Alis Archives

Chapter 2: The system pt. 1

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{Research Log: 5-7-00254, Herman Zephyr}

{On the basics of the ‘System’}

A gruff male voice comes from the small speaker. 

“The system is quite simple, it takes data from whoever we connect it to, quantifies it, and stores it. This process tends to kill the… ‘volunteer’, but it is quite efficient. Once it has successfully stored the data, it can either be transferred to another device or implanted directly into another subject, effectively allowing us to make super-soldiers out of any common farmer. Sadly the mortality rate for this is also very high, making project X-3 implausible. What we did discover, though, was completely unexpected, the system gained a sort of sentience.”

“Alis, as we have named it, is an artificial intelligence built off of hundreds of different memories, making it a little unstable. Luckily, it seems to have developed its own uniqe personality as the systems guardian. Contact with Alis is difficult and always short lived as it tends to spend most of its time sorting information or fixing any problems with the system, both of which help to reduce the workload of our team.”

“With the help of Alis, we were able to find a way to actually visualize the data! Uhhh… hold on, let me bring it up…”

A small holo-screen appears above the recording device, showing some sort of character sheet.

“Huh, never seen this one before… I’ll have Gordon check it later. *Ahem* So this is what we call a uhh… Quantified Experience Visualization Sheet… or EVS. *sigh* It’s just a stat sheet. Anyways, it can be broken down into pretty simple categories; Personal data, Titles & skills, and proficiencies. Here, I’ll just label the list so you can see it yourself.”

[Personal data]

{Name: Seiun (星雲)}

{Race: Dragon}

{Age: 1 year}


{Sex: Female}

{Physical state: Fine}

[Skills & Titles]

{Titles: |True Origin|, |Divine Anomaly|, |Primordial body|, |Primordial mind|}

{Title descriptions:

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True origin- You are destined to become something more.

Divine anomaly- You shouldn’t exist, yet here you are. You are a being that defies all logic.

Primordial body- Your body can change shape to an extent and has become stronger.

Primordial mind- Your memory is perfect, not even archmages can influence you, you will remember all.}

{Skills: [Common Language(2)], [Draconic Language(Max)], [Draconic Flight(2)], [System mind(Ex)], [Reincarnated(Ex), [Pain Resistance(1)], [Mental Resistance(1)], [Null(?)], [Codex(1)], [Aetheric Soul(Ex)]}

{Skill descriptions:

Language skills- allow comprehension of a language.

Flight skills- allow flight, the only differences in flight skills are duration and appearance.

System mind- the user is directly linked to the Alis system.

Reincarnated- the user has escaped the clutches of death and will never see them again, all memories erased one year post-reincarnation (partly resisted by |Primordial mind|)

Resistance skills- resist certain afflictions and ailments.

Null- Unknown, removes all.

Codex- the user has access to basic knowledge of the flora and fauna of the world.

Aetheric Soul- allows complete control over Aether.}


{Aether refinement: 70%}


{Primordial Mind: [Humanoids], [Magic], [Beasts], [Misc.]}

{CORE status: Active, Origin connection formed, locating Pre Origin Artifacts}

The man speaks again after a few minutes. “Well uhh… oh god dammit Gordon.” Alarms suddenly go off somewhere in the background. “Uhh, *Sigh*. Professor Zephyr signing off… *Crackle*”

{End of log 5-7-00254, Herman Zephyr}

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