Alchemist’s Apprentice

Chapter 30: 30. Unlikely Visit

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It was back to business as usual in the days after the visit by Sir André and Lord Charles. Or at least, that's how my sister and I tried to act.

Cathryn was better at it than me, she seemed to be able to put those events behind her and focus on the commission. She wasn't even distracted by the fact that the intended customer was almost certainly royalty.

Meanwhile I did my best to focus on my own chores and duties and education, though I found it harder to forget everything that happened. Especially the death we'd witnessed.

In the meantime we were visited once again by Lord Marcus and Lady Philippa, along with Millie. After their most recent purchases the three wanted to take more permanence potions to seal the latest effects in place. As usual, Cat gave each of them a little lecture on the effects before handing over the clear elixir. And as expected, all three of them took the permanence potion after listening to my sister's warnings.

As it grew cooler out we began selling more of the warmth potion, so my sister had me start preparing it in larger batches. It was typically good for a week, so four vials would last someone nearly a full month. It was actually one of the least-expensive products we had on offer so we weren't going to get rich selling it, but like the healing potion it helped spread word of our shop and the quality of our wares.

Each day followed the same pattern, with chores in the morning, a couple hours in the storefront at noon, then alchemy after that, and cultivation in the evening. And fortunately with each passing day of that same routine it felt less like I was pretending everything was fine and more like everything really was ok.

It was another such day and I was just closing up the store prior to joining my sister in the workshop, when I was disturbed by a knock at our door. I turned around and unbarred it then opened it up, and was surprised to find myself looking at Lady Philippa. She was alone this time, no sign of her maid or Lord Marcus. And no guard escort either.

I motioned her in, then closed and barred the door again behind her. I curtsied as I greeted her, "Welcome back Lady Philippa. Would you like to make yourself comfortable while I fetch Cathryn?"

"Hello Valeria," she replied. "No need to disturb your sister. I'm actually here to speak with you this time."

That caught me by surprise. It took me a moment to recover, "Forgive me but I'm just an apprentice my lady. How can I help you?"

"Let us sit and talk," she responded. "And please, call me Pippa while we're in private. Also, I wouldn't say no to a glass of that lovely wine you always offer us."

That left me just as surprised, but I nodded and quickly poured her a glass of wine. I poured a half glass for myself then moved to join her at the table. She'd removed her shawl and draped it over the chair next to her, and without the wool outer layer her recently enhanced bust was much more noticeable. In fact her dress was clearly designed to accentuate that with a deep plunging neckline that showed off a fair bit of cleavage.

I made sure not to stare, as I asked "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Pippa had a sip of her wine, then in a quiet voice she replied "I'll get right to the point Valeria. You recall the very first time we met I said I'd done my homework on your sister? Apart from that I actually met your father a few times. He occasionally had business dealings with my own father - I mean, Lord Bernard. So I know some details about your family."

She paused for another sip of wine before asking, "Valeria, did you used to be Cathryn's younger brother? I'm sorry if that's insensitive or offensive of me."

My eyes went wide and my heart skipped a beat. I found myself staring at her for a few seconds as I scrambled to come up with an answer. Unfortunately my reaction was already enough to give her the answer she was looking for.

"So I was right," she nodded to herself. "Interesting."

With a slightly shaky hand I picked up my wine glass and had a gulp, then asked nervously "What do you intend to do with this information?"

Pippa gave me an apologetic look, "I'll keep it to myself Valeria. I'm not here to stir up trouble for you or your sister. This is a social visit, you have my word."

She took a sip of her drink then sighed, "Honestly I'm here because I need someone to talk to, and you are one of only four people in all the world who truly know me. And of those four, I think you're the only one who might relate to some of my experiences."

"Oh," I nodded slowly. Suddenly it made sense why she wanted to know about my past, though I wasn't sure our experiences were really all that similar.

"Please tell me Valeria," Pippa asked softly. "What were the circumstances that led you to become you?"

I took a deep breath, and followed that up with another sip of my drink. I looked at the young lady and asked, "Will you promise to keep this secret? Just between you and I?"

