Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 11: 11. Coronation Ceremony

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Finally, the day had arrived. It felt like no ordinary day as everyone was happy. Leaders of every pack, courtiers, nobles as well as subjects of the realm were looking forward to progress under the rule of new Monarch.

Ariana walked up to the breakfast table with a smile on her face and a rose tucked behind her left ear. Every person on the table was busy feeding themselves as after the ceremony, they had to shift and go on a long run led by their new Alpha.

When she took a seat, she caught their attention. What happened then had never taken place before. She was wished on her birthday by people other than her brother and mother. She happily thanked all of them.

After everyone dispersed, Luna Barbara, Anwar, Naomi, Emma, Ivory, Christopher and Mary stayed behind and gave her a hug turn by turn. It became a rare moment when Alpha Edward caressed her hair and then wished her a happy birthday. She did not know what to say. She sat frozen on her spot. Luna Barbara wiped her tears away.

Just then, Persephone appeared out of nowhere. She looked shocked for a brief moment seeing her father's hand on her sister's head. But shaking herself out of it, she sat on a chair and started piling on her plate.

"Won't you wish your sister on her birthday?" asked Christopher, annoyed by her attitude.

She stopped eating. "Now we have started wishing her on her birthday?" She chuckled. "Happy birthday." She said, looking at no one in particular and resumed her eating.

Ariana was unfazed by her behavior. But Luna Barbara snapped. "Persephone!" However, as usual this did not have any effect.

Luna approached her elder daughter. "Where were you yesterday?"

Persephone was eating quietly.

"Answer your mother." Alpha Edward ordered.

Persephone threw the fork she was eating with and stood up. She left the table without saying a word.

Needless to sat, everyone was furious.


Persephone was walking through a corridor and murmuring along the lines of

"People are so nosy these days..."

"Why do they care?..."

"They are showering their love to that weakling anyway..."

She came to a halt when she saw a man. The man was occupying the balcony she was intending to use for venting. Any other day, she would have been furious over someone getting something that she wanted. But then, she felt happier than ever.

The man seemed to tense up at first and quickly turn around.

After coming face to face with each other, both mates broke into a wide smile. They came closer and embraced each one another.

"I can't believe..." The man spoke in a shaky voice.

"Me neither..." Persephone whimpered.

"I can believe it's you among all."

"Are you disappointed?" Persephone sounded hurt.

"No! No" The man quickly rectified. "Not at all."

They held each other for a while before Persephone began sobbing. The man caressed her hair. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing." She broke the hug. The man still kept her at arm's length.

"Do you mind if we keep this information to ourselves for now?"

"Why?" The man seemed hurt.

"You know, everyone is busy today. We shall tell them later."

The man wasn't convinced but he couldn't deny the very first thing his mate had asked him to do. So, he obliged. He pulled her into his embrace once again. She pulled him closer. "Oh Nathaniel..."

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The Coronation Ceremony

Everyone was gathered at the throne room. Right side of the room was occupied by leaders of the five constituent packs and their family members. Courtiers and peers of the realm were seated at the left side.

Ariana was dressed in a beautiful red gown. Although she had a different dress made for the ceremony, she went to a shop and bought a red dress for she wanted to look as enchanting as a red rose. She was admiring the grandiose throne room and the people inside it. She noticed all the courtiers had wore white coats and red shoulder cloaks on top of it.

She felt Persephone sit beside her. When she was roaming her eyes, she noticed that Nathaniel was looking at their direction. She waved, catching his attention. He gave her a smile in return. Persephone grabbed her hand and pulled it down roughly. Ariana was about to argue when arrival of the Duke and Duchess was announced.

Duke Lorenzo entered the room, followed by Duchess Lily with the royal crown in her hands. They walked over and stood on either side of the throne.

A short ceremonial tune played on brass instruments filled the whole room. This was the signal of his arrival. Everyone had their eyes set on the massive door which was yet to be opened. They knew he was getting nearer as the aura around them was getting stronger. It was being difficult for them to control their anticipation.

After a minute of utter silence, the fanfare started being played once again. That massive wooden door was pulled open by two guards. Everyone stood up.

He then entered in all his glory.

He was dressed in breeches, boots which reached up to his knees, poet shirt layered with waist coat having silver buttons and a cloak, with grey fur at back of neck, on top of it. All black in color.

Everyone was giving him their undivided attention. But he seemed to be unfazed by it and took long confident strides up to the front wearing a stone cold face. As he reached in front of the throne, he turned around to face his subjects.

He could feel people sizing him up. Hence, he straightened his posture and stood tall with his hands behind his back, showing who was in control. Duke and Duchess were pleased to see even the Alphas and Alpha females submit to his act.

Narcisse, the Seer, walked up to him and started whispering what seemed like incantations. As he completed his task, Duke Lorenzo motioned the crown prince to take his seat.

The throne was placed at center of the stage which stood at the end of the aisle. He sat on it, claiming it as his own from the moment.

Duke Lorenzo took the crown from Duchess Lily and announced

"In the name of Moon Goddess, I now proclaim Xavier Kon Lancaster, third of his name, King of Wicref and guardian of all the five packs."

The Crown was placed on the Prince's head. Everyone bowed and chanted,

"Long may he reign! "

The Alpha King seemed overwhelmed as he sighed. He closed his eyes, listening to the chants. Once he opened them, he stood up abruptly, silencing the crowd.

For the first time, he spoke, "I am honored by your manifestation of acceptance towards my authority. Your faith is what I value the most as a King. I shall make certain that it never perishes in any condition."

His voice boomed and it held superiority and assurance at the same time. He took a long breath before speaking up once again.

"A kingdom requires its Queen and a King requires his counterpart. From the blessing of Moon Goddess, we werewolves have our soulmates to complete us. I am pleased to announce that I too have found a worthy person to rule beside me."

The crowd broke into gasps and whispers.

"I wish her to step forward."

A girl made her way to the front and stood beside the newly crowned King. She had a proud and smug look on her face.

"NO!" A voice boomed. "She is not the one!"

Luna Iria tried to control her furious son. "Nathaniel! What are you saying?"

But Nathaniel was beyond anybody's control. "Mother, she can't be!"


"Because she is my mate!"

Chaos erupted.

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