Amagi Brilliant Park

Chapter 4: Volume 1 - CH 1.3

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Part 3

And thus, putting their unpleasant experience at Moffle’s Sweet House behind them, Seiya and Isuzu continued their exploration of the various attractions of Amaburi.

Unsurprisingly, there were many shops that were either mediocre or closed (despite the fact that it was Sunday) scattered everywhere. They visited a snack shop called ‘Maple Kitchen’ for a quick bite, but they only sold three food items: curry, yakisoba, and croquettes. And even then, they were told that it’d take an hour to prepare the yakisoba.

“An hour!? Why?”

“We haven’t stocked up on the ingredients, you see. So I have to go to a nearby supermarket to buy them,” said the part-time shop assistant.

What crappy service!

Seiya was just about at his limit. He slammed his hand down on the table and confronted Isuzu.

“So what’s next, Sento? Don’t tell me you intend to continue with this date!?”

“Are you angry?”

“You bet I am! With such a shady snack shop in this even shadier theme park, I bet that love hotel gives a better impression than this place! Even ignoring the terrible customer service, we haven’t found a single place that’s actually interesting here!”

Seiya spoke his mind. He no longer cared about being shot.

“This theme park is an insult to the concept of entertainment! The management might think that entertaining guests is the same as deceiving them, but they’re wrong! In order to entertain properly, the audience should be the top priority! It isn’t something that can be half-assed; it requires true passion and will! However, I see none of that in this theme park! Not a single trace! If the cast members want to create a wonderland for the guests, they must first believe in themselves! In fact, I don’t think this park could even fool kids to begin with! In other words…”


“In other words…ah…”

Isuzu’s eyes were wide open. She was astonished by the words that came spewing out of Seiya’s mouth.

I messed up.

He immediately started to regret his actions. All that despite his conscious effort not to say things like that out loud.

“To create a wonderland for the guests, they must first believe in themselves… This statement is certainly true, albeit hard to accept.”


“I never thought that a mere high school student would be capable of saying such strong and profound words.”

“That was just spur-of-the-moment, I probably read that in a book or something.”

Seiya looked out the window, feigning ignorance. However, Isuzu continued to probe deeper.

“I was thinking you were angry for being forced to visit a hopeless theme park by a stranger, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, your issue is with the theme park itself. Strange, don’t you think?”

“Hmph, so you’re aware of the trouble you’ve caused, huh?”

What Seiya said sounded arrogant, but Isuzu did not seem offended at all.

“I never intended to infuriate you, it’s just that I wanted your opinion on this theme park’s ‘entertainment value’.”

“Even so, you didn’t have to be so nosy about this.”

“…Kodama Seiya.”

Upon hearing that name, Seiya’s neck stiffened ever so slightly.

“A while back, there was a genius by that name who was capable of entrancing his audience with his acting. Along with that, it is believed that he could play the piano as well as the professionals, and also possessed a singer’s voice. A little cheeky at times, but well-behaved in general. Furthermore, he was an excellent speaker. A parent’s ideal child, so to speak. He certainly caused a sensation back then.”


“But 5 years ago, Kodama Seiya suddenly disappeared from the public eye, and his resignation brought about mayhem for his company. Though it was claimed that he had other things like ‘school’ or ‘well-being’ to worry about, the real reason for his disappearance remains unknown. Even now, nobody knows where Kodama Seiya went.”

Isuzu shifted her gaze to the window, looking at the theme park outside.

“If that person saw this place just once, I wonder what he’d have said.”

“It figures…”

Seiya’s blood was again boiling with hatred, though for a completely different reason.

“…And so you brought me here just for the sake of that?”

“You seriously think I’d ask you out on a date out of affection?”

Isuzu looked at Seiya with a genuine expression of disbelief.

“I don’t know what your motives are, but let me set things straight. The Kodama Seiya you speak of is long dead. If you thought that he could be of any help to you, then you’re very, very wrong.”

Seiya stood up from his seat.

“I’m leaving. Shoot me if you want, I don’t care.”

“I won’t stop you. But before that, please try these croquettes.”

Instead of drawing out her musket, Isuzu took the croquettes on the table and handed them to Seiya. Those were bought as a replacement for the yakisoba earlier.


“Eat it before it gets cold.”

“I’m fine with it that way.”

“At the very least, just have a bite.”

For some reason, she was insistent on it.

Seiya unwillingly grabbed the croquettes and opened his mouth. These were bought from the snack shop, after all, so he didn’t have high hopes for it.

Or that’s what he thought, until he took a bite.


This was—Delicious. Completely beyond his expectations. The crust was crunchy, and its thickness was just right. It was juicy inside, flowing with authentic flavor, something only a skilled chef could produce. To be honest, Seiya had never tasted croquettes as good as this in his entire life.

“Delicious, wasn’t it?”

“Mm…ah…I’ll give you that.”

“These croquettes were made here. You won’t find them elsewhere.”

“Don’t tell me you made these yourself?”

From the way she talked up until now, he’d inferred that Isuzu had some kind of connection with this place. But if that was the case—

“Not me, but someone else. Shall we meet that person before you go?”

