Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 67: Chapter 63: The Eye of Cthulhu (II)

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Chapter 63: The Eye of Cthulhu (II)



"What are these things?! There are hundreds of them!"

"Yeah, but they are weak!"

"Oryaaaa~! What's the matter filthy monsters?! You can't keep up with me?!"

"Help! Someone help me please, I'm being surrounded!"

As Aspen and the Dryad dealt with the giant eye, the army suddenly had to face an enormous army of small demonic eyes that were born from the gigantic eye's body. As if creating bubbles from its body that soon took the shape and color of the small demonic eyes.

Fortunately, unlike the normal Demonic eyes that appear at night these were a lot weaker and frail compared to those sturdy and dangerous monsters, as normally it could take a whole group of six soldiers to take an average demonic eye down without casualties, yet with these smaller ones even an average soldier could take care of one, not to mention that the army of soldiers present in this battle was trained to their limit, making them incredibly skilled compared to normal and average soldiers.

So even though the army couldn't help Aspen with the Giant eye, they were not a hindrance either, as they took care of the smaller monsters so that they could not interrupt his battle.

Not that there were not small eyes bothering Aspen, as there were a few that were persistently targeting Aspen while he was in the middle of escaping from the attacks of the Eye of Cthulhu.




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Aspen POV:


"For fucks sake, doesn't this burn you?! You're a goddamn eye, blink at least once!" I ran away while barely dodging the Eye's dashes by a few meters, and at the same time shooting some fire arrows directly into his iris, yet somehow the eye seemed to be completely unaffected by my attacks.


The Eye crushed the ground where I had been just a few seconds ago, before then it started pursuing me once again after noticing that its prey was still alive.

"Goddamn it, Dryad could you hurry up a little bit?!"

"This takes time, so hang it in there!"

"You say so, but running away from a giant eye that can crush my bones if he ever hits me while moving at super high speeds isn't as easy as it seems!!"

"You're exaggerating!"

"Oh good lord give me patience..." * BOOOOM!!* "And luck..."



"Oof!" I grunted as I received a hard hit on my stomach out of nowhere that stopped my running and made me fall on the floor.

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