Almark – Northern Sword, Southern Wand

Chapter 80: v4c23

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Almark and Morgen volunteered themselves as servants, with Morgen cleaning up the yard and Almark helping to carry the bodies of the mercenaries out of the mansion.

The body of the large Delain was terribly heavy and had to be carried out by three men in a perspiring manner.

On the way to carry the body, Almark gave a small bow to the pots and furniture scattered in the second floor .

" Thank you for protecting this building."

 The seriously wounded were taken to the city hospital, and the bodies of the guards and mercenaries were laid out in the yard.

 The guards were laid out on the sheets.

 The mercenaries on the ground.

 That is the way it should be.

 Almark thought so.

 Mercenaries do not have graves.

 That's what his father had always told him.

No one would go out of their way to pick up the dead bodies of mercenaries and pay their respects. Even if they were fellow members of the same mercenary group.

Therefore, the battlefield where a mercenary dies becomes the mercenary's grave.

If one wants to remember one's dead comrades, remember the battlefield. Remember how they fought and died. That is the greatest form of remembrance for a mercenary.

It was the night that Jargus, the man he trusted as his one arm, was killed in battle, when Reyes told Almark as he stared into the flames of the campfire.

(......When I die, won't my father come back and take my body away?)

 (What did father say when i asked him this?)

 (I don't remember anymore.)

The servants suddenly buzzed.

"Young lady!"

 Someone shouted.

Wendy came out of the house with a pale face, being supported by Lisa.

"Is everyone all right? "

Wendy, looking paler than any of the other survivors, worried about everyone with her feeble voice, and a sob broke out among the servants.

The servants let out sobs.

"We are so glad you are all right."

 The servants gathered around Wendy, saying, that

Wendy walked slowly through the yard, calling out to each one of them. Gradually she approaches Almark and Morgen, who are outside the group of servants.


Morgen called out to her in a hesitant manner.

Wendy's face brightened when she saw them.

"Almark, Mogen! Are you two all right?"

 She sounded as energetic as ever. Liisa, who was supporting Wendy, looked at her with a startled expression.

As Armark and Morgen approached, Wendy moved away from Lisa and ran up to them.

Young lady!"

Lisa shouts in panic, but Wendy doesn't stop.

Her legs become unsteady and tangled.

She almost fell down, and they hurriedly caught her from both sides, and she let out a joyful cry and leaned back against them.

"Wendy, it's dangerous. You have no magic power, so don't push yourself too hard."

" I thought we were going to be the ones to get hurt.”

 Even though Morgen and Almark said so, Wendy held on to them and did not let go.

"I'm glad."

 She muttered quietly.


 Almark asked, and Wendy answered,

"I said I'm glad."

Wendy looked at Almark with a serious face.

Seeing the tears filling her eyes, Almark couldn't say anything.

"I am so glad you are both okay."

Then she stroked the wound on Almark's cheek with her finger, as if she was trying to be kind to him.

"I'm so sorry you got hurt. "

Why is you apologizing, Wendy?


"It's not your fault."

"....... Is Morgen okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Said Morgen

And as the three of them hugged each other and chatted ...

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" Young lady!"

 Ward's voice was heard ,

I didn't know you were here , but here you are! You shouldn't be here, if you haven't rested already!

"I'm sorry, Ward."

 Ward rushed over to Wendy .

"Now go to your room and get away from the two of them."

 Ward ordered his servants to pull Wendy away from them.

It's no good for your health. Get back to your room


At that moment, Wendy's gaze caught something and her eyes narrowed.

"Ward, that'..."

Go to your room. It's not good for you.

"Ward, bring her there."

"The young lady's health is our first priority."


Wendy's sharp voice struck the old butler, who was about to pull her away from the yard and return her to her room.

"I have a duty to see that r, . Alow me do that"

"Young lady, please."

"Ward. This is an order."

".....Yes, milady."

 Accompanied by a servant, Wendy stood in a corner of the yard.

The guards, who were trying to protect her, had turned into a miserable corpse.

 Wendy knelt before them.

"I'm sorry."

In a quiet voice, she apologized.

“I'm sorry for what happened ."

 Almark and Morgen watched her from behind.

 Wendy knelt in front of the sheets and did not move.

."..... I thought being an aristocrat was supposed to be a lot easier than this."

Morgen said, staring at Wendy's tiny back.

"Wendy is incredible".

"...... yeah."

 Almark nodded.

 Morgen kept his eyes on Wendy.

'If that many people died to keep me safe,...... you know ...... I'd probably......"

 Almark nodded again.

 (So many people died for me.)

  (I am alone need to bear the immeasurable responsibility.)

(As a member of the Berherb family.)

(As a noble.)

(I will never say, "It wasn't my fault”.)

"Almark. I feel sorry for Wendy."

 All Almark could do was nod.

He doesn't know what to say to Wendy right now.

He has never been in her shoes.

 (Is this the difference in status?)

 Almark realized it for the first time.

Wendy finally stood up and turned her body toward the dead bodies of the mercenaries.

In front of the dead bodies of mercenaries lying on the ground, they heard Wendy muttering.

"I won't allow it."

 Although Wendy's expression was not visible, her words certainly reached Almark's ears.

'I wish mercenaries would just ...... disappear from this world."

Those were words of hatred that he had never heard from Wendy before.

 Morgen looked at Almark's face.

 Almark shook his head.

"I'm not in a position to say anything,"

The sky was finally starting to turn light.

 Almark couldn't take his eyes off Wendy's back

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