Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife

Chapter 1: ch1 – How it began

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[ "" for talking

  '  ' for thinking

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POV: Narrator


On a sunny afternoon in the realm of gods one could see a gorgeous woman walking on a broad path in the direction to a huge temple-like building that had an overwhelming aura that practically screamed arrogance and confidence. The woman was one of the most beautiful beings in the whole realm. At the height of a whopping 198 cm she was towering every woman and also many men. With luscious hair that was darker than any night-sky and two wonderfully blood-red eyes that seemed to look into your very being, wide hips, narrow waist, perky C-cup breast and a muscular but still juicy ass she enchanted almost every god or goddess in the god-realm.


As she walked many gods and goddesses greeted her wich she always responded with a simple nod. Whether they greeted her out of fear or out of kindness was questionable but she didn't really care.


But one notable thing about her was off. she didn't smile, even if it would be the most wonderful thing to witness her smile. no she didn't smile. She never smiled to anyone but one person. Her beloved girlfriend Oizys Miseria.


Well at the moment she didn't smile because she was pissed off, wich one could see if you look at her twitching eyebrow that always acted on it's own when she was mad, but who would be so dumb to provoke the anger of the most powerful goddess in the whole Realm?


POV: ???


'today is a beautiful day even if the atmosphere isn't eerie enough for my taste. I sould take my girlfriend  on a date  in this weather but no! i have to come to the hall of gods to ask permission. yes PERMISSION to go to the stupid mortal world. Fuck divine law! im stronger than the one who made the law anyway so who the fuck cares!?... well i'll do it because of formalities and such but i swear if he acts as if he's the most powerful being in the whole universe again Im going to rip his head off and feed it to one of my cute little creations... or I'll eat him myself?... or I'll cook him for my girlfriend? So many possibilities. Anyway let's act a little cute maybe he lets me go down to have a little fun~.'


I arrived at the (ugly) temple and was immediately escorted to the throne room by the best servants the realm had to offer. Well i don't want to sound narcissistic but i was rather strong so if they didn't treat me right i would beat the up (shred the to bits or scare them to death maybe). The servants were rather beautiful but extremely lacking in comparison to my girlfirend (which is beside the point right now i know! but it's important to mention).


When i arrived in the throne room and stood bevore the already occupied throne i immediatly began my super duper ultra mega effective tactic: cuteness


"Can i go down pweeeeaaaase? I will build my own land and life there in *cough* peace *cough* toghether with my girlfriend i promise!" (???)


'ugh, i hate it. please someone wash my tongue! I sound so disgustingly cute! Only my girlfriend is allowed to be cute hehe~'


"No" (???)


'WHAT!? my act didn't work!? i even made a little a cute gesture!'


"pleeeaaase!" (???)


I used the ultimate puppy eye technique my girlfriend always uses. Even with the tear on the side of my eyes! Well I'm not very good at this but it should be enough for this blonde bastard.


"NO!" (???)


'Oh buddy you fucked up. Now I'm mad! you dared to scream at me I'm gonna kil you'


"..." (???)


The God on the throne had an extremely bad feeling. Sweat was pouring down his back like someone had just thrown him into a pool. He instantly regretted his outburst. Sometimes he just can't help but get arrogant with all the power he possessed now, but in the heat of the moment he forgot that he only has this power because of the being before him!


'stay calm... stay calm... stay calm... i have to stay calm or I'm actually going to kill him. i should stop being so impulsive. THAT'S WHY I NEED A VACATION. FUCK just let me go to the mortal realm to have fun you stupid mutt'


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"JUST LEAVE ALREADY! i have work to do." (???)


Again a slip of the tongue. He said his words in an agressive manner because he was nervous and now he really had to fear for his life, because he didn't have a single chance against her


'huuh!? he didn't! Yeah no fuck it! I'm gonna fucking rip him to shreds'


"...listen here you little shit. Just because your sorry ass sits on the throne of gods doesn't mean you're stronger than me got it. just because you EaRnEd the title of God emperor doesn't mean that you fucking deserve it you overly blonde and blue eyed stereotype god! Fuck how can someone look so handsome and at the same time so fucking disgusting!? I have the sudden urge to kill and eat you but if I do that I have to take the position of emperor myself and I'm too fucking lazy so shut up and do your paperwork while Im going to the mortal world to have fun with some little cratures *whispers: and my girlfriend he... hehehe*   IS THAT CLEAR?" (???)


"Y-y-yes m-mam!" (God Emperor Apollo)


The emperor almost fainted at the amount of pressure she released in such a short amount of time but still held on due to his arrogance. Which didn't make it any better because every servant that didn't faint instantly after the pressure-release saw the wet puddle that formed on the throne between his legs.


"Good, now see you later. SERVANTS! clean the throne! this little dog just wet himself" (???)


I walked out of the way-too-white hall that he decorated with so many portraits of himself that i had to control myseld not to puke. with a smirk I trotted back to my home leaving the scared emperor and the lightly amused servants behind without hurting him, wich i already regretted a little.


'should i walk back and kill him?... nah i wanna cuddle my girfriend now'


The emperor felt a shive and hoped it wasn't something too bad because he already had enough embarrasment for one day. Well now he went to work and fired every servant that saw i pissing on his own throne in hopes that it would help to stop the spreading of embarrassing news. Little did he know that two weeks later his ex-butler spread the story all over the god-realm and he lost the respect of many gods through this little mishap.


As I walked back and innerly complained about the sun (that is clearly too bright! The moon is way better!) I thought of ways to convince my girlfriend to come with me to the lower plane to build our dream land there. man this could get difficult... I always have the feeling she likes it here way too much and i fear she doesn't want to go.


'aaaah my cute little girlfriend! Even if she's Oizys Miseria the goddess of despair, anxiety and depression how can she be so cute!? ugh, fuck I want to hug her!  Oh I'm already home!? well then let's see how it goes. I hope she doesn't hate the idea...'


As I stand infront of our huge mansion i contemplate my circumstances for a short while and the decide to just fuck it and go in. I opened the huge black and gold entrance door and hoped for the best...





[ sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger <3

this is just a short introduction chapter that shows her personality. Next chapter is in the POV of her GF Oizys and also her POV

idk when I'll release it hehe

i don't even know if I'll release it but we will see

i you really want to see more then tell me. maybe I'll be more motivated then 

imma sleep now ^^










You can find story with these keywords: Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife, Read Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife, Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife novel, Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife book, Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife story, Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife full, Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife Latest Chapter

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