
Chapter 25: First pawn, Part 2

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POV (Orion)

Simons' eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the three people who had just entered the bar. One by one, then in small groups, more people followed. Within minutes, eleven people had joined us. They all had a calm and slightly mocking expression. I didn't perceive any threatening aura in them. They didn't even have their weapons and were wearing simple clothes. The number of black threads connecting the bloodhounds in the bar to the floating heart next to Lyanna only increased.
The man named Racus walked up to Rinne. He had a bandage around his severed wrist. He knelt respectfullly before him. The woman who had accompanied him earlier in the evening sat down at the counter and poured herself a drink.




"Good evening Master Jabal," Racus greeted him politely.

His demeanour was completely different from earlier in the evening. He seemed calm and reserved, like a loyal soldier. Strange, he was much more annoying, what happened to him ? 

"Good evening, Racus. How is your hand ?" answered Rinne.

"Fine, Master."

Although Racus's face didn't show it, I could tell that his wound was hurting. Rinne bent down to him and activated his myndo. Racus's hand was surrounded by a blackish mist and  regenerated completely.

"I thank you for your generosity Master Jabal" he said in a clear voice, still kneeling.

"You can get up now Racus. Thank you for what you did tonight. It couldn't have been easy."
"I am at your service Master Jabal, you don't have to thank me."

Damn Master, Master, Master . Why are they calling this brat Master ? ...

"Ohh Rinne, aren't you thanking me too? I cut off my leg for you,  did you forget ? ..." the woman sitting at the bar suddenly complained in a flirting voice. 

She too had a completely different behavior.


"I was going to do it Pleya, but you just cut it off," Rinne replied bitterly.
"You're so cold to me...Well, I'll have to settle for your sweet look when you ran your hand down my leg." she said fidgeting in her chair.


Rinne didn't respond but seemed embarrassed.. A sweet look hun ?!

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"Hoy Master Rinne. What a shameful attitude, making a pretty woman suffer like that..." exclaimed a man before bursting into laughter. He was a short, brown-haired and had no special features . He was sitting around a table with others. A general laughter spread through the bar which had been empty a few minutes before. The bottles of alcohol left the shelves and the glasses began to fill up again. A relaxed atmosphere spread in an instant as if the bar had simply reopened its doors. Mira was watching the scene with curiosity and I probably had the same expression on my face.

"Master, you're going to be a celibate all your life, you know?"
"Maybe we should teach him how to treat a woman."

"He definitively needs help.."

"I didn't ask you to come here to get drunk, you bastards," Rinne said in annoyance. But He was greeted again by laughter.
"Relax, boss. From the look on his face, he's finally figured out your little trick." Pleya replied pointing at Simons. She downed a bottle of booze before sighing. "Ugh..... that feels good...."

With each passing second the bar got louder and louder. Suddenly Rinne activated his myndos, releasing a large amount of spiritual energy around him. The black energy filled the room in an instant, increasing the pressure, breaking bottles and shaking the walls. In immediate response, Pleya and the others fell to their knees. Their cheery facial expressions of a few seconds before became  serious.

"Forgive us Master if we have offended you," Pleya said in a soft, clear voice.

I didn't sense fear in her voice but rather ... regret.

"It's okay,you don't have to apologize.  You can party when I'm done with Simons. I need you to stay calm guys. " Rinne replied, deactivating his myndo.
"As you wish."
They all shouted at the same time. The tension disapeared but they remained on their knees.
 Simons was still standing haggardly in front of Rinne. His face was livid to the point that I felt he would die any second.

"Shall I explain? "Rinne asked him as he walked towards him.

Simons recoiled and fell on his butts. The top of his bald head, glistening with sweat, flashed across my eyes

"You.... have tricked me," he muttered without much strength or conviction in his voice.
It was true, he had tricked him. Everything that happened was calculated, all those familiar faces were also calculated. The remarkable performance of Racus and Pleya too. 

"Let's talk, Simons ?" Rinne said calmly, leaning down to his level.
His body shook like a leaf whipped by the wind.
"The Garden?"
"Yes, the Garden. You were wondering why I wanted your supply of lapys right? I think there's been a misunderstanding. What I want is the whole Garden. You and everyone who works for you."
" ...... "

Simons seemed hesitant to answer, or rather didn't seem to know how to answer. Rinne got even closer and whispered a few words in his ear. It only lasted a moment for the people in the bar but probably an eternity for him.

"Shh, don't make me cut your tongue out. I need you, but I can replace you just as easily. Either you work for me or you die Simons. Take your pick."

Simons immediately knelt down and pledged his allegiance. A black thread sprang from his chest and connected him to the heart. Well, it was easier than expected after all.

"Well guys, you can.."

No sooner had Rinne finished his sentence than a hubbub broke out and the alcohol began to pour out again. 

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