Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 42: 42. My Love

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Hearing the name, Ariana was startled. Never had she thought about the Windsors being related to anyone in the werewolf world. Professionally, yes. But on a personal level, much less to the Lancasters? It just seemed unbelievable.

Her eyes met with Duke Lorenzo's, searching for confirmation, while Xavier listened to the old man praying for his parent's soul.

The duke understood the silent question. He nodded yes in hope of discouraging Ariana to continue a relationship with Sean, if she had any.

Ariana felt a sinking feeling in the stomach.

"So what?" spoke Saoirse. "I bet neither Sean nor Xavier even know that they are related. It's not like they're brothers. Cousins, may be?"

First King Victor or the ghost of King Victor she had seen last night and now this. Ariana had many questions related to these bizarre revelations. Adding the questions related to Xavier's decisions three years ago, she had a lot of answers to find. Oh the Lancaster family was definitely fascinating, but in a bad way.

When the old man finished praying, he was taken away by some guards. Duke Lorenzo motioned other guards to leave as well before leaving himself.

Xavier noticed that Ariana was deep in her thoughts with a frown on her face. Seeing that, a frown formed on his face too. He didn't want anything to worry her, especially in the morning. "Is something bothering you, love?"

Ariana snapped out of her thoughts. "You calling me love is bothering me."

"My father used to call my mother his love." Xavier explained.

"Your father also died for your mother, his mate. His wolf less mate."

Xavier's eyes widened. "How did you know that my mother was wolf less?"

Ariana scoffed. "Head Priest Narcisse. Unlike you, some people are honest in this palace. And very unlike you, your father loved his mate. It's a shame all you could learn from him is to call me love." She taunted.

Xavier smiled sadly and shook his head. "Ariana, you are putting your faith in those very people who were against you and me. Funny how the world works."

"Yes. Funny how you think you can call me with terms of endearment when you rejected me three years ago."

"I never rejected you!" Xavier corrected quickly. "I would never have rejected my soulmate."

Ariana narrowed her eyes. "Do not reduce the value of words like soulmate and love." She was about to turn around and walk away when her left leg twitched suddenly and she lost balance.

Before she could hit the ground, an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her up with great force, making her body collide with his.

Xavier had stopped breathing.

His heart was fluttering with the warm tingles he was feeling all over his body. He couldn't believe that his Ariana was in his arms. His heart convinced his mind that it was all real as the unmatched warmth and pleasure he was receiving could only be given to him by his mate.

He watched as Ariana's bewildered eyes travelled from his hand, which was gripping her waist, to his face. The bemused innocent look she was giving, he felt himself melting into a puddle at that.

Slowly and cautiously, he lifted his free hand and placed it gently at the side of her neck, earning a small gasp from her. He, too, released the breath he had been holding for so long.

His hand lowered to the spot where his mark on her was supposed to be. Knowing it wasn't there made him restless and insecure. All of a sudden, he roughly dragged his hand upwards to cup her cheek and pull her face closer to his. This ignited a passion between them as their breathing quickened.

Ariana couldn't take it anymore. She pushed him with all the force she could conjure and ran away from him.

Xavier didn't waste time standing there alone either and headed for his chamber.

As he entered the dressing room, he opened the coat he had been wearing while one of the male servant brought him another coat and assisted him in wearing it while the other servant brought a pair of shoes to match the new attire.

After he was finished dressing up, a maid came in and was about to take the old coat for wash when Xavier stopped her.


The maid backed out timidly.

"For this isn't a mere piece of cloth. This is a piece of our history. Her and mine."

He motioned with his hand for all three of them to leave. They gave their King a weird look before bowing and leaving while the King continuously stared at the coat lying on the chair, with a faint smile and shaky breath.


Ariana walked out of the bathroom hurriedly after bathing for the fifth time. She picked up the towel, which was already wet due to previous usages, and started drying her hair with it.

The motion of her hands roughened in what seemed like irritation before she flung the towel out of the window with a great force.

"Ah!" She groaned and clutched her wet hair.

Just then, her phone started ringing. By the time she collected herself and walked up to the bedside table to pick up the call, the phone had stopped ringing. She checked the caller's name. It was Sean.

Ariana called back immediately. Much to her disappointment, he didn't pick up. She was even more disheartened than before. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor today.


"Let our order be executed in no time, Minister Aldino." spoke Xavier. He stood straight with hands behind his back.

Minister Aldino hesitated for a second before answering, "Of course, Your Majesty." He gave a puzzled look to Duke Lorenzo before leaving the King's office. Duchess Lily entered simultaneously.

"Which order, Xavier?" she asked.

"He ordered to put a stop to the financial aids that were being provided from the Royal Treasure to Pack Ravernia in case of Xanthus as well as five of their infrastructural projects." Duke Lorenzo replied.

Duchess Lily raised her eyebrow, motioning the Duke to continue.

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"To punish the Bennet family of course." Duke added.

"How will this work?" asked Duchess Lily. "Won't the pack members of Ravernia suffer if they do not get aid on time? Won't they inquire about the projects being stopped midway?"

"Well-being of the pack members is the responsibility of their respective Alpha first and foremost." Xavier turned towards her to answer. "So the Ravernians will inquire. Not the King. But their Alpha."

