
Chapter 27: Training session, Part 1

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Simons seemed thoughtful . He grabbed his chin and for a moment I felt like I was seeing an old acquaintance again.

"If this were to work, it would be quite extraordinary. "

I sensed a hint of excitement in his voice as his eyes finally showed signs of life. He was a businessman after all. Hiding and selling such a medicine without the kingdom knowing about it could only be done by someone smart or damn lucky. By his facial expressions, I could see that his mind was exploring ways to make my plan possible.

"So? Do you think we can do it?"
"Yes 'we', Simons. Although you are bound to me by a life and death contract, you are not a slave or anything. You are free to do whatever you want as long as you don't betray me. I need your expertise and connections in return, I'll let you manage the project from start to finish," I replied, pushing the leftover pastries towards him.

His eyes widened at my words. He grabbed his chin again, probably trying to sniff out the trap but there was none.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"Yes, totally."

"But why me ? "

"You already know why. "

" .... I need time to get some things in place, resources and reliable men."
"Six months. In six months, I will be leaving Damparo for the capital. I would like you to get things in place in the meantime at least for Ruviel."
"Six months seems short to me Master Jabal..." reacted Simons looking at me in the eyes. 
"You should be able to do it. I'll give you complete autonomy," I replied, getting up from my seat.

Lyanna did the same and opened a black portal in front of us. The echoes of the fight between Mira and Orion had ended a while ago and both of us walked through the glass door again. Orion was in a terrible state with wounds all over his body. His white shirt was also in pieces. Mira had not gone easy on him but at least she seemed to have calmed down. Without saying a word, she walked through the black portal, followed by a stiffened Orion. Lyanna walked through it as well.

"Why do you trust me?" asked Simons, who also rose from his chair, looking concerned and even suspicious.
"You ask way too many questions, old man. Why do you wonder about that? Do you intend to betray me?"
" .... "
"Good "

I threw him the house keys, which he caught on the fly.
 "Lock up when you leave," I said, as I walked through the portal.

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Probably one of the rarest and most useful powers that can exist. No more long trips by carriage, boat or crossing dangerous mountainous areas.. These portals were a true blessing in the literal sense. They were the most complex artifacts ever created. Thousands of years of knowledge were conveyed and explored to achieve this result. And of the many researchers who have studied teleportation, only one has succeeded in creating these portals, the apostle Nessa. Most of the artifacts circulating in Alcine are the result of his work. Basically, he revolutionized the world. The largest Academy in our world was even named after him.

But he would probably turn over in his grave knowing that two teenagers could teleport great distances without difficulty. The teleportation myndo was rare and spiritually energy draining. At our level, Lyanna and I could teleport within four kilometers. It wasn't nearly as exceptional as the artifacts, but it was already well above the average of a few meters at most. Our myndos relied on two attributes : teleportation and a more 'specific one'. Lyanna had become a necromancer, which I could understand given her penchants...... As far as I was concerned, the nature of my myndo was to decompose what exists and create from what exists. This power lacked versatility compared to my sister's and had some limitations. However, it was rare to have two or more myndos, so it wasn't too bad.

After several teleports in a row, we were back in the Damparo desert. As soon as we left the circle, we were greeted by the morning sun and dozens of stares. Mira, still grumpy, was on her guard, but she calmed down when she saw the men and women in front of us kneel down. She recognized a few faces here and there.

"We greet you Master Jabal."
They all shouted at the same time and loudly. I could almost feel my cheeks turn red. For a moment I felt like a nobleman again. 'I'll never get used to this...'

POV (Mira)

It doesn't make sense'...
The questions multiplied in my head as I watched the twins interact with the bloodhounds around us. There weren't many of them, just about thirty if you count the ones who were at the bar yesterday. But why were they all so friendly? Their lives were literally in Rinne's hands. And yet, they all looked so relaxed and calm. I couldn't sense any hidden hatred. There was no animosity in their eyes. The discussions were going on around us as if they were all old companions. Strange.

"What did you do to them, Rinne?" I asked in an impatient voice.

It was not my intention but I was in a bit of a bad mood.... However, Rinne didn't seem to pay attention.

"Why do you think I did something to them? He answered seeming not to understand what I meant.
"Why are they all so...nice with each other?" I said, pointing at the group of bloodhounds.

Rinne finally understood the meaning of my question and grabbed his chin.

"Because they like each other, I guess..." he replied casually.
" ..... "
"Put that suspicious look away. I didn't do anything...weird to them. Specifically what you may be thinking, they're not slaves or anything like that. "
That was exactly what I was thinking.
"They're free to move around and don't have to obey me. Lyanna's contract doesn't work that way," he replied, seeming to remember things.
"Explain yourself..."
"This contract only prevents them from betraying me at the risk of losing their lives. But nothing obliges them to call me master or to follow my orders."
"That still doesn't explain why they obey you. They could just be leading their lives and not crossing your path," I said as I watched them. I could see a few children here and there playing in the sand. There was a really peaceful atmosphere.
"I will answer your question with another one. Why do men create connections between them ?"


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