Amnesiac Tyrant’s White Moonlight

Chapter 1: 1

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Early autumn, by the river in Jiangjia Village.

Yun Pian Pian opened her eyes and saw a blue sky.

She found herself lying by the stream, half of her body submerged in the icy water.
Her clothes soaking wet and stuck to her body.

Her head groggy.

Yun Pianpian clutched her aching head, sat up slowly and looked around.

    "...What place is this?"

but no one answered her.

In the distance, there are warm big clouds, mists, green mountains and picturesque scenery...

  But Yun Pian Pian has no intention to appreciate such a beautiful scenery.

  Because she found a cold and handsome man in black lying beside her.

    The man in black has long eyeslashes, his eyes closed and his skin morbidly pale.

His red lips pursed slightly and his long, thick black eyelashes covered his eyelids, making him look a little slender.

The man in black lay motionless by the stream, as if he had died. he dead?

Yun Pian Pian's heart tightened, she was so frightened that she quickly stretched out her fingers and put it under the man's nose to test whether he was still breathing.

Warm breath sprayed on her fingertips.

Yun Pian Pian breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although his breathing was weak, he was not dead.

She breathed a sigh of of relief  but was suddenly stunned.

Because she found out that she was wearing ancient clothes.

……How come she's wearing something like this?

...Did she transcend?

 Just at this moment, an unfamiliar electronic sound suddenly came from her ear, it was a clear and juvenile voice.

    【Ding! Congratulations to the host for binding the Tyrant White Moonlight System! ]

    [Defeat the tyrant Xiao Changyuan and become his white moonlight! ]
T/N: First love

    [After completing the task, the host can return to the modern age! 】

    Yun Pian Pian blinked her eyes, feeling that the name Xiao Chang Yuan sounded familiar.

    ...Xiao Changyuan?

She slowly opened her clear and beautiful eyes.

    Isn't this the name of the big villain  in "The End of Songs"?

    "The End of the Songs" is an ancient book of abuse by Mary Sue.

    The heroine, Ye Suxin, is so beautiful that she is known as the most beautiful woman in the world. Later, her father was imprisoned, Ye's house was arrested and Ye Suxin was reduced to a brothel as a prostitute. The song of Hualou has amazed four people, and Ye Suxin has since become the top singer of the brothel.

The heroine who is absolutely gorgeous quickly attracted the attention of all men in the world.

This includes two supporting males, three males, four males...

and the male protagonist Chu Yi.

 The male protagonist, Chu Yi, is a staff of Prince Liang Guo.

His palace is dense and dignified.

In order to eradicate the enemies of Prince Liang Guo, the male protagonist took the female protagonist as a chess piece and gave them to two men, three men and four men one after another.

The heroine, Ye Suxin, loves the male lead but her love is very humble, so humble she's ready to become dust.

She clearly knew that the male protagonist had no feelings for her, but she was willing to be driven by the male protagonist as a pawn. Just dor the graceful and charming smile on the hero's lips, she would give everything, her body, her dignity, her life.

    ... This is probably the essence of deep sadomasochism.

The more abuse, the more love

The more twisted the more moving!

Later, the second male lead abandoned his wife and son for the heroine, the third man left his family for the heroine's and the fourth man died of anger for the heroine...

The enemies of Prince Liang all fell under the heroine's pomegranate skirt and died. In the male protagonist's sinister and vicious beauty plan.

The enemies are eliminated, and in this world, no one can stop the Prince of Liang from ascending the throne.

A satisfied smile appeared on the handsome face of the male protagonist Chu Yi.

Finally, with the help of the male protagonist Chu Yi, Prince Liang successfully ascended the throne.

The male protagonist Chu Yi also became the youngest prime minister of Liang Guo.

    The grand plan and hegemony are imminent... and


    ——Liang country! ,Kill, Seize  ! !


The  actor Chu Yi was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood on the spot!

No matter how hard he tried, he never thought that in this world, there is another existence called Xiao Changyuan!

Xiao Changyuan, surname Xiao, name Changyuan.

He is the Prince of Nanmo, a living weapon in the world, the walking Shura, the demon of the world!

At the same time, he is also the ultimate villain in the novel "The End of Song".

At the beginning, the world was not yet divided into five part and Emperor Zhaoyan, the emperor of the Mo Dynasty, ruled this country. Emperor Zhaoyan was incompetent and the vassal towns were divided. Later, the rebels invaded the imperial city. With the help of General Xu Lao, Emperor Zhaoyan fled to Lin'an and established Nanmo. From then on, the Mo Dynasty was torn apart in the hands of Emperor Zhaoyan and divided into five states: Beiyong, Liang, Chen, Chu, and Nanmo.

