Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 18: 18. Sean Windsor

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It had been a week since Ariana had transformed and she had been talking to her wolf a lot these days. For the first time in a year, she didn't feel lonely. She also had been feeding herself adequately on the demand of Saoirse. In that short span, she had started looking healthier than before.

She was sitting in the university library, going through notes taken in classes that day. There was one other girl present there. Ariana stood up to grab a book from the shelve beside her when she saw the librarian, sitting in front, motioning index finger towards her.


"This is your second year, yes?" asked the librarian as she adjusted her glasses.

"Yes. Third semester."

"Okay. So here are some names. Find them right now and tell them that I've called." She handed Ariana a piece of paper.

Ariana nodded and was about to walk towards the book shelve when she heard the librarian say "Right now."

"Right now?" asked Ariana, her brows furrowed.



"Umm...These people burrowed books from here but haven't returned since ages and I need those books for record right now."

Ariana took a glance at list of names in the paper. "I don't even know these people. Where do I search for them?"

"Why don't you go to that place where everybody hangs out after college?"

Ariana found this suggestion and task quite unusual. But the librarian had let her stay beyond their closing time many times, so she didn't want to deny her. She nodded silently and headed out of the library.

Another person popped out from behind the desk. "I've checked the records. And every single student has submitted their books on time. So, what was that?"

The librarian sighed. "I've observed this girl for a year, Ryan. She always comes here by herself and goes late. I don't know. I felt bad for her. So I wrote down names of some random students and sent her to that pub."

"She's at the top of her class for a reason, you know?"

"One night won't do any harm, okay Ryan?"

"Okay, Rachael." Ryan laughed.


The pub, which the librarian had mentioned, was very popular among students of that university. Ariana knew that students of her semester usually hang out in that place but had never been there. After a walk of 10 minutes, she stood in front of it and looked at the neon sign. "Ace of Clubs."

The place was as busy as ever. Ariana took a look around and saw some familiar faces. She approached a group of people near her. "Excuse me."

"Yeah?" A boy turned around.

"Could you please tell me whether Alison Eriksen is here or not?"

A girl near them turned around. "She is at the library."


''The other girl at the library must have been Alison." Ariana thought. She released a long sigh and looked at other name.

"Umm...excuse me." Ariana poked the same girl who had helped her earlier. "Sorry. Could please tell me where Seen is?"


"Seen Windsor."

The girl let out a chuckle. "I saw him upstairs."

"Thanks again." Ariana muttered before going up the stairs. She saw a group of boys. Some were sitting on a couch while some were standing. There were drinks on the table.

"Excuse me." As soon as she said that, everyone stopped chatting and looked at her.

"Sorry to interrupt but is Seen Windsor here?"

One by one, they started laughing.

"Yeah Seen, are you here?" Ariana saw Nathaniel laugh and pat on the back of one guy who wasn't laughing.

"Nathaniel Astor. Persephone's mate?" Saoirse asked with surprise.

"Yes. Nate." Ariana answered.

Nate had entered the same year as Ariana. They often saw each other in the campus. But neither of them approached the other one.

The guy, who wasn't laughing, stood up from couch and walked towards the stairs. Ariana followed him. They started walking down the stairs.

"You're Seen?"

The guy pursued his lips and nodded yes.

"You've been asked to return the books you'd burrowed from library immediately."

"What books?" They stopped walking.

"Books. From the library."

"Yeah I heard that. But I haven't taken any book from there." The guy gave a puzzled look.

"The librarian gave me a list of names and said so herself."

"But- "

"- look. I informed you. My work here is completed. I've other people to find as well. So just return those books, okay?"

"I think the librarian lied to you."

"I don't think so."

The guy took a deep breathe. "Show me other names."

Ariana hesitated before showing him the paper.

"Dave Smith. Really?" The guy let out a scoff.

"What?" Ariana looked at him.

"FYI, Dave Smith dropped out during first semester."

Ariana paused and started pondering. First name on the list was in the library only. Second name was saying that he hadn't taken any book from there and the third one had dropped out already. The task itself was weird. She joined all the pieces and it dawned upon her that she had been tricked.