“Meet that person? I probably don’t know him though…”

“It won’t take long. Hurry and eat already.”


Unable to resist, Seiya munched on what remained of the croquettes. Simply delicious. So good, people might actually come to this park just for the sake of eating them. Seiya followed Isuzu while struggling to deny that he was only interested in meeting the person who made those croquettes.

After going through a door that stated “Do Not Enter. Authorized Personnel Only”, he was brought to the entrance of the back stage of Amagi Brilliant Park. Isuzu was holding a key in her hands.

“So you’re related to this theme park, after all.”

“Did I not mention that earlier?”

“No though I could tell from the way you talked.”

“Put this on.”

She handed him a pass similar to the one she was wearing. It was a visitor pass, with the words ‘Level 4’ printed on it.

“What’s with this ‘level’ thing?”

“It’s the level of clearance. New part-timers only get level 1, with the highest being level 5. That’s where the dangerous power generators and classified information are held.”

“Pretty impressive security you’ve got here…” It was certainly a sophisticated system, a stark contrast to the standard in the rest of the park.

“Not really. The level 4 pass I gave you will grant access to most places in the park.”

“Aren’t you placing a little too much trust in me? I’m an outsider, after all.”

“That’s because the person we’re meeting is in the 4th level. She’s the manager of the theme park.”

“The manager!?”

Isuzu guided him backstage. This was the first time Seiya had ever been backstage in a theme park. Disappointingly, it did not have the air of a management office at all; just a plain and boring office corridor. There was only cleaning equipment, safety evacuation instructions, cardboard boxes, and log books recording the shifts of the cast. If one were to see a picture of this place, they might have believed that this was a memorial for the Self-Defense Force members who died in the line of duty.

They descended a flight of stairs and walked to an elevator. Upon reaching it, Isuzu explained, “We’re now directly below Maple Land, the central headquarters of the theme park. This elevator will bring us up.”

“Maple Land…?”

That must have been the gigantic structure that he saw back when he’d just entered the park. It didn’t look like a castle from fairy-tales, though, since there were armaments installed in the walls, and a moat surrounding it. The whole building appeared fortified enough to wreak havoc on inadequately prepared invaders.

They got on the elevator. There was a sky garden just outside of the lift lobby.

A sky garden…the perfect description for what they saw. The sky above them was dyed in crimson, with a tinge of yellow from the sunset, and flowers budding from the warmth of spring were scattered around. A large fountain stood at the center of the garden. The scenery was a perfect blend between light and shadow, giving off a tranquil and elegant feeling. Seiya felt that, so far, this was the one area of Amaburi that left the biggest impression on him.

A young girl was standing by the corner of the garden. She had blonde hair which was brilliantly lit by the setting sun, and she was wearing a beautiful white dress that outlined her slender body.

The girl was stroking the flower petals and singing a tune to the birds perched on a nearby tree. Seiya had a sudden, brief sense of déjà vu, though he was sure that this was his first time meeting the girl.

As he was gazing at her figure, Isuzu said to him from the side, “Go on. I’ll be waiting over here.”

“Huh? But I…”

“Don’t make her wait.”

Seiya took a step into the garden.

The girl turned around, and a bird that had been on her finger flew off. Seiya was able to discern her facial features more clearly as he approached. She looked about 14 to 15 years old, at most. She seemed like a gentle and loving person. Seiya was dumbfounded. This girl had the potential to steal his heart, something nobody else had ever done. It was only when they were 2 to 3 steps apart when Seiya noticed—her eyes were not focused on him, but slightly above, staring blankly into the horizon far behind.

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Could it be that this girl is blind?

While Seiya was hesitating, the girl spoke.

“Could you perhaps be Kanie Seiya-sama?”

“Eh? Yes, I am.”

As he’d guessed, she was indeed blind.

“I apologize for any trouble caused, Kanie-sama. I am Latifa Fleuranza, the manager of this theme park. Thank you very much for coming.”

So she’s a foreigner, huh? Well to be fair, she doesn’t look Japanese. Also…the manager, she said? At such a young age?

“Huh? Oh, uh… Thanks for having me here as well,” Seiya forced out a reply, still slightly bewildered.

Latifa had a natural expression, and spoke with a hint of excitement. It was as if she was expecting his visit to the garden. “Has Isuzu-san caused much trouble for you? If so, please forgive her. She’s not good at dealing with men.”

“Not at all. Well…apart from her threats. I’m fine at least.”

“I see. To be honest, I was the one who asked her to bring you here, because I’d like a favor from you.”

“A favor?”

“That’s right. Let’s talk over there.”

With that said, Latifa turned around and walking down the stone pavement. Despite losing her vision, she must have remembered the layout of the entire place by heart. There was no trace of doubt in her movements.

A terrace was up ahead, with a table decorated with marble and mosaic. There were wrought iron chairs beside it, coupled with a beautiful porcelain tea set prepared on the table.

“Please take a seat.”


Latifa displayed great finesse in preparing the tea. After bringing the water into a gentle boil, she poured it into a teapot and placed the tea leaves.

“You have the scent of deep-fried food,” Latifa observed.