    After the armistice of the Five Kingdoms, the first thing Emperor Zhaoyan did was not to reward General Xu who had escorted him.

    Instead, he killed the Xu family.

    Kindness was replaced by revenge.

Emperor Zhaoyan believed that the reason for the split of the Mo Dynasty was not because he was incompetent, but because the generals supported their troops and made great achievements. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, the ruthless Emperor Zhaoyan eradicated the Xu family.

Empress Xu, the wife of Emperor Zhaoyan, was the youngest daughter of General Xu.

Emperor Zhaoyan and Empress Xu had two sons.


The eldest prince is called Xiao Changlin, and the younger prince is called Xiao Changyuan.

    Xiao Changyuan is the villain of this book.

  MHe was intelligent and kind since childhoodwith handsome looks, he was a talented man who was very popular among the palace people.

The day of Xu family's murder was on Xiao Changyuan's sixth birthday.

Emperor Zhaoyan used Xiao Changyuan's birthday to hold a banquet in the palace to invite Xiao Changyuan's grandfather, uncle, aunt, and cousin to come to the banquet.

The emperor held a banquet in the palace, which was a great favor.

    Everyone in the Xu family went to the palace to have a banquet with smiles on their faces, but no one came out of the palace alive.

That night, blood flowed into rivers of blood and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Six-year-old Xiao Changyuan didn't understand why his father, who was still laughing a moment ago, suddenly drew his sword and chopped off his eldest uncle's head.

Warm blood splashed on Xiao Changyuan's face.

It made Xiao Changyuan feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

The guards descended from the sky with swords in their hands to quickly subdued the unarmed Xu family.

Xiao Changyuan saw Emperor Zhaoyan with a gloomy face, holding a blood dripping sword and slowly walked towards his grandfather. He immediately rushed over to try to stop him, but was kicked away by Emperor Zhaoyan, vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

The guards held the six-year-old Xiao Changyuan firmly.

Xiao Changyuan struggled desperately on the ground, crying sharply.

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    "Father! Yuan'er asks you to please! Please spare my grandfather's life!"

    "Don't kill Yuan'er's uncle!"

    "Father! Please, spare mother! She is Yuan'er's mother!


In the palace, all the thirty-two members of Xu family members who attended the banquet were beheaded by Emperor Zhaoyan.

At the same time, outside the palace, Jinyiwei joined forces with 20,000 Imperial Guards to wash the Xu clan, beheading a total of 758 members of the Xu clan.

That night, the Xu clan was exterminated. As the saying goes, Even a tiger does not eat its children.

Emperor Zhaoyan did not directly kill them. Instead he threw the two brothers into the tiger cage and left them to fend for themselves.

Eight-year-old Xiao Changlin was buried in the tiger's mouth that night without a whole body.

Overnight, six-year-old Xiao Changyuan lost everything . His family his whole relatives.

Empress mother, grandfather, uncle, imperial brother...

Countless relatives died under the sword of his father emperor, fighting for imperial power they all died at Xiao Changyuan's birthday party...

Dying in his never-ending nightmare His voice was hoarse, his eyes were swollen but the heaven did not heard him

He turned into the most bloodthirsty and cruel Demon in hell and returned to the world.

Since that day, Xiao Changyuan has been completely blackened...

Xiao Changyuan used Xiao Changlin's bloody leg bone and killed the sleeping tiger.


Not only did Emperor Zhaoyuan not feel fear, but he was proud of it. He was so weak and incompetent that he could give birth to such a brutal and bloodthirsty son...

On Xiao Changyuan's body , Emperor Zhaoyan saw the hope of unifying the five kingdoms.

Emperor Zhaoyan threw Xiao Changyuan into the camp of soldiers during the day for training, and threw Xiao Changyuan into the tiger cage to fight the hungry tigers at night.

He wanted to train Xiao Changyuan as a human weapon.

Xiao Changyuan killed the tiger faster and faster, and his temperament became more and more sinister.

The eyes of the palace people looking at Xiao Changyuan became more and more frightened.

Xiao Changyuan made no secret of his killing intent towards Emperor Zhaoyan. In his heart, his father died long ago on that bloody night and the current Zhaoyan Emperor was just a monster from hell in his father's flesh and blood.

Emperor Zhaoyan invited the Southern Border Gu King and placed a Gu worm in Xiao Changyuan's body, preventing him from doing things that would harm him.

When Xiao Changyuan was seventeen years old, he was named the Prince of Nanmo by Emperor Zhaoyan. Emperor Zhaoyan ordered Xiao Changyuan to go on an expedition to Liang State and regain lost territory. Xiao Changyuan lived up to expectations and destroyed Liang State, and then destroyed Chu State, Chen State, and Beiyong State one after another, unifying the mountains and rivers.

