Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Humans vs Goblins (Final)

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Chapter 36: Humans vs Goblins (Final)


The goblin commander lunged at me while screaming in a furious manner. The crazed look in his eyes told me that he had already lost any rationality inside him and consumed by his rage at me.

Although I could have wanted to say that now that he didn't have his sword the fight became a lot easier, In fact, the situation right now was pretty much a lot more dangerous than before...

The immunity to pain, and the complete disregard for the safety of his own body the Semi-berserker state granted him allowed him to run even faster and a lot stronger than before. Making most of my attacks useless.


"UUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" One of my Tree-drills was smashed away just by the sheer force of the punch of the goblin commander held. All this while letting out many battle shouts that somehow made me shiver everytime I heard them.





Most of my Tree-attacks were destroyed instantly when they came in contact with the heavy punches and grips of the body of the goblin commander. Turning them into nothing more than just mere scraps of wood at the impact.

Even the ones that managed to damage him successfully, did not even make him flinch in the slightest at the pain of having his body cut or pierced.

Basically, right now he seemed to be an unstoppable beast.

The feelings I had during this combat were the same as fighting a boss in a game for 30 minutes straight and not knowing if it's even damaged by your attacks or if you are even doing what you are supposed to do in order to defeat it.

How long do I have to do this for?

Are my attacks even going to take him down some day?

Everything seemed uncertain...

However, not everything looked grim for me...




Certain sounds were perceived by my enhanced hearing every time the goblin commander realized an attack or forced his body to over extend itself.

The sounds of bones breaking apart.

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Something I'm very... very familiar with...

Anyways, the fact that his bones seemed to start breaking every time he overused his body more than what his limit allowed him to, gave me a bit of hope of winning this shitty fight...












The process repeated itself over and over for a few minutes. Me launching Tree-attacks against the goblin commander, him letting out a battle shout, my attack failing, and his bones breaking slightly. dozens of times repeating itself like an endless cycle.

It helped that he was not so conscious anymore, and that he was acting more like a beast and not like a rational being. Otherwise, he could have already noticed the pattern on my attacks and probably ideated a plan to avoid being damaged, unlike what he is doing right now.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!" The goblin commander smashed away another Tree-chainsaw with his fists while still running towards me in a beastly manner.


The trees around me were already starting to scarce. It seemed that I overused my Tree-attacks to much and destroyed to many trees on my surroundings...

At most, I have a few more attacks available before I become completely unable to damage him anymore.

Though It was kinda hard to think of a way to change my current situation with the limited amount of attacks I had left...



The sound of meat being pierced reached my ears as a sharp pain suddenly attacked my back.

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