“Did you eat the croquettes sold in Maple Kitchen? I hope you found them to your liking,” Latifa said teasingly.

“Did you make those?”

“That’s right. I make them every day, hoping our guests will be pleased with the park.”

So that was it. She was the one who made those splendid croquettes!

“Your croquettes were very delicious!”

“Why, thank you. Although I can’t see, my other senses are very sharp. As such, I make the croquettes by listening to the sizzle of the frying oil.”

“Isn’t it dangerous for you to manage the fire all by yourself?”

“Not at all. I’m confident in my croquette-making skills. As for tea brewing, not so much. Here, have a sip…”

Latifa handed him a sweet-smelling teacup, and as he brought it closer a pleasant aroma drifted from the tea. Seiya gave a light blow and took a sip. Delicious. Seiya was certainly no expert in tea appreciation, but he was put instantly at ease by its flavor.

“How was it?”

“Absolutely wonderful.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

Latifa gave a gentle smile.

Watching her smile soothed his heart; it was just like watching the evening sun set down the apex of a mountain, making way for dusk to take its place.

Recovering from a brief daze, Seiya cleared his throat and asked, “Back to the topic, who exactly are you and what is it you want from me? I’d also like to know what this place is doing in the centre of the theme park.”

“Of course. Have you taken a look around Amagi Brilliant Park?”

“We pretty much covered all of it today.”

Certainly had enough of this place already.

“So what did you think?”

The worst theme park I’ve ever been to.

Those words would be so easy to say, but for some reason Seiya couldn’t bring himself to utter them.

At any rate, Latifa sensed that something was amiss, and added, “I understand your dissatisfaction. I’m guessing things didn’t turn out too well for you today?”


“Kanie Seiya-sama, the main reason I called you here today is to ask for your help in saving the theme park.”


Seiya’s heart skipped a beat.

What did she just say? Me? This damned place?

“I’m asking you this as the princess of Maple Land, the realm of magic. Will you please be the manager of our theme park?”

What on earth are you talking about?

Yet, as dubious at it sounded, Latifa’s actions, behavior and tone of voice were all too genuine.

Seeing that Seiya was at a loss for words, Latifa said, “You must think that I’m a weird person.”

“No, it’s just that…”

“Nonetheless, I am serious about asking for your help. As you can see, this theme park is at the brink of closure, and only you can save it.”

“But even then, this isn’t something I can just say ‘sure!’ to, don’t you think?”

“Of course,” Latifa said, lowering her eyes and smiling faintly.

“This might be incomprehensible for someone born in this world, but Amagi Brilliant Park is an Argel, an important resource collection facility, built by the people of Maple Land, the realm of magic.”

This theme park is…the realm of magic? And what’s an Argel?

“The realm of magic, you say?”

“The truth is, there are many magical realms around, such as Legunume Somni, the kingdom of dreams, and Politia, the republic of magical beasts. There’s also the imperial state of Schubert that governs swordsmanship and magic, and Avenir, the realm of the future. Maple Land is only one of those realms located between the land and sea. Each of these realms have their own Argel, which also functions as a resource collection facility. Some of the popular ones include Dejima Land, Cosmic Studio and Highlander Fujimi.”


“The Argel’s primary function is to generate Animus, the physical manifestation of the happiness and excitement of people. We, the people of Maple Land, feed off Animus for survival.”


Sensing how dumbfounded Seiya was, Latifa added, “I suppose you don’t believe me? Of course, I don’t think I’ll be able to convince you with words alone, so allow me to bestow magic upon you.”


“The type of magic bestowed upon you is dependent on the will of Libra, so I do not know what it will be. However, that should convince you that I’m telling the truth.”


Latifa leaned forward with slightly flushed cheeks. Her dilated pupils concealed a tinge of embarrassment and uneasiness.

“Please hold still, Kanie-sama.”


“Pardon my rudeness.”


He couldn’t back off in time.

Their lips met.


Soft…and moist… Why am I getting so worked up over a kiss? And what’s this uncomfortable sensation running through me? Surely exchanging kisses with her doesn’t count as an immoral act?

Seiya could feel her deep breathing.

Latifa remained still, allowing Seiya to calm his nerves as he gradually got used to the sensation. It was then, though, that Seiya felt something rush through his mind. A stream of uncontrollable emotions—It got into the deepest parts of Seiya’s consciousness and thoughts.

What’s gotten into me? All I know is that I got forced into a date by a strange girl, so what have I done to deserve this?

Something was changing inside him. Something so strange, he couldn’t tell what it was, where it was, or how it was being done. A magical phenomenon was happening.

“Remember this—”

In a deep, empty space within Seiya’s consciousness, Latifa said, “These are the genuine and sincere emotions I have for you.”

The first wave that coursed through him was the warmth of love. That was accompanied by an undulating sensation of loneliness, followed by faint remnants of nostalgia.

Seiya could see a figure of a child, walking up ahead towards the sunset. The boy turned around, and said:

I’ll always be by your side.

Someday, I’ll definitely save you—

Hold up, why am I having these visions—

And, as sudden as the strike of lightning, Seiya lost consciousness.

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