
Chapter 1: Chapter 1, Part 1

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Aldrick was confused. He didn't understand his advanced state of exhaustion. His breathing was difficult and his vision was blurred. He spat a large amount of blood on the ground. His arms was covered with purple spots. The spots grew rapidly and began to cover his chest and his neck. More and more cracks appeared on the infected areas and blood began to gush out in large quantities. His knees gave out and he fell down unable to get up. His big, strong body was paralyzed. This time it was me who was looking down on him. Aldrick's face paled. His one functional eye looked at me with contempt but i felt no strength in his gaze.

"Poison uh ?" he murmured weakly.

His gaze fell on the jar of alcohol placed beside his large bed and he understood the trap in which he had fallen. We were in Aldrick's bedroom. It was a room with a minimalist decoration and painted in neutral colors. There was only the bare necessities, namely a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. The moonlight filtered through the window and illuminated the room.

"We used three times the lethal dose to bring you down. You truly are a monster, father." 

"I should have killed you the moment you failed to obtain the Almoran's seal."

"It's too late to have regrets, Aldrick. " 

A broad smile spread across my face. I could finally fulfill my revenge and see him down.

"One year....We spent a year in that filthy cell. Not once did you come to see us or get us out. Not even when Lyanna was suffering from the wound you inflicted on her.  How can you do that to your own children ? Explain yourself" 

My voice got louder as the emotions took over.

"So what ? Why would I care about trash like you ? You should thank me for letting you live until now. You are nothing but a source of shame and disappointment to me. If I knew that Evelyn would have given birth to such worthless people as you, I would have taken her life myself. That idiot should have killed herself long before she gave birth to you." Aldrick replied calmly.

His mouth and teeth were reddened by blood. I didn't feel any guilt or shame in him. He meant what he said. I knew it . Anger rose in me and the sight of his face became more and more unbearable.

"At least before I die, I could get rid of you unworthy son. You won't survive this wound, you filthy heretic."  His lips curved into a satisfied smile.

With both hands, I pressed on the deep wound in my chest. Another child of my age would have died from this wound. But I was still standing up even if I was bleeding profusely. My blood was running down my chest to the floor and I could feel my strength leaving me. But I couldn't die at that moment. Not until I kill him. Lyanna grabbed the handle of Aldrick's sword that had fallen to the ground. I took a deep breath and found the strength to balance myself, keeping my legs on the ground.

Both our eyes fell on Aldrick. His breathing was heavy, blood pooling in his clothes. He kept his spiritual energy active, to delay the poison's effects. But it was even more exhausting. Despite his strength, Aldrick was old. We knew nothing about martial arts or the manipulation of spiritual energy. But even us could tell that any resistance was futile. We moved closer to him and together lifted the sword above his head. He stared at us for a moment. Lyanna took a step backward in fear, but with a tap on her shoulder, I encouraged her to hold on. There was no time for hesitation. Too much harm had already been done.

 "It must feel strange to be put in this position by heretics or should I say your children ? Though I doubt you still consider us your blood. Do you have any final words, Aldrick ?".


He did not bother to answer. He merely looked at the ground and closed his eyes waiting for death.

"Apologize." I ordered.


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"....Shut up stupid brat. I don't want to remember your voice after dying."

I couldn't take it anymore. 


A cry of rage escaped my throat as we swung the sword forward. With one blow, the weapon severed our father's neck. His head separated from the rest of his body and rolled to the ground, leaving a trail of blood. We looked at his lifeless body. Our trembling hands dropped the sword next to his corpse. We had done it, we had killed him. Aldrick was dead. The source of our long suffering was gone. But...." Why do I feel so...sad ? I shouldn't feel that way. I should be satisfy...Yes....satisfy....Then why ?"

Lyanna fell to the floor. She was crying a lot but her face showed no sadness. It was a disturbing sight, but I understood  my sister's feeling. I knew we were sharing this same strange feeling. But there was no time to loose.

 "We have to leave right now. We can't loose anymore time"

I grabbed Lyanna's arm and forced her to move. She pointed her trembling finger at my face. Surprised, I stroked my cheek and noticed for, the first time, that I was in tears. I wiped my face with my shirt sleeve. We headed for the door when suddenly our path was blocked.


"You've made quite a mess, young Master Rinne and Lady Lyanna." said Gerald, our father's butler, and his assistant.

The moonlight illuminated his face and his fine features reflected on our pupils. Gerald was the same age as Aldrick, about sixty, but his physique gave him no more than thirty. His eyes were as blue as the ocean and his short-cut blond hair was always perfectly groomed.

Instinctively I tried to find a way out but getting past Gerald was impossible. The butler who was three steps away from us approached in an instant. With a powerful punch, he hit Lyanna in the chest. She fell unconscious on the spot.


I was unable to react. His movements was too fast. Gerald's gaze turned to me and a strong spiritual pressure fell on my body. "What the hell is that ?"


Unable to resist, I fainted next to my sister.




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