
Chapter 17: First mission, Part 10

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A green sword made of energy crossed the long corridor of the dungeon in an instant. The sword sliced Armen's arm, who let out a cry of pain before rolling to the ground.


Armen groaned as his blood spilled to the floor. He straightened up to see where the attack was coming from and his body shook violently. At the end of the corridor, in the darkness, two gleams of light appeared. They slowly came closer. 

Faintly lit by the candles on the walls, the figures of Orion and Mira appeared. The expression on their faces was enough to make Armen move back a meter or two. Their spiritual energies were such that the air became unbreathable.

"Who...who are you?" asked Armen, unable to hide his fear.

His wound was still bleeding profusely. He applied strong pressure to the missing part of his body with his spiritual energy. Orion and Mira continued to advance towards him, swords drawn. The difference in levels between them and Armen could be felt even by an amateur. 

"STOP. Break...Kill...Kill you." 

Absurd orders came out of Armen's mouth but his power was not working on them. Fear was taking over. Without his power, he was nothing. With incredible speed, Orion approached him, raising his sword above his head


That was the last sound out of Armen's mouth before he was sliced in half. Orion's blade went through his body like butter and crashed to the ground. His attack created a shockwave that dug deep into the ground at his feet and the wall in front of him. The dungeon began to shake violently. Mira erected a barrier of energy to protect Rinne and Lyanna. Once the threat was over, she picked up the child's body and placed it next to her mother. She pulled a white cloth from her dimensional ring and gently covered them. The candlelight lit up her face and sadness could be seen.

"Let's get them out of here," she said to Orion, who was staring at Armen's body.

His spiritual energy was raging around him as he gripped the hilt of his sword. All the nerves in his hand appeared under his skin, threatening to explode. Orion's anger didn't disappear even after killing Armen.

"We don't have time for your whims, idiot," Mira shouted at him, her fist coming down at Orion's head.

"Shit, it hurts..." he moaned in pain while grabbing his head. 

He took deep breaths to regain his composure but his face was still marked by anger. The two bloodhounds looked at the children. Both were on their knees staring at the two dead bodies in front of them. Orion and Mira moved closer to them. But they were violently thrown against the wall. The air was forced out of their lungs as their bodies were pressed against the stone.

"What the hell is this, Orion... ? "

Mira shouted, surprised.

An intense pressure fell in the dungeon. The walls began to shake and crumble as the floor cracked. The air grew thin and the candles that lit the place eventually went out. The bars of the cells bent over and broke completely.

The eyes of the two bloodhounds fell on the source of this chaos. In the middle of the long hallway, emanating from Rinne and Lyanna, a great amount of dark energy raged like a storm. The energy was destroying everything around them. Nothing was spared. The dungeon threatened to collapse as several slabs of stone began to fall from the ceiling, nearly crushing the two kids.

Sensing the danger, Mira and Orion pulled themselves out of the wall. They closed quickly the distance, penetrating the black storm in front of them. With a precise blow to the back of the neck, Mira knocked out Rinne and Orion did the same to Lyanna. The bodies of the two children fell face down to the ground, still enveloped in their spiritual energies. The energies gradually dissipated before disappearing completely.  The pressure in the dungeon lifted and the two bloodhounds were finally able to lower their guards. There was a long silence as they looked at the two children with innocent faces.

"Where did you find them?" 

Mira broke the silence with a cold tone.

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" ... "

The skin on her right arm was torn off in several places from the elbow to the wrist. Her blood was flowing profusely and running down her fingers to the ground. 

"If I hadn't strengthened my myndo at the last moment, I could have lost my arm to Rinne's energy. I'm going to ask you one more time, who are they ?" 

Orion whose left arm was in a similar state, continued to look intently at Rinne and Lyanna before answering in a sincere tone

"Honestly Mira, I don't know..."


The next morning

The two children slept peacefully side by side in the cozy bed of an inn. Sitting next to them around a table by the window, Orion and Mira were sharing a morning coffee with some sweets. They both had bandages on their arms. Daylight filtered through the window. The daily grind of people animated the streets. 

"What are you going to do now?" asked Mira, who was happily eating a piece of seasonal fruit cake.  

Her fork plunged into the pastry multiple times and with each bite, her face lit up. She was already on her fourth piece. Orion watched her eat and wondered how a glutton like that could keep her figure. 

"Nothing new, I will continue to travel with them and help them progress. But first, I have to establish some discipline among these stupid brats..." he answered with a touch of annoyance in his voice. 

"The children of a murdered nobleman... You could lose your head if their identities were to be discovered, you know? " 

Mira said her words to him while sipping her hot coffee, her gaze directed to the window.

 "I've thought about it a few times in the last few months. At first, I kept a close eye on them but they never did anything that could harm me. On the contrary, they are quite helpful and kind."

 A slight smile appeared on Orion's face as he turned to the children. Mira noticed and smiled as well.

 "It seems that apart from their money, anything from the nobles isn't worth throwing away. Take good care of them." 

Mira finished her hot coffee in one gulp before getting up from her seat. She picked up her weapon from the scabbard and headed for the room's door.

 "And you, what are you going to do now?" asked Orion who was looking out the window. 

"As usual, do jobs here and there. Collecting money, bloodhound stuff..." 

"My question was stupid. See you again, you filthy witch." he said, raising his glass in farewell.

 "Yeah yeah, don't punish them too hard, they had it rough last night." 

As she was about to leave the room,  Rinne's voice stopped her.

"Before you leave, I have a question for you, Mira."

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