An Account of Steam & Blood

Chapter 25: Chapter 23 – Primal Energy

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I got up from the floor with Christy and told the others I would be returning to my room to rest, and went below deck. I sighed as the door shut, and looked down at my hands. They were trembling, and covered in blood. Not because of nerves, but because my muscles felt like they were screaming.

Iris: "Christy... I hate to say it, but I need to lean on you, at least until my room."

Christy: "Of course! I can see you trembling all over. It must have been terrifying, right..? Almost dying?" she said, as I leaned on her shoulder while walking to my room.

Iris: "No... Well, sure it was scary, but that isn't it. I think I pushed myself too hard in the fight."

Licht: And I believe I know why. Our muscles were literally glowing when we were coated in that blood. I think we absorbed primal mana from the pseudo drake, and it overcharged our muscles. Of course, the strain afterwards is brutal...

Christy was scolding me for being too reckless, but I was thinking about what Licht told me. This could turn into a valuable weapon if I can harness and control primal mana.

Christy: "Iris, are you listening to me? We'll have to share a room because most of the quarters are already being used"

Iris: "Huh? Right, of course, I understand. I'll try not to cause trouble"

We arrived at what was apparently our room as Christy disturbed my thoughts. We entered the room and I let out another sigh while taking off my equipment and placing it on the desk. Wait...

Iris: "Christy...? If we're to share the same room, then?" Christy looked at me questioningly for a moment before she connected the dots in her head. We both looked at the bed. Then I looked away. "...Its fine. It might be awkward but we'll be comfortable and warm. That's more than some kids get."

Christy looked at me with a blush but nodded after a moment. Before she could speak up, I broke the quiet. "Anyway, you can get to sleep first. I'm going to train for a bit before I sleep."

Christy: "Huh? No way, you're gonna rest is what you're gonna do."

Iris: "But-"

Christy grabbed my shoulders and guided me to the bed, forcing me to sit down. Her strength surprised me... Maybe I was weaker than I thought right now.

Christy: "Rest. If you push your body any more, it'll come apart. And you wouldn't want that, would you?"

Iris: "I won't-"

Christy: "Would. You?"

I winced a bit from her pressure and shadowy smile. Scary... Best not push her. "...Ok, I get it, time to rest. But I'll have to change into a lighter dress first" I said, pushing her hands off. She breathed out a sigh and we changed together before climbing into bed.

It was a bit awkward at first, but... I was exhausted and quickly fell asleep. Rest really was needed for now, I suppose. During the night, I dreamed of that place again. I dreamt of death, and of Dior. I fought her over and over in my dreams, but I could not win. Until that last fight. My muscles bulged, glowing orange with power. Heat radiated off of me and every strike split the air. Every kick shattered armor. My blade was knocked out of my clawed hand, but I reached forward without hesitation-

But all I grasped was something soft, squishy. I had woken up before I could finish the fight- and grasped Christy's chest. She was still asleep... I calmly let go after grimacing. Sorry, christy... I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I couldn't finish the fight, but I learned something important... The feeling of overcharging myself. Primal mana enhancement. I climbed out of bed and stood in the center of the room, and took off my dress.

I examined myself in the mirror, my lower abdomen was starting to show a hint of abs. My chest, was lacking in certain departments but my muscles were getting bigger. It was the same elsewhere on my body aswell... I had gotten physically stronger. I felt tougher too, though I was still in pain from last night.

Then I tried it. I slowly poured mana from deep within into the rest of my body, more and more. I let it flood out, and mana rushed into my muscles. I watched as my muscles began to glow orange with heat, and my eyes glowed bright orange. I could see the heat radiating from me.

I took some steps back, into the center of the room, and took a stance, readying my fist before punching straight into the air with a whoosh. I felt my body burning slowly, and I began to cull the mana pouring into myself, slowly until I returned to normal. I unintentionally gasped as I staggered and held my head.

Even from using it this much, the recoil was intense... I should keep this as a trump card, when its life or death. I guess it's about time I check my status aswell.