"Will Alpha Anwar take the risk of shifting the blame to their King by revealing that Ravernia did not get any funds from Wicref? He knows I shall show no hesitation in revealing their wickedness towards my Ariana if the situation comes to that level. I am showing them mercy by not punishing them publicly for the sake of peace, Duchess."

Duchess Lily shook her head. "Regardless, innocent people of Ravernia will suffer. How will this affect the Bennets?"

"That's the catch, Duchess. If the Ravernians suffer, they will ask for reasons, which the Bennets can't tell. If Ravernians do not get any clarification, they shall report the matter to me, the King. Then, I shall have to declare the Bennets unfit as leaders and take back Ravernia from them, merge it with Ziram or Cove."

"But of course, Alpha Anwar isn't a fool. He won't let the matter end up to this. And in order to do so, he must take out the funds from his own pocket for redemption. This shall surely put a huge dent on the Bennet family's personal fortune. This is how high ranks get punished without causing a turmoil in the Kingdom. " Xavier concluded.

"Are you not taking this too far? What I mean to say is that Ariana is perfectly fine and back in the castle. Is this punishment necessary?" Duke Lorenzo questioned.

"It is necessary. And this matter isn't up for further discussions." Xavier stated. "Duchess. Could you make sure that everyone is present in the throne room before breakfast? I have some announcements to make."

"Fine." Duchess Lily nodded her head.


Ariana, Nathaniel and Ivory entered the bustling throne room and took the place reserved for the leaders of Pack Ziram.

Persephone had her eyes fixed on Ariana, seething in envy. "You know, I should be sitting there beside Nate as his Luna." She whispered to Anwar.

"Dream on." replied an irritated Anwar.

Persephone was about to shout at him when Alpha Edward stopped her. "Do not make a scene here."

Persephone shrunk back in her seat.

Alpha Edward reached out to Ariana. "A lot of events happened that shouldn't have taken place due to many misunderstandings. We must converse about it deeply for all of our peace of mind and better future. After this session perhaps? Yes Alpha Nathaniel?"

"What Ariana and I must do for the sake of our peace of mind and better future is not to converse with any of you whatsoever, Alpha Edward. We decline." Nate answered with a mocking smile at the end.

"You do not speak for Ariana, Nate." Persephone interjected. "She's a Bennet. A Ravernian. She will talk it out for the sake of our family and pack."

"Is my absence affecting the pack in any way, Alpha Anwar?" asked Ariana.

Anwar didn't know what to answer. Meanwhile, Ariana continued. "I think not. And about family." She turned towards Persephone. "What family?"

"Ari." Luna Barbara cried.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Honestly. I'm tired of having this same type of conversation over and over again. Just leave it, will you?"

"Fine." Persephone replied sharply. "Let us talk about me. And Nate."

"What?" Nate frowned.

"I know what you have to say about this matter. How can you talk about us when you betrayed me? Blah blah." Persephone scrunched up her eyes. "But have you ever thought about how you will provide an heir to Pack Ziram? You will need me one day, Nate." She smirked.

Nate couldn't believe that the woman in front of him had been supposed to be his mate. She didn't seem to have any remorse about her past actions. Instead of repentance, she still thought of him no more than a docile puppy.

"Such shamelessness." He whispered in angst.

"Descendent of our Goddess, Guardian of all Packs, King of Wicref, His Majesty Xavier Kon Lancaster."

Everyone returned to their place and stood straight with their head bowed slightly as the King walked up to his throne and took his seat. When the Duke and Duchess reached to the front, everyone else took their seat.

"My lords and ladies may be wondering about the purpose of this session, I presume." Duke Lorenzo started speaking. "We all are well aware of the tragedy inflicted upon us due to Xanthus. It was a difficult time for not only the citizens, but for the leaders as well. Xanthus -"

"Ahem." Xavier cleared his throat. Duke Lorenzo shared a look with him.

"This disease- " Duke corrected himself. "could have led to the end of our species. But to our fortune, Lady Ariana Bennet was sent as our salvation. She put her own life at risk to save ours. Now, it is our responsibility to repay her. Could you please step forward, Lady Bennet?"

Ariana stood up from her seat and took some steps forward slowly and faced the throne. However, she didn't walk up to the front.

Xavier also stood up from his throne. "To be honest, we can never be able to repay your benevolence, Lady Ariana. However, we would like to give you a small gift to show our gratitude for your priceless contribution."

Duke Lorenzo lifted the scroll he had been carrying for everyone to see. "Lady Bennet, His Majesty gifts you the ownership of land of Edruke and Kestramore, along with the permission to separate both the lands from the Empire of Wicref and establish a new nation as its sole Monarch."

Gasps and murmurs erupted from the audience. They had been expecting the King to give golds and some lands to Ariana. Something they had never thought in their wildest dreams was the King giving her not only two of the lands which could combine to form size of a pack, but also the permission to form a whole new country.

"I have annexed many lands to Wicref by winning battles against those Vampires, Lady Ariana." As Xavier started speaking, the room full of people went silent.

"But Edruke and Kestramore had the most fierce battle among all due its large area and economic benefits. It has beautiful landscapes too. We put our blood and sweat to make it ours as we desired it. And today, we gift it to you."

Xavier put his hand forward and opened it, showing his palm to Duke Lorenzo.

The Duke nodded and handed over the scroll to him. He walked up to Ariana while she looked at him in silence.

He offered her the scroll and whispered.. "Hope you got the meanings behind this gesture, my love."

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