Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife

Chapter 6: ch6 – The smiling man

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POV: Heinrich Wolfheart

It has now been three days since me and my party members started our journey from the capital to the location of the bright flash and it seemed like we finally arrived. In front of us was something that I just couldn’t describe. It seemed like something you see in your dreams. It was strangely familiar but at the same time it wasn’t (luminal spaces, google it).


It was a city, but I saw no residents. The streetlights were turned on but everything else seemed empty and something was just fundamentally wrong. To be honest, it was giving me goosebumps.


What the hell. We clearly went to sleep on a clearing in a forest yesterday so how did we arrive here!? Where the fuck even is this’


“Boss, where are we?” (Party member 3)


“I’m sure we went to sleep in a forest! What the fuck happened boss?” (Party member 7)




This behavior of mine was honestly unsightly but I was creeped out by the fact that somebody teleported us here without us waking up, so I didn’t think about what I was saying at that time.

“Okay listen… I don’t know what the fuck happened and I also don’t know where we are but I have this feeling that something is wrong so let’s just get out of here as fast as we can!” (Heinrich)

And so we started walking in a random direction. Everything looked the same. It was so weird. The same streets, the same houses, the same lights. Sometimes we saw pieces of paper with notes on them like ‘If you read this, it’s already over’ or ‘Dont let it know you’re here’ which freaked us all out but we went on. But after an hour of wandering we realized something.


"Wait! Boss! We already went past this note! FUCK we are walking in circles! Shit shit SHIT!” (Party member 4)

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"shut up! or it will hear us!” (Party member 6)


“What are you talking abou… oh… HAHAAHAHAHA you honestly believe THAT!? FOOL!” (Party member 4)


After talking through our options for a while we started walking again, but it seemed like we didn’t make any progress. It was frustrating. Everything looked the same but it still looked slightly different every time we came around, like someone was changing things while we looked away. After another hour or so we finally found the culprit and I sincerely wished we didn’t.


“Boss. What the fuck is that?” (Party member 9)


“What is what??” (Heinrich)


One of my trusted teammates called out to us that he saw something. 


“Where?” (Party member 2)


“Behind the window in the attic at that house over there!” (Party member 9)


“What whe… What the fuuuuck!” (Heinrich)


Behind a small round window in the attic there was a dark shadow that looked vaguely like a human but it had unnaturally long arms, lifeless milky white eyes and a terrifying grin with needle-like teeth. He wore a straw hat and looked directly at us. I saw a lot of scary things in my adventurer career but this tops everything. After standing there rooted on the ground for about a minute the creature closed it's eyes and mouth and slowly merged with the shadows around it.

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