"I swear it," she replied without hesitation.

"Very well then."

I took another deep breath, then quietly told her the truth. I explained how I'd wanted this for ages. I told her how my father reacted violently when he found out, and how I kept silent about it after that. And I told her how Cat gifted me the potions to make my dream come true as soon as she returned home from school.

In the end I wrapped up my story by saying, "To my mind I've always been a girl. I was born with the wrong-shaped body, that led others in my life to believe I was a boy. But I knew the truth, and thanks to my wonderful sister I'm finally able to be my true self. Now everyone else can see who I really am."

Pippa had finished her wine by then and my glass was nearly empty too, so I fetched the wine bottle and refilled both glasses. Then I sat back down and asked, "Does that answer your question my lady?"

She had a thoughtful look on her face as she took another sip of wine. She finally nodded, "I suppose. So you knew from the start that you were meant to be a girl, but you accepted your lot and lived the role of a young man because that's what your father and society demanded of you."

Without waiting for a response she continued speaking in a quiet thoughtful tone, "Whereas I believed I was a man, but resented all the so-called manly duties and responsibilities others expected of me. I did the bare minimum to appease the Lord-Mayor, while I yearned for the opportunity to enjoy things my father and society deemed more appropriate for the fairer sex."

After a brief pause she summarized, "You knew from the start your body was ill-suited for you, while I ignored that possibility and focused on external things, like avoiding my duties in favour of other interests."

I frowned as I watched her, while my mind raced slightly. I finally asked, "What are you saying?"

"Honestly Valeria, I'm not even sure myself?" she replied with a sad smile. "I suppose I'm trying to make sense of how I feel."

She paused for a deeper sip of wine, then in a soft voice she admitted "I don't think I ever wished to be a woman, but since fate and your sister saw fit to make me one I must admit I'm happier this way. And I suppose that's what I'm trying to understand? Surely any other man would think this a fate worse than death, but I willingly drank your sister's potion to make this permanent."

With a blush she glanced down at her now ample bosom then added, "And more recently I readily accepted another of your sister's potions, to make myself even more feminine. Among other things."

"Do you regret any of that?" I asked as I watched her.

Pippa frowned then shook her head, "No, I don't think I have any regrets about this. Occasionally I have doubts about being forever obedient to Marc though."

That led me to frown as well. I asked, "Has he been abusing that control? Or done anything cruel or unkind with it?"

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"As I told you and your sister some weeks ago, he rarely takes advantage of it outside the bedroom," she replied. Her blush grew brighter as she continued, "But as Millie revealed, inside the bedroom is another story. And I confess, I've enjoyed almost everything he's made me do. But still, I suppose it concerns me because his heart lies with Millie rather than me."

Once again I was surprised at her words. I felt a little anxious for her as I asked, "Do you love him? Or were you hoping he might love you?"

"Not at all!" Pippa responded as she stifled a laugh. "I have no interest in love with Marc, or Millie either for that matter. Our relationship is complicated, and varies widely between what the public will see, what other nobles will deduce, and what we're like in private. At the end of the day though our marriage will be more of a business arrangement, and at best I am friends with Marc and Millie while the two of them are lovers."

Her expression became serious again as she explained, "And that is the reason why the obedience concerns me? I worry that if either of them tire of my presence or they decide I'm in the way of their love, the fact that Marc has that control over me will put me at a significant disadvantage."

"This isn't an immediate concern or a pressing need," Pippa added. "Neither Marc or Millie have given me any reason to think they may turn on me like that? It's merely a risk I've considered as I think ahead."

"Of course," I nodded.

It was easy to understand why she was concerned when she spelled it out like that, and her situation was obviously very different from my own. In my case, I trusted Cat to have that kind of control over me because I knew she loved me as much as I did her. Pippa being under the control of a man who had no real love for her, and one she'd originally hoped to dominate herself, left her in a very vulnerable position indeed. And even though her predicament was ultimately her own making I still sympathized with her.

After a few moments I finally responded, "I'll have a word with Cathryn. She told me once there's a way to reverse the limited obedience potion even if it was permanent? Maybe we can convince her to do that for you."

