Almark – Northern Sword, Southern Wand

Chapter 112: v7c3

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When they walked out onto the playing field, everyone gasped at the completely different scene than usual.

All the seats for the spectators are filled.

It is just a simple matter , but it feels like a completely different building from the martial arts arena that they usually use for practice.

The pressure of being stared down by so many people, I guess you can call it.

 The colorful clothes worn by the spectators looked like a mosaic.

The noise of each and every one of the spectators combined to form a huge roar that fell over the heads of Almark and the others.

Just by lining up at their assigned spots, Morgen and the others are already moving awkwardly.

" Morgen."

 Almark calls out in a whisper to Mogen's back.

“As we practiced ."


Morgen nodded awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Morgen,"

Raido says in a surprisingly easygoing tone .

Ninety-nine out of a hundred of these people have nothing to do with you you'll never see them again."

 Morgen looks at Raido with a surprised look on his face.

"How can you think like that, ? I can't."

 He chuckles and shakes his head.

 Still, he seems to have loosened up a bit by talking, and his movements are better than they were a moment ago.

 To the right of Almark and the other two groups, there is one group. To the left of Almark and his group the students of group 1 and group 3 line up.

"Almark, you're in the lead. "

Torque said bluntly, and Almark lined up at the head of the line of group 2.

 I thought the ceremony would start soon, but the auditorium was still buzzing.

 It looks like there is still some time before the ceremony starts.

 As Almark stood silently facing forward.

"So it's true that Wallis isn't going to show."

 The first male student in the first group, who was standing right next to Almark, said to him as he stood facing forward as well as Almark.

'Yeah. He's hurt, and he's in bad shape."

Almark replied, not even knowing who that was.

'Well, that's too bad. I would have liked to have fought with him in a setting like this."

 Almark didn't answer him, but looked at the top of the bleachers at the top of the auditorium, at the seats for the honored guests.

 Still no one was in sight.

It would be a little while before the honored guests, including Prince Wolfe, would arrive.

If Wallis isn't here, I thought Torque would be first in line."

The student to his right spoke to him again.

"If Torque is willing to give it to you, then you must be very strong."

 Almark looked at the other man's face for the first time.

 He was not very tall. He was almost as tall as Almark.

However, even though he was not as physically strong as Torque or Eston, Almark immediately understood that this boy must be strong.

The atmosphere he carries is different.

 He was a slender, intelligent-looking boy. His two eyes, full of curiosity, were staring at Almark.

“Almark, I transferred here this spring.”

 Almark introduced himself.

 ”I know who you are," the boy said, smiling slightly.

"There's been a lot of talk about a new kid from the north joining class 2," he said.

 Then he said his own name.

"I'm Ein from class 1. I'm a class representative, in case you were wondering."

 He looked at Almark as if measuring him from top to bottom and laughed.

'If Wallis wasn't here, I'd love to fight you, but I beat ...... Torque a long time ago. You're going to be in the match with group one, aren't you?"

No, I'm with the third group."

 Almark shook his head.

"That's too bad."

 Ein sounded really disappointed.

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"Well, there''s still a chance next year and beyond. I'd like to see you in action someday."

So you're going to compete against 2ndgroup,"

 Almark confirmed.

 (If you're fighting this guy, even with current torque, you might be in danger, he thought.)

 That's what he thought.

However, Ein smiled and answered, "No, I'm going to fight with the third group."


 Almark raised his eyebrows.

You sounded like you were going to fight with the second group," he said.

I could tell that his tone was almost condemning.

 (Is he kidding me?)

"Sorry, "

 Ein laughed it off lightly.

I was going to be in the match with the 2nd group, but it would have been boring if neither Wallis nor you were going to participate. It would be more interesting to fight with the third group.

"You're going to change that now?""

 "I wonder if the rest of the classmates will be angry with you."

"Oh, don't worry, class 1 is my class,"

 Ein said simply.

 Almark was about to interject a question when the buzz in the auditorium grew louder.

"Look, here come the guests of honor!"

 Ein said with a laugh in his voice and turned to face forward with a seriously look on his face.

 (I thought class reps were supposed to be honor students.)

 Almark, , thought so as he turns to face forward.

 The buzz in the auditorium grew louder, as men and women in luxurious outfits entered the auditorium, one after the other.

 There were about ten people in all, not including the academy staff who were guiding the guests.

With slow movements, they came to the respective seats in front of the honored guests, and stood without sitting down.

Next, Bowen, the martial arts instructor, asked the audience to stand up in a clear voice.

When everyone stood up and the entire venue was quiet, a boy entered the hall, led by a woman who was acting as a guide.

He was dressed in a high-quality suit with the Garai royal family crest on it. For a moment, there was a stir in the audience, but it was soon replaced by loud applause.

 The audience, including the guests of honor, stood and applauded the boy.

Almark and the other students also applauded at Bowen's suggestion.

 (The one who had just entered the hall must have been Crown Prince Wolff of the Kingdom of Garai.)

Almark immediately understood why the audience was excited for a moment.

 It was because the Dauphin was completely covered by the hood of his robe.

 Not only the Dauphin's face, but even his hair was not visible.

 It was doubtful that he was really the Dauphin himself.

"The rumors are true, aren't they?"

 Almark turned his eyes to the murmur of Ein, who was standing next to him.

'You are not from the south, don't you know? Rumor has it that when the Dauphin Wolfe first used magic, he was too young to control it ......."

 Ein only moved his mouth as he looked forward and clapped his hands in genuine way .

'He got a terrible cut on his face. Since then, when he goes out in public, he always looks like that ......."

 A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of Ein's mouth.

"He hides his face with a hood ".

"It's a pity."

Almark, looking forward as well as Ein did, responded coldly with a single word.

"How can he be crown prince ?"

Eventually, the Dauphin arrived at the top row of the guest of honor's seat, raised his right hand lightly to indicate his appreciation for the applause, and took his seat.

 Almark stared at the Dauphin's face with his eyes, but he was too far away.

The Dauphin's face was hidden by his hood, so he could not see him.

After that, the opening ceremony ended with the introduction of the guests of honor, the progress of the matches, and the explanation of the rules.


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