America Trapped in another World

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Seven years ago, Vice President Donald Trumper was assassinated by Communist Insurgents in Texas. After that, the spark of a new civil war begun, and it lasted for a year. The Insurgents weren't prepared to actually face off an entire population of America, they believed after the assassination maybe they are able to recruit some folks to help them for a revolution, but they turn out wrong since none of the folks wanted to fight since they are tired of conflicts between the west and between themselves. Plus, they were under threat of a nuclear strike from the Chinese and by the Prussians. North and Central America was united to face the threats of all so why would they split it up and risk their freedom for a leader that's done nothing but brainwash countless other people to fight for his silly little Civil War. So no, they didn't join so the Communist insurgency is no more and the man that lead it, Keyna West, is imprison from the charges of causing trouble for the residents and citizens of America. Keyna should make sure that he doesn't drop the soap in the showers!

Five Years before the teleportation

The Erisa Union and the Southern American Republic declared war on the FUA, President Roza Curtina had asked the populace to assist them on the war efforts so they can protect the people's freedom from the two nations. Work drive has increased, new technologies come out faster than the speed of a rabbit, new ways to fight the enemy comes out every day, to simple city folks to battle harden soldiers to help protect freedom against all those who'll try to raze democracy from the world. Order for more troops had arrive and now they are the biggest army in the world.

Three Years before the teleportation

The many Erisan and Southern American invasions of the FUA homeland are failing and their advance haven't even started to move up and are forced to a halt (Erisan troops are at the borders between Central America and Southern America) at this point many countries faulter between the Prussian advance and the Erisan advance, many also managed to push back the two superpowers in some points but that'll soon end in a matter of weeks the countries would fall. The FUA aren't struggling as of right now, they are pushing back but a snail's pace (around a mile a day) the enemy is sure as hell making one hell of a fight. Good news is that the FUA and Prussians are at peace as of right now, Prussians are also assisting the FUA in ground combat operations to fight off the Erisa in secret. Sooner or later the Prussians would declare war on the Erisan Federation.

Two Years before the teleportation

Prussia had declared war on the enemy, it had only been three months and already they are suffering major losses. Prussia however still fought on to face the enemy ahead, FUA soldiers are also assisting the Prussians to fight against the Erisan Union in two fronts, one successful invasion in the skies by the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers in Serbia. Unfortunately, the station that dropped the ODSTs is destroyed due to anti-satellite missiles that was fired by the Erisans. Good news is that the ODSTs managed to drop an entire division of soldiers in Serbia and will begin to conduct four major operations to demoralize the Erisans in many fronts. Soon or later, they will begin the siege of Leningrad, if this mission is successful, this can turn the tide of war in the FUA's and Prussians favor. 

Ten Months before the teleportation

The war is over, on May 7th, 2026, the peace treaty is finally signed, the FUA and the Prussians are now victorious although in a cast of thirteen million soldiers and ten million citizen lives. The Erisan Union is now split into different nations, The Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, and the Northern States of Europe (Finland, Sweden, and Denmark) Prussia is stronger than ever having captured and conquer the majority of Europe and the Federal Union of America having the Northen and Central Americas under their tight grip. The South American Republic is no more as well, having split in many different countries, none of which are powerful enough to be like the SAR or anything like that. The FUA and Prussia are the Grand Superpowers of the world as of right now, many people from different countries flock to the FUA and Prussia to have a better life and another chance of survival. Both the FUA and Prussia had reach to a billion of population in only a half of a month. Sooner or later, all of those people settled in and now live in luxury lives under the protection of the FUA and Prussia.

The Day of the Teleportation

The day where the test of new wormhole technologies, opening portals to different dimensions and looking for another source of power and also to seek for a better way of faster than light travel. This is the day where mankind finally becomes a multiple planetary species, and this is the day where man is finally known to the whole universe. This is the day where the FUA finally conquer the whole world and unified our species under the wing of the FUA. THIS IS THE DAY WHERE MAN REACHES A NEW ERA!

Cheers are heard when the President ended his speech, whistles are heard as well, people toss their hats to the sky and some women even toss their shirts up to the sky out of joy. Because it's the day where man is forever known to reach to the stars and today is the day where Earth is finally one.

But that soon end when the first wormhole reactor aka wormhole generator malfunctions and begins to teleport the entire FUA nation.

Four days after the Teleportation

People panic, riots broke out and people started to take to the streets and cause chaos across the nation. Reverse satellites began launching out of the launch sites of NASA, internet went back online rather easily, police forces successfully suppress small riots across the nation. GPS finally online as well. But something is different, the planet seemed... bigger? And only not that, different continents appeared out of nowhere. Also, satellite images show that no other civilization is spotted but one of the continents spotted multiple things, another civilization is found and not only that, but it's also appearing that different races are spotted in this same continent, and this furthermore cause more panic and riots which in turn cause more resources to be diverted to maintain peace.

The President ensures the people that everything is okay, and answers would be given if they would just wait. The populace did what he said, they began to wait and soon the riots quieten down a bit.

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