Pippa smiled, "Thank you Valeria, I'd really appreciate that. As I said it's not an urgent matter, but having said that there is a date I have in mind? Lord Marcus and I are to be wed in late spring, and I think it would be nice to attend my wedding as a free woman..."

Her voice trailed off as her cheeks suddenly flushed red. She grimaced, "I think that may be the first time I've called myself a woman? And it felt good."

"I'm happy for you Pippa," I responded with a smile. "Even if you didn't wish this in advance, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know I still feel giddy myself sometimes, about the fact that I can call myself a girl without anyone questioning or arguing the point."

The young lady looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling, "Thank you Valeria. I'm happy for you as well. I've enjoyed our conversation, it's been nice getting to know you better."

She hesitated briefly before adding, "I know some would say it's inappropriate because of our different social standings, but perhaps you and I could be friends?"

With that suggestion she managed to surprise me yet again, but I smiled as well. "I think that would be nice. And I've enjoyed talking with you as well Pippa. It's been nice getting to know you too."

My new friend was about to respond when we were interrupted by a heavy knock at the door.

"Sorry," I sighed as I got to my feet. "I have to see who that is."

She nodded, "Of course Valeria. I know you're probably busy, and I've likely taken up too much of your time as it is."

I wanted to deny that but she was kind of right. And even if she was a customer, she herself said this visit was a social call. So for the moment I said nothing, and hurried to unbar the door to check who was knocking.

"Oh," I grimaced as I found myself looking up at Sir André. I curtsied then stepped back and gestured, "Please come in."

He was wearing that warm cloak again, though he had the hood down. And he was alone this time, no royal physician at his side. The knight stepped into our shop and I closed and barred the door behind him. He took a step towards the counter then stopped as he saw the young lady seated at the table in the sitting area.

"Lady Philippa," he stated as he bowed. "I heard you were in town, but I hadn't expected to run into you here."

The young lady just nodded her head slightly as she got to her feet and picked up her shawl, "I imagine your business is as sensitive as my own, and as mine is concluded I shall be on my way."

I suddenly wondered if maybe Pippa didn't know who Sir André was. I knew that could be a real problem if she ended up having to speak with someone who was a stranger to her but knew the original Lady Philippa. Fortunately André didn't try to engage her in further conversation. For that matter he was probably glad she was leaving, odds were he'd want to keep his business with us secret even from the daughter of a count.

After escorting the young lady to the door I bid her a good day, then closed and barred the door once more. Then I quickly let Cathryn know that she had another customer.

The potions Cat had prepared were in her very best crystal vials. There were three of them, packaged in a small custom-made velvet-lined polished wood box that I knew cost a gold crown.

She and Sir André stood together at the counter while she described the potions, "The first vial is a specially-prepared healing potion, that should be a little more potent than our usual blend. The second is the main one, it will transform the patient's body into that of a healthy twelve year old boy. And the third is the potion which will seal the other two in place. I've drafted some thorough instructions that Lord Charles can review. I suggest you turn all of this over to him? As a physician, he will know what to do."

The knight just nodded quietly. The box was closed and sealed, then it and a carefully folded sheet of parchment went into a small velvet pouch. That in turn was concealed under the knight's cloak. Finally he produced a large coin purse which he placed on the counter.

"The rest of your fee," he stated. "And I believe that concludes our business here."

After a slight hesitation my sister asked him, "I don't suppose we'll hear back later? It would be nice to know whether or not this worked as well as we all hope."

Sir André seemed to think a moment, then shrugged "It's not for me to say miss Cathryn. I just follow orders, things like that aren't my decision."

"Of course," Cat nodded. "All right then, thank you sir."

We both bid him a good day, then Cathryn saw him out.

"I sure hope it works," I commented as she barred the door again.

She smiled and put an arm around me, then as we walked back towards the workshop together she replied "So do I cutie. Now tell me, did I hear correctly that Lady Philippa paid you a social call? Have you made friends with the daughter of a count?"

"Maybe?" I replied with a slight blush.

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