Later, Xiao Changyuan solved the Gu technique and killed the King Gu

No one in this world can stop him from taking revenge on Emperor Zhaoyan.

The cowardly and incompetent Emperor Zhaoyan, who only bullied his own people, was frightened to death when he learned of the death of King Gu.

Nineteen-year-old Xiao Changyuan became emperor and became the emperor of the Mo Kingdom.

Xiao Changyuan has an unpredictable temperament and acts treacherous.

He once stood on the city wall and threw silver bills all over the sky as gifts to the people of the world.

However, in less than half a year, he killed the twelve heroes of Yinglan Hall.

This time, he stood on the city wall and threw not silver notes, but their bloody heads.

His temperament is sinister, violent, and cruel.

For a time, public grievances boiled over.

Everyone that gets on his nerve, he kill.

Let's go back to the main thread

After the fall of Liang Guo, the male protagonist Chu Yi repeated his old tricks and gave the female protagonist Ye Suxin to the villain Xiao Changyuan.

Although Chu Yi had already fallen in love with Ye Suxin at this time.

    But for the revenge of the country and the family, he had to send his beloved woman to Xiao Changyuan's dragon bed.

    ...So the male protagonist can only think of a beauty trick?

When Yun Pian Pian saw this, she was  speechless

Ye Suxin quickly embraced Xiao Changyuan, but Xiao Changyuan pushed her away.

The young emperor, with gloomy and cold eyes and a mocking expression, looked at Ye Suxin with disgust.

"I don't need your body, only your throat."

Yun Pian Pian: "..." What a great tyrant who sits on the throne and preserve his body like jade! he's so pure and unpretentious, completely different from those big pig hooves supporting male leads

None of the men in this book can resist the temptation of the heroine.

 But the big villain Xiao Changyuan did it.

Truly a villain.

Xiao Changyuan's attitude towards the heroine was very strange.

He gave her a beautiful palace, but never lay any finger on her.

He let the heroine sing day and night, sometimes to the tigers and sometimes to the butterflies, until the heroine coughed up blood in a hoarse voice, but Xiao Changyuan remained indifferent. Not only that, Xiao Changyuan also specially built a 20-zhang-high Moon-Drawing Building for the heroine, to let her stand on it, braving the icy cold wind to sing to the immortals in the sky. The heroine was almost frozen into an ice sculpture.

Yun Pian Pian has to say that Xiao Changyuan, as a villain who abuses literature, is really something.

He adds a lot of color to this ancient abuse.

Under the torture of Xiao Changyuan, the heroine sang repeatedly vomiting blood and aphasia, and was repeatedly cured by the imperial doctor and continued to sing. While the male protagonist, Chu Yi, endured humiliation abd and bowed to King of Mo. The two occasionally meet privately in the palace, but they can't love each other. They can only be relatively silent and cry bitterlt

This plot really earned the tears of the readers.

Later, Chu Yi seized an opportunity to send someone to assassinate Xiao Changyuan while Xiao Changyuan was traveling in commoners clothing.

Xiao Changyuan fell off a cliff and lost his memory.

 There was also a little palace maid who fell off the cliff with him.

 Tun Pian Pian came back to her senses and looked at the handsome young man who was lying on the ground that couldn't wake up.

It seems that he is the big villain Xiao Changyuan in the novel.

This guy has a handsome face, red lips and white skin, really a big beauty.

It's no wonder that the heroine, Ye Suxin, would fall in love with the big devil who had tormented her because of her Stockholm Syndrome.

Seeing that the system target was so beautiful, Yun Pian Pian quickly accepted the fact that she transmigrated into book.

    ——System, what if I can't complete the task?

    [If the host task fails, you will be obliterated by the system. 】

    Yun Pian Pian: "..." Is it really okay to treat your host so cold-bloodedly?

    ——I occupied the body of the little palace maid, so where did her soul go?

    [The little palace maid learned that she will be a little princess with three thousand faces on her next life, she can't wait to be reborn. 】 Yun Pian Pian looked envious, she really wanted to have 3,000 little faces with beautiful face.

Just at this moment, Xiao Changyuan's thick long eyelashes moved, as if he was about to wake up

Yun Pian Pian was so nervous that she held her breath, Cheng Ying's beautiful eyes stared at her, she didn't dare to take a breath.

Xiao Changyuan opened his eyes suddenly.

When his eyes were closed, he was slender and handsome, as beautiful as black jade.

But now, Yun Pian Pian felt that this piece of jade was suddenly frozen.

Those dark and deep eyes like the cold pool of abyss, in an instant, was covered with a layer of icy frost.

 Cold and lonely, terrifying.

 Xiao Changyuan raised his dark ink eyes and stared at Yun Pian Pian motionless, his voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of danger.

    "Woman, who are you?


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