking better quality wine, but I found the watered-down drink was more to my liking. The more expensive stuff got me a little too tipsy, so I only drank it on rare occasions.

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Cat got our drinks ready while I cooked us up some meat and vegetables, both nicely seasoned and served with a bit of quality bread. It was still a fairly simple meal, but had a lot more flavour and substance than what we got by on before.

And the real treat came afterwards, when my sister suggested "Let's have a bit of dessert tonight Val, to celebrate another successful commission."

"Ok," I grinned as I cleared away the empty dishes.

Dessert was both very simple but also a real treat. The season for fresh berries was long past, but that's why people invented preserves. And we had a jar of sweetened berry jam, which was a treat we'd grown up with but was something I couldn't dream of affording for many months after our fortunes fell.

I opened the jar and put a scoop of the jam in two small bowls, then set them down before my sister and I. We each had a little tiny dessert spoon, and that was that. It wasn't elaborate or fancy, but it was a sweet tasty treat.

Cathryn immediately had a little spoonful of hers, and the wide smile on her face showed how much she was enjoying it. I didn't waste any time following her lead, except something unexpected happened the moment the jam hit my tongue.

As I was enjoying the sweet tangy blend of raspberries and blueberries, it felt like a wave of heat flashed down over my skin to settle between my legs. There it became a yearning need which only grew with each passing second. My large nipples were suddenly rock-hard, and a soft moan escaped my lips as I savoured the jam on my tongue as if it was some divine essence making love to my mouth.

By the time I'd swallowed the small sample of preserves I'd removed my dress, my legs were splayed wide and I slumped down in my chair. My right hand found its way to my sopping wet labia while my left hand groped and kneaded my large boobs.

Needless to say I'd completely forgotten about the rest of my dessert, the only thing on my mind at that point was the need for release. I was barely even aware of my sister as she moved her chair to where she'd have a better view, then she sat back and enjoyed my performance as I desperately masturbated before her.

I pumped a few fingers in and out of my needy pussy, pausing now and then to flick and rub my engorged clit with my thumb. My left hand remained busy with my chest, pinching and tugging at my fat pink nipples. My eyes were half closed and my breath came in short pants and needy moans, as I could already feel my orgasm starting to build.

My fingers curled inside me as I found the most sensitive spot, while my thumb flicked my clit again. My ass clenched and my toes curled. I did it again, and finally exploded as white hot pleasure washed over my body in waves. My whole body quivered for a few seconds, then as my climax came to an end the tension in my body slowly started to unwind.

I slumped a little lower in my chair and sighed, "What the heck was that? It felt like an arousal potion, but stronger? And it came on a lot more suddenly than normal."

"Wait is that what you gave me earlier today?" I added as I pulled myself upright in my chair. "Some sort of delayed arousal?"

Cat smiled, "Not exactly, but I gather you enjoyed the effects?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not the best timing. It could be inconvenient or embarrassing if it happened when I was busy, or if I was dealing with customers. And for that matter I don't really see the point of delaying that potion?"

My sister shrugged, "It's an experiment cutie."

"I guess," I sighed as I picked up my spoon. I still had more than half my preserves left and there's no way I was going to let that go to waste.

Except the instant that second spoonful of sweet berry goodness hit my tongue I felt another wave of heat wash down over me and settle in my groin. My eyes went wide as I nearly dropped the spoon, and I flashed my sister a startled look.

I tried to question her but the best I could manage was another long soft moan. It felt like I'd been hit with another arousal potion, and I wasn't even fully recovered from the last one. And once again I found myself desperately masturbating while my sister watched and sipped her wine.

In a repeat performance I moaned and gasped and humped my right hand while my left groped my boobs and tugged at my nipples, unable to stop until I'd come again. There was already a puddle of my fluids on the chair beneath me, and more dripping down to the floor as well as smeared along my inner thighs and my hand.

"What?" I panted as I sat slumped in the chair, legs splayed wide and hands hanging down at my sides. "You didn't spike the jam did you? It's not affecting you..."

My sister smirked, "I wouldn't tamper with our after-dinner treat Val. It's much too precious. Speaking of, if you can't finish yours I'll be happy to take it."

"Not a chance," I grumbled as I slowly pulled myself upright again. There were two spoonfuls left, and there was no way I'd let her have it.

I scooped some up into my little spoon, but stopped short of eating it. "Hold on. Your mystery potion had a faint berry taste... So what's the connection?"

Cat grinned, "Well done cutie! It's a modified arousal potion. Instead of taking effect immediately and wearing off as soon as you come the potion should have about a one-week duration? The effects are held back though, they're only unleashed when you eat or taste the right trigger. And in this case, the trigger is our berry preserves. For the next seven days, every time you taste that jam it's going to feel like you've just drank an entire vial of arousal."

My eyes widened and I stared at the preserves on the spoon in front of me.

"I wasn't expecting it to hit so hard," my sister admitted. "I'll have to look into that. I may have mixed it a little too strong this time? After it's worn off I'll give you another one to test that should be a little less abrupt."

I frowned at her, "And you think there'll be a market for this? I remember you suggested Lady Philippa might like it?"

Cat shrugged, "Maybe not that exactly, but I can blend it with a different trigger, something more suitable to nobility. Like a fresh strawberry, or an expensive wine. I just need a sample of the desired food."

"Hmm," I thought that over.

I could definitely see Millie having fun with that. After Pippa drank the potion, the impudent maid would probably enjoy feeding her mistress the trigger food so she could watch the young noblewoman squirm. The surprising thing was I could also imagine Pippa enjoying that scenario too.

While I was thinking about that my sister said, "If you're not going to finish your jam hand it over. I quite enjoyed it."

I made a face at her, then took a deep breath and licked the preserves off my spoon. If nothing else, it was a very memorable dessert. And I could honestly say, that was the most I'd ever come from eating a few spoonfuls of jam.

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