She looked back at the guy. "Why would she do that?"

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"Heard that she sell drugs to seniors. Must have taken some herself today." He replied, casually.

Ariana narrowed her eyes at him. "Anyways, I apologize for the inconvenience."

The guy, who had a frown on his face till now, broke into a grin. "You don't have to."

Ariana gave him a small smile. She was about to turn around to leave when she saw some boys from upstairs look at them and laugh. Nate was one of them.

"Why are they laughing at us?" she asked.

"Oh it's nothing. Those jerks don't have anything else to do." The guy waved his hand dismissively.

Ariana raised her eyebrow, insisting for an answer.

"Okay." The guy gave in. "They're laughing cuz you took my name wrong."


"Yup. It's not seen. It's Sean. (Shawn). Sean Windsor."

Ariana's eyes widened. "I am so sorry." She began apologizing profusely.

"Oh you don't have to say sorry. No big deal." Sean smiled at her. "Hey! On the bright side, you won't forget my name now."


"Mmhhm. I already introduced myself to you a year ago. But last week, you didn't even remember my name."


"At the parking lot."

Ariana tried hard to remember but she wasn't able to recall the incident which Sean was talking about.

Sean continued, "You know, we've even talked sometimes in the cafeteria and classes and hallways. Not like 'talk' talk. It was more like me talking and you listening..."

Ariana wasn't able to remember that either.

"...but you don't remember anything, do you?"

Ariana gave him a sheepish smile. Sean smiled at her too.

"Anyways, let bygones be bygones. We can start talking from now onwards, right?" Sean looked at her expectantly.

"Right." Ariana nodded her head. Saoirse had been pestering her to make new friend for a week. "I could try to be friends with this person." She thought.

"So, wanna hang out right now?"

Ariana was hesitant. "Uhh...I don't know."

Saoirse groaned. "Ari. We talked about this. You have to make some friends." She scolded.

"Oh come on. I insist."

"Some other day." Ariana began fidgeting.

"Hey Seen. Why don't you come upstairs?" They were interrupted by Nate shouting. Ariana raised her head to look at him. Sean, who was behind her, took the chance and raised a middle finger at him.

Nate laughed and walked away.

Ariana turned back towards Sean. "See? Nathaniel is calling for you. You should go join your friends."

"Wait what? You know his name?" Sean, who was all smiles till now, frowned.


"How? You've a crush on him or something?" He gulped.

"No!" said Ariana quickly, wrinkling her brows in distaste. "I knew him before we joined this college."

"That son of a bitch!" Sean muttered quietly to himself.

Ariana, being a werewolf, heard him. "Is there a problem?" She asked.

"No, nothing." Sean ran his hand through his hair.

"So... I'll go now." Ariana said, motioning her finger towards the door.

"Okay. See you around." Sean smiled.

As she was walking towards the door, she heard him say, "Don't ignore me tho."


Nate felt Ariana leave the premises. He was sitting on the couch upstairs all by himself. Other boys had decided to go to another pub nearby. He was waiting for Sean. When he saw Sean approaching him, he patted on the seat beside him. "Welcome back, Seen."

"Fuck off!" Sean spat as he sat beside him.

"Did you tell Ariana to fuck off as well?" He mocked.

Sean grabbed his drink from the table.

"So, how was it? Finally having a real conversation with the girl of your dreams. Or did she just ignore you while you talked her ear off as always?"

Sean narrowed his eyes. "No. This time was different. She talked. She told me some things as well."

"What things?"

"Oh, I don't know. Some thing that I should've known from you?"

Nate became serious. "What did she say?"

"That you knew her from before." Sean stated. "This could've made it a lot easier. You could've set me up with her!" He accused.

Nate scoffed. "Look. We're not that close, okay? We're just acquaintances."


Nate rolled his eyes. "A person I know only slightly."

Sean shook his head. "Regardless. You should've told me. Not cool, man."

"Oh fuck off.." Nate stood up and left.

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