
Chapter 8: First mission, Part 1

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First mission

Four months later

POV (Lyanna)

"Boom" boom" "boom"

 The exchanges of blows multiplied as Rinne shortened the distance with Orion. His body enveloped in a black aura, he was rushing towards him with a wide smile on his face. I could feel his excitement in his eyes. And it was quite strange to see. I had rarely seen my brother like this. He was always trying to have a cool head and a  boring attitude. But today, he was showing  recklessness in his movements by taking more risks. Kekeke, did he finally find a way to get the stick out of his....?  Good job Riri, I was starting to loose hope.

As Rinne was approaching Orion at high speed, the latter surrounded his fists with a greenish energy and violently hit the ground which started to crack and to raise on several meters. Unbalanced in the middle of his race, Rinne lost momentum. Orion took advantage of this to close the short distance in an instant. With his right fist raised, he threw a powerful blow towards Rinne's head, who skillfully dodged  by falling on his side. With both hands on the ground, Rinne pivoted on himself and sent a roundhouse kick towards Orion's jaw, who dodged by taking a step back. But it wasn't over. Left, right, feints, Rinne was chaining attacks hoping to catch his opponent off guard. But, some variables were too difficult to manage for a beginner. There was a difference between the two of them in size, strength, abilities and finally the most important thing, experience.

While Rinne was about to launch an umpteenth kick towards the ribs of Orion. The latter blocked with his left arm and caught Rinne's ankle. The already strange smile on my brother's face widened. He pivoted on his caught ankle, breaking it in the process, and sent his opposite leg towards Orion's jaw. Surprised, the latter took the blow with full force. But he quickly regained his senses, a smile spreading on his face

"Boom "

A powerful punch hit Rinne's chest. He flew for several meters before falling unconscious to the ground. Several minutes passed without him making any movement. Well, I guess it's my turn. Nice fight brother, maybe I should think about congratulating him...or not.


POV (Rinne)


We were traveling eastwards without any specific destination. Lyanna and I had completed the first stage of myndo. We could accumulate ambient spiritual energy in our bodies and use our hearts as receptacles. The energy circulated through our blood vessels. The feeling was strange and exhilarating at the same time. When the energy locked in our bodies was released, our senses and physical strength were amplified. Our stamina and healing capacity also increased greatly. My broken ankle should even heal in a few hours. For now, we could only store a definite amount. Compressing the energy was always quite difficult. However, we could use spiritual energy like any contractor. For us, it was already a significant achievement. 

On the other hand, our combat training with Orion was going well. We were making progress. but we still didn't have permission to use weapons to confront him. However, our mastery of the fighting arts didn't improve as much as we wanted. We were planning to integrate moves from other kingdoms. But our progress were much slower than we expected. Being geniuses did have its limits. The knockout I took earlier could prove it. 


Our trio were on a road again when Orion stopped in front of a directional sign indicating the next town. On the sign was a piece of red paper with an address and a more than generous amount of money marked on it. I saw Orion's eyes shine at the paper. And here we are. In a large finely decorated room sitting in front of a wealthy merchant from the city. The room was decorated to display the wealth of the owner and intimidate his guests. Large paintings hang on the wall and sculptures were displayed here and there. We were sitting on a good quality sofa in front of a man whose belly was almost three quarters of his body. He had been shovelling biscuits into his mouth since we arrived . He didn't even pay attention to us. Two armed guards were standing behind him and a maid was busy filling his plate over and over again. 

"By the way, what are we doing here?" I whispered to Orion, who remained calmly seated. He kept a very different attitude from the one he usually had.

"For work, kid. Today we're going on our first mission in a long time." he answered in a whisper, but Lyanna and I could sense the excitement in his voice.

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"Work? We must still have some of the money Uncle Gerald gave us, right?"

Orion turned slightly towards me and a large vein appeared on his forehead. He had a calm demeanor. But I felt that same pressure during practice before he pounded me with blows.

"....Orion?" I said ready to run away. 'The door was only five steps away. You can do it Rinne'

"Stupid, annoying, insensitive brat. How much do you think all those damn books you're carrying around cost? On top of the bunch of different weapons you wanted? And the clothes? And the food?" he began to list. 

He kept his tone calm but his frustration was palpable. Two more veins appeared on his forehead.

"That money was supposed to last for months. But all your rich kids' needs are putting me out of business. It's been nearly five whole months since I've had a drop of alcohol, I haven't been to a single bar or house of pleasure..." he began to say as his gaze grew more desperate.

("Remember when I told you I liked him? Well, I don't like him so much after all.") Lyanna said to me in sign language.

"If Uncle Gerald entrusted us to him it must be for a reason but sometimes I have some doubts." I replied. 

("he's definitely weird.") 

"Yes totally...."

We both nodded in mutual understanding.

"Cough cough . Well, thank you for coming in response to my request." began the host, who seemed to have finished his snack without offering us any of course. 

He had a rather unpleasant nasal voice.  He was a balding man with a thick moustache. He was far from the usual standard of beauty.

"Please, sir...." replied Orion who had come to his senses. 

"My name is Thoralf Mosbeam. As you can see, I am a person full of resources kekeke. Not as much as a nobleman but in the future I will certainly belong to that social class. My wealth revolves around transporting livestock across the kingdom." 

'How surprising, a business about food'

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