
Chapter 3: Chapter 1, Part 3

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"Oh, just when I thought things couldn't get any more interesting," 

Gerald was crossing his fingers in his lap. It was his habit "number two" when he was interested in a subject.

At no point during the entire conversation did I sense any sign of disinterest on his part. But his curiosity was almost visible now. He didn't even try to hide it.

"A little demonstration will be the best explanation." I said, unbuttoning the black shirt I was wearing.

I exposed my chest, showing the absence of the Almoran seal. Lyanna did the same, revealing only a large scar on her chest.

"As you can see we have not received the blessing of the Five Spiritual Beasts," I said as I buttoned up my shirt. 

Even in the carriage, I could feel the cold of the night on my skin. 'So unpleasant...' 

"Yes, I can see that."

"Do you have one of your daggers with you? " 

Gerald looked surprised for a moment, then raised his left arm. A dagger sprang from its hilt and landed in his palm. He held the point out to me. The dagger was quite light but appeared to be very durable. It was thin and completely black. I brought the dagger to my left hand and made a deep cut. The pain made me grimace. The blood flowed quickly, slipping from my fingers before falling onto the brown carpet of the carriage. Gerald watched in silence. I handed him the dagger back after wiping the blood with a handkerchief and showed him the palm of my hand.

"Surprising..." Gerald muttered and leaned forward.

The cut on the palm of my hand had completely disappeared. 

"When I saw your condition in Lord Aldrick's room, I was certain you had received a serious injury. But I couldn't see any trace on your body. I understand better what happened."

"Well, the probability of being injured was high. But, I didn't know if I could heal in case of a serious wound. That was another gamble."

"However, the situation you present to me is more than strange. I didn't feel any fluctuation of spiritual energy when your cut closed. Furthermore, without the Almoran's seal, this shouldn't be possible. Then how? Self-regeneration? " Gerald began to wonder.

He had gone into a deep analysis of the situation. He listed possibilities to explain what he had seen. But he couldn't find satisfactory answers. Lyanna and I have thought about this for over a year. We shuffled through all the knowledge we have accumulated at our age. But we failed to find an answer.

"How did you learn about your 'ability' ?" 

"By chance, during a meal, I accidentally cut my finger and I noticed the cut closing by itself. Afterward, I tried to inflict several other wounds on myself and the result remained the same."

"You seem to have sadomasochistic inclinations from a young age, Master Rinne. I should pay more attention to you." 

"Are you saying I'm a weirdo, butler Gerald?" I replied defiantly. 

Gerald pretended to cough before continuing the conversation. 'I am not weird, it was experiments....nothing more'

"Did something happen during the Almoran seal ceremony?"  he asked, avoiding my question.

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"Nothing, in particular, I remember drinking the sacred liquid, passing out. When I woke up, I was told that I was a heretic. By the way, don't you wonder why we haven't said anything until now?"

"You were rejected once and in horrible circumstances so you had no reason to seek your late father's approval right?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"I educated Lady Lyanna and you, don't forget that. "


 "I am not aware of a case like yours so it would be best to keep that information to yourself. Human beings are afraid of the abnormal. And sometimes this fear can lead to morally questionable actions. Please keep this in mind."


Lyanna nodded to state that she too understood. A smile spread again across Gerald's face. 

"You are far too mature for your age. Somehow, it is almost sad."

"We didn't have a choice to mature so quickly," I said, stretching a little. "The hooded man waiting for us outside is getting impatient. Maybe we should go outside.".

"How did you manage to detect his presence?"

I stood up and opened one of the carriage windows. A little black cat slid in and landed on Lyanna's legs. She began to stroke it tenderly.

"He warned us of his presence," I said, pointing to the cat. 

 Again we sensed curiosity in Gerald, so I took the trouble to explain. I felt like that was all I had been doing the whole way. It was exhausting. 

 "Lyanna can communicate and control animals. As soon as I woke up, she sent me a message by tapping the seat in a code of our creation. And all along the way, she kept sending me information."

Gerald  clappied his hands.

"Ridiculously brilliant. This conversation was interesting but it's time for the next step."  

The carriage door opened and a servant named Mary invited us to get out. We were in a very remote part of the main village, under the jurisdiction of the Novius family. It was dark, the place was weakly lit by the moonlight and some lights coming from some small houses further away. We were at the edge of the large forest that marked the boundaries of the Novius territories. Standing against one of the trees was a man dressed entirely in a black cloak with a hood covering his face.



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