Iris - Age 14 - Female - Level 32

Body - Sp: 186/194(50^) MP 172/180(44^)

Stats - Str: 22, Dex: 24, Agi: 30, End 18, Int: 24 Luk: -

Skills - Parallel Thought {2}(1^), Sword skill {3}(1^), Gunsmithing {1}, Mental Resistance {3}, Disease Resistance {1}, Mana Control {4}(1^), Dagger Skill {3}, Physical Up {3}(1^), Critical Point {2}(1^), Dark Vision {1}, Marksmanship {2}, Pressure {2}(1^), Appraisal {1}, Falsification {1}, Primal Enhancement {1} [NEW], Cleave{1} [NEW]

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Title: A Sapling in Stone, "Bloody Cat", Sky-Slayer

Capability: 226 (290) with PU) (446) with PE)

Iris: "...Wow... So, 14...? I guess my birthday was close by." I mumbled while covering my mouth. This was a lot to take in. I was now well within C-rank, but also I obtained several skill ups, a new title, two new skills, and my stats increased like crazy. I guess a pseudo drake, albeit wounded, was quite a deal of experience. Plus, I absorbed all that primal mana... That likely helped.

And primal enhancement was wild... It nearly doubles my power, but at a cost... Christy began to stir so, although I had underwear on, I put my combat dress and usual equipment back on. It started to feel lighter, but also a tad tighter around the waist. I hope we arrive in port soon so I can take this to an armorer. By the time I finished, Christy woke up and sat up sluggishly with a yawn and a stretch.

Iris: "Sleep well?"

Christy: "ahh~mm... Yeaah, it was comfy. You were right about that. Did you? You're up early" she said, clambering out of bed and going to the dresser.

Iris: "Well, you could say that. Anyway, let's go pass time on the deck again."

Christy giggled before responding. "You really like it up there huh? You don't mind the cold?"

Iris: "No way. It's refreshing. The cool breeze, the fresh air, the light... I could get used to it." I said, staring off and ending my words with a wistful tone. I better not, though. I thought to myself. It would do no good to get soft and complacent at this stage.

Christy put on her usually medic engineer outfit, and fluffed out her hair from her clothes. "I understand, it is much nicer than in that dirty gravel district, with all its smog and humidity." She said as she came over and we left the room, walking through the halls of the ship and towards to exit onto the deck.

She looked over at me and let out a curious hum. I glanced over and responded. She seemed a bit smaller now. Or was I bigger?

Iris: "What're you staring for?"

Christy: "...You got taller. No way. Did you eat a growth pill or something? Are you secretly a man? How'd you get taller in one night?"

Iris: "Well I'm clearly not a man, and I definitely don't have something called a growth pill... Jeez, you're awfully concerned with this aren't you?" I asked as she leaned in closer, like she was trying to peak into my soul for the answer. Don't do that, my souls have nothing to do with this.

She huffed before backing off. We were close to the stairs leading up to the deck now. "Well of course. I can't be smaller than a girl younger than me. That'd just be tragic for my future."

Iris: "...Well, if it makes you feel better about your future, you've got me beat in femininity." I said a bit bitterly. It didn't bother me that much... That much.

Christy: "Huh, no way. You're definitely prettier, like a strong noble princess." She said, looking at me. I returned the gaze as we climbed the stairs onto the deck.

Iris: "Really? But guys don't like strong girls... Right? I thought they liked smaller, softer types, who they feel like they can protect."

Christy: "Hah~ Really, Iris... There are types like that. But I'm sure with looks like yours you could charm anyone you wanted, as long as they aren't some freak that's into monsters. Even me..." She trailed off, but I lost focus as I caught sight of Max and Ivan. The other two members of Harpy's Feather must be elsewhere on the ship. I made a beeline for them, leaving christy trailing after to me as I waved softly at them.

Iris: "Max, Ivan! Good morning."

Max & Ivan: "G'mornin. / Morning, Iris. Sleep well?"

Iris: "You could say that. Anyway, we have a question for you guys" I said, stopping close to them. Christy caught up just In time for me to ask, which surprised her when I did. "Hey, do guys like strong girls or soft girls? What do you two think?"

This caught them off guard and Christy held her face and heaved a sigh. I just tilted my head. What was the problem? It's a simple question, even if it might be awkward.

Max was the first to respond after clearing his throat. "Hmm~, Strong or soft eh. I think I'd prefer mine strong. I'm not confident in my own strength, and wouldn't it be cool to fight alongside your lover? Plus, if they look and act strong on the outside but are actually cute and girly on the inside, only I would be able to experience that gap."

He gave a more detailed answer than I expected. Meanwhile Ivan avoided answering. "...I'm sure you'll find a loving husband when you're of age, Iris. Don't worry." It seems he misinterpreted the question, but I just shrugged it off.

Later during our talks I found out we were only half a day out from Mou 13. Its nickname was "Frontier of Glass".

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