An Account of Steam & Blood

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Registration

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Walking through the dimly lit streets of the Northern outskirts, I felt I would need to be presentable to the guild, so I used cleaning magic to get rid of the last of the blood on my clothes and body, and removed the dirt from my face and hair, which now showed as a fiery pink color, like molten copper. Maybe I should've left it dirty so it stood out less. I hoped I didn't smell too strongly. As a girl, I'd be devastated if I smelled terrible, but I couldn't fix even that with the magic I have.

I soon started to travel through brighter and more populated streets, showing I had left the outskirts. Then something reached my nose. A powerful scent. It smelled delicious, like cooked meat. I instinctively followed the scent until I reached a storefront curtained with thin, see-through cloth strips. Inside were displays of cooked meats, some were platters of meat strips, some were on rotisseries like Kebabs from Licht's world, and some were small, skewered creatures that were wholly cooked. The sign outside said all meats were being sold for 1-3 bronze each, and there were several people already inside.

The shop wasn't very close to the main thoroughfare, but despite that it seemed quite popular with those that knew their way around the streets. I stepped inside and could taste the scent of roast meats and spices. I was almost drooling looking at all the meats, before my moment of awe was broken.

???: "Hey kid, if yer just 'ere to look, buzz off. Otherwise, spend some mou."

I snapped back and regained my composure as i looked at the voice, it was a young woman with her hair tied back and a pretty face with an expression of annoyance on it as she looked at me. She wore a high-cut shirt and an apron over it with her arms crossed. Being several years older tham me, her assets were... Much bigger. 

I pulled out a small pouch from inside my cloak and looked at the prices of meats again. The cheapest were at 1 bronze and were skewers of long arthropods without the back, head, or legs, for presentation I figured. I took out a bronze and flicked it to the lady who's expression immediately turned to one of happiness as she caught it.

Iris: "One skewer please"

Shopkeep: "Right away lil miss, pleasure doin' business!"

She said as she took a fresh skewer from behind the display, and handed it me. The skewer was quite thick to support the weight of the cooked creature. I could feel that Licht was not so enthused about eating, but I wasn't so picky. I sat at the counter and took a bite hesitantly, digging my teeth in and crunching through the crispy chitin. It... It was incredible. Juicy and savory meat filled my mouth with the crisp exoskeleton turning to powder and soaking up excess juice. I tried to savor it but quickly ended up devouring the whole skewer, aside from the actual skewer itself. I could feel some eyes on me as I ate but I was completely focused on eating.

Licht: Its delicious... I get its delicious but... We're eating something else next time, okay?

Iris: As long as you remember we share one stomach between the two of us

Licht: Then I hope you'll get a big appetite.

I finished my meal and glanced around. It seems for some reason everyone had a smile on their face, and the shopkeep looked like she was healing mentally. I wonder why. I got up from my seat and let out a deep breath before waving to the shopkeeper and leaving.

Shopkeep: "Come back soon!"

I may, I thought to myself. No, I probably would. It was a good eatery. But more importantly, my destination was the Hunter's guild. I worked my way through the bright and dust-filled streets until I arrived at the Main Thoroughfare. The primary road cutting a cross through the gravel district, and where all the primary buildings and shops were. The guild was on the northern part of the cross, so I began walking that way. Hundreds of people crowded the walkways of the thoroughfare while carriages hauling goods were rolling through the wide road in the middle. It was quite the sight for me. Eventually I reached it, the large building that was used as the Hunter's Guild branch in District 13. 

I walked in through the sturdy stone doors and into a main hall with completely clean air. How refreshing. On this side closest to the entrance were tens of round tables dotting the area, with armed men and women sitting at many of them. Only a few took glances at me who just entered, but many were focused on talking amongst themselves. After the seating were boards standing independently in the room, with pages covering most of it's surface. I guessed these were likely request boards. Then at the back were receptionist booths. I walked towards the back and approached one of the receptionists, a tidy man with glasses and black, slicked back hair who put on a business smile when he noticed me approach.

Receptionist: "Hello, welcome to the Hunter's guild, are you here to make a request, or register?"

Iris: "Register, please"

Receptionist: "Very well. In order to register, you must have at least one Combat Skill and a weapon. You will be evaluated in a practical test, as well as having your status appraised by one of our staff. Is this okay?"

Iris: "Yes, this is fine. When can we start with the practical test?"

Receptionist: "Hm... We can start right away. For the beginner test, you'll demonstrate your skill against a stationary target."

I see, it sounds like there's multiple practical tests. Maybe for ascending through the ranks. The receptionist led me to the stairwell at the back right of the main hall, and went down the stairs, into a training area. There was a large square area with flat earth and wooden posts in it, and I was told to display my skills on one of the posts.

Iris: "Is it fine to use my own weapons?"

Receptionist: "That is completely fine."

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Getting permission first is polite after all. So I removed my steamgun from its holster and took a firing stance, aiming at the target. The receptionist seemed impressed and surprised at the sight of my gun, and I used physical magic to empower the bullets before firing three shots, all on target. PCH PCH PCH, the shots hissed out and ripped into the post with impressive force, almost snapping it in half.

The receptionist regained his composure and cleared his throat before regarding me

Receptionist: "Congratulations, that was an impressive display. You pass the practical exam, now I will appraise you."

I holstered my gun and nodded, partly turning towards him as hel held out his hand and mumbled something. He looked fairly surprised as he supposedly read my status, and once again collected himself.

Receptionist: "Your status checks out as well, miss. We'll issue your official hunter's tag momentarily, and will have you wait in the main hall, if that is okay."

Iris: "Yes, that's fine, I don't have anything else to do."

I did, but not right now. This was the first step before doing anything. So I followed the receptionist upstairs and went to sit at an empty table, laying my head on it and closing my eyes.

Licht: So there really was appraisal. I should focus on learning that, and a way to fake our status. If we get too strong, we might attract the wrong kind of attention.

I agreed with that, so that was going to be an objective on the side while I accomplish our main objectives. Soon I was called over and was given a plain, grey stone dogtag that had my name, rank, and hunter number on it. It also had the class that most accurately represented my skill set on it: Assassin Engineer. And my rank was D. I was told the ranking system, and it sounded familiar. Licht knew about this pattern. Hunter's started at D, and worked their way up to S, through C, B, and A, and through achievements gathered by doing requests, the hunter would take a practical exam to rank up. It seems the exam to enter rank C was a mock duel with a real Hunter of Rank C or B. But for now I thanked the receptionist and went to the table. I opened up my status to take a proper look again.

Iris - Age 13 - Female - Level 8

Body - Sp: 90/100 MP 83/94 - Dust Poisoned

Stats - Str: 11, Dex: 13, Agi: 13, End 9, Int: 20 Luk: -

Skills - Parallel Thought {1}, Sword skill {1}, Gunsmithing {1}, Mental Resistance {3}, Disease Resistance {1}, Mana Control {2}, Dagger Skill {1}, Physical Up {1} 

Capability: 70 (94 with PU)

Iris: I wonder how strong the average adult was. And "parallel thought"... yeah, that wasn't suspicious or anything.

Licht: Maybe that's what surprised the receptionist rather than your abnormal strength for a 13 year old girl.

Iris: Or maybe he was surprised to learn I was a girl? ...Actually, a lot of people are noticing that. Is it actually really obvious?

Licht: How am I supposed to know? I can only see what you see. I can also see with mana but I can't see specific features. Maybe someday.

Iris: That'd be useful. To have eyes in the back of my head.

My banter was cut short by a pair of hunters approaching my table.

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